Lord Harland

Chapter 399 Battle of the Undead

The expedition team crossed the zombie nest and walked for about an hour and a half, not far from the coordinates of the plane passage.

It is already the third day of this adventure into the world of the dead.

In three days, the expedition team conducted a detailed investigation of approximately 3,000 square kilometers of land in the southeastern area of ​​the plane passage and marked more than ten undead strongholds.

Because magic power cannot be replenished in the world of the dead, and the monotonous color environment is extremely depressing and not suitable for living people to stay for a long time, Richard plans to return to the Dawn Plane first and rest for a few days before starting his next adventure.

As soon as everyone arrived at the plane passage, they heard a shrill cry coming from the distance, as if it penetrated into people's souls.

"No, it's the nine-ring magic death howl. Could it be that the coordinates of the plane passage have been discovered by the legendary undead?"

Richard had a profound accumulation of magic knowledge. Even from a long distance, he instantly recognized this iconic undead magic, even though it was the first time he had seen this undead magic.

Howl of Death is a large-scale control magic. Because the distance is relatively far, the magic's aftermath is not very lethal and poses no threat to the expedition team for the time being.

Richard forced himself to calm down and carefully analyzed whether there were any flaws in this expedition?

"In the past three days, everyone has only made one move, which was to hunt down the three-headed hell dog. The three-headed hell dog was killed very quickly and was not noticed by other undead. According to common sense, the coordinates of the plane passage cannot be leaked. The greater possibility is that a legendary undead war broke out nearby."

After three days of investigation, everyone found that the world of the undead was not peaceful. The conflict between the undead forces was very fierce and the elimination rate was very high. War often breaks out between the undead, and the cruelty far exceeds that of the Dawn Plane.

Conflicts between legendary undead are also common in the undead world.

After everyone discussed it for a while, they finally decided to go to the battle scene to take a look.

After all, the battle scene is not far from the plane gate. If the danger is too high, Richard will destroy the plane gate and seal the plane passage to completely solve this problem.

Everyone walked more than ten kilometers in the direction of the death howl and came to the edge of the battlefield.

Richard cautiously looked towards the battlefield and found that two skeleton mages and four high-level skeleton warriors were besieging a legendary ghost.

Judging from the battlefield, the Skeleton Mage's side should have the greater advantage.

There are approximately a thousand soldiers under the Skeleton Mage, who have surrounded the legendary ghosts and are cooperating with the six high-level skeletons. Many scattered bones were left on the nearby battlefield, and the soul fire had basically been extinguished.

The legendary ghost is alone, with few soldiers under his command, and is surrounded by the fire of death released by the skeleton mage. Without external force, it is almost impossible to survive.

Judging from the battle process, the two skeleton mages have high intelligence and can deploy some exquisite tactics, while the legendary ghost relies entirely on instinct and has a very simple thinking mode.

Witnessing the battle between the undead, Richard and others carefully lay down on a boulder.

Undead types such as skeletons and ghosts have almost no vision, and they can only rely on soul fluctuations to detect the enemy. Now that we are in the middle of a battle, we don't even care about investigating the outside.

Neither the skeleton mage nor the legendary ghost noticed the expedition team hiding more than a thousand meters away.

A skeleton mage stretched out his hand and released the nine-ring magic soul binding technique. A magic chain appeared out of thin air and instantly bound the legendary ghost tightly, making it unable to move.

Soul binding is the nemesis of ghost-type creatures. Even legendary ghosts are still restrained by this spell.

The Skeleton Mage can release nine-ring magic, and he is probably not far from becoming a legend.

Creatures like the Skeleton Mage are weaker than the Necromancer at the same level. Moreover, the level of magic civilization in the necromancy world is not high, magic communication is very difficult, and the skeleton wizards do not master all the necromancy spells.

In the plane of dawn, necromancers have very obvious advantages and disadvantages due to their single mastery of magic. They are often not as good as elemental mages of the same level.

Through close reconnaissance, Richard estimated that the nine-ring skeleton mage he shot was slightly worse than the eight-ring Undine.

Although the legendary ghost is trapped by the soul binding technique, it will not sit still and wait for death. A burst of blue light was seen all over its body, and the legendary magic death curse was instantly released. A magic rune was as fast as lightning, hitting the skeleton mage's chest.

The Death Curse is a legendary magic. The effect of the spell is much stronger than the Finger of Death. This magic can be judged by mental power and kill targets with lower mental power than the caster.

