Lord Harland

Chapter 408 The main battle

October 26th, early morning.

Although it has entered late October, the climate in the Delong Kingdom is not cold. If it is in the northern Xinjiang region, the temperature in the morning has already reached minus ten degrees, but in the Delong Kingdom, the streams have not yet frozen.

In terms of climate, the Delong Kingdom has four distinct seasons and rich products, making it more suitable for human survival.

However, this country is not rich in extraordinary resources. There are basically no natural magic wells in the territory, and the output of magic crystals is not very high. In the extraordinary world, it is far inferior to the Eagle Mountain Region.

The Orfalan Wizarding Organization that controlled the eastern part of the Central Continent at that time also had the Eagle Mountains, Dragon Canyon, Silver Wolf Mountains and other areas as its core. On the contrary, countries with large populations such as the Kingdom of Delon, the Kingdom of Maya, and the Kingdom of Stark are all poor and backward agricultural production areas in Offland, and their status is far inferior to that of the north.

After the grain road was cut off by Mark Dean's army, Richard led the soldiers led by Harland and took the initiative to launch a counterattack against the United Kingdom army on the east coast.

Although the United Kingdom on the East Coast deployed six legions on this line of defense, the 120,000-strong army was still unable to withstand the continued attack by Harland's army.

In just three days, Richard's troops have captured five castles and military strongholds and advanced more than 30 kilometers eastward. As long as they put more effort into conquering the last three military stations and castles, they can break through this line. line of defense and invaded the belly of the United Kingdom on the east coast.

At that time, Harland's soldiers, who have stronger field strength, can in turn cut off the logistics of the United Kingdom army on the east coast.

At this moment, this line of defense is like an egg. After breaking the shell, Richard can lead his troops and march straight in. At that time, the United Kingdom of the East Coast will be like a girl who has taken off her clothes and can only let Harland lead this strong man to ride on him.

The key to this battle is who can withstand it first.

After the sun rose, the soldiers led by Harland walked out of the tent one after another. After having breakfast, they lined up quietly and started marching.

Griffin cavalry, bipedal dragons, and magic hot air balloons took off one after another to detect the enemy's situation in all directions.

Eight kilometers away is the castle where the enemy is stationed. This castle is called Aisha Castle and is very close to the border between the Kingdom of Delon and the United Kingdom on the East Coast.

This castle has been under construction for four hundred years. Legend has it that it was named after Lady Elsa, the wife of the first Duke of Hubbard. Elsa Castle is also the core of the defense line deployed by the United Kingdom on the east coast.

According to Harland's battle plan, Richard planned to capture the city in the morning.

We will continue our efforts in the afternoon and capture the enemy's military station 25 kilometers away from the rear. If everything goes well today, we will be able to penetrate this line of defense and invade the United Kingdom on the east coast to alleviate the dilemma of food shortage.

Many of the soldiers led by Harland are veterans who have been in the army for many years. Some officers and soldiers have longer military service than Richard and have participated in more than a dozen orcs' southern invasion wars. They are very experienced and have already seen life and death. Even if they face unfavorable situations, they will not have any fluctuations in their hearts.

Because there are many veterans, the recruits have undergone rigorous training, and they have fought several wars and have actual combat experience, and the logistics supplies are very sufficient, the combat effectiveness of Harland's soldiers clearly exceeds that of the enemy.

The soldiers were well-trained and lined up to leave the camp. The artillery troops immediately began to build positions after entering the firing range, and the infantry led by Haaland also began to approach the enemy.

This time the battle was still lackluster, it was still the same old routine, artillery bombarded, infantry charged, after artillery bombarded infantry charged, infantry charged after artillery bombarded.

However, this simple routine made the enemy extremely embarrassed and caused heavy casualties.

Seeing the cannonball accurately falling into the castle, there was a loud explosion and roar, and broken shrapnel flew everywhere, killing a large number of defenders.

The commander of the Seventh Army, Rard, had a livid face and said nothing. At this moment, he could only use the flesh and blood of soldiers to consume the production capacity of Harland's artillery shells.

After six rounds of shells, the magic balloon observers noticed that the castle defenders were beginning to fall into confusion and immediately notified the artillery with signal flags.

Although Richard carried a large amount of alchemy artillery shells before the war began, one artillery group and four artillery carts were fully loaded with 240 rounds of full ammunition. However, the war has continued until now. Haaland's army has attacked the city with artillery seven times, and the ammunition consumption has exceeded 60%. In addition, the food supply line is now cut off, and Haaland's territory does not have such a high military production capacity. It cannot be replenished in a short period of time.

