Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 263: There's a good show coming soon

   Chapter 263 There is a good show coming soon

  Dong Hao followed Zuo Qiuran's line of sight, only to realize that Ye Jing appeared with a group of people at some point.

  The people from the special department get involved, and things are really difficult.

"Dong Hao, you used the forbidden technique to try to take away others and seriously damage the peace of the martial arts world. Now I want to take you back and hand over to the President's Office for disposal." Ye Jing stepped forward, and before Dong Hao had time to respond, a shot was made. stuck on him.

   This is a drug that temporarily imprisons people's cultivation and internal strength, and is used by the Special Adjustment Department when arresting people.

"No, you can't arrest me, I'm the deputy sect master of Tiandaomen, and a hero of the martial arts world, you will regret it if you arrest me! Mo Yichen, do you think you can escape like this? I Tell you, there are many people who want your life in this world, without me, and others, you won't be able to jump around for long... uh!"

   Dong Hao cried out in pain, covered his mouth, his mouth was full of blood, and when he took his hand away, he saw that all his teeth were broken by Keigan.

   "The mouth is too stinky, Captain Ye, I suggest you wash his mouth well after you go back." Zuo Qiuran's face was cold, and there was a rare anger in his apricot eyes.

   Ye Jing was slightly startled, it turns out that this second young lady, who is always smiling and cute, also has a temper.

   Mo Yichen's eyes turned into a crooked smile, the girl is helping him vent his anger, that's great.

  Besides Dong Hao's subordinates, Shangguan Mei was brought back to the Special Adjustment Department, but within ten minutes, she was released again.

"Master, did we really let her go like this?" Mo Yi was unwilling, this woman dared to plot against him like this, and he didn't solve her privately because of his compassion. Why does she look like 'I know what you can't do to me'?

   Mo Yichen looked at the direction in which Shangguan Mei was leaving in the car, and his tone was cold, "Medical Daomen intervened."

   Just now, the head of the Medical Dao Sect called him personally.

   Mo Yi fell silent, the position of the Medical Dao Sect in the martial arts world is unshakable, as long as the master wants to maintain the balance between the various forces in the martial arts world, he cannot move the people the Medical Dao Sect wants to protect.

   Zuo Qiuran, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "Mo Yi, do you know when a person's fall hurts the most, and the worst?"


   "When you climbed the highest." Zuo Qiuran chuckled and pushed Mo Yichen's wheelchair towards the outside.

Behind him, Mo Yi was confused, "Mo Qi, what did the second lady mean?"

   Mo Qi glanced at him, getting used to his rough nerves at times, "She is reminding you that there is a good show coming soon."

   Mo's eyes lit up, "What good show?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"Why don't you tell me? You still want to hide it from me. You've changed. You're no longer the Mo Qi who I said, but you didn't say, and I said you didn't go west." Mo Yi It looks like a teacher asking for guilt.

   Mo Qi was helpless, and there were a few different emotions on his face, which was still paralyzed, but unfortunately Mo Yi didn't notice it.

   "Continue to work when you wake up from the dream, and collect all the evidence of what the Tiandaomen group has done. When you return to the imperial capital, you should talk to them carefully."

   A hint of coldness flashed in Mo Qi's eyes. No one has ever dared to use such means against their grandfather.

   Zuo Qiuran and Mo Yichen did not take the car, and walked all the way towards Qiuwuyuan.

   "Uncle, I didn't expect that you would actually call Zuo Qiuhan at that time. How does it feel to date her?" Zuo Qiuran's voice sounded behind Mo Yichen.

   (end of this chapter)

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