Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 243: He had never seen such an arrogant person before.

   Chapter 243 He has never seen such an arrogant person

   What is your relationship with her?

   This last sentence, Zuo Qiu Miao did not ask, that person is the knot in his heart, and every time he mentions it, his heart hurts unbearably.

   "I'm Zuo Qiu Ran. Sixth Uncle's memory is not very good, so he forgot about me so soon?" Zuo Qiu Ran was dealing with Zuo Qiu Miao while paying attention to the movement in the secret room.

   Zuo Qiu Miao continued to move forward, "What are you doing in the main room?"

Zuo Qiu Ran raised his eyebrows, "What about Uncle Six? Why did you come to your niece's room? Oh, I remembered, I heard that Uncle Six used to have a good relationship with my sister, and they often practiced together, but the two of them had a good relationship. A few years ago, it suddenly became deadlocked, and even the elder sister kicked you out of the main house, you are coming now, wouldn't you be taking advantage of your elder sister's accident to take revenge and seize power?"

   Zuo Qiu Miao's footsteps paused involuntarily, killing intent flashed in his eyes.

   Zuo Qiu Ran chuckled, "Looks like I guessed right? Well, she's inside, and she's in great pain right now. You want to kill her easily."

   Watching Zuo Qiu Ran take two steps to the side, Zuo Qiu Miao frowned, very puzzled.

   "You want to watch me fight with her snipe and clam, and then you fisherman profit? You want to be the owner of the house?" This was the only reason Zuo Qiumei could think of.

"Patriarch..." Zuo Qiu Ran murmured, "It's really attractive, if I want it, will Uncle Six give it to me?" Zuo Qiu Ran looked at Zuo Qiu Miao, who was in his house just now. Seeing Desire in his eyes, he came back this time and did so many actions, it turned out that he intended to be the head of the family.

   Zuoqiu's eyes narrowed slightly, "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you? Aren't you afraid of death?"

   "I'm afraid." Zuo Qiuran nodded, "Unfortunately, Uncle Six couldn't kill me."

   Zuoqiu Miao swears that he has never met such an arrogant person before.

   "Really? Then try it out!" Zuoqiu Miao's killing intent suddenly increased, so it would be better to take this opportunity to get rid of this girl and avoid future troubles.

   Zuo Qiu Ran smiled, with a forefinger on his lips, "Shh! Uncle Six, it's too late, listen."

   Her finger pointed in the direction of the secret room, and sure enough, the door of the secret room was slowly opening, and the people inside were about to come out!

   "Uncle Six wants to be the head of the house, now is the opportunity, come on."

   Zuo Qiu Ran's voice suddenly sounded behind Zuo Qiu Miao, followed by a thrust that pushed him to the door of the secret room, and then turned back, where is Zuo Qiu Ran still around?

   As soon as Shangguan Mei opened the secret room, she saw a figure standing at the door of the secret room, it was Zuo Qiu Miao.

"How will you be here?"

  Shangguan Mei's eyes flashed slightly, and she was a little flustered. She hurriedly closed the door of the secret room and glared at Zuo Qiu Miao, "What did you see?"

   Zuo Qiumiao had been fighting with the woman in front of him for nearly three years, and he already knew that she was actually a paper tiger.

  So, he didn't see the slightest change. Instead, he stepped forward instead of retreating, and asked back, "Is the owner asking this because there is something that can't be seen, and is it afraid of being discovered?"

   After he said this, Shangguan Mei firmly believed that Zuo Qiu Miao must have discovered everything just now, "Zuo Qiu Miao, you brought this to the door yourself, no wonder I!"

When the words fell, Shangguan Mei took the lead. Her martial skills were not as good as Zuo Qiu Miao's. After a few moves, she gradually fell into a disadvantage. However, just when Zuo Qiu Miao thought that she was sure of everything, suddenly, Shangguan Mei turned around and took advantage of him to relax her vigilance. At the time, the left hand suddenly raised, and a palm wind hit.

   (end of this chapter)

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