Lord Harland

Chapter 405 Leading the Army to the South

Soros and Jennings were mobilized to march south, and the northern defense line was handed over to Wilde, Roman, Lost, Morgan and others. Sylph and Undine followed Richard in his southern expedition, while Sutton was appointed by Richard as the commander-in-chief of the Shanbei Defense Line, responsible for commanding the northern army.

Because 45,000 elite troops were mobilized from the northern defense line of the Eagle Mountain Range, Richard incorporated new soldiers into the army several months in advance to fill the personnel gap in the northern defense line.

The vassals in Harlan's territory also gathered eight thousand troops and gave them to his cousin Morgan to guard the No. 3 military station.

If the orcs make any changes, the Harland Territory can also receive support from the nearby Mad Lion Legion and the coalition of nobles from the three northern Xinjiang provinces.

Richard has obtained complete authorization from King Roger. If the orcs invade and war comes, Sutton has the highest command authority.

Piero, the commander of the Wild Lion Legion, will also be commanded by Sutton.

By September, Harland's army had completed its assembly. On the sixth day of September, Richard set off with an army of 45,000 troops and marched southward.

During this southern expedition, in order to avoid trouble with military supplies, Richard brought 600,000 sheep.

Because the sheep move relatively slowly, the daily march speed is about forty or fifty miles. There are 600,000 sheep, plus various camels, mules and horses for transporting grain, and the number of livestock providing logistics exceeds 800,000.

Eight hundred thousand livestock require astronomical amounts of fodder and food every day.

According to estimates from the logistics department, the sheep and livestock led by Harland eat more than forty square kilometers of grass every day. If we encounter large areas of Gobi desert on the way, many sheep, camels and horses may starve to death.

Therefore, before marching every day, Richard needed to let the gryphon cavalry conduct aerial reconnaissance and plan the marching route.

Fortunately, it was September when the troops were sent south. The autumn season was high and the horses were fat. It was the autumn harvest season in the Grant Kingdom.

Marching in this season, it is relatively easier to collect fodder. Even so, the Harland Territory destroyed a lot of farmland along the way, causing livestock to eat a lot of food, and adding a great burden to the provinces along the way.

Richard discussed with the Roger Kingdom and decided that the Duke of Harland and the Grant royal family would use part of the gold coins to subsidize several provinces in transit.

When soldiers cross the border, the losses are naturally heavy. The viscounts and barons who were passing by while marching south, although they were reluctant in their hearts, had nothing to do with Haaland leading an army of tens of thousands. They could not raise their troops to fight. This was tantamount to hitting an egg with a stone, and the nobles were unwilling to do it. He could only take out some supplies and asked Richard to cross the border quickly.

There were stops and starts along the way, and on October 3rd, Richard led his army into the Earldom of Steven. At this moment, the coalition forces of Earl Steven and the Southern Nobles had completed their assembly and arrived near the front line.

The two Dukes, Edward and Fox, had prepared earlier. They arrived in the Ferdinand Province in late September and, under the command of William, began to fight against the Kingdom of Delon.

Edward and Fox have been fighting against the orcs all year round, and their combat effectiveness is much stronger than the soldiers of the Duchy of Guise and Duran in the south.

Before the war began, Duke Edward Harris conducted a very successful pre-war mobilization.

"My dear soldiers, the Edward family has made a decision to develop to the south from now on. The enemies in the south are the weak soldiers of the Kingdom of Delon. Their fighting power is like girls, and they can only let us run wild.

Starting today, we will leave the cold north and enter the warm and prosperous south.

Although we have nothing now, we have defeated the enemy. Soon we will have food, land, houses, mills, waterwheels, slaves, and even beautiful women.

To live a good life, we must go through a great battle.

If we win, we grab money, food, and women. If we lose, we will be knocked down by the dead ball. We are from northern Xinjiang, and death is our partner.

As your Duke, I, Harris, am not afraid of death and am willing to lead you to defeat the sissies of the Delon Kingdom so that you can have everything you should have.

Anyway, we are going to die. If we dare to fight and fight hard, we can win. "

The development southward is almost the unanimous opinion of Duke Edward. If the orcs frightened the soldiers led by Harland, the soldiers of Duke Edward also did not dare to fight the orcs.

Although there is something wrong with the mentality of this army, they have excellent techniques and tactics and rich war experience, and their combat effectiveness far exceeds that of the soldiers of the Delong Kingdom.

Now his morale has been boosted by Duke Edward, and he is like a tiger descending from the mountain during the battle. In less than half an hour, they broke through the Delong Kingdom's army formation from the front.

Although the Delong Kingdom organized an army of 260,000 troops and fought against the Western Front on a battlefield hundreds of kilometers wide, it was a pity that they were defeated in the first battle. The Grant Kingdom’s 150,000 elite soldiers seemed to be overwhelming and directly penetrated the deployment of the Delong Kingdom. line of defense.

