Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 218: i am the devil

   Chapter 218 I'm a Demon

   "You actually make Zuoqiu's family's blast palm, who are you?"

Shangguan Mei suddenly gained 50 years of skill, and she has not fully absorbed it for her own use, nor has she learned how to make the most of her 50 years of skill. In addition, she has taken this body for three years, and she has never thought about it. He cultivated well and learned martial arts, so Zuo Qiuran forced him to retreat again and again.

   She was unwilling and couldn't believe that even if she had fifty years of skill, she still couldn't handle this **** who cleaned the toilet.


   Zuo Qiu Ran punched Shangguan Mei in the face.

   This face she was familiar with and could no longer be familiar with, a face that used to be seen only when looking in a mirror, now looks so ironic and annoying to her.

   Shangguan Mei gathers her inner strength and prepares to counterattack, and she will too.

   But she didn't expect that, she swung out with a palm, and she didn't hit anyone without saying a word. Instead, her wrist was clamped, which dissolved her power and bounced back on her.


  Shangguan Mei flew up, hit the wall behind, and then fell heavily to the ground.

   Zuo Qiu Ran looked down at her with disdain in his eyes, "Patriarch of Zuo Qiu? That's all."

   Thinking that by occupying her body, you can enjoy everything she has?

  From today onwards, she will tell her what it means to climb higher and fall more miserably, Shangguan Mei, you want to sit back and enjoy the success and dream!

  Sun Shuyi saw that the situation was wrong and wanted to go out secretly to call someone, but as soon as she got to the door, a trash can was kicked over.

  The trash can was emptied, and the **** inside was spilled on Sun Shuyi's body. There was everything, and the stench was overwhelming. The disgusting Sun Shuyi almost felt sick.

   "I allow you to go?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran walked in front of Sun Shuyi, looking at her embarrassed appearance, there was no fluctuation in her apricot eyes.

"Did you see, this is the daughter you desperately defended, and even sacrificed another daughter for her, but now she can't even protect you, believe it or not, I slap you to death now, she probably even tears It won't fall, and it's even possible to escape while I kill you?"

   "You, who are you?" Sun Shuyi was a little flustered, this person actually knew that she had another daughter, that is to say, she knew about three years ago?

"I..." Zuo Qiu Ran squatted down, and pointed Bai Nen's finger at Sun Shuyi's heart, "I am a demon, your inner demon, Sun Shuyi, in the past three years, between midnight dreams, have you ever dreamed of it? Your other daughter, did she come to ask for your life?"

  Sun Shuyi thought of the dream she often had recently, and she couldn't help trembling all over.

   "You, you are..."

   Before the words were finished, Sun Shuyi fainted.

   was stunned alive.

   Zuo Qiuran pouted, boring.

   got up, turned her head, her eyes fell on Shangguan Mei, ignoring her calling hand, "How about you? How do you feel after living as someone else for three years?"

  Shangguan Mei's hand suddenly trembled, and she glared at Zuo Qiuran, "Who are you? If you have the ability, don't hide your head and show your tail, take off your mask!"

   She felt that the person in front of her was a little familiar, but she couldn't think of who it was.

   "mentally retarded!"

   Zuo Qiuran ignored her, turned and left, forgetting to close the door when she left.

   Less than an hour later, the head of Zuoqiu's family was plotted in the bathroom, and Sun Shuyi was knocked unconscious. The news of the two of them soaking wet and showing their bodies spread throughout Wuqing City.

   (end of this chapter)

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