Lord Harland

Chapter 474 Ricks Magic Academy

Although the Dukedom of Rex has a population of more than 12 million, it only has 1.6 million free citizens.

Most of these freedmen lived in large castles, and about half of them were of noble blood. Especially near Kanas Castle, the former east coast capital, the traditional upper class such as civil servants, businessmen, and scholars are almost all aristocrats.

Magicians also all come from the aristocratic class.

On the contrary, in the vast countryside, 99% are serfs, with only a few yeoman farmers and gentry.

According to the laws of the United Kingdom of the East Coast, land belongs to the noble class, and it is basically impossible to have terra nullius. Since the land has an owner, it is difficult for farmers to appear.

A small number of yeoman farmers and squires are basically descendants of hereditary nobles. Only when their ancestors were favored by the nobles can they inherit land and property.

Richard did not discriminate against the aristocrats of the former Dukedom of Rex.

After conquering Kanas Castle, Richard only killed direct members of the five major duke families, which totaled only a few hundred people. Even some women and children of the Duke family, Richard did not follow the rules of this world to eradicate them.

Instead, the rebellion was suppressed in the following months, implicating thousands of people.

As for the members of the five major duke family branches, Richard only abolished some noble privileges, created a fair environment for them to compete with the free people of Harland Territory, and gave them time to integrate into Harland Territory.

The branch nobles did not have hereditary title inheritance, and apart from national sentiments, they had no deep enmity with the Haaland leader. As time goes by, Richard thinks they can integrate into Haaland's leadership.

The remaining more than 10.5 million people in the Dukedom of Rex are serfs. Usually, the quality of serfs was not high. There were basically not many literate people, and they were unable to organize the production of the farm. They relied heavily on the aristocratic steward class.

The stewards and stewards under the nobles were actually the ones with organizational skills and mastery of agricultural production techniques.

Under normal circumstances, a lord cannot do without the steward class.

But Haaland's situation is different.

After nearly thirty years of development, Halland Territory has a large number of grassroots bureaucrats. These bureaucrats have basically read books and gone to school, some of them are from agricultural colleges. Their theoretical knowledge is far deeper than that of farm housekeepers. After training at the grassroots level, their abilities generally exceed that of farm housekeepers, and they have mastered deeper aspects of agricultural production. His technical and organizational abilities far exceeded those of the nobles' housekeepers and servants.

In order to control the Dukedom of Ricks, Richard transferred thousands of grassroots bureaucrats from the Harland Territory at one time and recruited tens of thousands of fresh graduates.

Today, Harland has more than 300 primary schools, more than 50 middle schools, 12 higher secondary schools, and eight vocational colleges, with a total enrollment of more than 400,000 students.

There are more than 10,000 middle school students graduating every year, and tens of thousands of primary school students.

After years of development, Harland's academic qualifications have depreciated extremely seriously.

Compared with those more than ten years ago, today's middle school students are no longer baby bumps. After graduation, it is difficult to directly become civil servants and enter the ruling class of Haaland. In many border towns, only middle school students are recruited as teachers when recruiting civil servants.

Even for high school graduates, the value of their academic qualifications has been severely devalued, and many people cannot find satisfactory jobs after graduation. On the contrary, those who came out of vocational colleges became popular, and before they graduated, they were robbed by superior departments and booked in advance.

Professional departments such as steel, railways, machinery, medical care, accounting, agriculture, and law now basically recruit people from junior colleges.

Most of the freshmen recruited by Richard this time are primary and secondary school students. Although the journey is long and requires traveling far away, many people are eager to sign up for a stable job and a good background.

With thousands of bureaucrats, tens of thousands of students, and 50,000 troops to suppress the battle, Harland was able to control the Dukedom of Rex within a few months.

According to Richard's plan, four middle schools and 30 primary schools will be established in the Dukedom of Ricks next year. However, without adequate publicity, it may not be possible to recruit enough people.

Because large nobles mainly rely on family education, while small nobles rely on parental education or family genealogy, it is difficult for parents of ordinary serf families to understand the importance of education.

As Li Chaqing wiped out the fleeing troops, the handover work gradually came to an end.

Order was re-established and agricultural production resumed in the Dukedom of Rex.

The land near Kanas Castle is a coastal plain. The nobles of the United Kingdom on the east coast have been operating on this land for many years, building countless towns and cultivating more than tens of millions of acres of fertile land.

Although the treasury is empty and people's livelihood is in decline due to repeated wars, the foundation of this land is still very strong, and the resource endowment even exceeds that of the Harland Territory itself.

