Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 294: As long as you're willing to let me raise it, I can do anything

   Chapter 294 As long as you are willing to let me raise, you can be anything

   "Zuoqiu's family is Zuoqiu's family, I am me, please don't confuse them." Zuoqiu Ran's thin and tender lips opened her mouth lightly, and then she glanced at Mo Yichen again.

"Uncle, you clearly said that the Bei family and the Mo family have a normal relationship, but I think you and Bei San Shao are very familiar with each other." Although these two people are fighting each other every word, it is precisely this that explains the two Great relationship.

   Beilou chuckled and replied in the tone of Zuo Qiuran just now: "The Beijia is the Beijia, I am me, please don't mix them up."

   At this time, Mo Yichen had already ordered food with the ordering machine next to him, and then he looked towards the north building, "Let's talk about something, don't delay our meal."

   "Tsk tsk." Beilou shook his head lightly, "I haven't seen you in such a long time, and it also adds to the problem of focusing on **** and friends."

   "Are you a friend?"

Beilou was choked and pouted, "It's really boring, I'm a patient anyway, so you can't let me do it once? Well, I did the information about everyone in the Beijia when you had an accident a year ago. Mark, pay more attention to my good second uncle, he was in close contact with your old man a year ago."

  Mo Yichen took the information bag, just as the waiter pushed the door and came in to serve the food, he didn't look at it and put it aside.

   "Go to the mental hospital this morning if you admit that you are ill. It just so happens that this is also your family's wish." After speaking, Mo Yichen didn't even look at Beilou, and patiently and meticulously helped Zuo Qiuran to prepare vegetables.

  Beijing Building watched the interaction between the two and always felt that this person would change after a trip to Wuqing City.

   "Are you raising a woman or a daughter? Are you really a sacrifice from your ancestors?" He is still here, such a big living person, do you want to be so tired?

  Mo Yichen stuffed Zuo Qiuran's bowl full, and then took the time to glance at the north tower, "My ancestor is also my family, I am willing to offer it, why are you still here?"

   Look at the disgusted look on this face.

   Beilou got up and sighed, "Okay, I'll get out of here, I won't be a light bulb here for you, don't blame me for not reminding you that women can't be too petite, they'll go to heaven."

   The door of the private room opened and closed, Mo Yichen was very satisfied with the current two-person world.

   "Ranbao, eat more." Another piece of fish was sandwiched into Zuo Qiuran's bowl.

   Zuo Qiu Ran looked at his bowl, "Uncle, are you raising me as a pig?"

   Mo Yichen looked at her, "As long as you are willing to let me raise, you can be anything."

   "Ancestors can do too?" Zuo Qiuran suddenly remembered what Beilou had just said.

  Mo Yichen nodded without hesitation, "Okay, as long as you want."

   Zuo Qiu Ran held his cheek in one hand, looked at the man in front of him, and suddenly sighed, "Could it be that you were really taken away? Lord Chen, the cold-blooded **** of war, is so sweet as if smeared with honey?"

"My mouth is sweet because my heart is sweet, and my heart is sweet, because you are here." Mo Yichen covered his heart with one hand, "In the past, I thought I was cold here, but I didn't feel that until you lived here. It's warm."

   "If you say these words to those noble ladies outside, they will definitely throw you down in excitement and eat them up."

Zuo Qiu Ran knew very well the influence of this man in women's hearts. At the Mo family wedding, she saw a lot of people winking at him secretly, but it was a pity that this man had a cold face, like how much money others owed him. It's like scaring everyone away.

  Mo Yichen put down his chopsticks, "I'll only tell you these words, how about you? Do you want to... eat me up?"

   Zuo Qiuran raised his eyebrows, what happened to the uncle today, why is he always teasing her?

   "Unfortunately, I'm full." She pointed to her bowl, she was really full, did this man think she was a pig?

   (end of this chapter)

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