Lord Harland

Chapter 410 Territory Division

Richard won a brilliant victory, and the four earls in the south of the Grant Kingdom also seized the opportunity and advanced more than a hundred kilometers south, extending their tentacles to the north of the Andal Mountains.

After the Battle of Elsaborg, the United Kingdom on the east coast retreated across the board. More than 130,000 square kilometers of land south of the Andal Mountains, west of the Gut River, and south of the Mara River were owned by the Grant Kingdom.

In this Three Kingdoms War, although the Eastern Front Army led by Richard did not expand the largest area, its merits ranked first among the four battlefields, because Harland led the main force of the United Kingdom on the East Coast, which had stronger combat effectiveness.

Compared with King Roger and the four eastern marquises, Richard's opponents are also nine East Coast United Kingdom legions.

The Grant Kingdom's northern front troops were about 160,000 strong, but they could barely maintain an undefeated situation.

In the Battle of Richard's Elsa Castle, he defeated the 220,000 allied troops of the United Kingdom on the East Coast from the front, annihilated more than 140,000 enemies, and completely determined the outcome. He killed the legendary second-level knight Mark Dean and severely damaged the East Coast. United Kingdom.

The merits of this battle are almost comparable to those of Duke Brener's Dragon Canyon battle. Richard's achievements are enough to be praised in the Grant Kingdom for many years, and will also be recorded in the history books written by the nobles.

After the defeat of the United Kingdom on the East Coast, it immediately withdrew its troops from the Grant Kingdom and began to mobilize troops to the front. The two sides also formed a new border line.

In the Battle of Elsaborg, although Harland led the army with a great reputation, the casualties in this battle were also very miserable.

At the beginning of the war, Haaland led three battles and three victories with very slight losses. He wiped out more than 60,000 enemies and only suffered 700 casualties.

However, in the subsequent battle with the main force of the United Kingdom on the east coast, the casualties suddenly increased a lot.

The rear-end troops led by Levin and Socks suffered the most casualties. They were killed in battle and nearly 4,000 people were missing. The few remaining prisoners were also ordered to be executed by Mark Dean.

The next attack on the southern defense line of the Dukedom of Hubbard was a tough one. Adding up the large and small battles, the casualties were about 3,500.

Coupled with some attrition caused by disease during the battle, this battle caused a total of 8,500 casualties among soldiers, of which a very large number were killed, totaling more than 5,600.

The huge number of casualties was almost more than last year's Battle of Samba River.

In the last battle, Harland's army was mainly defensive. This time the war was mainly about attacking, not to mention that after the break, the army was almost completely wiped out by Mark Dean. Compared with defense, the casualties of attacking are naturally higher.

The casualties were nearly one-fifth, and morale was much slack. Although Richard allowed his soldiers to burn, kill, and loot after the war, most of the soldiers no longer wanted to fight because of the rich loot.

After the East Coast United Kingdom ceased to exist, the Delong Kingdom lacked strength and had no choice but to admit defeat.

More than a thousand years ago, the Kingdom of Delong was originally a powerful country on the mainland in the Dawn Plane, with a territory of more than two million, a population of more than 60 million, and more than a million elite soldiers. However, in the past few hundred years, it has been reduced to nothing.

First, it was defeated by the Kingdom of Lane and lost a large area of ​​land. Then the two Dukes of Guise and Duran rebelled and joined the Kingdom of Grant with their territories.

During the first war between the three countries five years ago, only 1.6 million square kilometers of land remained in the Delong Kingdom.

During the last Three Kingdoms War, the Kingdom of Delon first ceded 80,000 square kilometers of land to the United Kingdom of the East Coast. After the war, the Kingdom of Grant ceded 150,000 square kilometers of land.

Before the war started, the Delong Kingdom still had 1.37 million square kilometers of land. In this Three Kingdoms War, the Delong Kingdom suffered more serious losses, and the battle line was basically demarcated by the Mara River. The direct territory alone lost 340,000, and the four dukes of Isaac, Hubble, East, and Orlando were also lost.

In this war, the Delong Kingdom lost a total of 510,000 territories.

The war has reached this point, and the Delong Kingdom has only 860,000 square kilometers of land left, which is only slightly stronger than the Grand Duchy.

As the winner, the Grant Kingdom expanded its land by 640,000 square kilometers and increased its population by more than 16 million.

The Kingdom of Grant originally had only 1.2 million square kilometers of land. Over the years, the Duchy of Harland has expanded its land to the north by 200,000 square kilometers. From the Kingdom of Delon, the East Coast United Kingdom has expanded its land by 790,000 square kilometers. , despite the loss of the Earl of Silver Moon Island, the land area of ​​the Grant royal family reached 2.18 million square kilometers.