The Dukedom of Rex not only has a large coastal plain, but the climate conditions are also better than those in the north.

The land here is warm and humid, with abundant rainfall due to its proximity to the ocean, and the winters are not too cold. It not only has good agricultural conditions, but also has rich fishery resources.

In addition, there is a medium-sized magic well near Kanas Castle.

This medium-sized magic well is located above the Magic Academy.

After mastering this medium-sized magic well and installing the magic charging array, Harland can increase the number of magic crystals charged every year by 10,000, which is enough to reduce the pressure on the supply of magic crystals.

As the Harland Territory gained a firm foothold in the Red Moon Plane, Richard negotiated with the Holy Radiance Empire and the Church of the Dawn to reduce the frequency of opening portals and return them to the level of three years ago.

Open the inter-dimensional teleportation channel twice a month, and allocate it to Harland's name, consuming two thousand magic crystals every month. Twenty-four thousand magic crystals are consumed in a year, which is a very heavy burden for any country.

In fact, the Harland leader has seized the half-plane controlled by Sussman and can mine 10,000 magic crystals every year. He controls two magic crystal mines in the red moon plane and can mine 4,000 magic crystals every year.

The actual loss of magic crystals in operating the Red Moon Plane for one year is approximately 10,000 magic crystals.

The Red Moon plane has some special magic resources, and these magic resources can also be exchanged for magic crystals when brought to the Dawn plane. Although the Harland leader has a short time to develop the extraordinary resources of the red moon plane, it can still earn two to three thousand magic crystals every year.

Taken together, although operating the Red Moon Plane is still unable to make ends meet, it is barely affordable.

Now Harland controls three mage towers: the Tower of Flame, the Tower of Petrification, and the Tower of Lightning, plus the Ogre Lair and the Dragon Canyon plane passage, a total of five small magic wells. There are two medium-sized magic wells in the Dragon's Lair and Kanas Magic Academy, and a large magic well in the Xinghui Mage Tower in Snow Crystal Lake.

These magic wells that Harland leader can fully control are all equipped with magic crystal charging arrays, which can charge 65,000 magic crystals a year.

There is also a large magic well called Princess Mausoleum in Harland Territory, but Richard is not the owner of this magic well yet. In the mausoleum, there is not only the landowner Princess Ofland, but also guests like the Church of the Dawn. Magic crystal charging is Harland's core technology, and Richard doesn't want to be exposed to outsiders in the short term.

In addition, there is a small and medium-sized magic crystal mine in the west of the Dukedom of Rex, which can produce about 3,000 magic crystals a year.

Although Harland led the Industrial Revolution, burning coal provided energy and greatly increased productivity. But in the development of magical civilization, magic crystal is the core of the otherworldly version of the industrial revolution.

Whether it is a magic airship in the sky or a magic ship in the sea, a large amount of magic crystals are consumed every day. More than half of the super combat effectiveness of Harland's army is made up of the accumulation of magic crystals.

Without a sufficient supply of magic crystals, the combat effectiveness of Harland's army will decline severely.

In recent years, Harland has taken the lead and discovered several magic crystal mines. Together with the output of the Red Moon Plane, he can produce 26,000 magic crystals a year. The territory sells some extraordinary resources through commodity fairs every year, and can also exchange them for seven or eight thousand magic crystals.

All in all, Harland can earn 100,000 magic crystals a year.

This is a very high standard. A country in the eastern part of the continent like the Grant Kingdom can produce 20,000 magic crystals through mining and trading in a year. Apart from the loss of breeding Warcraft, we can only roughly break even. Although there are hundreds of thousands of magic crystals stored in the Grant Kingdom's treasury, it is a kingdom's heritage accumulated over hundreds of years.

Together with the ocean slave trade, the Sith Kingdom can produce approximately 30,000 magic crystals a year. But to maintain the operation of nearly thirty magic ships and raise thousands of magical beasts, even if we save more, more than 30,000 magic crystals are consumed every year. The actual net income is probably worse than that of the Grant Kingdom.

The Kingdom of Lane is backed by the Silver Wolf Mountains and has several medium-sized magic crystal mines. It can generate an income of 30,000 to 40,000 magic crystals through mining every year, which is much better than that of neighboring countries.

Even the Holy Radiance Empire's annual output of magic crystals does not exceed one million. Markholm Magic Kingdom, Dawn Holy See and other forces only produce 300,000 magic crystals every year. On the contrary, it is the Orc Empire. Because of its vast territory and numerous magic crystal mines, its annual output of magic crystals is as high as 500,000 to 600,000.

