Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 191: Hey Chen, eat

   Chapter 191 Feeding Ye Chen

   Zuo Qiu Ran nodded, put Mo Yichen's hand back into the quilt, turned and left the room.

  Mo Yichen watched her back all the time, until the back disappeared from his sight, his face darkened, his eyes were cold, and his slightly frown showed his displeasure.

"go out."

   Mo Wu knew that his master was angry, and was angry with his attitude towards the second lady, "Yes, master."

  Mo Wu was a little aggrieved. When he went downstairs and passed the kitchen, he happened to hear Zuo Qiuran talking to someone.

   "Can you make soup?" Zuo Qiuran asked.

   "Yes, Second Miss, what soup do you want, I'll prepare it right away."

   "Whatever, you do it, I'll watch."

   Zhang Miaomiao took the ingredients out of the refrigerator and started preparing them. Every time she came to Qiuwuyuan for a part-time job these days, she deliberately avoided this second lady, but she didn't expect that she would still be able to meet her today.

   "Don't put onions." Zuo Qiuran's voice suddenly sounded.

   Zhang Miaomiao didn't dare to ask, and hurriedly threw the chopped green onions into the trash can.

   "Don't put **** either."

   Zhang Miaomiao threw the cut **** again.

   "Don't need garlic either."

  Zhang Miaomiao looked at the garlic head he just picked up in his hand and could only put it back.

Outside the door, Mo Wu looked surprised. Their grandfather didn't like to eat onion, ginger, and garlic, but he never showed it in front of outsiders, and he never went out of his way to picky eaters when eating. Therefore, not many people knew about this. This second lady had only come to Qiu Wuyuan for a few days and found out.

   At this time, Zuo Qiuran's voice sounded again, "Don't put honey, I'm allergic to honey."

   Zhang Miaomiao shook the hand holding the honey, her eyes flashed, and she nodded, "Got it, Second Miss."

   After that, Zuo Qiu Ran didn't speak any more. After watching Zhang Miaomiao make soup, cook rice, and stir-fry a few dishes, he went upstairs with her.

   "Your soup is good. From today onwards, if you cook soup every day, your salary will double." When Zhang Miaomiao went out, he heard Zuo Qiu Ran say this.

   "Thank you Second Miss."

  After Zhang Miaomiao went out, Zuo Qiu Ran personally helped Mo Yichen up. She was 1.88 meters tall, but it was easy for her to help him up, and put a pillow behind him, "Is this comfortable?"

  Comfortable, Mo Yichen felt very comfortable, both physically and mentally.

  Especially when Zuo Qiuran was about to feed him the soup himself, he felt hot and not cold at all.

   Zuo Qiu Ran had never fed anyone before, so he directly handed the hot soup to Mo Yichen's lips. It was only when he took the third sip that he realized that his lips were suspiciously rosy, and then he reacted.

"very hot?"

   She tried it, and the temperature was okay, but she is heat-resistant and likes high temperature, but that doesn't mean others like it too.

   She remembered what Sun Shuyi had seen when she fed Shangguan Mei porridge before she took the house. At that time, she seemed to feed Shangguan Mei only after she had blown it.


   Zuo Qiuran blew on the spoon, and then handed it to Mo Yichen's lips again.

   Mo Yichen grinned and drank it, and the girl just took a sip with a spoon, so is he kissing the girl indirectly now?

   Well, this soup is the best.

   "Which other dish do you want to eat? I'll take it for you." After drinking the soup, Zuo Qiuran picked up his chopsticks and asked.

  Mo Yichen can actually move chopsticks now, but he just wants the girl to feed him.

   "This." He casually pointed to the farthest king oyster mushroom.

   (end of this chapter)

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