After defeating the Delon Kingdom and the United Kingdom's coalition forces on the east coast, the Grant Kingdom's momentum on the east coast of the Central Continent has become comparable to that of the two major powers, Lane and Stark.

This battle captured 640,000 square kilometers of land. How to divide the spoils was a test for the great nobles. If the spoils are divided unevenly, the cohesion of the kingdom will weaken in the future, and it may break apart when encountering internal problems.

The first is the four Earls of the South who have the least credit. Before the war started, the 4 Earls of the South only stabilized the defense line. Their only commendable contribution was to contain the two armies of the United Kingdom on the east coast.

It wasn't until Richard won the Battle of Elsa Castle that the United Kingdom on the East Coast was forced to retreat. Only then did the Fourth Earl of the South defeat the lost dog, seize some territory, and achieve some military exploits.

Because their merits are small and their strength is insufficient, their demands are relatively simple.

After discussing with several other great dukes, King Roger set aside part of the territory from the land north of the Andals Mountains and divided it among the four earls. Each of the four earls in the south was assigned a viscounty, with an area of ​​about four to five thousand square kilometers.

With the expansion of 640,000 square kilometers of land this year, the four southern earls combined will only be allocated 20,000.

The same is true for the four marquises in the east, because their territories were invaded by the United Kingdom from the east coast, and many serfs were killed and injured under the sea relocation order. This war was very miserable. After all, the five legions of the United Kingdom on the east coast were contained, and the navy also mainly fought against the four marquises in the east. However, their achievements are basically lackluster, and they can only be divided into one viscounty.

The four eastern marquises are close ministers of the royal family, and their territory is slightly larger. The total area of ​​the four viscounties is 30,000.

The alliance between Earl Steven and the southern nobles was relatively miserable. This army was almost completely wiped out. It did not make much merit before the defeat, so naturally it could not be crowned. It only received some supplies and rewards in gold coins.

The Earldom of Steven did not expand its territory, nor did it reduce its title.

Although Earl Steven was brave and upheld the honor of the nobility, after all, the Earl lost the battle and the retreat of Harland's army was cut off. If Richard's entire army is wiped out and the outcome of the Three Kingdoms War is affected, Count Steven will inevitably be held accountable, become a scapegoat, and be expelled from the territory.

Although there is no proverb in the Dawn Plane that the winner will not be blamed, in actual operations, no one cares about the interests of the losers. If Richard hadn't led the troops to achieve a decisive victory, Steven and the small southern nobles might have been held accountable and their territories expelled.

Next is the division of fat between the royal family and several major dukes, starting with Duke Jonathan. Duke Jonathan basically did not participate in this battle, and only provided some logistical resources, which was regarded as a sum of money. After the war, the knighthood only gave the Jonathan family a baron, which was equivalent to a consolation prize.

Although the two Dukes of York and Lorraine sent soldiers, they basically did not go to the front line. They were mainly responsible for tasks such as protecting grain roads and transporting baggage. Their contributions were not as good as those of the Earl of the South and the Marquis of the East.

However, the duke's influence was greater than that of the earl and marquis. Although he did not have much credit, the two major families of York and Lorraine still obtained a viscounty in the south, helping their families to flourish. However, the area of ​​these two viscounties is not large, only two to three thousand square kilometers, which is not half the area of ​​the territories of the earls and marquises.

At the Duke's level, he is already the rule maker and has a lot of room for maneuver. In addition, this war swallowed up 640,000 square kilometers of land in the southern region, equivalent to half of the kingdom. The royal family and several major dukes also divided the following territories slightly more generously. Even if the Dukes of York and Lorraine had little merit, they would still get a piece of fat, and their treatment would be far better than that of the viscounts and barons who fought bravely below.

The four Dukes Edward, Fox, Guise and Duran all participated in the war with all their strength.

Among the four great noble families, Duke Edward had the fewest soldiers, but he was very brave and good at fighting, and had made many meritorious deeds. The Western Front where they belonged also secured the most territory.

Each of the four great nobles received an earldom, and the territory was equally large, roughly between 30,000 and 40,000 square kilometers.

William, the commander-in-chief of the West Route Army, and Zachary, the commander-in-chief of the Central Route Army, were also granted the title of earl during this battle and were promoted to the noble class. However, the territories they were granted were slightly smaller, only a little more than 20,000 square kilometers. After all, the two of them were leading the central army of the royal family to fight. Although they were commanders of the front army, their treatment was not as good as that of the four great dukes.

In the past five years, as Steven, William, and Zachary have been ennobled as earls, seven earls have also been restored in the southern region.

After William and Zachary were promoted to great nobles, according to the usual practice, they had to retire from the royal central army and enter their own fiefdoms to develop.

