Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 194: fierce looking ghost

   Chapter 194 Fierce Ghost

   The ink body has a special body, and since childhood, he can see some spiritual things, including ghosts, which is not a secret in the ink guard.

   He is also most afraid of ghosts, so many jokes have been made over the years, everyone understands him, and he is rarely allowed to work the night shift.

"I really saw it. A black shadow passed in front of me with a swish. He even smiled, as if he glared at me." The more Mo Yi spoke, the more frightened he became. Hold on to Mo Qi.

   Mo Qi wanted to get rid of him, but seeing his scared appearance, he couldn't bear it, forget it, let him.

   "Male and female?" she asked.

   "Male." Mo Yi said with certainty, after thinking about it, he added, "He still looks fierce."

   all scared him.

  Mo Qi glanced at him, "In your eyes, which ghost is not fierce?"

   This guy was so frightened when he saw a four or five-year-old kid back then that he jumped to the roof. He had to let her hold him before he would come down.

  Mo Yi was very frightened, "Didn't Shihua Daoist set up a barrier here? Why does this kind of thing still come in?"

  Because he was afraid of ghosts, and also wanted to prevent the evil spirits from plotting against Mo Yichen, Shihua Taoist deliberately set up enchantments at all Mo Yichen's addresses.

   Mo Qi also thought of this, and felt that something was wrong, "You watch here, I'll go see the Lord."

  Mo ran after him without thinking, "Don't leave me behind..."

  On the second floor, outside Mo Yichen's bedroom, as soon as Mo chased after Mo Qi, he turned pale with fright and leaned against the wall.

  Mo Qi looked back at him, "What's the matter? Don't yell, it'll make a fuss."

  Mo shook his head, he didn't say anything, no, look behind you.

   He moved his finger and pointed behind Mo Qi.

  Mo Qi turned his head and saw nothing, just felt a little cold.

   She quickly thought of Mo Yi's physique, "You mean there is something behind me?"

   Mo nodded again and again, pulled Mo Qi over, and put his arms around her waist to feel at ease, and finally he was able to speak, "He looks like a man."

   "Like a person?" Mo Qi was puzzled, what did he say?

   Is it human or not?

   "Like that Xie Quan who died." Mo Yi finally thought of it.

   Mo Qi frowned again, thinking of the recent haunting of the Liu family and Miao family. Could it be that this time it was their turn in Qiu Wuyuan?

   "What are you doing?" Zuo Qiuran's voice suddenly came from behind.

   Mo Yi and Mo Qi turned their heads and saw Zuo Qiuran holding Garfield.

   "Second miss, hurry up, this place is haunted." Mo Yi said quickly, still with a very scared expression on his face.

   "Oh." Zuo Qiuran nodded, "I know, you don't have to be afraid, he won't hurt you."

   Mo Yi looked at Zuo Qiuran's calm appearance, couldn't help swallowing, and said enviously, "Second Miss, can you see him too?"

   "Well, he's mine."

  Mo's eyes widened, and it took a long time for him to digest the news, "Second miss, are you kidding me? He's a ghost. That Xie Quan who died in Baoshanfang, how could he be..."

  Because he was too scared, Mo Yi also turned into a chatterbox and kept talking to cover up the fear.

   Zuo Qiuran handed over a medicine, "I won't be afraid after eating it."

  Mo Yi didn't ask what it was, just took it and ate it. It melted in the mouth, and a coolness instantly filled the whole body. Soon, the fear was reduced, and the irritable heart was relieved.

   (end of this chapter)

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