If the mental power test fails, the spell effect will rebound on the caster. If you don't know the details of your opponent, releasing this kind of magic is completely risking your life.

For example, Richard's mental power may be slightly stronger than that of a legendary first-level mage.

Undead creatures such as ghosts are naturally very spiritually powerful. A legendary first-level ghost may have more than sixty points of spiritual power. Even a perverted magician like Richard would probably die if he was hit by this death curse.

Although the Skeleton Mage's mental power is very high, it is still far behind the legendary ghost. He was instantly killed by the curse of the legendary magic king, and the fire of his soul was extinguished.

Although the skeleton mage controlled the legendary ghost through the soul binding technique, he forced out the legendary ghost's trump card and died in front of the legendary ghost. ˜”*°•.˜˜.•°*”˜

As soon as the skeleton mage died, the nine-ring magic soul binding technique began to scatter, and the magic chain turned into a line of blue smoke.

Before the legendary ghost could breathe a sigh of relief, four high-level skeleton warriors had already taken action and released arrows of the dead one after another, almost scattering the soul fire of the legendary ghost.

After being attacked by four arrows of the dead and narrowly missing death, the legendary ghost did not bother to absorb the soul crystals dropped by the skeleton mage, and immediately changed its direction, trying to escape from the encirclement of the skeleton army.

Seeing that the legendary ghost was about to run away, another skeleton mage commanded the army and instantly released streams of death fire. In order to strengthen the power of the death fire, one skeleton warrior after another released the soul fire from the skull and ignited his own soul fire.

In an instant, hundreds of skeleton warriors burned their souls, strengthened the power of the death fire, and burned the legendary ghosts to flee in all directions.

Compared with the human army, the undead army has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The undead army is not afraid of death, does not know fatigue, and has a large number of professionals. These are all advantages.

However, the intelligence structure of the undead army is simple, and undead creatures with intelligence are relatively rare. An army with low intelligence will inevitably have many weaknesses.

Seeing that he could not escape the encirclement set by the Skeleton Mage, the legendary ghost turned around and faced the Skeleton Mage, releasing his eight-ring magic death emblem.

Although the legendary ghost does not have much wisdom, it still knows who is the greater threat to itself and aims to kill the other skeleton mage.

Seeing that the magic runes were attached and it was no longer possible to dodge, the skeleton mage immediately released the seven-ring magic substitution technique. In the blink of an eye, a seventh-level skeleton warrior took the blow on his behalf, and the soul fire was extinguished on the spot.

In just ten minutes, under the witness of Richard, the legendary ghost successively released the nine-ring magic death howl, the legendary magic death curse, and the eight-ring magic death emblem, consuming more than 400 points of magic power.

According to the magic power of the ghost, these magic spells will consume one-third of the magic power of the legendary ghost.

Before Richard and others arrived, a fierce battle broke out between the two sides. The legendary ghost had already consumed five spells and killed hundreds of skeleton warriors.

The battle continues until now, and the legendary ghost's magic power is less than half.

After escaping the death emblem, the skeleton mage decisively released the seven-ring magic finger of death, shooting a death ray at the legendary ghost.

The death ray is very fast, with a cold and dead feeling.

Sensing the danger, Legend Ghost immediately released a six-ring magic anti-death barrier to help him block the danger.

Just after blocking the finger of death, the high-level skeleton warrior controlled the fire of death to surge up again.

Waves of death fire, like gangrene in the bones, wrapped around the Legendary Ghost, burning the Legendary Ghost's soul into severe pain and letting out bursts of painful screams.

Communication between undead creatures is not through sound. Except for lichs and vampires, undead creatures such as corpses, skeletons, and ghosts no longer have vocal organs.

Communication between the undead mainly relies on soul fluctuations. The Harland Master Mage Association has studied this soul fluctuation and found that it is essentially a special electromagnetic wave.

By mastering this electromagnetic wave, you can understand the language of the dead.

In fact, if you want to master the language of the undead, you don't need to be so troublesome. If you learn the four-ring magic listening soul spell, you can also master the language of the undead.

Harland has the inheritance of the Necromancer, and there are many necromancy spells recorded in the library. There are five magicians in the team participating in the expedition this time. They are all mid-level and high-level wizards. They have already mastered listening to souls and can understand them. Language of the Dead.

