Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 221: mess with unclean things

  Chapter 221 Mess with unclean things

Ye Jing had a cup of coffee in his hand, a straw in his mouth, and was sucking, "Oh, I think the weather is good tonight, and I want to go out for a walk, admire the moon, and look at the stars, and I happen to hear a sound here, so I just come and see."

   After hearing this, all the Zuoqiu family members glanced at the sky, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

  Captain Ye, you make up nonsense and make it a little rounder. Where are the moon and stars in this cloudy sky?

"Yeah, this cry is really scary, if there are evil demons who want to hit the forbidden area of ​​your Zuoqiu family, it will not be good, but Zuoqiu family master, don't worry, my subordinates happen to be with me today. Come over to admire the moon and see the stars, let them help you."

   After saying that, Ye Jing made a gesture, and there were more than ten people walking behind him. Shangguan Mei recognized them.

   "Captain Ye, no need, we..."

   Shangguan Mei quickly refused, she had a hunch that it was best not to let other people participate in this matter tonight.

   Ye Jing took another sip of coffee, "Patriarch Zuoqiu is not polite, it is our special dispatch department's duty to serve you."

   After the words were finished, the dozen or so people from the Special Adjustment Department had already rushed over, and it was not clear what they were doing because of the fog.

   "Patriarch Zuoqiu, it seems that the forbidden area of ​​your house is really not peaceful. Could it be that you got into something unclean?" Ye Jing asked while standing beside Shangguan Mei, continuing to sip his coffee.

  Shangguan Mei was looking ahead worriedly, how could she have the patience to deal with Ye Jing, "Our Zuoqiu family has always been upright and clean, how could there be something unclean?"

   At this time, someone came from behind. It was Liu Wanmei. She had changed her **** and charming dress from the past. She was wearing a leather coat and her hair was **** in a ponytail. She looked a little smarter and more capable.

But he was still unforgiving, "Heaven knows what is upright or not, and you know what other people don't know. Which big family hasn't had any trouble? Which aristocratic family dares to say that it is absolutely clean? Zuo Qiuhan, this You dare to say such nonsense without even blushing, how thick is this?"

   "Liu Wanmei, this is the forbidden area of ​​our Zuoqiu family, you are not welcome!" Shangguan Mei was troubled in her heart, and she was directly bombed by Liu Wanmei's run.

   Liu Wanmei smiled lightly, "I don't know, when did your Zuoqiu family buy this hill? Is it that no one else can set foot on it?"

   This is the truth. Although the forbidden land in front belonged to Zuoqiu's family, the piece of land that Liu Wanmei stepped on, the top of the hill, really did not belong to Zuoqiu's family.

   Everyone in Wuqing City knew that the Zuoqiu family's patriarch and the Liu family's eldest lady did not deal with each other, and they would have a few quarrels when they met, so they didn't care much, and their attention was always focused on the direction of the forbidden area.

   "Daughter, why am I so panicked all of a sudden?" Sun Shuyi whispered.

The same goes for Shangguan Mei, she always felt that something was going to happen tonight, but she thought it might be because she thought too much, "What can be the matter? Calculate."

  Liu Wanmei also heard Shangguan Mei's words and glanced at her, the corners of her slightly raised lips were a little disdainful.

   She came here on purpose when she got the news. She intuitively told her that there would be a big scandal at Zuoqiu's house tonight. How could she miss this kind of excitement?

   (end of this chapter)

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