The Delong Kingdom suffered a huge loss and was unable to regain its footing even after retreating for 200 kilometers. They originally wanted to set up defense lines in several castles north of the Mara River, but William led his elite troops to attack and capture the city at night, and were eventually forced to retreat to the south of the Mara River.

By the time Richard entered the Stevens Province, the Western Front had achieved very brilliant results. Including the buffer zone, the Grant Kingdom had pushed the border line southward by 300 kilometers and occupied more than 100,000 square kilometers of land.

Now William has divided his troops into two groups. The two Dukes Edward and Fox mobilized their troops westward and commanded more than 56,000 soldiers to attack the two dukes of East and Orlando in the Kingdom of Delon to protect the flanks of William's army and seize territory along the way. . By capturing these two major duchies, we can complete the expansion of hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land.

After the defeat of the Delong Kingdom on the western front, Duke Anton was hurriedly dispatched to support the western theater with elite cavalry.

Anton is a legendary first-order knight and a skilled military officer.

After this person came to the south bank of the Mara River, he took the Warcraft Cavalry by boat that night and crossed the river and raided a Western Front stronghold.

In the next few battles, William suffered some losses, and the Western Front lost more than 8,000 troops.

With the reinforcements of Anton's 3,000 Warcraft Cavalry and 20,000 heavy cavalry, as well as the two Dukes Edward and Fox moving to the west, the army of the Kingdom of Delon moved back to a disadvantage and stabilized the situation.

Although the western front was stabilized, Zachary, the center army, also led five legions to move south.

Zachary's troops were very elite, and there were three small teams of Griffin Knights on the front line. They had the advantage of reconnaissance. Zachary fought very aggressively and even crossed the Mara River and fought to the south of the Mara River.

The Grant Kingdom attacked with all its strength, and the Delon Kingdom was immediately in a panic. In panic, the Delon Kingdom hurriedly asked for help from the East Coast United Kingdom.

After receiving the request for help from the Delong Kingdom, the East Coast United Kingdom made a very quick decision. Facing the ferocious attack by the Grant Kingdom, the East Coast United Kingdom gritted its teeth and almost tried its best to mobilize twenty-four legions to participate in the battle.

The Delong Kingdom is a decadent kingdom that was established a thousand and hundreds of years ago. Various interest groups within it are intertwined and suck the blood of the country. Although the population exceeds 50 million and the products are better than those of the Grant Kingdom, the combat effectiveness of this country's army is very average. In the war with the Grant Kingdom, the country lost many troops and generals, which looks very miserable.

The United Kingdom of the East Coast was founded relatively recently and is far from rotten. The internal vitality of the country is stronger than that of the Grant Kingdom. Although the army is not as experienced as the Grant Kingdom, its combat effectiveness is not weak. This country originally had twenty-three legions. Due to the pressure of war, five legions were expanded in the past five years.

Today, the total strength of the United Kingdom on the East Coast is twenty-eight legions. Including the navy, the number of front-line troops exceeds 600,000. This number is 100,000 more than the Grant Kingdom.

In order to suppress the expansion ambitions of the Grant Kingdom, the East Coast United Kingdom dispatched more than half a million regular troops this time. Among them, as many as fifteen legions entered the Delong Kingdom to help, and the number of regular troops was as high as 300,000.

Another nine legions plus 40,000 naval troops stormed the eastern coastal areas of the Grant Kingdom, forcing the four eastern marquises to constantly ask for help from Nolan.

The Eastern Front was in emergency, and messengers for help kept rushing to Nolan. The Kingdom of Roger went out in person, leading three regiments of the Royal Guards to the two Marquis Territories of Allen and Visia to help the Four Marquis stabilize the front.

After Richard led his troops into the Steven Province, reinforcements from the United Kingdom on the East Coast also entered the Kingdom of Delon almost at the same time to support all fronts.

The defenders in the central region were under the greatest pressure. The United Kingdom on the east coast mobilized six legions, plus 100,000 troops from the Kingdom of Delong, to push Zachary back to the north bank of the Mara River.

The defense force on the eastern front of the Kingdom of Delon is the weakest, with only 40,000 local troops left, plus the remaining 30,000 troops of the two Dukes Hubble and Isaac. Although the army is large in number, its combat effectiveness is actually very sparse, and it is estimated that they cannot defeat the coalition forces of Earl Steven and the southern nobles.

Hearing that Duke Harland, the bravest and best warrior in the Grant Kingdom, was leading troops south, the United Kingdom of the East Coast invested nine legions on the eastern front. The commander of the army is also a famous commander, the legendary second-level Mark Dean.

Richard led his troops south and soon entered the Dukedom of Hubble in the Delong Kingdom.

In the last Three Kingdoms War, the Dukedom of Hubble suffered heavy losses. Only about 20,000 troops were left in the 50,000-strong army, and 60% of the land was lost. Now it barely relies on the natural dangers of the Hubble Mountains to defend the remaining 20,000 square kilometers of land. , difficult development.

