Lord Harland

Chapter 447 Marriage Again

The value of the water of life is very high. In extreme cases, one portion can be exchanged for a viscounty. It is impossible to sell a bottle of water of life to the outside world.

A bottle of water of life can increase life span by two hundred years. It is the least expensive life-extending potion. No matter who gets this treasure, they will take it themselves first. Even if a situation like Richard or Sophia occurs, they will leave it to them. the closest person.

Preserving water of life for a long time, selling and trading such things will face the prying eyes of many legendary magicians. It is actually very unsafe and extremely risky. After all, in this world where extraordinary power belongs to oneself, the weak and the strong are the lowest. Logic, many of the powerful legendary magicians are not reasonable people.

Besides, most people couldn't afford to exchange a bottle of water of life. Even King Roger couldn't offer anything of equal value. Unless he is willing to divide the territory and give Richard a duchy.

However, the area of ​​territory directly under the royal family is no longer comparable to that of the Harland family. Even if the Roger Kingdom wanted to exchange, the Grant family would not be able to let him succeed in the exchange and cut their own meat to feed the big tiger of the Harland family. The Grant Kingdom belongs to the entire royal family, not to Roger alone.

Roger's influence on the Grant family is far inferior to that of Richard on the Harland family, because Richard is considered the founder of the Harland family.

Under the leadership of Richard, the Harland family's brilliant success over the past twenty years has made the family members blindly follow Richard. Even William and Bernie, once Richard makes up his mind, even if it touches their interests, the two of them will They would not rashly oppose it, but actively support Richard's decision.

Although King Roger is the most powerful person in the Grant family, once he chooses to harm the collective interests of the royal family for his own interests, it may cause internal political instability. A little carelessness can even trigger internal political struggles.

Although the territory of Grant Kingdom has expanded rapidly in the past twenty years, King Roger also has a very high prestige. In addition to the absence of Duke Brener as his mother-in-law, they are already the most prestigious people in the history of the Grant Kingdom, but they are still incomparable with the founder of a great aristocracy like Richard.

Moreover, Richard had a normal relationship with King Roger, and he did not want him to increase his life span by two hundred years and advance to the legendary realm. After all, Roger is Richard's lord. According to the political rules of the Dawn Plane, Richard is naturally shorter.

Even if the Harland family is recognized by the Holy Radiant Empire in the future and becomes independent from the Grant Kingdom, Richard will still need to bow when he sees the Roger Kingdom. The Harland territory cannot expand in the direction of the Grant Kingdom, let alone take the initiative to invade.

From the dark thoughts in Richard's heart, he is unwilling to live under Roger's shadow for a long time. When the Harland family develops for another thirty years, the population exceeds tens of millions, and the Orc Prairie is successfully developed, the Grant Kingdom Lee Everyone has the idea of ​​​​annexing.

Based on this idea, Richard could not exchange anything that could really increase the strength of the Grant royal family.

The value of a bottle of water of life can no longer be exchanged for merit. Richard was unwilling to take risks in the transaction, so he had to distribute it, and the core layer of the territory got some.

Sutton has been promoted to the ninth level for more than fifteen years. From a half-elf race, there is no rush to advance to the legendary realm.

Although elves and half-elves have long lifespans, it is far more difficult to break through the realm than humans. Generally speaking, half-elves have to stay at the ninth level for at least thirty years before they try to break through to the legendary realm.

Sutton originally planned to wait another fifteen years, but he didn't expect good luck to come too soon.

Ever since he and Undine persuaded their mother to join the Harland Territory, the Sutton family's luck has become particularly good, and the Dawn Elves have also experienced rapid development. First, Sylph was promoted to legend. Unexpectedly, just five years later, she would get another chance to break through the realm by taking a whole bottle of water of life. Even the princes of large elven tribes cannot have the luxury of drinking a whole bottle of water of life to break through to the legendary realm.

Although the life-increasing effect was wasted because he took a portion of the Water of Life last time, Sutton is a half-elf and has a lifespan of more than a hundred years. As long as he is promoted to legend this time, he can also use the increase in life level to increase his lifespan by sixty years. .

Moreover, with the development of Harland's leadership, Richard, Sophia, and Undine will definitely be promoted to legendary mages, and they will also have the opportunity to obtain other life-extending methods. In the short term, Sutton still has plenty of life left, and death is still far away from him.

