Lord Harland

Chapter 454 Dawn Pope

After killing the deep-sea behemoth, the fleet used spear guns and fishing nets to drag up the dead deep-sea behemoth. It took three or four days to deal with this deep-sea behemoth.

This deep sea beast weighs about three hundred tons. The skin peeled off from the deep sea beast can be used to make at least three thousand pieces of enchanted armor.

The giant whale armor made from the skin of the deep sea beast has a defensive power equivalent to that of a fourth-level enchanted armor. Armor of this level costs thousands of gold coins each. Three thousand pieces of giant whale armor are enough to arm three thousand key officers, making Harland's army even stronger.

The entrails of deep sea monsters can also be used to refine Tenghui potions, and can also be made into magic fish oil to aid meditation.

The most important harvest is the magic core of the deep sea monster. This magic core is the size of a washbasin and contains an unusually sufficient amount of magic power, which is equivalent to the magic core of a legendary third-level magic beast.

Hunting a legendary deep-sea beast will reap the same benefits as hunting two legendary dragons and four legendary monsters. It's just that the deep-sea behemoths are the overlords of the ocean, and the opportunities to hunt them are very rare.

The legendary magic core is a very precious treasure. It can not only be used to build artificial magic wells, but also serve as the core of the magic furnace to provide energy for magic props. In addition, it can also be used to refine legendary golems, which have many uses.

There is no shortage of magic wells in the Harland Territory now. Because it is about to enter the red moon plane, Richard does not plan to continue building the legendary magic ship. Naturally, he does not need the legendary magic core to supply energy to build the magic crystal furnace. Therefore, the purpose of this legendary magic core is very clear. Richard is going to serve as the core of the legendary golem and refine the second legendary golem of Harland.

A few years ago, Leader Harland had already refined a legendary golem, which was used by Richard to guard the magic well of Crystal Lake.

The Crystal Lake Magic Well was the headquarters of the Star Alliance in those days. It has three legendary magic plants. This large magic well is also the real headquarters of the Harland Mage Association.

Refining the legendary steel golem requires a huge investment. Not counting the legendary magic core and soul crystallization, the investment in super magic metal materials alone is as high as hundreds of thousands of gold coins. In addition, a large number of magicians are needed to draw magic runes, which is also a high threshold. It takes more than half a year to hire more than a hundred magicians, and the labor cost alone is also a huge investment.

All in all, the resources invested in creating a legendary steel golem have already exceeded one million gold coins. It also requires a very high invisibility threshold. For example, Grant Kingdom, even if it is willing to devote resources, does not have the technology to create a legendary golem.

Harland led the excavation of the ruins of the ancient floating city and obtained the technology to create seventh-level steel golems. Based on this technology and integrating the magical achievements mastered by Harland, the first legendary steel golem was successfully created.

The main reason why Harland is able to do this is that its own magic civilization has developed to a very high level. Richard has a close relationship with the Church of Dawn and has exchanged a lot of magic technology. With the addition of the elven tribe, part of the elven magic is integrated. In fact, just looking at the development level of magic civilization, Harland is already at the forefront of the Dawn Plane.

After obtaining the legendary magic core, refining the legendary golem still requires high-level soul crystals and a large amount of super magic metal.

As the undead from the northern ice sheet move south, there is no shortage of soul crystals in the Harland Territory. Although the soul crystal obtained by killing the legendary undead last time was exchanged with the Grant Kingdom for the legendary magic core and a second legendary magic ship was built. Richard currently does not have the legendary elf magic core in his hands, but the advanced soul crystal Harland still treasures it. I got seven or eight pieces, and I can use them to make up the number when refining the legendary golem.

According to common sense, refining the legendary golem should be perfect, and it is best to use legendary soul crystals.

Golems refined using legendary soul crystals are more outstanding in intelligence and can rival intelligent creatures. It's a pity that there is not enough time left for Richard. Entering the red moon plane this time may require a long battle, and the senior leaders of Harland's leadership simply cannot spare any time to hunt the legendary undead in the blue plane. If you want to get the legendary soul crystal, you don't know how long you have to wait.

Entering the red moon plane is bound to face a lot of battles. In order to increase combat effectiveness in the shortest time, Richard can only use advanced soul crystals to refine the second legendary golem in the shortest time.

After dealing with the deep sea monster, Richard led the first echelon and quickly arrived at the capital of the Kingdom of Parame.

Hawkins Castle, the capital of the Kingdom of Parame, is a port city. By observing the scale of the city, Richard found that the city's permanent population is about 300,000.

In fact, due to the backward industrial level, cities cannot support too many unemployed people. Most of the large cities in the eastern countries have a population of around 200,000 to 300,000.