So in battle, you must save if you can.

After six rounds of volleys, the city's defenders had suffered more than five to six hundred casualties, and a section of the castle's outer wall was destroyed by artillery fire. In the current situation, the infantry is ready to launch an attack.

Seeing that the infantry had already moved out and entered the range of the enemy's long-range attack, dozens of fireballs flew out of the castle. It was the East Coast United Kingdom Mage Group who launched the attack.

The United Kingdom on the East Coast earned a large amount of magic crystals through ocean trade, and trained a large number of magicians by opening a magic academy in the capital, Kanas.

Because there are enough magicians, the main army of the United Kingdom on the East Coast usually has a team of thirty magicians, which is almost three times the number of the Grant Kingdom.

In this war, Richard annihilated more than 60,000 East Coast United Kingdom troops and captured more than 40 magicians.

It's just that magicians are literate people. These people have a strong national identity and have deep feelings for the great nobles of the United Kingdom of the East Coast who trained them. It is difficult to subdue them. They can only wait until the ransom is paid after the war. perform

Because Mark Dean wrote a letter asking for help, the United Kingdom of the East Coast dispatched 600 mages from Kanas Magic Academy to support the front line, and they rushed to Aisha Castle yesterday.

Seeing the mage in the castle releasing dozens of fireballs at once, Richard's expression changed and he was a little surprised.

"It seems that the magician's methods are really powerful. He was able to hide it from the aerial scouts. The two-legged flying dragon knight who disappeared yesterday morning probably died at the hands of this group of magicians."

It can fire dozens of fireballs at a time, which means that among the enemies, the number of mages above the third level far exceeds that of Harland.

Richard abandoned his distracting thoughts and began to observe every move on the battlefield.

Seeing dozens of fireballs coming towards them, the soldiers from the first brigade led by Harland who rushed to the front raised their force field shields one after another.

It's just that the force field shield is a second-ring magic and cannot block the power of the third-ring fireball. The fireball fell in the formation of the First Brigade, and there was a violent explosion. In an instant, even under the protection of the force field shield, the First Brigade suffered dozens of casualties.

Seeing this scene, Sophia found the hiding place of the defending mage group through the trajectory of the fireball, and decisively released a star bomb.

A bright light fell into Elsa Castle, and suddenly there was a violent explosion in the castle, as if the earth was turned upside down. Centered on the explosion point, a large number of houses and buildings were directly destroyed, raising high dust.

When the starlight fell, mid-level and high-level magicians opened dimensional doors one after another and escaped into different dimensional spaces. Third- and second-level magicians also used lightness, levitation, transposition and other magic to try their best to escape.

Magicians have a variety of ways to save their lives, far more than knights and warriors. Although Sophia's star bomb was aimed at the east coast magicians, it only killed seventy or eighty low-level magicians. Most of the mid-level and high-level magicians passed through Life was saved by various means.

On the contrary, an infantry brigade protecting the magician failed to escape from the center of the star bomb explosion due to its slow reaction speed. It suffered more than 1,300 casualties and completely lost its combat effectiveness.

Because the development time is relatively short, the power of Harland's leading mage is far inferior to that of the enemy.

By October of this year, the Harland Mage Association had more than twenty apprentices promoted to professionals, and the number of magicians exceeded 180.

With the continuous success of refining the Styx potion, the mental power of the magicians within the Harland Mage Association also began to generally improve. With the precious resource of Styx Potion, all kinds of precious extraordinary materials can be exchanged.

In the Grant Kingdom, in addition to the royal family and the Harland family, there were originally two great nobles who had some development in the field of magic.

One is the Duran family. The ancestor of the Duran family is a legendary magician who almost dominated the development of the Delon Kingdom hundreds of years ago. Like the first King of Grant, Wood, he participated in the war to purify the undead.

It is a pity that the ancestors of the Duran family did not survive this terrible war. The title of nobility is left to the eldest son to inherit. In terms of magic inheritance, the Duran family has even deeper heritage than the Grant family.

Four hundred years have passed since the Great War to Purify the Undead. The Duran family, together with the Guise family, brought their territory to the Grant Kingdom, and by the way, they also brought the legendary magic inheritance to the Grant Kingdom.

