Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 258: chicken on a table

   Chapter 258 Chickens on a Table

Shangguan Mei hid at home for a day, until she was sure that no one found out that the person with the crooked eyes and mouth was her. phone.

This was the first time she had received a call from Mo Yichen. Shangguan Mei turned around three times in excitement, quickly adjusted her appearance, and changed several sets of clothes. In the end, she was worried that Mo Yichen would be impatient and angry. , so I went out wearing a lavender dress.

  The Italian-style restaurant on Weir Street is right next to the movie theater. When Shangguan Mei saw Mo Yichen sitting at the window, she finally determined that all of this was not a hallucination that she had produced after being smuggled.

   "Chen Ye~" The whining voice overflowed from Shangguan Mei's mouth, making the waiter in front of her feel like she rolled her eyes and wanted to throw up.

  The waiter pulled out the chair, "Patriarch Zuoqiu, please."

"Do you recognize me?" Shangguan Mei glanced at the waiter, casually, and then said, "Since you recognize us, hurry up and find us a more elegant private room, what is the identity of Lord Chen, how can you let him Eating in the hall?"

   "No problem, I think it's fine here."

   Mo Yichen's face was expressionless, and there was even a black mist brewing in the bottom of his eyes, but Shangguan Mei didn't notice it.

   "Let's serve." Mo Yichen said.

  The waiter was very fast and served several authentic Italian dishes, but Shangguan Mei was a little stunned.

   Devil Chicken, Braised Chicken with Green Peppers, Crispy Chicken Rolls, Fried Spaghetti with Scallion and Egg…

   Chicken, chicken, chicken.

   "Chen Ye..." Shangguan Mei thought that Chen Ye, who came from a big family, must be a very gentleman, and she would definitely order the dishes on their first date.

   But not only did not, but Chen Ye also ordered a table of chicken.

   She hates chickens the most!

   "Huh?" A cold gaze swept over.

   When Shangguan Mei reached her lips, she suddenly stopped, unable to utter a word.

   "Eat." Mo Yichen took a knife and fork in his hand, turned his direction, cut a piece of chicken into Shangguan Mei's plate, and said in a cold tone, "Eat."

   Shangguan Mei was puzzled, why did Ye Chen act so considerately, but his tone seemed to be an order?

   "Master Chen..." I don't eat chicken.

   "I read the cooperation case sent by your assistant before. There are many problems. I can't see the sincerity of Zuoqiu's family at all." Mo Yichen also had no appetite. He shook the wine glass in his hand and said slowly.

   didn't seem to notice the interruption of Shangguan Mei's words.

  Shangguan Mei was also successfully distracted. She spent the whole meal nervously discussing the cooperation case with Mo Yichen. Until the end of the meal, she did not convince Mo Yichen to agree to this cooperation.

   "Master Chen, I think we might as well..."

   "It's a bit too much to eat, why don't we take a walk nearby, let's walk back." Mo Yichen interrupted her again, and left the hotel with a wheelchair first.

   Shangguan Mei looked at the back of the wheelchair, her eyes were very complicated, and finally became firm.

   Lord Chen, since this is your choice, don't blame me.

   "Master Chen, let me push you." Shangguan Mei followed.

   "No." Mo Yichen lowered his head, so Shangguan Mei didn't see the deep disgust and rejection in his eyes.

  The two walked a long way, exiting Weier Street and passing through an alley, which is the closest road to Zuoqiu's house.


   "Master Chen, be careful!"

   (end of this chapter)

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