Nolan, the capital of the Grant Kingdom, has a total population of about three to four hundred thousand. The important cities in the northern region, Black River Castle, Grizzly Bear Castle, and Flame Castle, had a population of more than 200,000 at their peak.

After coming to the Dawn Plane for more than thirty years, Richard has basically been active in the eastern part of the Central Continent. He has entered many cities and found that large cities have a maximum population of three to four hundred thousand, while smaller cities only have a population of tens of thousands.

Only Harland commands Fort William, which now has a population of over half a million.

Fort William is located in a river valley and has a very small area. The city's land is already seriously insufficient.

Due to geographical restrictions, it is actually not suitable for being a capital. Starting ten years ago, many foresighted officials proposed to Richard to move the capital.

At the earliest time, Richard was preparing to move the capital to the Losar Basin. Ten years ago, a large number of people moved from Fort William to the Losar Basin.

The Losa Basin is the area with the best conditions in the Eagle Mountains. If the Harland Territory has the Eagle Mountains as its core territory and has a territory of 200,000 to 300,000 square kilometers, the Losa Basin is very suitable to be the capital.

The situation has developed very rapidly in the past ten years. The Harland Territory went north to capture Pryland, occupying almost the entire northern prairie. The South also exchanged territories and captured the three duchies of Edward, Jonathan, and Fox, plus the Northern Territory. The fertile territory of the three provinces of Xinjiang.

The geographical location of Pulilan and Black River Fort is more suitable for establishing a capital than the Losa Basin.

Especially Heihe Fort, although it has been incorporated into the Harland Territory for a short time, it already has a population of 400,000, which is even more than Nolan City. According to the current development speed of Heihe Fort, it will surpass Fort William and become the Harland Territory within five years. A big city.

Black River Fort has such a prominent geographical location, with mature land and a large population. Many senior leaders of Harland want to set the capital here.

It's just that in Richard's mind, he wanted to establish his capital in Pulilan or a coastal city.

Although the capital of Heihe Fort has many advantages, after all, it is too close to the Grant Kingdom and the terrain in the south is undefeable. In addition, it is too far away from the northern territory, making it difficult to control the northern territory.

And with Pulilan in the capital, it is easier to grasp and control the northern territory.

Setting up capitals in coastal areas is of great benefit to maritime trade. Coastal countries such as the East Coast, Sissi, and Palame all have their capitals in seaport cities. Although ocean navigation in the Dawn Plane is more dangerous, Richard knows in his heart that only by embracing the ocean can the territory have a better future.

Unfortunately, both Pulilan and the coastal area are relatively deserted now. No matter the senior officials of the territory or ordinary soldiers and officials, they do not want to set the capital here, so the issue of moving the capital has been put on hold and has been delayed for several years.

After arriving at Hawkins Castle, the capital of the Palame Kingdom, Richard first met with the senior officials of the Palame Kingdom and exchanged a large amount of super magic metal with various magic materials. Then he used gold coins to buy some grain and distributed it along the way to Auxerre Castle.

After a few days of rest, Haaland led the troops into two groups.

Richard appointed Sutton as the fleet commander and took the fleet back to Black River Castle to take on the transportation task. He took Sophia and Sylph to build military depots and supply points. After a few days, Richard finally arrived at Osei. Castle.

The headquarters of the Church of the Dawn is in Auxerre Castle. Because of this, there are many legendary masters near this castle.

After entering the Auxerre Castle, Richard first met with the Holy Father of the Dawn.

Covenant Fang is a legendary fourth-level priest. In the age of kingship when the gods were sleeping and semi-gods could not emerge, the legendary fourth-level priest was already the most powerful master. Moreover, Covenant Fang is also a powerful priest who can use the power of artifacts. Most demigods are no match for him.

This old priest, who is over 360 years old, is a real heavyweight in the Dawn Plane.

Covenant Fang's appearance was quite ordinary, and his clothes looked very simple. Like the legendary priest Ma Weila that Richard had seen, his appearance was very old, as if he was about to die.

The Dawn Plane is a world with gods. The Pope is the assistant of the gods in managing believers, and his status is second only to the incarnation of the gods. Without devout faith and strong will, it is impossible to accommodate the huge divine power. Therefore, the popes and legendary priests of each generation must have great similarities with the gods in their outlook and code of conduct.

As long as the gods are in the good camp, the power of the church cannot be evil, and their moral level is higher than that of the world. Unless the gods are corroded by the demon king and have fallen from the good camp to the evil camp, there will be evil in the church.

Among the seven gods of the Dawn Plane, the Gods of Glory, Dawn, Fairness and Justice are all gods of the good camp. The God of Truth, the Goddess of Wealth, the God of Earth, and the God of Kingship are the gods of the neutral camp.

