Lord Harland

Chapter 464 Laying a solid foundation

Harland Territory has more than 10 million free people, and the needs in the education and medical sectors are also extremely staggering.

Although the newly pardoned freedmen were relatively poor in their first few years, the territory will enroll as many as 80,000 new students this year. The 80,000 freshmen account for almost 60% of the same age group.

After more than 20 years of development, the concept of reading and going to school has been deeply rooted in the hearts of Harland leaders.

There are more than 80,000 freshmen enrolled in a year. Talents are selected from among 80,000 people. The Harland Mage Association has added more than 800 preliminary members. According to the statistics of the mage department, the Harland leader now has more than 600 magicians. , more than 3,600 apprentices. The foundation has become stronger and stronger. If it continues to develop for five years, it will surpass the East Coast United Kingdom in scale and grow to be the first among the eastern countries.

After years of hard work, Harland Leader has trained more than 300,000 students who have received five years of basic education. This group of students who have received basic education are very adaptable to the industrialized society. Some of them have already reached important positions in the Harland leadership. They can be said to be the elite of the Harland leadership.

It was precisely because of seeing this that the free people of the territory realized that reading and learning knowledge was very useful.

Today, Harland has more than 300 primary schools, more than 50 middle schools, 12 higher secondary schools, and eight vocational colleges, with a total enrollment of more than 400,000 students.

When these 400,000 people enter society, the quality of the population will further improve.

Although Richard and Sophia mobilized a large number of magicians to enter the red moon plane last year, the Harland Mage Association's research on the elemental furnace has made considerable progress.

The first advancement came from the Alloy Research Institute. After many experiments, they created a super magic metal that is resistant to high temperatures and radiation.

This technology can be used on all furnaces, and it can be said to be the basic technology that determines whether the floating city can fly into the sky.

During the period of wizard civilization, the Dawn Plane mastered three manufacturing technologies: magic crystal furnace, element furnace, and eternal furnace. These three furnaces can all be used to build interstellar battleships and floating cities. They were the most advanced technology of the wizard civilization at that time and represented the highest crystallization of the wizard civilization in the Dawn Plane.

Unfortunately, after the Age of Seven Gods, the magic civilization of the Dawn Plane declined severely. It is now impossible to let the floating city fly into the sky and create a powerful furnace.

Among the three magic furnaces, the structure of the magic crystal furnace is relatively simple. As long as you master high-temperature resistance and radiation resistance technology, gravity well manufacturing technology, super-large protective force field barrier and other pre-requisite technologies, you will have a manufacturing foundation.

However, this kind of furnace consumes too much energy. If you want the floating city to fly high into the sky, you will inevitably consume millions of magic crystals. The annual maintenance cost is also an astronomical figure. Even the Holy Radiance Empire, the overlord of the Dawn Plane, would find it difficult to make the decision to create a magic crystal furnace.

The structure of the elemental furnace is relatively complex. It is based on four elemental hearts and has magic energy conversion technology as its core. It consumes relatively little. It was the most cost-effective furnace mastered by the regular wizard organization back then.

The creation of the Eternal Forge is more complicated and requires first creating an Eternal Heart. The Eternal Heart needs to be transformed with a divine core. To get the divine core, you need to kill a god or a powerful demigod divine creature.

The Harland leader excavated the ruins of a floating city more than 20 years ago, and found many precious magic technologies from this ruins, such as the method of making steel golems and the technology of making energy-absorbing stones.

Even the manufacturing method of the elemental furnace was clear to Leader Harland.

In addition, by seizing the research data of the Venus family, Harland also mastered the technology of manufacturing artificial magic wells.

This is also a very high-end technology. There are no more than five magic organizations in the entire Dawn Plane that have mastered the technology of manufacturing artificial magic wells, including the Harland Territory and the Venus family. It's just that the Harland Territory happens to be in an area with a relatively high concentration of magic power and has many natural magic wells, so the artificial magic well technology seems a bit useless.

Judging from the information held by Harland Leader, four elemental hearts are needed to create an elemental furnace.

There are two types of elemental hearts. One is natural elemental crystals. This kind of crystal is a very precious treasure in the magical world and is only produced in small quantities in the four elemental planes. The other is the energy core of the legendary elemental lord. If you want to get it, you must kill the legendary elemental lord.

