Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 292: Di Ming Xuan

   Chapter 292 Di Ming Xuan

   Mo Guoxing's secret meeting with Xie Lang spread to Mo Yichen five minutes after Xie Lang left.

  In the kitchen of the Mo family's main house, Mo San was making a report with a strange expression, his eyes from time to time to the wheelchair in front of the oven.

  The man who made the cake with an apron and a smile was the first time he saw him. Although he had heard Mo Yi's big mouth say it many times in the group, he was still shocked when he saw it with his own eyes.

"Master, Xie Lang is acting a little weird. He has already agreed to us the development project of GR medicine this time, but when the old man contacted him, he did not refuse, but with his plans today, it seems that he Promise the old man just to humiliate him face to face."

  Mo San has been investigating this Xie Lang for a long time, and every time he thinks that this person has a bad temperament and is going to die, but he is deeply used by the director of the Chenghan Research Institute.

  Mo Yichen was still stirring the egg mixture, and that focused look reminded Mo San of the time he once studied combat deployment in Thunder.

"This person is a genius." After the egg mixture was stirred, Mo Yichen responded, "Based on his blood on the battlefield back then, it can be seen that this person is not bad and hates evil like hatred. His reaction today should be It has something to do with Song Lin."

Mo San suddenly remembered something, "Master, I heard that Song Lin applied for the Chenghan Institute, but because of Xie Lang's relationship, he was not accepted. Since then, the two have forged a son, but they have never really met. , so whether this rumor is true or not remains to be investigated."

   "Hmm." Mo Yichen nodded, "How is the Bei family recently?"

"I'm busy preparing for the wedding, but an hour ago, Mr. Bei San sent a private message to invite you to Di Ming Xuan." Because Mo Yichen had explained that he should not be disturbed by trivial matters during the cake making, so Mo San didn't wait until now. Say this.

   Mo Yichen's hands didn't stop, he just raised his head and glanced at Mo San, "What time?"

   "Seven o'clock tonight."

   "Yeah." Mo Yichen put the cake in the oven, took off his apron, and operated his wheelchair to go to the study.

  In the study, in front of the huge agarwood desk, a petite figure sat there with a stack of books in front of him, like a student preparing for an exam.

   "What are you looking at?" Mo Yichen asked softly, for fear of scaring Zuo Qiu Ran who was attentive.

   Zuo Qiu Ran raised his head, "Your note, uncle, you used to be a scholar."

   She took the notes that Mo Yichen found when he was in school, and felt that these were much more practical than those books and reference books.

"I have more topics for military strategy. Do you want to enter the military academy?" Mo Yichen glanced at Zuo Qiuran's height with a little regret, thinking about how to use euphemism to remind her of her height. You can't get into the Thunder.

   "Uncle, it's rude to look at people like this." Zuo Qiuran stood up suddenly, although it was not much taller than when he was sitting, "I will still grow."

  Yes, she will definitely grow.

   After returning from Demon Realm, her biggest dissatisfaction was that her body was too short and tender, making her look like a child.

   Her expression was serious, so serious that Mo Yichen felt cute and wanted to hold her in his arms, but he had to be restrained and patient.

   "Well, yes, you will still grow." Mo Yichen smiled, "Do you know Di Ming Xuan?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran nodded, "I know, the biggest gold-selling cave in the imperial capital, if you want to enter, you must not only have money, but also have power."

   (end of this chapter)

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