Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 185: it's you, it's worth it

   Chapter 185 It's you, it's worth it

   Mo Yi and the others also stepped forward quickly, and their hearts tightened when they saw the needle in Zuo Qiuran's hand.

   Could it be that the second lady was really sent by someone else, and she has been looking for opportunities, and now she has finally waited until their father is as weak as a baby, so he is going to kill him?

   Mo Yi couldn't help the conspiracy theory again, "Second miss, show mercy!"

   "Noisy." Zuo Qiuran threw his soul power over, and Mo Yi and the others were all isolated one step away, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't break through that barrier.

  This barrier can also cut off the sound, and the surroundings finally quiet down.

Zuo Qiuran measured it on Mo Yichen's arm, and was about to puncture the needle when suddenly, he raised his eyes and glanced at him, and when he saw him, he looked at him like that, very well-behaved, and asked in surprise, "Aren't you afraid? Aren't you afraid that I'm going to hurt you?"

   Lying on the bed for a while, Mo Yichen had regained some strength and shook his head, "You won't."

   The sound was small, but Zuo Qiuran still heard it.

   She smiled, holding Mo Yichen's arm, pierced the needle, and slowly pushed the medicine in.

   This is the medicine she prepared before she was captured. It can greatly stimulate people's potential and quickly restore physical strength, which is exactly in line with Uncle's current symptoms.

   "Your medicine will overdraw your body, is it worth it for me?" Zuo Qiuran finally asked this sentence.

  Mo Yichen felt a coolness in the body flowing with the blood, spreading to the whole body, the sore and weak muscles finally got a little relief, and the tired brain was also much clearer.

   He knew that it was the girl's medicine that worked.

  Look, how good his eyesight is, he picked this girl covered in treasures at a glance.

   "It's you, it's worth it."

   Mo Yichen's voice was still a little low, but his words were clear. At the very least, Mo Yi and the others could hear them clearly.

   One of them is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, so what were they nervous about just now?

   "My lord, my subordinates will support Young Master Yan." Mo Qi was the first to slip away.

  Mo Yi stared at the back of Mo Qi's departure. He didn't expect that this cold and stuffy gourd's brain would be so useful at a critical moment. Why didn't he think of using Yan Shao as a shield just now.

  Yan Shao was rough-skinned and thick-skinned. When he brought him to the front of the master, no matter how cold his aura could stop him.

   "Master, my subordinates also go..."

   Mo Yi's words were just halfway through when he met his father's icy eyes, swallowed the rest of the words wisely, and stood aside obediently.

   Mo Jiu slipped away as early as when Mo Qi went out. It is safer to go out to perform the task at this time.

   Only Mo Wu stepped forward nervously, "Master, do you feel any discomfort? If so, point to that part."

  Mo Wu wanted to check Mo Yichen's pulse, but he avoided him and glanced at him with disgusting eyes, and added, "Shut up."

  Mo Wu closed his mouth, but his eyes were still fixed on Mo Yichen, and out of the corner of his eye he always glanced at Zuo Qiuran, looking worried and always on guard.

   Zuo Qiu Ran ignored him and helped Mo Yichen to tuck the quilt. His movements were a bit clumsy, but he showed his intentions.

   "You don't care about anything these days, I'll take care of it, you just have to take responsibility for a good rest, it may be cold and hot, but no matter how hot you are, you can't kick the quilt, you know?"

   Mo Yichen nodded, only thinking that the girl's voice was the best in the world.

   "If you have something to do, let Mo Yi and the others do it, don't rush ahead in everything, and protect yourself."

   After saying these words, Mo Yichen was too tired to breathe, but he was afraid that Zuo Qiuran would dislike his body, so he stood firm.

   (end of this chapter)

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