Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 223: give me my life

   Chapter 223 Give My Life Back

Zuo Qiu Ran's almond eyes blinked, watery, and with the cute face, he looked very innocent, "Uncle, this kind of joke is not allowed, I just suggest that uncle should go out and inspect more, pay attention to it. The forbidden areas of various families, so as not to be exploited by some villains and disturb the peace and order of the martial arts world, as for what will be found here, it has nothing to do with me."

   Ye Jing was speechless, because what Zuo Qiuran said was true, everything was his own imagination, and they really only gave a small suggestion at the beginning.

   But, is it really such a coincidence?

   Ye Jing's eyes fell on Zuo Qiuran again, his eyes full of suspicion.

  Suddenly, the air suddenly turned cold, so cold that Ye Jing shivered, and when he raised his head again, it happened to meet Mo Yichen's icy eyes.

  Subconsciously, Ye Jing took a step back, "Master Chen, do you want to go over and see that skeleton?"

  The cold air finally eased, Mo Yichen's eyes left Ye Jing, and when he looked at Zuo Qiuran, it was like a pool of spring water, rippling with ripples.

   "My girl is timid. If you see that skeleton and have nightmares at night and can't sleep, are you responsible?"

   The end sound was raised, and his cold eyes swept to Ye Jing again.

   Ye Jing was smart, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. Why did he feel that the idol-like feeling was instantly disillusioned after getting close to Chen Ye?

   Miss Er is timid?

  Don't think that he didn't know that this matter was made by the second lady.

   But this step is still for Lord Chen.

   "Master Chen is right, his subordinates are not thinking well."

At this time, the forensic doctor had finished the preliminary work, took off the mask, and walked to Sun Qiangchang, "The person has been dead for about three years, and there is no external trauma or signs of poisoning on the skeleton, and the cause of death has to be determined. After the skeleton is brought back, it will be known only after detailed inspection and testing."

   "How long will it take to restore the skull? I need to know the identity of the deceased as soon as possible." Bureau Sun asked.

  The forensic doctor thought for a while, "One week."

   At this moment, the gloomy wind picked up again, and the mournful cry of the woman also sounded, suddenly far and near, very terrifying.

"Hey ... I am so dead, I still have to live ... I still have to live ..."

   Everyone was so frightened by the sound that they could not help but back away, and several people stood together.

Ye Jing stood at the front, glanced in the direction of the forbidden area, then turned to look at Shangguan Mei, "Patriarch Zuoqiu, it seems that something unclean has entangled in your house, so I'm just right today. I also brought people from Tiandaomen, so I can help you solve this problem."

   That is what Ye Jing said, but Ye Jing slandered in his heart, who is this second young lady, and even knows there are ghosts here.

  If she arranged this ghost, how did she do it?

   Zuo Qiuran became a mystery in Ye Jing's heart.

  The matter between Tiandaomen and Zuoqiu's family hasn't been settled yet. Originally, he didn't want to interfere in Zuoqiu's family's affairs, but when he thought of what Ye Jing said before he came, Master Wu calmed down and nodded.

   "Jingchen, let's go." He couldn't recruit a disciple, called Jingchen. Although he was young, he was already a well-known Celestial Master.

   "Yes, Master."

   Jingchen was wearing a black Tiandaomen Taoist uniform. If he didn't look at the compass in his hand, just by looking at his facial features, he would have thought that he was a handsome young scholar in ancient times.

I saw him walk to the entrance of the forbidden area, looked at the compass for a while, then waved his hand and drew something in the air. After finishing, he muttered the formula, and at the same time, he pulled out the peach wood sword behind him and pointed it in the direction of the left front for a while. waving.

   (end of this chapter)

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