Although the magic inheritance is complete, the development level of this family's magic power is very average. Perhaps due to conservatism, there are only more than 30 magicians and more than 100 apprentices. However, the Duran family's level of refining pharmaceuticals is very high, comparable to that of the Grant Mage Association.

In the past, various medicines in the Grant Kingdom were mainly provided by the two nobles, Duran and Grant, and now the Harland family was also added.

Three major nobles supply the pharmaceutical market, making the Grant Kingdom's pharmaceutical supply more abundant.

Another great nobleman in the Grant Kingdom who has developed in the field of magic is the Earl of Cloverford. Unfortunately, this family participated in the rebellion and has been expelled from the Grant royal family.

During this southern expedition, Richard mobilized more than 100 magicians in total, and the remaining 80 people from the Harland Wizards Association stayed in the territory. Those with research talents among the wizards did not need to join the army to participate in the war.

Although the power of more than a hundred mages is not weak, they are far inferior to the East Coast mages. Harland's magic power was not enough, so he was naturally unable to restrain the enemy, so the East Coast United Kingdom mage group escaped.

If the magicians led by Sophia and Undine can restrain the enemy's hands and feet, a star bomb is enough to wipe out the opponent.

Even so, this mage group on the east coast, drawn from Kanas Magic Academy, has suffered nearly a hundred casualties, of which more than twenty were affected by the magic crystal cannon, and the remaining nearly eighty were all killed by star bombs middle.

Such a terrifying attack prevented the East Coast Mage Group from gathering on the battlefield.

The magic power cannot be concentrated, and the killing effect is slightly worse.

At the same time, Harland's flying troops also began to participate in the battle. Bipedal dragons, gryphon cavalry, and magic hot air balloon troops launched raids at high altitudes. A large number of alchemical bombs, acid missiles, and dragon flame breath descended from high altitudes, killing and injuring enemy members.

The fierce fighting lasted from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., and the fighting continues until now. The United Kingdom army on the east coast has reached the brink of collapse.

The Seventh Army had nearly 8,000 casualties, of which more than 1,300 were killed by star bombs and more than 2,000 were killed by artillery fire and air force. Now half of Aisha Castle has been lost. Despite the support of the Kanas Mage Group, the Seventh Legion is still on the verge of collapse.

Sylph rushed to the front with the first group. She held an enchanted bow and arrows, and kept shooting arrows. Every arrow was hit. After three hours of fighting, more than a hundred professionals died in her hands. . Even the magician who is very difficult to kill cannot stop her arrow as long as his level is not high.

Seeing that Elsa's castle is crumbling and about to fall. The scouts brought news that the army led by Mark Dean was not far from the battlefield.

Although Richard arranged for a lion knight to conduct reconnaissance at the rear, it was a pity that the lion knight was shot and killed by Mark Dean himself, and no information was sent back. When Mark Dean appeared nearby, the scout cavalry released was the first to notice it.

By the time the reconnaissance cavalry rushed back to report, the army led by Mark Dean had already appeared in Richard's sight, only three kilometers away at most.

There was a new change in the situation. Richard had no choice but to weaken the intensity of his attack and began to withdraw his troops from the front line and defend the back of the formation. However, the frontline attack still had to continue, and the command of the siege troops was also handed over to Soros and Sophia. Undine, Sylph, mother and son, together with Richard, prepared to fight Mark Dean.

Sophia was wearing a star necklace in this battle, and soon after the battle started, she released a round of star bombs.

Now the situation has changed. Seeing that the frontline offensive has weakened and reinforcements are about to arrive, the defenders of Elsa Castle breathed their last breath, and the magicians also tried their best to release a large number of lethal spells. The defenders' counterattack became more and more fierce. In just a short time Within ten minutes, casualties began to appear in large numbers.

Seeing the enemy gathering again, Sophia directly aimed at the area with the largest number of enemy magicians and released the star bomb for the second time.

A second thick starlight appeared in the sky, and the violent explosion sounded again. In an instant, the sky seemed to be torn apart, a dazzling white light suddenly bloomed, and the space in the center of the explosion seemed to be distorted.

At this moment, Mark Dean led his troops not far from Elsa Castle and was about to launch the final charge to attack the back of Harland's army. Richard also began to order the troops to be drawn out, and the formation was a little chaotic.

Seeing the astonishing power of the star bomb, Mark Dean suddenly panicked and had a bad feeling in his heart.

If this battle is lost, it will be an irreversible situation for both the East Coast United Kingdom and the Delong Kingdom.

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