Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 188: famous neuropathy

  Chapter 188 Famous Neuropathy

  Xiaowu led the way, led Liu Yukai to the VIP room on the second floor, opened the door, but did not go in, he made a 'please' gesture to Liu Yukai.

   "Master Liu, the person who invited you is waiting for you inside."

   Liu Yukai was a little confused. He had been to Yujinzhai many times, and it was the first time he had been treated so politely.

   It doesn't mean that Yujinzhai treats guests rudely, but they treat them equally. As long as you enter Yujinzhai, no matter how noble or poor you are, they will treat you the same.

  Liu Yukai opened the door and found a screen in front of him. He walked around and swept his gaze around the room. Finally, he landed on the person sitting by the window.

"It's you?"

  Ji Min, dressed in a very straight suit, sat there to make tea, and his movements were smooth and skillful. He turned his head slightly and smiled lightly at Liu Yukai, "Young Master Liu, it's been a long time, please take a seat."

  Liu Yukai hesitated for a moment, and finally walked over, "Is it you looking for me?"

   "Master Liu, please have some tea." Ji Min handed over a cup of tea, the aroma of the tea was fragrant, even Liu Yukai, who didn't like tea, not only had his taste buds surging, he couldn't help but take a sip.

   In addition to bitterness, there is a bit of sweetness. He doesn't understand tea, only that Ji Min's tea is delicious.

"Second Miss Zuoqiu asked you to come to me? What is your relationship?" Liu Yukai couldn't hold his breath, and then thought that Ji Min was the manager of Baoshanfang, and Baoshanfang was Lord Chen's business. , Lord Chen is protecting Zuo Qiu Ran. Could it be that all Zuo Qiu Ran's actions were inspired by Lord Chen?

  Ji Min didn't answer him, just handed over a kraft paper bag to signal Liu Yukai to open it.

   Liu Yukai opened it, and was immediately stunned, "How did you get this thing?"

The    cowhide bag contained all the information about the project he just handed over to Liu Wanmei. It was more detailed than what the former person in charge knew, and even had a list of hidden accounts.

  Ji Min took a sip of tea and smiled, "Young Master Liu, take a closer look."

Liu Yukai took out all the contents of the cowhide bag, and found that there were still several records of Liu Wanmei's information in the past few years, which was detailed to who she met every day, what she did, and even where she ate with whom. After the meal, I remember it clearly.

   "Who exactly are you?" Liu Yukai's face was solemn, and he even wondered if his own information was in his grasp.

   Ji Min poured another cup of tea for Liu Yukai, "I'm the manager of Baoshanfang."


   Liu Yukai couldn't help rolling his eyes, and immediately threw all the materials on the table, leaned back, and looked like a second-generation ancestor with a broken jar.

   "If you have something to say, don't be around here, I'm stupid and can't understand."

  Ji Min didn't expect Liu Yukai to be so direct all of a sudden, but it made him take a high look, at least he was much stronger than those people who obviously didn't understand anything, but insisted on pretending that they were awesome.

   "The third son of the Northern Family of the Imperial Capital is about to get engaged, does Young Master Liu know?" Ji Min suddenly changed the subject.

  Liu Yukai was startled and shook his head, "Is that the rumored madman who gasps for three steps, faints when he sees blood, and sleepwalks to kill?"

The third son of the Bei family is not only famous in the emperor, but also famous in the whole flower country, because he is really crazy, not only crazy, but also very weak. The next second, Third Young Master Bei fainted and lay on himself.

   (end of this chapter)

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