After everyone returned to Fort William in the magic airship, Sutton immediately went to the Star Alliance headquarters for retreat, while Richard brought a bottle of water of life to his second son Rex.

Rex is just two years old and three months old. Compared to his brother Philip, he has better luck. Not only did he inherit his mother's half-elf bloodline, his lifespan is longer than that of ordinary people, but he also drank a whole bottle of water of life, giving him a lifespan of 300 years. Sixty years.

Among Richard's three children, Philip's chances were worse after all.

After all, no one can predict the future. Unexpectedly, in just five years, Harland has once again obtained a large amount of water resources of life. If I had known today, Phillip should have given up the opportunity last time, and this time it would be Phillip and Rex's turn to take the water of life. It would take a while for Sutton to be promoted to legend.

The water of life is very compatible with the elves. Although Sutton's breakthrough was not as smooth as Sylph's, he still successfully broke through to the legendary realm after more than ten days of seclusion.

Sutton and Silver broke through successively, plus William from the south, the Harland family has three legends, and its strength has obviously increased a lot.

The Harland family's rapid development speed made even the Grant royal family feel dumbfounded.

Who would have thought that in just fifteen years, the Harland family would far surpass the royal family in terms of high-level combat effectiveness. Since the death of Duke Brenner in the battle, the royal family has not promoted a second legend.

Because breaking through the legend involves great risks, Roger Kingdom has some scruples and does not dare to break through the realm easily. Nine-ring magician Pansy Grant has insufficient background, and it is also very dangerous to be promoted to a legendary magician. The one with the greatest chance was actually Count Steven, but this man was unlucky and died in battle a few years ago.

Not counting Steven who died in the battle, the Grant family now has six ninth-level professionals. In addition to Roger Kingdom and Pansy, there are also the Duke of York, the previous generation's eldest prince Philip, the vice president of the Mage Association Shane, and the Southern Guards. Heaton, the new commander of the army.

The Duke of York's situation is similar to that of Roger's Kingdom. They have accumulated enough knowledge. However, people with high positions and authority lack the determination to fight to the death unless they obtain a very high-grade legendary potion that can protect their own lives. , otherwise he would never take the risk of being promoted to the legendary realm.

Xia En, the vice-president of the Mage Association, has even less background. He is a battle mage. Although he has refined two high-level Styx potions produced by Harland, his mental power has increased to 37 points, which is far away from hitting the legendary bottleneck. The minimum standards are far from adequate.

Heaton is a rising star in the Grant family. He succeeded Earl Steven in his position and served as the commander of the Southern Guards Corps. His accumulation is still a little insufficient, and it will take a few years to break through to the legend.

The previous eldest prince Philip was forced by the Duke of Brenner when he was young. He was forced to give up the throne and enter the monastery of the Church of the Dawn. In fact, it is equivalent to breaking away from the Grant family. This man has extraordinary talent, and like Richard, he is a candidate for both magic and martial arts. His priest level has been promoted to the ninth level, and his knight profession has also reached the ninth level.

The promotion of a priest requires a lot of faith, and also requires the favor of gods to help him break through the realm. Because the goddess of dawn's recovery is relatively low, she can now only promote three legendary priests to serve as pope, high priest, and cardinal respectively.

There are more than 20 ninth-level pastors of Dawn Church, all waiting to be promoted to legends, and Philip is ranked behind these 20 people. After Mavela died of illness, the Church of Dawn has elected a new cardinal, and with the help of the goddess, he has been promoted to a legendary priest. If Philip wants to be promoted to a legend, it may be faster to start from the knight side.

Although six members of the royal family have been promoted to the ninth level, and they have more than twenty ninth-level people under their command, none of these people have been promoted to legend. In the Harland family, in just five years, Sylph, William, and Sutton have broken through to legend. . Although there is not yet the most powerful legendary magician, the high-level combat power has far exceeded that of the Grant royal family and can be compared with the Ryan royal family.

After Sutton was successfully promoted to legend, Sylph came directly to Richard to discuss, hoping to give up the original territory and move the elf tribe to the Mystery Lock to take care of the Tree of Life.

In addition to producing water of life, the leaves and branches of the Tree of Life are very good magic materials and can be used to make a variety of magic props, which are very rare in the market.

