Lord Harland

Chapter 348 Exchange of Resources

After Richard returned from Imburg, he soon met an old acquaintance.

This person was none other than Starenor, the sixth son of Archduke Starnik. After Starenor was defeated by the legendary dragon, he barely escaped with his remaining soldiers and returned to Annes Castle.

With the support of the follow-up troops, the defense line was stabilized and the attack of the legendary dragon army was blocked.

The Jonathan family suffered heavy losses in this battle. Only over a thousand of the 6,000-strong army escaped, and more than 200 professionals within the army were lost.

The defeat on the front line dealt a huge blow to Stareno's prestige.

Seeing Richard this time, Stareno felt a little lethargic.

After returning from the kobold cave, Richard immediately wrote a letter to Macmillan, talking about resource exchange and intelligence exchange.

Especially the exchange of resources, Richard made it clear directly that he was going to exchange a batch of dragon marrow liquid for extraordinary resources, and trade the dragon blood mirror for a royal seal.

This time Stareno came to Harland Territory mainly to discuss the exchange of resources.

In particular, he was prepared to take a look at the Dragon Blood Mirror in person to see if it was worth trading the Royal Seal for this legendary item.

Richard met Stareno in the living room of the city lord's palace. Compared with the first time they met more than ten years ago, Stareno had not changed much, and he still looked young and personable.

Richard knew in his heart that the Jonathan family was half-dragon. Although the dragon bloodline was slowly fading, their lifespans also exceeded that of ordinary people. Especially direct members with strong bloodline can often live to be 150 or 60 years old. For people with the blood of dragons and elves, the higher their professional level, the more they can purify their blood and gain a longer lifespan.

Duke Brenner of the Grant Kingdom has died of old age many years ago, but the contemporary Archduke Neo of Stanek is still in his prime, and he looks to be in his forties or fifties. It is estimated that the generation of King Roger of the Grant family will not be able to consume the previous generation of Duke Jonathan.

When Richard first interacted with Stareno more than ten years ago, he was just twenty years old and looked a little more immature than Stareno.

More than ten years have passed, and Richard has gradually aged and become a middle-aged man, somewhat older than Stareno.

Managing a territory and directing wars is undoubtedly an exhausting task. People who face wars all year round are a bit older than people in peaceful areas, both mentally and physically.

Coupled with the thirty years of life experience in his previous life, Richard's mental age is close to that of an elderly person.

Richard exchanged a few words with Starenor, then took out the dragon-blood mirror from the bottle of starlight and handed it to Starenor himself.

After getting this prop, Stareno was almost sure that it was a legendary item, because he felt the extremely strong power of the dragon from this prop. The material of the mirror should be made of dragon crystal and a legendary item. Smelted from magic ore.

Stareno input a large amount of magic power, and in an instant the Dragon Blood Mirror let out a roar. This roar was a dragon roar, with strong pressure, spreading in Fort William.

In an instant, 100,000 people near Fort William heard the roar of the dragon. Countless people fell to the ground, praying to the goddess of the morning in fear, and trembling with fear.

Only a few people with strong willpower can be exempted from the dragon's power.

"This dragon's power spell alone is already at the level of the seventh ring." Richard pointed to the dragon blood mirror and said to Stareno.

"Compared with ordinary seven-ring magic props, the magic power consumed has increased by 30%."

Stareno shook his head and pointed out a shortcoming of the Dragon Blood Mirror.

"Dragon Power Spell is just an incidental skill of this legendary mirror. After our appraisal, the greatest function of this legendary prop is to use for long-distance communication. The communication distance is more than 800 kilometers. It can be used on the front line and in the royal capital. communication. If I had dragon blood in my body, I would never trade this legendary item."

Seeing that Stareno wanted to lower the trading value of the Dragon Blood Mirror, Richard retorted a few words and continued: "We have carefully studied the spell template of the Dragon Blood Mirror and mastered a long-distance communication spell. This is a Dragon spells require the power of dragon blood to be activated.

We also discovered the spiritual power of the legendary dragon from this precious mirror. Using dragon power spells does not affect this power. But if you want to activate the communication spell, you need to get rid of the spiritual power of the legendary dragon first, which requires Grand Duke Stanik to personally take action.

