Lord Harland

Chapter 415 Adaptation

Richard knew in his heart that he had indeed hurt Sophia's feelings by marrying Undine as his palace wife. He could not see it at ordinary times, but at the critical moment, Richard was still aware of the extreme and resentment in her heart.

The marriage between Richard and Sophia is different from ordinary aristocratic marriages. There is an emotional foundation between them.

Although most nobles in the Dawn Plane have palace wives, Sophia also lives in such an environment and can accept it psychologically to a certain extent. But when she saw Richard and Undine together, she couldn't help but feel sad and resentful.

Although Richard has taken great care of her emotions in the past year and is more emotionally inclined to her, it is still difficult for her to adapt to the fact that there is an extra woman in the palace.

"If you insist that Philip practice breathing techniques from now on, you must let him mature as soon as possible. If you want to make a person mature in thought, experiencing suffering is also a way.

Philip had lived in a palace where he had no worries about food and clothing and lived an exquisite life since he was a child. All he saw in his eyes were beautiful things. Whatever he wanted, his wish could be achieved immediately. Ever since he was born, life has been so comfortable.

I think it would be better to let Philip experience the life of a freeman and an indentured servant, and suffer a little hardship in life. He will first be an indentured servant for three months, and then a freeman for nine months. Living an ordinary life and having this life experience will be a good thing for his future development. "

"But how can Philip's safety be ensured?"

After hearing Richard's suggestion, Sophia was obviously tempted. But Philip is Richard's designated heir. If he leaves his tight protection and something goes wrong outside, it is likely to intensify the internal struggle within the territory, and then something unspeakable may happen.

Richard thought for a moment and replied: "The two of us have too many things to do every day, and I need to make the decision on all the big and small things in the territory. It is difficult to spare a year to take care of this child. I am going to let Jennings and Wendy , Vito, Anne, and Morgan took time to secretly protect Philip's safety.

I think the place where Philip received training is also located near Fort William. If there is any problem, we can intervene nearby. Unless there is an attack by a legendary professional, otherwise with the protection of the five Jennings, we don’t need to worry about Philip’s safety.

Don't worry, I will talk to Undine. I am going to seal Undine's child in the East Coast Province. The East Coast Province covers an area of ​​more than 200,000 square kilometers, which is twice the size of a duchy. It is enough to appease the Undine and Sutton families. In fact, we have communicated many times and Undine has no determination to fight for the inheritance rights for her children. "

"Not now, but maybe in the future. We, mother and son, need to take the initiative into our own hands."

Hearing what Sophia said, Richard suddenly fell into silence.

Sophia must fight for Philip's inheritance. This is not because she is passionate about power, nor is it her own business.

Behind Sophia is the Stork family, including her brother, uncle, nephew, and many people who are closely related to the Stork family.

Once Philip loses in the succession struggle, many people will be implicated.

Sophia had seen with her own eyes that King Charles' son Felix had his head cut off, his mother Mrs. Holland was humiliated by the rioters and her body was gone, her uncle Jerram's family died tragically in the riots, and even the newborn baby was killed. No life was saved.

Hundreds of men in the Holland family were all beheaded by the victor King Roger. The fate of the female members was even more tragic, which is self-evident.

This is the fate of losers.

The fight for inheritance between nobles is very bloody. Sophia is also a noble, and she has seen many such things. If Philip loses the inheritance, how can he survive the cruel struggle once Richard is gone?

In the cruel Colosseum, only the strongest will have the last laugh.

Besides, is the relationship between father and son reliable?

In order to compete for power, father and son killed each other among nobles, and the massacre of flesh and blood was not uncommon.

Among the Harland family, the relationship between Richard and William is not very close.

Once Richard changes his mind, it will be impossible for Philip to decide his own fate.

Richard married Undine as the palace lady, which also made Sophia lose confidence in relationships.

Seeing that Sophia was in a very low mood, Richard quickly held Sophia in his arms. He stroked Sophia's white and tender skin, and immediately became interested and carried Sophia into the bedroom.