Duke Hubble still has some hereditary lands, while Duke Isaac has completely lost his territory. Now there is only one Saron castle left, and there are only 8,000 soldiers left. They can barely support themselves solely by the money and food of the Delon royal family. Some viscounts with strong foundations now have better foundations than Duke Isaac.

Richard stationed troops in the northern part of the Hubbard Mountains, and Harland led aerial reconnaissance troops into the enemy's territory.

Gryphons and wyverns are both high-level arms. Entering the southern part of the Hubble Mountains for reconnaissance is like entering an uninhabited land.

Mark Dean stood on a big tree, raised his eyes and looked into the sky, looking at the flying dragon flying in the sky. He estimated the distance in his heart, and finally sighed: "The flying dragon is flying too high. , beyond my range. The bipedal flying dragon cavalry led by Harland is equipped with a special alchemy tool that can observe targets ten kilometers away.

With this special magic prop, the enemy does not need to approach for reconnaissance. Only high-level magicians can set traps to ambush the enemy's high-altitude scouts.

The enemy's aerial reconnaissance is wreaking havoc, and our every move is being observed by the enemy. It is not okay to be so passive. Send an order to the rear and ask all the magicians from the royal capital to come to the front to help out. Find a way to kill some gryphons and wyverns to suppress the enemy's flying units so that their reconnaissance cannot be so forward. "

Although the East Coast United Kingdom does not have a legendary mage, the magic learning environment is somewhat better than that of the Grant Kingdom. The seven major duke families established a magic academy in Kanas Castle, which was open to the domestic aristocracy. Relying on this magic academy, there are more than 2,000 official magicians in the East Coast United Kingdom.

As for the Grant Kingdom, including the magicians trained by the great nobles, the total number of people is less than 600.

Not only are the number of magicians in the United Kingdom on the East Coast large, but their quality is also a bit higher than that of the Grant Kingdom. In Kanas Magic Academy, there are six magicians with nine rings, and more than 30 magicians with seven rings or above. The number of high-level mages is ten times that of Harland Territory.

It is precisely because of this background that Mark Dean has the confidence to mobilize high-level magicians to the front line.

If it were Richard, he would never use a high-level magician like this.

In fact, in the last war, the United Kingdom of the East Coast deployed high-level magicians to attack Harland's magic hot air balloon troops. In the end, Sophia set a trap and used a star bomb to kill an eighth-ring magician.

With the continuous reconnaissance of the griffon and the wyvern, Richard has fully figured out the enemy garrison situation in the southern part of the Hubble Mountains.

Richard dispersed the sheep he carried in Earl Steven and the province of Helen, leaving Earl Steven and the noble coalition to guard the grain roads and protect the sheep. He took ten days of supplies with Harlan. The German army marched westward, preparing to capture Saron Castle in the west of the Hubbar Mountains, bypass the dangerous mountain city defense line, and invade the enemy territory.

The soldiers led by Harland are all well-trained elite soldiers. Because there are powerful scouts in the sky, Richard did not consider camping on the road during this operation. There was no need to build a strong camp. Harland led the army to move very quickly. In just two days, they marched 130 kilometers and appeared near Saron Castle.

According to the reconnaissance of the Griffin Cavalry, the main forces of the United Kingdom on the east coast are deployed at the passes, valleys, and food stations of the Hubble Mountains. In the Hubble Mountains, which is more than 100 kilometers wide, the United Kingdom has deployed four legions on the east coast, with more than 80,000 troops stationed.

In the castle behind the Hubble Mountains, there are also the United Kingdom garrison on the east coast. In this direction, Richard's opponents have a total force of more than 220,000.

Near Saron Castle, the garrison strength is relatively weak. There are only 8,000 troops of Duke Isaac, plus three brigades of reinforcements from the United Kingdom on the east coast, with a total strength of 14,000 troops. However, the Jinshan Castle, which is 40 kilometers behind Saron Castle, is stationed with a regiment from the United Kingdom on the east coast, with a total strength of about 20,000.

There are 34,000 defenders in the two castles, which can be regarded as the left wing of the Eastern Front of the Kingdom of Delon. These two armies are about a hundred kilometers away from the main force, and even if it is faster, it will take two days to travel.

Richard is preparing to have a black tiger take out his heart and eat this enemy before the reinforcements from the United Kingdom on the east coast arrive. The reason why Richard has this ambition, in addition to the starlight bomb, is that Harland has powerful artillery.

This year, Harland led the formation of three new artillery squadrons. These three artillery squadrons were equipped with eighteen magic cannons and all participated in this southern expedition.

The range and accuracy of the magic cannon far exceed that of the heavy trebuchet. It is a very terrifying siege weapon. Once a shell hits the city wall, the lethality is very considerable. Even if the enemy has strong castle fortifications, Richard is confident that he will win. Complete victory and eat this enemy in a short period of time.

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