Because the legendary ghost's IQ is not high, the information transmitted from the soul fluctuations is very messy, and most of them are meaningless wails and cries.

Burned by the fire of death, the legendary ghost once again released the seven-ring magic Death Cloud Technique, releasing streams of gray-white clouds and smoke.

All the skeleton soldiers wrapped in clouds and smoke fell over in a blink of an eye.

A large number of skeleton warriors died, and the remaining three high-level skeleton warriors took action, opened the bone bow, and shot three arrows of death.

Although the physical resistance of ghost-like creatures is almost full, it is very restrained by melee-type professions. However, skeleton warriors also have certain magic abilities. The death arrows they shoot carry magic damage.

Seeing three arrows of death coming, the legendary ghost had just been hit by the arrows of death, almost scattering the soul fire. This time, he did not dare to neglect at all, and hurriedly released a powerful four-ring magic arrow to rebound, blocking the three arrows. An arrow of death.

The Skeleton Mage also began to organize soldiers and released a large magical death circle, once again controlling the legendary ghost.

Unwilling to fail, the legendary ghost once again released a large-scale nine-ring magic death howl.

In an instant, a large area of ​​low-level undead fell down, and the skeleton warrior not far from the legendary ghost was basically dead.

At this point in the battle, the legendary ghost's vitality is less than half, and its magic power is only about one-third, which is less than 400 points.

The skeleton side also suffered heavy losses. A nine-ring skeleton mage and a seven-ring skeleton warrior were killed in the battle, and nearly half of the more than 1,600 skeleton army were killed or injured.

The hiding place of Richard and others was not far from the battlefield. Feeling the power of the death howl at close range, everyone present broke out in cold sweat.

In order to avoid being noticed by the fighting undead, Richard and others did not use magic power and relied entirely on magic resistance to block the aftermath of the spell. Fortunately, everyone was a high-level professional, and the weakest Wendy and Eve were also protected inside. , so he was not hurt by the aftermath.

Relying on the howl of death to break the magic circle, the legendary ghost was just about to escape from the encirclement when three high-level skeleton warriors threw bone chains one after another.

The white bone chain is attached with black magic fire, tightly binding the blue shadow transformed by the legendary ghost. The temperature of the magic was extremely high, burning the blue ghost until it emitted streams of white smoke.

Seeing that he could not escape, the legendary ghost once again released a nine-ring magic death order, directly killing a high-level skeleton warrior. Then he launched an eight-ring magic soul storm on another high-level skeleton warrior, blowing away the enemy's soul fire in one fell swoop.

After releasing two high-level magics in succession, the legendary ghost has about 200 points of magic left.

The battle continues until now. Although the skeleton side suffered heavy casualties, victory is in sight.

In fact, ghosts are magic units among undead creatures, which are more difficult to deal with than skeletons and zombies. Although the legendary ghost is worse than the legendary magician, it is far more powerful than the legendary knight.

The physical resistance of this kind of creature is almost full, and the physical attack methods mastered by the army are almost useless against them. Even a regular army cannot deal with the legendary ghost. To fight this undead creature with the highest physical resistance, you can only use the mage group. Go to war.

The reason why the battle was fought like this was entirely because the legendary ghost was not very intelligent and relied entirely on instinct to fight. It was almost like treating a head when it hurts and treating a foot when it hurt. The battle process was just putting down the gourd and picking up the ladle.

If the opponent is a wise lich, the outcome of this battle will completely change.

Although all his companions were dead, the last high-level skeleton warrior was still holding on to the bone chain with great courage.

These four skeleton warriors were all wiped out by the Skeleton Mage and became his fighting tools. Their mission was to consume the magic power and vitality of the legendary ghosts. During the battle, their mission was completed very successfully.

Seeing that he still couldn't escape, the legendary ghost once again released the soul storm, killing the last high-level skeleton warrior. After releasing the eight-ring magic soul storm again, the legendary ghost's magic power was about to be exhausted, with only about one hundred and twenty points left.

Although the skeleton mage lost his companions, all the high-level skeleton warriors also died, and half of his undead army was lost. But there are still about 700 subordinates, including four intermediate-level skeleton mages and fifteen intermediate-level skeleton warriors, so they have a guaranteed chance of victory.

Without the magic power, the legendary ghost became a piece of fish on the chopping board. Under the probing attack of the Skeleton Mage, the last 120 points of magic power were quickly exhausted.

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