After the passion, Richard whispered to Sophia: "Don't worry, I will never change my heart for you. Tomorrow I will talk to Zhannings and others and ask them to put down their work and be responsible for protecting Phillip's safety. When Phillip becomes Professional, I will immediately declare him to be the heir to the duchy."

Richard carefully selected the people who protected Philip. These people were either members of the Harland family or relatives.

Jennings is Richard's cousin-in-law, and his position does not involve the struggle for inheritance. Wendy is Richard's sister and has great influence in the Harland Mage Association. She is also an important figure in the Harland family. Vito is Cousin Sophia will obviously support Philip. Anne has taken care of Philip since she was a child, and Margaret has grown up. She has a deeper affection for the two children than either Richard or Sophia. She is a distant member of the Harland family and represents the backbone of the Harland family to a certain extent.

Morgan is Richard's cousin. He grew up with Richard and studied at the Knight Academy. The Soros family he represents plays an important role in Harland's territory.

With the support of the five of them, Philip's position will be secure.

The reason why Richard asked the five people to protect Philip personally was to give them a chance to get along with each other, so that the five people could have an emotional foundation with the next generation of lords.

These five people who protect Philip are also very high-level professionals.

Zhan Nings is an eighth-level warrior who has great influence in the army. He is now considered the third-ranking figure in the army system.

Morgan was also promoted to the seventh level Silver Knight last winter. He was promoted to Silver Knight at the age of forty. Morgan's talent clearly surpassed his father's. Uncle Soros's lineage has seized the opportunity very well during the development and growth of Harland's leadership. Soros was successfully promoted to the ninth level in February this year. He is the second ninth-level professional in Harland besides Sutton.

Cousin Morgan was promoted to Silver Knight last winter, and cousin Audrey is even more talented than Morgan. Audrey is three years younger than Richard, and has been promoted to the sixth level knight for two years. With such an advancement speed, she can reach the legendary realm, and is a relatively rare legendary seed in Harland's leadership.

Richard's sister Wendy is a magician. It has been almost five years since she advanced to the sixth level. She is expected to break through the bottleneck soon and become the fifth high-level magician in Harland.

Annie's magic talent is also good, and she was promoted to the fifth ring last winter.

Vito, who has the weakest combat effectiveness, is also a seventh-level warrior with very rich experience.

Five people join forces, even the nine-ring magician is no match.

Richard wrote a letter in front of Sophia and extended an invitation by holding a family dinner. After everyone had arrived, Richard said: "I am going to make Philip the heir to the territory, but he is still young and immature in his thinking. I need to let him experience a hard life and mature as soon as possible.

The location was set to be near Fort William, and he would be an indentured servant for three months and then a freeman for nine months. During this time, you must allow him to undergo rigorous exercise and protect his safety closely.

This is not only the request of the lord, but also the entrustment of the father. It has delayed your time. However, for the sake of the future of the territory and for the sake of cultivating the child into a strong and mature person, please agree to my presumptuous request. "

Richard clearly identified Philip as his heir in front of several people. After hearing these words, the five people present had different expressions.

Vito and Anne were obviously very happy, and Wendy also showed an appreciative smile. Jennings and Morgan felt a little sudden and a little unbelievable.

Vito is Sophia's cousin, and Anne has been Sophia's assistant for many years. Needless to say, their attitudes are different. Wendy, who has been with her sister-in-law Sophia for twenty years, also supports Sophia's children to become lords, and appreciates Richard's decision very much.

"Is it too early to decide now?"

Morgan had a very close relationship with Richard. Even though the inheritance of the title was very sensitive, he still chose to speak up and express his doubts.

"It would be better to settle it earlier, which is conducive to the stability of the territory. Margaret is dedicated to studying magic and has been promoted to a third-level mage this year. She has already expressed her intention to give up her inheritance rights. I am going to give up the child on the east coast of Undine. The province is left to him to inherit. The boy has elven blood and must be very fond of that forest."

After hearing Richard's explanation, Morgan nodded and said: "Now that you have decided, if there are any twists and turns in the future, don't change your determination easily."

Richard felt Morgan's heartfelt concern, held Morgan's hand tightly and said, "I leave the child to you."