Now the passage from the Dawn Plane into the four elemental planes has been closed in the Age of Seven Gods, causing spells such as summoning fire elements to lose their usefulness. Without the ability to operate across planes, it is impossible to obtain the Heart of Elements. Therefore, in terms of the manufacturing technology of element furnaces, the prerequisites are basically not met.

Now that Harland has the ability to operate across planes, he has two passages into the alien plane, and has a foundation for high-temperature-resistant and radiation-resistant materials. As long as he can conquer the artificial gravity well, the super-large protective barrier, and convert magic energy If you wait for the technology, you can enter the four elemental planes through the red moon plane, find a way to hunt the elemental lords, and create an elemental furnace.

Once these prerequisites are met, the Harland Territory will have the technical foundation to build a floating city.

Currently, Harland's most in-depth research is on magic energy conversion technology. Richard has read the report sent by the Harland Mage Association and is preparing to build a negative energy conversion furnace in Bolton Forest.

Building a negative energy conversion furnace requires an astronomical amount of investment. The first step is to kill four legendary undead creatures, obtain four legendary soul crystals, and use seven legendary extraordinary materials, including a large amount of high-temperature-resistant and radiation-resistant metals. Converting these resources into gold coins would cost at least 20 to 30 million.

With Harland's current level of economic development, it is insufficient to build an energy conversion furnace with experimental technology, let alone an elemental furnace.

The top priority now is not to aim too high, but to speed up economic development and have a stronger economic foundation.

Entering the dawn calendar year 3279, Harland leader received some good news. The first was that Richard's warrior level was promoted to the eighth level.

From the perspective of the warrior profession, Richard inherited his father William's talent, and his conditions were better than William's when he was a boy. He was promoted to the eighth level in his forties. But compared to a one-in-a-million guy like Jennings, the gap is significantly larger.

In January of this year, Jennings had successfully broken through to legendary status. His timing was pretty good, and he found an opportunity that could help him break through into legend.

At last year's commodity expo, a baron from a remote area took out a legendary magical plant, the Celestial Flower, and exchanged some extraordinary resources with Lord Harland.

Leader Harland was no stranger to the Sky Crystal Flower. William had used the medicine refined from the Sky Crystal Flower, with the help of the Water of Life, to break through the legendary realm.

After getting the Sky Crystal Flower, Undine entrusted Sutton to take the Sky Crystal Flower into the red moon plane and gave it to Sophia to successfully refine the Sky Crystal Potion.

With the resources to advance to legend, the competition among the ninth-level professionals led by Harland was extremely fierce. Jennings, Wilde, Gruman, Terrason, and Rand all wanted to get this potion and break through to the legendary realm. Even Richard's uncle Soros was a little moved and wrote a letter to Richard. His third uncle Bernie also gave in to his nephew and promised to serve the Harland leader after breaking through the legend.

After years of development, the Harland Territory has ten ninth-level professionals. Except for Richard, Sophia, and Undine, who are magicians, the remaining seven are all eyeing the Sky Crystal Potion.

After all, after being promoted to Legend, not only will the career path be opened, but the status will also be significantly different.

Among the seven people in the warrior profession, Terrason is the eldest son of Viscount Luomen, and Gruman and Rand are both Richard's vassals. They were relatively distant from the Haaland family and were not a priority.

Although Wilde was a direct descendant promoted by Richard, his promotion to the ninth level was relatively short, so the reason for leaving the Tianjing potion to him was not sufficient.

Jennings, Soros, and Bernie are all members of the Harland family. In terms of blood, Bernie has the closest relationship with Richard. He is his uncle, Soros is his uncle, and Jennings is his cousin-in-law. . But in terms of feelings, Soros is undoubtedly the closest to Richard.

After carefully weighing it, Richard's reason still prevailed over his emotions, and he decided to leave the Tianjing potion to Jennings, because the current situation in Harland's leadership greatly required the legendary professional to take charge alone.

Among the three, Jennings has the highest probability of promotion. Because he has the best qualifications and is also the youngest.

In order to prevent Soros and Bernie from feeling resentful, Richard wrote a long letter to them respectively explaining the reasons for such a decision.

Zhan Ningsi spent all his accumulated merits and signed a twelve-year free service contract, and successfully obtained this bottle of legendary potion. Relying on the power of the Tianjing potion, he was successfully promoted to the legendary realm.

Although Zhannings is a warrior by profession, even if he is promoted to legend, he is still no better than some powerful ninth-level knights. But being promoted to Legend opened the way for him to continue to rise.

