Lord Harland

Chapter 364 Open up the situation

The defense line of Harland's territory is now 500 kilometers wide. It takes half a month to mobilize troops from the direction of Platos-Snow Mountain Castle in the west to East Grotta County.

There are four battlefields along the 500-kilometer-wide defense line, and brutal reconnaissance battles are conducted in other areas every day.

The defense line was intertwined with each other, and the main armies were restraining each other. It was like a huge chain that locked up the mobility of Haaland's army. Every line of defense cannot be relaxed. Once the orcs come in, burn, kill, and loot the territory, and the population loses a lot of blood, even if the orcs are defeated, it will be meaningless to the Harland Territory.

Because the orcs have a strength advantage and can divide their forces to fight, from a strategic perspective, the situation in Harland's territory has always been very bad. Troops must be divided on every front, and the main force cannot be assembled at all.

The Sutton detachment fought twice in a row. Although the scale was small, it was constantly changing the strategic situation and unlocking this chain.

"Command soldiers, clean the battlefield quickly. We have just wiped out the orc brigade, and the nearby enemy forces have not noticed it yet. Please continue your efforts, immediately reinforce Baron Morgan, and wipe out all the orcs."

After the Sutton detachment was established, Richard was given discretionary power.

In this war, Sutton had sufficient authority to command the vassal coalition, auxiliary troops, security troops and other second-line armies.

Moreover, Grumeng and Vader were also experienced people and immediately understood Sutton's strategy.

Sutton obviously wanted to take advantage of the enemy's division of troops to annihilate the orc army, and then assemble a coalition of nobles to cut off the orc food route.

This strategy is upright from a military point of view. The so-called small victory can lead to a big victory. Once the Orcs of the East Grotta tribe are annihilated, the Orcs of the West Grotta tribe will be attacked from two sides, and the situation of the Orcs will become very dangerous.

Sutton left a small number of soldiers to guard Fort Tower, and quickly rushed to Fort Morgan with two thousand officers and soldiers.

The garrison of Fort Morgan was the coalition of three barons: Bernie, Jose, and Wendy.

Baron Wendy is run by Richard on his behalf and is developing very well. Five hundred soldiers have been trained, but this army has only been established for a relatively short time. Richard mobilized a group of backbones from the regular army, and their combat effectiveness was only slightly stronger than that of the city defense army.

The Jose family is a long-established noble family in Gabria Province and has been passed down for hundreds of years. Even though it spans three generations, the family is very united.

In just a hundred years, the Jose family flourished, and five members of the family were promoted to hereditary barons. Although they are not great nobles, they are the most powerful viscount families.

After Jose was promoted to hereditary baron, he received support from various branches. He had a baron private army of 600 people under his command, which was stronger than Baron Wendy.

The Barony of Burnie is the weakest. It currently only has 400 noble coalition troops. The three legions combined have a total of 1,500 soldiers, but their commanders are far less good at fighting than Grumang, Vader and others.

After all, neither Bernie nor Wendy are in the territory, and this aristocratic coalition lacks high-quality middle-level commanders.

After the defeat of the orcs in Baron Vito, some of the defeated troops fled to Baron Morgan and were quickly discovered by the orc scouts outside the castle. Through the story of the defeated soldiers, the orc captain quickly realized that the situation was already very bad.

Now his large army of blunt soldiers is under the fortified city, and there are also elite human soldiers watching eagerly. After realizing that the situation was not good, the orc captain immediately laid suspicion and made plans to retreat.

The orc captain reacted quickly and issued a retreat order before the Sutton detachment arrived. Although Baron Jose in the castle was aware of everything, he felt that he could not fight the orcs in the wild and had no intention of pursuing them.

The orcs had just withdrawn when they were discovered by the flying dragon knight halfway.

Because the magic hot air balloon team in the direction of Grotta suffered heavy losses, Richard directly transferred the flying dragon troops to the Grotta battlefield.

Although Harland's Wyvern Raiders are few, their combat effectiveness far exceeds that of the Harpy.

The flying dragon itself is a high-level monster, while the ordinary harpy is only at the third level. The flying speed and distance of the flying dragon are far beyond that of the harpy. If it encounters it in the air, it will be a crushing situation immediately.

Four bipedal flying dragons were mobilized and immediately took the initiative to investigate the battlefield. The Wyvern Knight discovered the news of the orcs' retreat, immediately passed it to the Sutton detachment, and directly informed the orcs of their marching route.

Now, in the direction of Grotta, the intelligence of the orcs is almost unilaterally transparent to the Harland territory. The Sutton detachment seems to have opened a map and directly cut off the retreating orc brigade through the detouring mountain road.

The combat effectiveness of the orc brigade was far inferior to that of the Sutton detachment, not to mention the fact that there were two thousand noble coalition forces to assist in the battle.

In an instant, the shouts of killing shocked the valley. Commanders such as Grumang, Vader, Morgan, and Vito were like tigers descending from the mountain. The orcs could not resist for too long and were annihilated by the coalition forces.