In the teachings of the Church of the Seven Gods, fairness and justice, the God of Glory, and the Goddess of Dawn all have a lot of content that guides people to do good. The moral standards of the pastors of these three families are higher than those of the other four.

When meeting the Covenant Fang, Richard did not bring any guards or entourage with him. The Covenant Fang is one of the greatest masters in the Dawn Plane. Even a legendary magician would find it difficult to block one of his legendary magic spells.

If a character like this wanted to deal with Richard, ordinary guards would be of no use at all.

After seeing Richard, Covenant asked several of his followers to leave and took the initiative to shake hands with Richard. Although the Pope of Dawn looked very old, his palms were particularly warm. After seeing Richard, Sheng Yaofang showed some admiration on his face, nodded with satisfaction and said: "More than twenty years ago, I heard Ma Vila praise the Duke. Ma Vila has a very harsh and serious character. , to be praised by him, the Duke must have advantages beyond ordinary people.

I met the Duke today and found that the Duke's self-control is indeed very strong. For more than 20 years, the Duke did not use the power of the God of Slaughter and relied on himself to reach this point. If the Duke restrains his desires, he can go a long way in the future. "

For more than twenty years, Richard has been restraining his desire to become stronger and has not used the power of the God of Slaughter to advance. By looking at the attribute panel, Richard knows that his killing experience has accumulated to five million.

Five million killing experience is enough for Richard to upgrade the two professions of magician and warrior to the fourth level of legend.

With both magic and martial arts professions promoted to the fourth level of legend, Richard's spiritual power will exceed one hundred points, and his strength will exceed seventy points. In the entire Dawn Plane, although he has not yet mastered the legendary spell template, relying on his strong basic attributes, Richard's strength is quite advanced.

At least when you meet a legendary fourth-level magician, you have enough strength to fight.

However, relying on the power of the God of Slaughter to be promoted, this power will penetrate into Richard's soul and gradually change his character. When he is promoted to demigod and ignites the divine fire, his soul will become a battlefield for gods to compete for, and it will become quite serious. Danger.

Compared to when he first time traveled more than 30 years ago, the reason why Richard has become colder and easier to kill is that, in addition to being forced by the environment, he frequently used the power of the God of Killing more than 20 years ago, which is also crucial to the subtle influence of his character.

After meeting the Pope of Dawn, Richard suddenly felt a familiar feeling, as if he had met the Pope many years ago.

This strange emotion suddenly appeared in his heart, and Richard couldn't help but ask: "Dear Lord Fang Mian of the covenant, have we met before?"

The covenant party nodded and did not hide it from Richard.

"The Duke's perception is indeed very keen. It was already thirty-two years ago. At that time, the bishop of Heihe County discovered that the Duke's soul was possessed by a high-ranking demon. After receiving the news, I did not dare to neglect and rushed to Heihe County in person to exorcise you. Demon. After exorcising the demon, I discovered the killing power in your body, and used the power of the morning light to suppress it for you for a period of time.

I thought that relying on the power of the Goddess of Dawn, I could suppress the power of the God of Killing for thirty years. Unexpectedly, in less than five years, the Duke awakened the power of killing. Soon his professional level advanced rapidly. The Duke awakened the power of killing to Ma Wei. The years when La met the Duke were the most frightening years for me.

The situation of the Duke at that time was extremely troublesome to deal with. Once I made up my mind to eliminate the hidden danger of the Duke, the God of Killing would move away from the Duke and find its next host. By then we will lose the upper hand, and it will be very troublesome for us to lose control of the situation. If time is delayed a little longer, the Duke will be able to rely on the power of the God of Slaughter and grow to a very terrifying state.

Once the Duke is allowed to rely on the power of killing, the power of the Church of the Dawn may not have a chance of winning. Fortunately, the Duke listened to Maweila's advice, otherwise I would have to clean up this mess myself. "

After hearing Covenant Fang's story and combining it with his own guesses, Richard had some idea of ​​his physical condition.

"Coupled with the goddess of dawn, there are three gods in her body. At a critical moment, this will be a big trouble after all."

Sensing the sadness on Richard's face, Covenant Fang said a few words of comfort: "The Duke's body is very special. Three divinities remain in the Duke's body, one is good, one is evil, and one is neutral, which just strikes a balance.

The good divinity is left by the goddess, the evil one is the god of killing, and the neutral one is the most special and powerful. I don’t know which god left it, but this divine will seems to have disappeared. When the Duke reaches the point of lighting the Divine Fire, the goddess will help the Duke suppress the power of the God of Killing. After mastering the three divinities, it will be easier to ignite the Divine Fire.

On the road to becoming a god, the Duke is already far ahead of us old bones. "

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