Chapter 205 Her Enemy

  Mo Yichen didn't see where these two people came from, and stopped them when they attacked Zuo Qiuran, waving sword flowers, one against two.

There, Zuo Qiu Ran and the man in black were also fighting together. Zuo Qiu Ran’s set of Zuo Qiu’s swordsmanship flowed smoothly, and the dark red sword energy glowed with fierce light. When he scratched the man in black, it made him feel like he was burned a feeling of.

  Mo Yichen's bedroom is very big, but if five people are fighting, it's still a bit crowded, and they can't let go.

   She is very fast, constantly flashing around the man in black, and the man in black is not bad. Two short daggers are used to block and occasionally fly out as hidden weapons.

   Zuo Qiuran became more and more addicted to the fight, but he also understood that now is not the time to fight.

   "Who are you? Who taught you how to seize a house?" Zuo Qiuran asked.

   This is the reason why she solved the woman first, but kept the man.

   Shangguan Mei and Sun Shuyi couldn't possibly understand Seizure, there must be someone behind them, this person is also her enemy, she must find him out.

  The man in black didn't expect that Zuo Qiuran actually knew that the formation he just set up was to take the house, "Little girl knows a lot, but I can't keep you in this way."

  The negotiation failed, and the two attacked even more fiercely.

The man in black originally thought that he and Zuo Qiuran had just drawn a tie. As long as he used all his strength, he would be able to kill her, and then take Mo Yichen away and continue his great cause of seizing the house, but he didn't expect that, Reality slapped him hard in the face.


   The man in black grinned and looked at his arm. The sword wound was deep, and the blood kept flowing out. It was enough to see how ruthless Zuo Qiuran was, but she didn't stop, and the next move directly attacked his leg.


   was another sword, directly stabbing the man in black in the thigh.

   He quickly took out a good hemostatic medicine and sprinkled it on the wound, but found that it didn't work at all.

   "I'll ask you again, who taught you to take the battle formation?" Zuo Qiuran asked with a cold face.

   The black-clothed man narrowed his eyes and looked at Mo Yichen who was entangled by the two of them. He knew that he would definitely not be able to get his wish today.

   "Okay, I'll tell you."

   The man in black nodded, but the moment he lowered his head, he quickly threw a grenade.


   The grenade exploded.

The man in black also slipped away. After the thick smoke passed, Zuo Qiu Ran saw the two **** men lying on the ground, as well as Mo Yi, who was weak and pale, but still stubbornly supported the wall and refused to fall. Chen.

   Zuo Qiuran hurriedly walked over, stuffed a pill into Mo Yichen's mouth, then helped him to a wheelchair, picked up Garfield, and left the room that had been destroyed by the chance of bombing.

   opened the door, the sound of fighting came in, and there was a faint smell of blood.

   Zuo Qiu Ran's eyes flashed slightly, and her eyes were uncontrollably dyed a bit dark red. This smell stimulated the killing intent in her heart.

   "Ran Bao."

   "...Huh?" After a pause, Zuo Qiuran looked at Mo Yichen.

   Mo Yichen didn't say anything, just held her hand, this was a kind of warmth that Zuo Qiuran was already familiar with and couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

   The killing intent in my heart miraculously dissipated.

   At the same time, Mo Yi and Mo Qi came over, both of them were more or less injured and looked a little embarrassed.

   "Master, are you all right?"

   "You, how are you?"

   The two asked involuntarily.

  Mo Yichen nodded, "I'm fine, what about those people?"

  If you wake up and find that you have traveled, where would you most like to travel, or what kind of environment, and what kind of person would you be?

   (end of this chapter)

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