Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 251: does your face hurt

   Chapter 251 Does your face hurt?

   "The list of guests for cutting the ribbon does not include two people, please watch it in the audience." Liu Tang made a 'please' gesture with a cold face.

Liu Qisheng has lost all his face today. At his son's ribbon-cutting ceremony, the guest did not have him, and he didn't even say a word to him from beginning to end, and this former servant of the Liu family dares not let him go now. in the eyes.

   "Liu Tang, don't forget, you still owe the Liu family!" Liu Qisheng was reminding Liu Tang that he was picked up by the Liu family.

Liu Tang was unmoved, "It was the old man who was kind to me, and the only requirement that the old man asked me before his death was to stay by the eldest young master's side and protect him for a lifetime, I don't need to repay the kindness to anyone other than the eldest young master. "

  With Liu Tang around, the Liu family's father and daughter were naturally unable to take the stage. Only Liu Yukai, Zuo Qiuran, Mo Yichen, and Xu Chengzhu were the four people who cut the ribbon.

  After cutting the ribbon, Liu Yukai personally took off the red cloth on the plaque amid the applause of the crowd.

   Shengshi Sanatorium.

  The five vigorous and powerful characters show the skill of the writer. People think of the familiar picture when Liu Yukai and Mo Yichen were talking just now. Could it be that this plaque was inscribed by Mr. Chen himself?

   I have to say that this is a beautiful misunderstanding. After all, no one would have thought that such a hard, free and easy, vigorous and powerful word would come from the hand of Zuo Qiuran with a cute face.

   At this time, she just came out of the bathroom, but was stopped by Shangguan Mei.

   "Zuo Qiu Ran, you are a little girl who doesn't go home all day, relying on your future brother-in-law, how shameless are you?"

   Since seeing Zuo Qiu Ran appearing with Mo Yichen, Shangguan Mei has been furious. In her eyes, Mo Yichen is her property. This feeling is even stronger as her inner strength grows day by day.

   Zuo Qiuran felt a little annoyed, but there are still a few days until the first day of next month. If she solves this woman before then, the game will not be fun.

   "Does your face hurt?" Zuo Qiuran asked suddenly.

   Shangguan Mei was taken aback for a moment, but did not understand Zuo Qiu Ran's words, "It doesn't hurt."

   "Oh, it will hurt in a few days." Bypassing Shangguan Mei, Zuo Qiuran decided to stay away from her, but this idea was doomed to be impossible.

  Shangguan Mei grabbed her arm, pulled her back to the bathroom, and closed the door with a bang, then Zuo Qiuran heard the sound of the door being locked.

   "Did you do what happened that night?" Shangguan Mei glared at Zuo Qiu Ran.

   Zuo Qiu Ran blinked, "Which night? Oh, you mean the night when your head was shaved and your chest was slapped crookedly?"

  The embarrassing thing was brought up again, or it was from Zuo Qiu Ran's mouth, which made Shangguan Mei's anger rise sharply, and regardless of whether Zuo Qiu Ran did it or not, she directly relied on her.

   "Bitch! Just like your little third mother, she only robs other people's men and does these nasty tricks. Do you think that if you destroy me, you will be able to be the head of the house? You are dreaming!"

Shangguan Mei's thinking was very simple. She ended Zuo Qiuran directly here, and then pushed it to the Liu family. At that time, she would come forward as her sister to seek justice from the Liu family, and Chen Ye could still see her revenge for her sister. , it simply counts.

  It’s a pity that the imagination is always full, but the reality is very skinny.


   Shangguan Mei was stunned, and she never thought that the slap she slapped at Zuo Qiuran would land on her.

   But the burning pain on her cheek proved that it was not her hallucination.

   (end of this chapter)

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