In less than ten days, the Sutton detachment was active behind enemy lines, winning three battles and with less than 70 casualties. It annihilated two main brigades and one auxiliary brigades of Orcs, with a total strength of more than 6,000.

Of course, the noble coalition also participated in the battle, with a total casualty of about 500 people. Richard did not need to pay for the casualties of the noble coalition, he only needed to issue some meritorious service, but this meritorious service was far from the Sutton detachment.

After annihilating the orcs, Sutton ordered the soldiers to clean up the battlefield and ordered Baron Jose to lead the troops to rendezvous.

By the afternoon, Baron Jose had already arrived with his troops. After Sutton gathered the three troops, the total strength was more than 3,400.

He led this large army straight to the orc food camp.

To the north of the Eagle Mountain Range is the famous Northern Prairie. This grassland is very vast, with a depth of more than 1,200 kilometers from north to south and a total width of 2,400 kilometers from east to west.

Coming down from the East Coast Plateau, along the Dukedom of Halland, Dukedom of Edward, Dukedom of Fox, Grand Dukedom of Stanik, Kingdom of Lane, Principality of Larsson, and Principality of Chromia, the total area of ​​this grassland exceeds three One million square kilometers, it is larger than the two northern powers of Grant Kingdom and Lane Kingdom combined.

The Orc Empire established a governor-general on this vast grassland to uniformly command operations in this area.

The orcs of the Grant Kingdom are divided into the Eastern Front of the Prairie Governor's Region, generally under the jurisdiction of twelve to eighteen legions.

In recent years, the orcs have been defeated in the Grant Kingdom and have lost several legions.

Currently, the Eastern Front Army of the Prairie Governor's Region has a total of fourteen legions. Except for two legions that serve as reserves to protect the logistics line, the remaining twelve legions have all participated in the war.

In such a vast area, two orc legions cannot guarantee the logistics line. Therefore, a large number of food collection points can only be left for orc auxiliary troops to garrison. Once the Eagle Mountains are conquered, the orcs' food channels will become extremely weak.

Sutton led his soldiers to easily capture two grain depots in the northern part of the Eagle Mountains, cutting off the East Grotta Orc supply line.

In the process, Sutton also rescued 6,000 human slaves. Since they could not be brought back to the rear, he could only give them some of the orcs' weapons and equipment and settle them in the food station.

After Sutton cut off the Donggrota Orcs' food route, the Donggrota Orcs army immediately fell into panic.

This orc army was blocked by Martin at the Double Star Castle and was unable to break through the East Grotta County defense line. Now that the way back is cut off again, the food and grass can last for more than ten days at most. Even if they rely on auxiliary soldiers, they can barely last for about twenty days.

He wanted to ask for help from the headquarters, but the air channel was cut off by the flying dragon warriors. He relied on ground messengers to ask for help from the rear, but it was too late to help. It would take at least a month to wait for the letter to be delivered and the reinforcements to arrive.

In desperation, the orc army commander Rumila could only choose to withdraw his troops and go back to open up the transportation line.

The orcs want to withdraw, and Martin certainly won't let them do so.

There were bipedal dragons and magic hot air balloons staring at the sky, and the camps of both sides were intertwined. As soon as the orcs took action, Double Star Castle immediately sent soldiers to attack. In order to prevent the army from collapsing, the orcs could only turn back and fight.

By this time, Martin was no longer anxious to fight the orcs.

The orcs were unwilling to suffer heavy casualties and were unable to retreat every time. After several battles, the orcs' withdrawal was not smooth, and they lost two thousand troops.

This was delayed for four or five days. Seeing that the situation was getting more and more dangerous, the commander of the orc army left two brigades behind and retreated decisively with three brigades.

Although they successfully withdrew this time, the two remaining brigades were completely wiped out by Martin's army.

After Martin wiped out all the rear troops, he led the army to pursue them.

Along the way, the orc army not only had to face attacks from infantry, but also was attacked by bipedal dragon knights and magic hot air balloon teams throwing alchemy bombs in the air.

At this point in the war, the harpies in the East Grotta direction were already at a comprehensive disadvantage. The brutal aerial battles had lasted for more than ten days, and the air power of the Orcs in the East Grotta direction had been exhausted.

Now there are only more than thirty harpies left under Rumila's command, and they can only survive. Once they take off, they will be targeted and killed by the bipedal dragon and the magic hot air balloon team.

The orcs had to defend themselves against air raids at any time, so their marching speed was affected and they could not get far away from Martin's troops.

Just like this, along the way, Martin's vanguard fought several small battles with the orcs, and once again annihilated half of the orc group.

The distance between Martin and the main force of the orcs was no more than thirty kilometers, and the troops behind them only bought the commander of the Rumila Army for most of half a day.

Rumila retreated all the way, and the retreat had turned into a rout. Only two and a half of the six brigades were left, and the losses had exceeded 7,000.