The three Richard siblings lost their mother when they were young, and their father, William, soon married Mrs. Ola. In order not to disturb William's wedding, the eldest brother Ron and the second brother Barron entered the Knight Academy, while the three brothers Richard lived in the home of their uncle Soros. They did not return home until George was born and William's marriage stabilized.

Although Richard had already traveled through time and matured mentally, the experience of living with Morgan and Audrey still allowed them to develop a deep relationship.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of Philip and make him a man."

Although Jennings, Morgan, Wendy and others were usually very busy, they had no choice but to agree to Richard's request because of Richard's earnest requests.

That night, Richard decided to have a good talk with Philip. Although Philip was very unhappy, he still could not change his parents' minds and was involuntarily sent to a farm near Fort William.

Philip's farm is located in the north of the Tulum coal mine, about six kilometers away from the coal mine.

This farm is located on a relatively gentle hillside. Because there is a spring with abundant water in the middle of the mountain, there is no shortage of water sources. It was designated as a land reclamation base by the Harland leader. After three years of land reclamation, this base has already More than 200 people live there.

Almost all of these two hundred people were indentured slaves. Because they did not have free status, even though it was very close to Fort William, the news was still very limited. Except for cadres who went to the countryside, there were almost no outsiders throughout the year.

The conditions for reclaiming wasteland in mountainous areas are of course very difficult. Living in this kind of village and having to work like the children of indentured servants every day was a cruel reality that Philip simply could not accept. Although he cried many times, pretended to be dead, and even harmed himself, the five people responsible for protecting him remained unmoved.

The elders were determined to make Philip suffer the hardships of life. Although life was very difficult, the five Wendys basically lived with Philip every day. In the evening, they would tell Philip about their childhood. Especially for Jennings, his childhood was far more difficult and miserable than what Philip is living now.

Every once in a while, Richard and Sophia will come to see the child and give him a day off to relax. But he never paid attention to Phillip's cries and left him here when he left.

In this way, time passed day by day, and Philip slowly adapted to the life of an indentured servant. Perhaps the child had strong adaptability to begin with, and gradually he could endure the pain.

Just as Richard was cultivating his children's ability to endure suffering, the special envoy from the East Coast United Kingdom came to Harland Territory.

In the war last year, the Harland Territory captured 80,000 regular troops of the United Kingdom on the east coast.

Because Haaland's army suffered heavy losses in last year's war, everyone hated the United Kingdom's army on the east coast. These prisoners were not treated well.

The prisoner-of-war camp almost used them as orc slaves. In just a few months, thousands of prisoners of war had died.

This time, the special envoy from the United Kingdom on the East Coast came to Haaland to negotiate the ransom.

The special envoy who came to negotiate was still Edmund.

Several years have passed, and this person's position has basically not changed. He is still the deputy speaker of the East Coast United Kingdom's Noble Council. His professional level is still ninth level, and he has not broken through to the legendary realm.

Taking the Grant Kingdom as an example, there are more than fifty ninth-level professionals, but only Sylph and William have truly achieved legendary status. There used to be Harmon from the Edward family, but he was unlucky enough to die at the hands of an orc last year.

Nowadays, the Grant Kingdom has swallowed up a large area of ​​land in the south, with a total population of nearly 48 million people. For such a large population, there are only two or three legends. This shows the scarcity of legendary professionals.

In the last war, Edmund was the special envoy for the negotiations. He was accompanied by Simone of the Eunice family. Unfortunately, this man was unlucky. After the Battle of Elsa Castle, he was wiped out by Richard's troops. Simone died in the battle. .

The two wars dealt a heavy blow to the strength of the Younis family. In the first war, the Sixth Legion was completely wiped out, and the legion commander, the ninth-level knight Caesar, died at the hands of Richard.

Five years later in the second war, the Thirteenth Army led by Simeone met the same fate.

After losing two elite legions, although the Yunis family still has some strength, it is actually only equivalent to a viscounty. Richard severely damaged the United Kingdom on the East Coast, which has caused the country's power system to begin to collapse and the power to be imbalanced.

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