Chapter 181 Interrogation

   In the special department, Shangguan Mei looked at the evidence that Ye Jing brought out with a look of surprise.

   "This is impossible! This evidence is false!"

   She slapped the table and roared.

   Ye Jing folded his legs and leaned against the back of the chair with a leisurely attitude, "What is Zuoqiu's head worried about? I just got this evidence, and I have to confirm it. You seem a little guilty in this way."

   Shangguan Mei's eyes flickered slightly, her heart was dry and she was very panicked.

   In the past, everything was handled by her mother and Ying Wan. She only needed to speak as the head of the house at the right time, but now, she is sitting here alone, surrounded by walls, and Ye Jing is the only one.

   She was a little scared.

   "Miao Siyun once quarreled with me over money matters, and it was very unpleasant. This matter is definitely her slander against me. Captain Ye, you must investigate."

Ye Jing nodded, put away the evidence on the table, and handed it over to his subordinates, "Patriarch Zuoqiu, rest assured, I will send someone to confirm all the evidence, but I still need your help, tell me how these transfers came back. thing?"

  Ye Jing took a statement from his subordinate and slapped it on the table. With his index finger, he pointed at the place circled by the red pen, "Do you still have any impression of Zuoqiu Patriarch on these transfers?"

  Shangguan Mei glanced at it, the most recent of those transfers was a month ago, the previous one was a few months ago, and the last year, the year before...

   "I don't know, our Zuoqiu family has so much business, and there are a lot of money transactions on weekdays, how can I remember every transaction?" Shangguan Mei looked impatient.

   Ye Jing was not annoyed, and asked again, "Then the account of the payee, does the Zuoqiu Patriarch still remember?"

  Shangguan Mei glanced again, "I don't remember, maybe I know."

   Ye Jing smiled, "Patriarch Zuoqiu, this matter is very important, please think about it clearly."

   "Why are you so troublesome?" Shangguan Mei mumbled, took a closer look, and felt that the account was indeed somewhat familiar, "I have an impression, maybe it's a business partner, what's wrong?"

   Ye Jing tapped his finger on the table and gave the answer, "The person who registered this account is Xie Quan."

   Xie Quan?

   Shangguan Mei felt that the name was a bit familiar, but she couldn't remember who it was.

"do not know."

   "It's the person who died in the Baoshanfang private room before." Ye Jing reminded.

Shangguan Mei's brows tensed, her pupils shrank, "You're tricking me! Why didn't you just say that this person is him? I don't know him, and I've never paid him, this thing must be fake, someone deliberately framed me!"

   Shangguan Mei tore up the evidence on the table in a fit of anger.

   Ye Jing didn't stop him either, it was just a copy, he had a lot, but the reaction of the Zuoqiu family's head was worth thinking about.

   "Patriarch Zuoqiu, I still have a USB flash drive here, which contains a diary, which was found in the house of the deceased Xie Quan. Do you want to read it? Oh, I can read it to you."

Ye Jing inserted the USB flash drive into the computer and read, "August 20, Qing, she came to me again today, and asked me to reveal the Liu family's reserve price for this bidding meeting. I don't know this kind of thing. When will the undercover days be a head, but for the sake of my wife and children, for the sake of survival, I have no choice..."


  Shangguan Mei slapped the table hard and became furious, "Nonsense! I don't know Xie Quan at all, let alone send him to be an undercover agent!"

   Ye Jing raised his eyes and chuckled, "Patriarch Zuoqiu, I just said that the 'she' in this diary is you?"

  My shoulder was caught in the wind for no reason, and I couldn't lift it up. It was still the right shoulder. How would I code tomorrow?

   (end of this chapter)

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