The total losses of Martin's troops were less than 1,300, with only more than 400 soldiers killed, and their combat effectiveness remained undiminished.

Rumila led the defeated army with the remaining troops and wanted to attack the food station stationed by Sutton's detachment. By laying down a food garrison point, you can not only get supplies, but you can also hold on to the danger and hold on for a while until reinforcements arrive.

Unfortunately, the morale of the orcs was low. As soon as they organized the offensive, they were attacked from the flank by Sutton's detachment. The continuous attacks caused the orcs to collapse mentally, and a large number of deserters began to appear.

Rumila finally led the guards to repel the Sutton detachment and stabilized the team. Just as he was about to bypass the food station, he was blocked by the defenders of the food station.

The orcs mustered up their last remaining courage and broke through the defense line of the noble coalition commanded by Grumang and others. The first forward brigade of Martin's department had already arrived at the front line.

The First Brigade is the most combat-effective brigade among the infantry in Harland Territory. This brigade has a tenacious fighting will and outstanding physical fitness. They wear heavy armor and march for 18 consecutive hours. They also fought several battles with orcs on the way. , walked 140 kilometers of mountain roads, and directly entered the battle, directly establishing the victory of this battle.

Under the attack of the two strong troops of Sutton's detachment and the First Brigade, the Orc Legion was completely wiped out. The eight Orc Brigades on the East Grotta Front were surrounded and annihilated by the cooperation of Martin and Sutton.

In this battle, the East Grotta tribe in Harland's territory annihilated eight main orc brigades and two half-orc auxiliary brigades, wiping out a total of 21,000 orc troops.

The total number of casualties was only 2,600, including 400 city defense troops and 800 noble coalition troops. The main army's casualties totaled 1,400, of which the Sutton detachment suffered more than 100 casualties, and the first brigade suffered more than 3 casualties. One hundred, close to eighty, is due to physical exhaustion on the march and attrition.

The great victory in the East Grotta direction meant that some of the main forces in the Haaland Territory had freed up their hands to untie the chains.

Because the soldiers were very tired, Martin and Sutton ordered the soldiers to rest for three days. After recovering their strength, they continued to move to the northwest area, preparing to cut off the logistics line of the Thirteenth Orc Legion.

Just as Martin and Sutton achieved victory, the battle situation in the western part of Harland's territory became increasingly dangerous.

Eighteen brigades of orcs crossed the Kea River several times and attacked the rear of Gascoyne Province, and a brutal fierce battle broke out with the coalition of nobles in Gascoyne Province.

Five large groups of orcs divided their forces to attack together on the south bank of the Kea River. They frequently mobilized the noble coalition forces and took advantage of the weakness of the noble coalition forces' poor command. They annihilated the 6,000 noble coalition forces in Gascoigne Province and captured five soldiers in the process. A baronial castle, Richard's neighbor Paul Baron was not spared either.

After capturing Baron Paul, the orc army headed north and entered the southwest area of ​​the Duchy of Harland, but was blocked by the defenders of Iron Lion Castle.

In the Iron Lion Castle, there are 4,000 allied troops from the nobles of Romon County and Brenner County, 700 cadets from the Knight Academy of Grant Kingdom, plus more than 2,000 city defense troops, security troops, and auxiliary troops operating trebuchets. The defensive force totals 7,000. .

The orc army tried to attack several times, but was unable to capture the Iron Lion Castle. Instead, it continued deep into the Dukedom of Harland and plundered the southern foothills of the Eagle Mountains.

Although the territory implemented the fortification and clearing of the country early, the losses were still very heavy. In just a few days, the population of this area was lost to 13,000, and tens of thousands of houses were burned. The economic losses were probably worth more than 100 gold coins. Ten thousand.

Because the orcs had successively penetrated the defense lines of the Earl of Martins and Gascoigne Province, and the western side of the Duchy of Harland was exposed to the orcs' front, Richard immediately wrote an emergency document and asked for help from the Northern Army. .

Now that the war has begun, the situation has gradually become clearer. Rab, the commander of the Northern Army, has already made a decision. He will lead the main force of the army to reinforce the Flame Castle and put the orcs besieging the Flame Castle into an encirclement.

After receiving Richard's letter asking for help, he did not send soldiers for reinforcements.

Reinforcements from the Northern Army did not arrive, and the Haaland territory continued to lose blood. Richard weighed for a long time and decided to launch a decisive battle at Hurricane Castle before the conditions were fully mature.

Originally, Richard planned to consume the orcs for a period of time, wait for the orc army to be exhausted, and then launch a decisive battle.

But now the rear is in urgent need of reinforcements, and reinforcements must be received within a short period of time.

If troops are transferred from the front line, the strength of the front line will be diluted, and the war will continue to be delayed. What's more, if we launch a decisive battle and defeat the orc army, we can naturally mobilize troops to the south to stabilize the front.

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