Chapter 275 Wedding

   "Uncle, are you the only one living in your house?"

   Zuo Qiuran, who had turned around, suddenly found that this huge villa seemed very deserted, and her soul power did not feel the long-term presence of others.

  Mo Yichen is pouring the mixed egg mixture and flour into the molds. These molds are all prepared by his family before returning to the imperial capital. Each one is the shape of Garfield that the girl likes.

   "Mo Yi and the others will live here if they are not on duty."

   "What about the rest of the Mo family?" Zuo Qiuran was surprised by Mo Yichen's answer. She had investigated this man's information before. The Mo family was a big family. Besides Mo Yichen, there were also a big family.

  Mo Yichen put all the molds into the oven, set the time and temperature, then took off his apron and operated a wheelchair to Zuo Qiuran, "They don't live here."

   His tone was flat, but Zuo Qiuran still saw disgust in his eyes.

   It seems that they are a group of high-quality relatives again.

   "Uncle, what are you going to do for tomorrow's wedding?" Zuo Qiuran changed the subject.

  Mo Yichen raised his eyelids slightly, and a coldness flashed in his eyes, "What should I do if it's so lively."

   Zuo Qiu Ran understood, "Are you going to make things bigger? Uncle, don't tell me, you can't guess what I'm going to do tomorrow."

  The coldness in Mo Yichen's eyes faded, and he looked at Zuo Qiu Ran dotingly, "Ran Bao, do whatever you want. As I said, I will be your solid backing forever."


   On the second day, the first day of the eighth lunar month, I don’t know what happened. In the morning, it was still sunny, and suddenly the sky was full of dark clouds.

   Even so, the front of the Mo's Hotel was still surrounded by major media early, everyone was thinking about taking a favorable position, and several authorized media generously took aerial photography and broadcasted the entire Mo family's magnificent wedding.

   In the presidential suite on the top floor, Shangguan Mei had already put on a white wedding dress and was sitting there being retouched by a makeup artist. She was smiling all the time, her eyes full of anticipation.

   She finally waited for this day. After today, she is the mistress of the Mo family. No one dares to bully her. What is the Zuoqiu family?

"Mrs. Mo, your skin is so good and you are naturally beautiful. Makeup is a foil for you." The make-up artist's praise greatly satisfied Shangguan Mei's vanity, especially the phrase 'Mrs. Mo', which made her Excited.

   "You little mouth is so sweet, by the way, which wedding company do you belong to? I'll ask my husband to change your job for you in a while, and you can make some money with makeup." Shangguan Mei Shien said generally.

   She enjoys the feeling that she is alone, and others have to compliment her and look at her face.

   But she didn't see it. After hearing her words, the makeup artist behind her twitched the corners of her mouth, and her eyes were filled with contempt.

  The only media who entered this room also quietly turned on the camera and recorded the scene just now.

  The live broadcast started, most of the people in the imperial capital, no, it should be said that most of the people in the flower country saw this picture.

   The barrage is brushed up:

  'Tianlalu, a wedding company? Where did this new lady of the Mo family come from? ’

  'Hahaha, I'm going to die of laughter, the Mo family's royal image designer is actually considered to be the wedding company responsible for makeup. Have you seen the fashionable expressions? It feels like a ton of flying. ’

  ‘Screenshot, take a screenshot, I’m going to use this fashionable expression as an expression pack. ’

  'Tsk tsk, this new lady of the Mo family doesn't even know fashion, which is really low enough. ’


   (end of this chapter)

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