Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 208: irrelevant person

   Chapter 208 Irrelevant people

   "Don't feel ashamed to be hugged by a woman, after all, if you really catch me, I'll hug you often, you have to get used to it." Zuo Qiuran came over with a silver needle.

   Mo Yichen was puzzled, shouldn't it be him hugging her? The girl's idea is so contrary?

   Zuo Qiu Ran stretched out his hand and directly unbuttoned Mo Yichen's shirt, revealing the firm abdominal muscles and the scar across his lower abdomen.

  This scar...

   Mo Yichen snapped back to his senses, "Ranbao, you..."

   "How did you get this scar?" Zuo Qiuran raised it as if unintentionally, and then put the first needle on Mo Yichen's chest.

   Mo Yichen frowned.

   "Is it inconvenient to say?" Zuo Qiuran made a second stitch.

  Mo Yichen shook his head, "No, it was just accidentally made when saving people."


   "Irrelevant people."

   Zuo Qiu Ran's needle-piercing hand suddenly deflected, and then Mo Yichen made a barely noticeable 'his'.

   Zuo Qiuran calmly pulled out the needle, pierced it again, and changed the subject by the way, "I have already sent people to chase those people, and there should be news coming back soon."

  Mo Yichen glanced at the needles on his chest, which were dense and numb to the abdomen. They were numb and warm, and he felt very comfortable, "Ranbao, who is your physician?"

   Zuo Qiu Ran glanced at him, and the movement of his hand did not stop, "With your status and power, you should know that the ancestors of Zuo Qiu's family are named after doctors."

   "Then have you heard of Medicine Man?"

   "Not only have I heard of it." Zuo Qiuran finished the last stitch and closed his hand, "I have also seen it with my own eyes."

   Mo Yichen frowned, "Where?"

   "Imperial Capital." Zuo Qiuran recalled the incident back then, "When the Beijia accident happened, there used to be medicine men haunting, but there were not many, only a few, and they were all semi-finished products."

   "Ranbao, have you been to the imperial capital?"

  Mo Yichen's question pulled Zuo Qiuran back from her memory. She talked a bit too much tonight, but she didn't subconsciously take precautions against Mo Yichen's question.

   Zuo Qiu Ran frowned. She has always been cautious, and this is the first time this has happened.

   "Yeah." With a perfunctory response, Zuo Qiuran turned around and took out a box from the bedside table, took out a porcelain bottle, and evenly sprinkled the powder inside all the needles.

   Soon, the powder was absorbed by Mo Yichen's skin at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After another half an hour, Zuo Qiuran pulled out all the silver needles, "Tonight you may feel a little uncomfortable, and you will often feel like you want to go to the toilet, but tomorrow morning, this feeling will disappear, you will not If you continue to be so weak, in addition, don't take the medicine that day, or I won't be able to save you in the future."

   Zuo Qiu Ran's expression was very serious, when the delicate and cute facial features were sullen, some of the milk was fierce, which made Mo Yichen's heart itch, and the smooth feeling in the palm of his hand seemed to still be there.

   "Okay, listen to Ranbao." Mo Yichen replied, "I'm sleeping with you, what about you?"

"I'm sleeping there." Zuo Qiuran pointed to the sofa behind him, "Tonight your situation is a bit special, I haven't used this acupuncture method for a long time, I don't know if it will react with the Gu worms in your body. , so I have to watch you."

Mo Yichen glanced at the sofa, it was small and narrow, and at first glance it was very uncomfortable to sleep in, "Otherwise, you can sleep next to me, so that you can find out immediately if I have anything, this bed is very big. , enough for the two of us to sleep."

  It rained all day today, and the perfect weekend I had planned was just gone…

   (end of this chapter)

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