In addition, the fruit of the tree of life, the fruit of life, is also of great help to the development of the elves' population. Long-term consumption of this fruit can not only increase magic power in a small amount, but also has great benefits for female elves in conceiving life.

Generally speaking, once an elf tribe discovers the Tree of Life, they will inevitably live a settled life under the tree. A large elf tribe with thousands of people may only move within a hundred or two hundred miles nearby.

After discovering the Tree of Life, Richard estimated in advance that Sylph might make such a request. He has already considered this issue very clearly.

"Because of Undine, I will agree to your request and hand over the Tree of Life to the Dawn Elf Tribe, but you must also fulfill your promise and be loyal to the Harland family.

In the event of a war, you must obey the lord's call and allocate manpower to help the Harland leader fight. You must also hand over half of the output of the Tree of Life to the lord's mansion. "

Hearing Richard's answer, Sylph was particularly happy. She nodded and said: "Don't worry Richard, the Dawn Elves will be tied to the Harland family. I have discussed with Sutton and decided to Your youngest daughter Windsor will marry your second son Rex, and Sutton's granddaughter Lyla will also become Philip's court lady.

I swear to you in the name of the Elf God that the elves of the Morning Glory tribe will not support Rex and Philip in their fight for the head of the Harland family. My descendants will intermarry with your descendants for generations, and their blood will blend without distinction. "

Sutton had three partners, two of whom were humans and one of whom was an elf. Because Sutton has half-elf ancestry, his lifespan is far longer than that of ordinary people. The lifespan of Sutton's first two human wives has long been exhausted. His youngest daughter Windsor is the child of Sutton and the female elf Rilla, and has three-quarters of elven blood.

The child's genes basically followed that of his mother, and he had particularly obvious elf characteristics.

Children with extremely strong elven blood tend to have longer lifespans than ordinary half-elves, and most of them can reach three to four hundred years old, just enough to accompany Rex who drank the water of life throughout his life.

Although Sutton's youngest daughter is already sixteen or seventeen years old, for a race with a long lifespan, she is still a child at this age. If you look at it over a long period of time, she is considered to be the same age as Rex.

Although Sutton's granddaughter Leila also has elven blood, it is actually very thin. This marriage is actually just an addition.

After Richard and Sylph reached an agreement, Sutton and Sylph submitted an application to the Halland Territory Noble Council, giving up their original territory and acquiring 6,000 square kilometers of land near the Tree of Life. Although the elves don't like the cold climate in Bolton Forest, all difficulties can be overcome if they can live near the Tree of Life.

Moreover, the Elf Mystery Lock has been repaired and can still be used. Its actual security is more guaranteed than the original territory.

The population of the Chenhui tribe is not large, with a total of more than 400 elves.

Four hundred elves only need a small amount of baggage. Richard and Undine only need to make a trip with space props to carry the elves and consume a year's worth of baggage.

Although the elves are small in number, their actual combat effectiveness far exceeds that of the eleven noble families of Belayni. Even if the 30,000 mercenaries from northern Pulilan combined, their combat effectiveness is not as good as the more than 400 elves and half-elves led by the two legends. .

With the elves supporting Bolton Forest, Richard can rest assured about the safety of the north.

After the elves migrated to Bolton Forest, Richard could reward thirty or forty baronies in the territory handed over by Suttonsilver. Including the eleven barons in northern Puliland, Richard's vassals already exceeded sixty.

Although the power of the Harland family has surpassed that of the Grant royal family, the vassals directly under it are only equivalent to one-sixth of the level of the royal family. The vassals under Richard can pull out a coalition of 20,000 and 30,000 nobles, while the royal vassals have an army of 100,000. .

In addition, the Harland family also lacks the loyalty of the great nobles. Within the Harland territory, the only families that have the opportunity to be promoted to the nobility in a short period of time are Roman and Sutton.

The lack of loyalty from the great nobles and the small number of vassals under their command resulted in the Harland family controlling very few troops, less than 200,000 people. The Grant royal family was not counted as the Harland leader, and the national mobilization could pull out a million troops.

Although the army led by Harland has powerful combat capabilities and possesses a variety of advanced magic weapons, its overall strength is still a bit lower than that of the Grant Kingdom.

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