Lord is the Queen, You Have To Coax!

Chapter 183: Weak Lord Chen

   Chapter 183 Weak Lord Chen

Liu Wanmei was going to ask Ye Jing to send someone to hunt down the ghosts. It was difficult for Ye Jing, he could only tell her that the people from Tiandaomen would be here soon, and they could be invited to do it at that time, and Liu Wanmei left. .

The incident on the Internet is still fermenting. Chen Xiaorong has once again become a popular figure because of the exposure of Zuoqiu's family. Many people have asked her how her body is recovering, whether she has come out of the shadow of broken love, etc. There are even people who are courting online. .

   With the support of netizens, Chen Xiaorong sued the Liu family, and the summons was sent to the Liu family on the same day.

   These things will not affect Qiuwuyuan. At this time, Qiuwuyuan is facing a major event.

"Master, you'd better go back to your room to rest, your body..." Mo Yi had a headache, just now, the effect of the medicine has passed, the side effects have begun, and the whole body is weak, and can barely support sitting in a wheelchair .

   Mo Yichen wanted to speak, but he didn't even have the strength to open his mouth. This time, the side effects were severe, which he did not expect.

   He glanced sideways at Mo Qi, Mo Qi understood, "Master, are you waiting for Second Miss?"

   Mo Yichen took his eyes back and continued to look outside the door, as he answered Mo Qi's words.

  Mo Yi hurriedly circled in place, "This second lady is also, she doesn't go out early, she doesn't go out late, but she goes out at this time."

   As soon as he finished speaking, he got a cold look from his grandfather, a cold look behind his back, and he quickly shut up. He could only keep glancing out the door, hoping that the second lady would come back soon.

   Zuo Qiuran was in Baoshanfang at this time, and took a bottle of medicine from Ji Min's hand.

   "Have the tail been wiped clean?" Zuo Qiuran opened the potion and smelled it. After confirming that it was the kind of medicine he needed, he put it away with confidence.

  Ji Min nodded, "Master, don't worry, no one will know that we took this bottle of medicine."

   Zuo Qiu Ran was in a hurry to leave, but was stopped by Ji Min again, "Master, I went back to get the medicine this time and found something."


   "Someone is using your name to direct our people." Ji Min's face was serious, and a gleam of light flashed behind the golden glasses, which was killing intent.

   He can't stand anyone acting in the name of the master, which is an insult to the master.

   Zuo Qiuran frowned lightly, "Check."

   dropped the word, she left, drove the car from Qiuwuyuan, and flew back.

   "Master, Second Miss is back!" Mo Yi, who had been watching outside the door, suddenly exclaimed.

   Slumped on the wheelchair, Mo Yichen, who pursed his lips and had a cold face, slowly raised his eyes, even this small movement almost used up all his strength.

   But when he saw Zuo Qiuran's figure, he still slightly raised the corners of his lips, trying his best to show a smile.

   "What's wrong with you?" As soon as Zuo Qiu Ran entered the room, he realized that something was wrong with Mo Yichen, his face, his breath, everything was wrong.

At this time, Mo Wu walked in with the medicine, and saw Zuo Qiuran hurriedly explaining: "In order to save you, Second Miss, my father took the forbidden medicine, although this forbidden medicine can make him stand up temporarily and restore his inner strength. , but once the effect of the drug wears off, the whole person is weaker than a baby."

Mo Wu had resentment towards Zuo Qiuran. He didn't have much contact with this second young lady, but he felt sorry for his grandfather, who ignored his own health for her and even made exceptions for her many times. In his opinion, is it right? worth it.

   Zuo Qiu Ran didn't care about Mo Wu's dissatisfaction, she went straight to Mo Yichen, the first action was to bend down and take his pulse.

   (end of this chapter)

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