There was no clear heir to the earldom of William, but anyone with a discerning eye knew that this territory could only be inherited by Richard's descendants. Otherwise, the Haaland family will inevitably cause civil strife and fratricide.

Nowadays, the power of Richard's lineage far exceeds that of other brothers. Even if William becomes an heir, the situation will inevitably turn around as soon as he dies.

With the current power of the Harland Dukedom, it can easily kill other heirs and then obtain the inheritance rights legitimately.

Ron and George were not fools, and of course they could understand this. If William left them less territory, Richard might not interfere with their development out of brotherly love.

If William handed over the earldom to them for inheritance, even if Richard did not come forward, Richard's children would take action, kill their uncles and cousins, and seize the inheritance rights of the territory.

Because William was knighted, Richard's support was the most critical. Moreover, the strength and weakness between the two parties is extremely obvious. As long as the power of Harland's territory is exerted, he can get rid of his competitors and obtain the inheritance rights.

Richard's children have a normal relationship with uncles such as Ron and George, and there is almost no family affection at all. There is no sense of guilt in killing such a relative with interests.

Although the nobles are greedy, they also have a clear understanding of power.

In the rules of the Dawn Plane, extraordinary power controls everything.

Unless one of Ron, George or William's other descendants can be promoted to a legend and has the strength to entangle with Richard's lineage, the power of Fort William will be able to take care of the overall situation and obtain some political and economic privileges through negotiations. Give up the inheritance rights of this county in the south.

Although the way of life among nobles is very glamorous on the outside, it is always bloody on the inside, full of conspiracies and plots.

The remaining territory is mainly divided between the Haaland family and the royal family.

In this battle, Richard beheaded Mark Dean and gained an earldom. He annihilated five legions on the east coast one after another. The two Dukes, Isaac and Hubble, had 40,000 private soldiers, which can be divided into about six. Earldom.

According to the statistical standards of Grant Kingdom's military exploits, Richard can obtain about seven counties, with a total area of ​​about 200,000 square kilometers.

The Grant royal family dispatched nine regular regiments in this battle, with a total strength of less than 200,000, and dominated the front lines of the Central Army and the North Army. Although he did not break the deadlock and decide the outcome, he actually fought against more than half a million enemies. Of course, they were allocated the most land, and the newly expanded direct territory was about 220,000.

In this battle, Richard obtained 200,000 square kilometers of land in the south. Many people under Haaland were ready to move, and they obviously wanted to develop in the south. Especially the bureaucrats, industrial and commercial classes in the territory, all wanted to put the territory in the south.

After all, from the perspective of natural environment and geopolitics, the territory in the south is obviously superior. Even some of the backbones of the army and hereditary nobles hoped that Richard would focus on the south.

"The southern territory has a warm climate and abundant rainfall. Most of it is plain, which is suitable for the development of industry and agriculture. If industry and agriculture are mainly developed in the future, the focus should be on the south.

The Northern Territory has more magic resources. Whether it is the natural magic well of Snow Crystal Lake or the coordinates of the plane passage, they are all in the north. If you want to achieve greater development in magic civilization, the focus should be on the north. "

Richard weighed it for a while and immediately decided to focus his energy on the north. The southern territory could be exchanged with Edward, Fox, the royal family and other great nobles.

After all, the Dawn Plane is an extraordinary world, and extraordinary power is the core resource. Only by developing extraordinary power can the Harland territory achieve greater development.

Not long after Richard made his decision, Dukes Fox and Edward sent people to test him. After all, Haaland has received 200,000 square kilometers of southern territory, and may not be willing to divide and exchange it.

The first thing to be negotiated was the Dukedom of Edward. The Edward family still had 60,000 square kilometers of territory in northern Xinjiang. Because the southern territory was more valuable than the northern territory, Richard only needed to set aside 40,000 to complete the exchange.

The deal was also concluded with serfs. The 300,000 serfs Duke Edward left in northern Xinjiang were all traded to the Harland family, while Richard exchanged them for southern serfs.

After this battle, Richard controlled a population of nearly five million in the southern territory. Because of the war money, the Harland Territory not only increased its land area by 200,000 square kilometers, but also controlled a population of almost eight million.

It's just that the population in the southern occupied area has not yet been effectively utilized, and it has not been very efficient for the time being. Because it has suffered from war, it may be necessary for Richard to invest some resources in the south.

After reaching an agreement with the Edward family, the two sides began to delimit their territories.

After the transaction was completed, the Edward family completed its identity transformation and became a great southern aristocracy, concentrating all its power in the south. Their territory in the south is approximately 75,000 square kilometers, slightly larger than the Duke of Guise five years ago. However, after suffering heavy losses from the orcs in northern Xinjiang, the Edward family was already the weakest duke in the Grant Kingdom.

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