Although it can produce 100,000 magic crystals every year, the magic crystal consumption of Harland Territory is also very serious, far exceeding that of traditional kingdoms such as Grant and Lane.

The first is to maintain the red moon plane channel. Even if the frequency of inter-dimensional teleportation is reduced, it will still cost 24,000 per year. The consumption in the first three years was as high as 36,000.

In addition, there are a lot of magic steam engines in operation in the industrial sector. The consumption of the industrial sector alone exceeded 5,000 last year.

Then there is the consumption of the military system. The nine magic ships consume nearly 8,000 magic crystals every year. The training of the artillery on the magic ships and steam ships also consumes 4,000.

The six magic airship brigades have completed their training and consumed nearly 6,000 magic crystals a year.

The artillery unit also consumes magic crystals very seriously. Every time it is launched and every training, magic crystals are consumed, which seriously burns money.

The Harland Territory has more than 1,200 magic crystal cannons. The artillery conducts live ammunition training two or three times a month, and consumes more than 10,000 magic crystals a year.

Raising World of Warcraft costs a lot of money. The Harland leader now raises more than 6,000 warcraft horses, which consumes 12,000 magic crystals every year. He raised one hundred and forty griffons, consuming nearly a thousand magic crystals per year, and hundreds of flying dragons, consuming up to 3,000 magic crystals per year.

The number of magic crystals required for military training alone was as high as 45,000 last year.

This is still the cost of training and maintenance in peacetime. If there is a war, the consumption of magic crystals will increase several times. Only 120,000 troops were mobilized for this year's war. It has only been three months of fighting, and the magic crystal inventory has been reduced by 100,000.

The key reason why Richard stopped fighting in the west was that the magic crystal was consumed too much.

Not counting the new members recruited this year, the Harland Mage Association has more than 700 magicians and nearly 5,000 magic apprentices. It conducts magic research every year and consumes nearly 20,000 magic crystals in experiments. The scientific research department spends thousands of magic crystals a year on research.

After all, Harland had consumed more than 100,000 magic crystals a year. According to statistics, there were 106,000 people the year before last and 114,000 last year.

Before acquiring the Dukedom of Rex, Harland produced 85,000 magic crystals a year and lost nearly 20,000 to 30,000 magic crystals every year.

Fortunately, the Harland leader had captured the dragon's lair and seized a large amount of magic crystals. The foundation accumulated in the past few years was very strong, and short-term losses were not a problem.

An all-out war broke out this year. Leader Harland not only dispatched a magic fleet, but also five of the six magic airship brigades participated in the war. Hundreds of magic crystal cannons fired volleys, and more than a thousand magic crystals were consumed every day. Most of the inventory of magic crystals accumulated in previous years was consumed by a war this year.

However, starting from this year, the number of times the plane channel is opened has decreased, reducing the consumption of magic crystals. After the war, we obtained the Dukedom of Rex and increased the production of magic crystals, so we should be able to break even.

If there is no war next year, there may even be some savings.

Looking at the statistical data sent below, Richard thought to himself: "There are only 60,000 magic crystals in stock, which cannot sustain a war. It seems that we should try to avoid using troops in recent years. The magic crystals are Consumption must also be reduced. Especially for the military system, it will need to endure for a few years."

Since the army's consumption of magic crystals was the most serious, Richard decided not to expand technical arms for a few years.

Now Harland has an army of 250,000, has trained 4,600 Warcraft cavalry, established a Warcraft horse breeding base, and also has a bipedal flying dragon knights and a lion cavalry. The number of Warcraft arms is relatively close to that of the two royal families of Grant and Lane.

In addition to the Warcraft units, Harland also has magic fleets, magic crystal cannons, and magic airships. The number of these special units exceeds 20,000.

The power of mages controlled by Harland is somewhat stronger than that of Grant, Lane and other royal families. Especially after the annexation of Kanas Magic Academy, the total number of Harland Mages Association has reached more than 16,400, and it is a full member. More than 1,600 people. In order to eliminate the original influence, Richard also changed the name of Kanas Magic Academy to Ricks Magic Academy.

Thanks to the foundation laid by the United Kingdom on the East Coast, the scale of Ricks Magic Academy is somewhat larger than that of Harland Magic Academy.

After taking control of Ricks Magic Academy, Richard inherited the good policies of the East Coast and still tested children's qualifications for free. However, limited by their vision and family income, the people who came to test were basically aristocrats.

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