Lord Harland

Chapter 8 The intention of marriage

Just when Richard was at a loss and recounting his experiences of the last action, William walked in from outside the yard.

"Richard, I have something to talk to you about. Wendy happens to be here too, and this matter is related to her."

"What does it have to do with me, father?" Before Richard could speak, Wendy took the lead again.

"What do you think of Kevin from the Ronald family?"

"Fat Kevin is terrible. He is as stupid as a stupid bear and has severe freckles on his face. His mouth smells bad. When I see him, I feel like I am seeing a wild boar." Wendy's reaction was very Quickly, when William opened his mouth, she immediately raised her objection.

William was unmoved and pointed it out directly.

"Little Wendy, you have grown up and are getting married."

"I don't want to get married. Even if I want to get married, I won't find an ugly fool like Fat Kevin."

"Kevin's father is the captain of the Northern Army and a fifth-level warrior. The Ronald family has aristocratic blood. Kevin's mother is the legitimate daughter of a baron. She is not only a second-level knight, but also has the right to inherit the title.

Kevin has successfully awakened the blood of knights. If we can marry Kevin, we will be high-achieving. If Kevin didn't like you, Ronald wouldn't ask someone to talk to me.

I have agreed to this marriage, and to tell you the truth, even if you don't want to, I will tie you to Kevin's bed.

If Wendy showed no talent, William would not consider her personal wishes.

Among the eight Richard brothers and sisters, probably only he and Barron have a major marriage issue. Because they are more talented, they have some autonomy.

Hearing what her father said so harshly, Wendy jumped anxiously and threatened fiercely: "William, you can tie up my body, but you can't tie up my heart. Let me tell you, fat Kevin will only marry in the end." It’s a corpse.”

"Wendy, you can't scare me like this. Even if you want to die, I will let you die at the Ronald family wedding. It is your destiny to become Kevin's wife and the hostess of the Ronald family. Your marriage You will be blessed by the church, and your soul will be with Kevin forever."

In fact, Richard had no objection to family marriage.

They enjoyed a relatively affluent life since childhood and were able to receive education because of William.

After enjoying these rights, they naturally have the obligation to maintain the family's status, expand the family's connections, and strengthen the family's heritage.

Even in an earth with advanced technology, marriage still requires people who are well-matched.

In this kind of different world where class solidification is very serious, marriages across classes cannot be happy, and the ending is often very tragic.

Normally speaking, regardless of appearance, Wendy's conditions are indeed worse than Kevin's. For the Haaland family, this marriage is obviously high.

Sensing that the air was a little tense, Richard immediately answered: "If we get married now, Wendy will be a little younger."

"Ron's mother was only fifteen when she married me. If you look on the street, there are girls getting married at the age of thirteen or fourteen everywhere. Besides, I have already promised Ronald, how can I go back on such a thing? , I still want to be shameless?"

On the Dawn Continent, the higher the class, the later the age at which one gets married.

Princesses and princes of the royal family have very little choice, and sometimes they don't get married until they are forty or fifty years old.

In particular, high-level knights with excellent talents need to find a special blood partner in order to cultivate the knight's bloodline. It is not uncommon for them to get married and have offspring in their seventies or eighties.

Professional families like William and Ronald usually wait until they have completed their education and get married around the age of twenty.

The vast majority of ordinary freedmen would get married before the age of fifteen.

Seeing that Wendy was a little angry, Richard quickly grabbed her.

"Don't publicize this matter for the time being. Kevin's bloodline talent is good and he is already a trainee knight.

His mother is the legitimate daughter of Baron Barton. I heard that Knight Tracy wants to continue to marry the Barton family. I'm afraid there will be twists and turns in this matter, and it may not be possible?

Besides, snake-like professionals have been discovered in the Eagle Mountains, and the war is approaching. This matter should be discussed after the war. "

After hearing what Richard said, William nodded with satisfaction. Although Richard is young, he already has some overall perspective.

"Richard, will you blame me for letting you join the Mad Lion Legion? If you join the Northern Legion, your development will be smoother with my care."

"No, Father."

"There are several reasons why I asked you to practice the Mad Lion Breathing Technique and join the Mad Lion Legion.

First, I have used many relatives and friends as officers in the Sixth Brigade, which has made some people dissatisfied. If your brothers continue to join the Northern Army, it may cause a backlash. If you encounter war, you will be more in danger.

Second, the war in Northern Xinjiang is very cruel. If all our families gather together, the failure of the war will easily be blamed. I have experienced six northern Xinjiang wars and witnessed multiple brigades being annihilated by organized forces. So you brothers are all scattered in different legions.

My generation and three brothers mainly operate in the Northern Legion. When it comes to your brothers' generation, they should focus on other legions. "

"I have taken everything my father said into consideration."

"It's good that you can think of this. After the vacation, you and Hayden pack up your equipment and report to the Wild Lions immediately. Roland will take care of you then.

Your Breathing Technique has been practiced to perfection. Use your merits to redeem the Breathing Technique as soon as possible and strive to advance before the war begins.

After entering the Mad Lion Legion, you should pay more attention to your brothers Hayden and Ron, and try to protect their safety. "

"Hayden doesn't need to return to Knight Academy? According to the normal academic system, he can't graduate this year."

Normally, the knight academy lasts for six years. As long as you advance to trainee knights and advanced warrior students during your studies, you can graduate early. As long as you graduate from the Knight Academy and get a certificate, you can get a position in any major legion and become an officer.

Outstanding graduates can also be recommended to Nolan, the capital, to join the Guards for better development.

"When the war starts, it will be more dangerous for Hayden to stay in the academy. The Knight Academy will form a separate knight group and follow the knights to charge. Hayden's level is too low and he will only become cannon fodder.

If I follow you to the Mad Lion Army, I can serve as a low-level officer. "

Although the Knights are powerful in battle, they need to be deployed in the most intense battles, and the casualties are usually more tragic.

"As a result, Hayden won't get his diploma."

"I don't have a diploma from the Knights Academy, but I still serve as a senior officer in the Northern Army."

"Okay, but I want to go to the Knight Academy and get my diploma as soon as possible. If you have a certificate and join the Wild Lions, your position will be higher."

"Go right away. When the news spreads, the Knight Academy may not allow outstanding students like you to graduate early. Once the war starts, the Academy Knights will also lack soldiers. It will be more troublesome for you to leave by then."

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