If a warrior is promoted to the fourth level of Legend, the improvement in basic attributes alone will be extremely abnormal. Strength will reach 70 or 80 points, and agility and physical strength will be close to 30 points. Coupled with powerful legendary weapons, the destructive power is also very terrifying, and the combat effectiveness will not be lower than that of the legendary second-level knight.

Taken together, the status of the legendary warrior is still higher than that of the ninth-level knight, and can be compared with the ninth-level mage.

Shortly after Zhan Nings was promoted to Legend, the situation in the Red Moon Plane also changed slightly. Although Richard was bent on stability and had no plans to expand much, last year's defeat still severely damaged the Oro Empire, not only killing legendary warriors. , the army's casualties also exceeded 20,000.

Seeing that the Red Moon Goddess has no next step oracle, and the fleet of the Holy Glory Empire is eyeing them again, the Oro Empire has already made plans to withdraw its troops.

From last winter to now, the Oro Empire's 40,000 troops have withdrawn to the Hagen continent, and two legendary warriors have also disappeared from the front line.

Without the support of the Oro Empire's 100,000 troops, the balance of strength on the front line has obviously changed.

After entering the Dawn Calendar in 3279, the Red Moon Holy See abandoned Oral Castle and chose to level the battle line.

Richard did not choose to divide his troops and occupy it because Harland's leadership was insufficient. However, the Red Moon Holy See abandoned Oral Castle, and the area of ​​the buffer zone between the two sides greatly increased. This was undoubtedly a good thing for Richard, who was dedicated to defense.

Seeing that the situation on the front line had stabilized, the Holy Glory Empire handed over more than 100,000 square kilometers of land to Richard. This part of the land was basically located behind Richard's garrison and had a population of more than 800,000.

After entering the Red Moon Plane for more than two years, the Harland Territory has controlled approximately 200,000 square kilometers of land and managed a population of 1.2 million.

The social structure of the Red Moon Plane is similar to that of the Dawn Plane, and is still a traditional feudal system. Because of the Goddess Red Moon, both the Holy Glory Empire and the Holy Dawn Papal State were very vigilant against the Red Moon natives. The high-ranking officials and nobles were basically colonists, and the local natives were almost all serfs.

In fact, five hundred years ago, the Dawn Papal State did not discriminate against the Red Moon indigenous people and enfeoffed many Red Moon indigenous nobles. Even the warrior breathing method was spread to the Red Moon plane by the Dawn Church and taught to the indigenous nobles. It's a pity that during the turmoil that broke out five hundred years ago, most of the indigenous nobles were secret believers of the Red Moon Goddess.

After this turmoil, the natives of the Red Moon plane lost the trust of the Papal State of Dawn. Now, the only people who can stand out in the Papal State of Dawn are those of mixed race, except for a few die-hard supporters.

Although Richard controlled more than one million people, 99% were serfs without any spending power.

If you want to turn this part of the population into a consumer population, you not only need to make some changes in the system, but also need to develop the economy. The pure serf population, apart from providing cannon fodder, is of no use to the Harland Territory.

After Richard established a foothold in the red moon plane, he issued a pardon decree. All the indigenous people who joined Harland's army and their immediate family members were pardoned as free citizens and distributed land and houses. In addition, Richard also gave the natives of the Red Moon Plane higher military pay. As long as they completed the recruit training, the initial military pay was about four silver coins a month.

As combat skills and professional levels increase, there will be higher subsidies.

Under various policies, the soldiers were already very energetic.

Although the Red Moon Plane is a super-demon plane with real gods, 99% of the people in this plane are religious believers, but 90% of the believers are light believers.

The faith of shallow believers is not pious and can easily be pulled away by external material conditions.

Moreover, a considerable number of the indigenous people recruited under Richard are believers of the Goddess of the Dawn. It is impossible for the Red Moon Holy See to openly preach within the sphere of influence of the Holy See of Dawn. There are some soldiers who believe in the Goddess of the Red Moon and are also secret believers hidden in the dark.

Whether it is the Holy Kingdom of Dawn or the Territory of Harland, the punishment for secret believers is extremely severe. In a short period of time, Richard was not worried about the Red Moon Holy See using the power of faith to pull away the indigenous soldiers.

After February, soldiers suddenly came to report that a legendary monster was discovered in the mountains south of Oral Castle.

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