Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 211: Will it be addictive?

  Chapter 211 Will it be addictive?

   Mo Yi grabbed Mo Qi hard and hid behind him. He finally stopped stammering, "How did this thing come out? Didn't you say ghosts only come out at night?"

   Sure enough, the movies are all lies.

   In front of them, Xie Quan's soul was floating there, looking straight at Mo Qi's direction.

   Mo Qi couldn't see Xie Quan, but he could feel Mo Yi's hand shaking as he grabbed him.

   moved his body slightly, and blocked Mo Yi even more firmly, his face was as cold as ice, his eyes fell on Xie Quan's direction intuitively, and a killing intent flashed.

   "Xie Quan" Zuo Qiuran's voice suddenly sounded, faint and glutinous, but Xie Quan's soul trembled, "If you scare him on purpose, I will throw you to the ghost."

Xie Quan is even more afraid. He has learned a lot from wandering outside these days. He knows that if a wandering spirit like him falls into the ghost mess and is brought back to the ghost realm, the first thing he will face is not Meng Po soup, not reincarnation, but hell. level of punishment.

   He showed his face and knelt on one knee to Zuo Qiuran to show his loyalty, "Master, I was wrong."

   "Where's the person you want to chase?" Zuo Qiuran asked.

   Xie Quan didn't dare to sell the secret, and replied quickly, "They are all hiding in an abandoned factory in the suburbs. The factory is surrounded by a barrier, and I can't get in."

   Zuo Qiu Ran took Mo Jiu's mobile phone and placed it in front of Xie Quanquan, "The location, mark it."

  Xie Quan was now able to touch the real thing, and quickly opened the map software, marked the address of the abandoned factory, and then asked tremblingly, "Master, can I leave?"

   The eyes of the man in the wheelchair in front of him were so scary. He knew that it was Lord Chen, the God of War of the Flower Country. The legend was right, Lord Chen was indeed a terrible man, and those eyes full of murderous intent even scared him as a ghost.

   Zuoqiu Ran nodded, "You go to Zuoqiu's house tonight and find a way to lead more people to the forbidden area."

   Xie Quan just wanted to ask why, but the moment he raised his head, he received Mo Yichen's eyes full of murderous intent, he was so frightened that he nodded quickly, his figure flashed, and he slipped away.

  Mo Yichen was a little unhappy, "Ran Bao, you are short of manpower, I have a lot here, if you want souls, I can also get them for you. This thank you can't be of great use."

He has always been very accurate in seeing people. Although he had never seen Xie Quan when he was alive, he was a ghost, and he was a ghost servant who had signed a master-servant contract with the girl, but his respect was only superficial. Xie Quan's ambition can be sensed.

  He wants to use the girl!

   Zuo Qiu Ran knew that the uncle was caring about her, and she felt that she liked the feeling of being cared about all the time more and more.

  I wonder if it will be addictive?

   "He is still useful." This means that he will still be kept.

   Mo Yichen frowned slightly, looking at Zuo Qiuran.

   Zuo Qiu Ran smiled, but still told the truth, "He was also in the Bei family's affairs back then."

   One sentence tells the whole story.

   After Xie Quan left, Mo Yi came alive again and walked out from behind Mo Qi, "The Bei Family? Second Miss, do you still know the Bei Family?"

   Didn’t you grow up in the countryside?

  How come even the first-class families in the imperial capital know about it?

   Do you even know the secrets of the Bei family?

   "Mo Yi." Mo Yichen's voice suddenly sounded.

  Mo's consciousness jolted and stood at attention, "Master."

   "Go and bathe the strawberries."

   Strawberry, who had been lying beside Zuo Qiuran from the beginning, immediately sat up when he heard this, all his hair froze, and stared at Mo Yi with hostile eyes.

  Mo once thought about the painful experience of bathing strawberries every time in the past few years, and decided to make the last desperate struggle, "Master, can I apply to join Mo Qi?"

   (end of this chapter)

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