Or let the high magician spend a lot of time killing the power left by the dragon, and it should be able to be used in five or six years. "

Seeing that Richard introduced the pros and cons of the Dragon Blood Mirror in detail, and it was already difficult to successfully lower the price, Stareno said with some embarrassment: "Your Excellency, the Duke, we are willing to trade this legendary item with the royal seal."

Although the royal seal is also a legendary item, it can be continuously produced by consuming the power of faith. Although it is very important to the nobility and is the basis for the nobles to maintain their rule, it is considered to be the lowest value in the legendary item class.

Because normal nobles can exchange for royal seals as long as they are willing to wait in line, waste time and resources, but other legendary props are difficult to manufacture each time.

Obtaining a legendary item is also an extremely precious treasure for the great nobles.

Normally, the dragon blood mirror is worth more than the royal seal, but the trading scope of the dragon blood mirror is extremely narrow. Among the great nobles of several nearby countries, only the Jonathan family has dragon blood.

If Richard asks for too high a price, this legendary item may rot in his hands. In fact, this legendary prop can only be effective if it falls into the hands of the Jonathan family.

Members of the Jonathan family lived long enough to have plenty of time to wait. Once Richard and other the first generation founders of the Harland family pass away and there are no successors, having this kind of tool in their hands will only fall into the plot of the Jonathan family.

So Richard weighed the pros and cons and decided to exchange the dragon's blood mirror for the royal seal. After all, the Dragon Blood Mirror was useless to Richard, but the King Power Seal Harland Leader could use it immediately.

After reaching the deal, Richard directly took out twenty-three bottles of dragon marrow liquid and placed them on the desk.

"There are twenty-three bottles of Dragon Marrow Liquid here, which I plan to use in exchange for a batch of extraordinary resources. How many extraordinary items can you provide? The price of Dragon Marrow Liquid is on the market, 30,000 gold coins per bottle."

In the last battle, Harland received twenty-three bottles of dragon marrow liquid.

Although the army led by Stareno killed many earth dragons, half-dragons, and wyverns, they found nothing and were left empty-handed.

Because control of the battlefield fell into the hands of the legendary Black Dragon.

Without battlefield control, the battlefield cannot be cleaned, and naturally there will be no loot.

After receiving twenty-three bottles of dragon marrow liquid at one time, the Harland Mage Association wanted to seize a few bottles and use them as materials for magic research, but Richard did not agree.

Because the value of the Dragon Marrow Liquid is too high, Harland cannot afford the wasted cost yet.

Moreover, the research ideas are not straightened out and the principles of the research are not clear. Even if Richard approves the research, the probability of failure is still very high, which is not a cost-effective thing for the current leader Harland.

Seeing that Richard took out twenty-three bottles of dragon marrow liquid, Starenor secretly calculated for a moment and said: "We can provide sixteen life evolution potions, five deep meditation potions, one holy glory potion, and three hundred pieces of iron. Wildebeest, five hundred fourth-level explosive arrows, one thousand bottles of Tenghui potion, fifty bottles of morning light potion, one thousand enchanted long swords, four hundred first-level enchanted bows, three hundred first-level snake scale armor, one hundred Receive third-level alchemy armor, thirty pieces of fourth-level sub-dragon leather armor. Four space bags with an internal space of ten cubic meters."

Richard reacted quickly and discovered that these extraordinary materials were roughly worth 700,000 gold coins in total.

Transactions between big nobles are based on internal prices.

For example, to redeem a potion of life evolution in the Grant Kingdom, three great powers are required. The three great powers are converted into gold coins, and their value is roughly equivalent to 30,000 gold coins. Moreover, only a few big nobles have mastered the method of refining the life evolution potion, and there are very few channels for redemption. Only the royal family, Jonathan, York, and Gith are able to produce this high-level potion in small quantities. , exchanged to officers in the territory.

In fact, the cost of refining a life evolution potion is approximately 12,000 gold coins. When traded with a large noble, the value is approximately between 15,000 and 20,000 gold coins, fluctuating with supply and demand.

"Plus three magic crystal balls that can test qualifications."

Seeing that Richard's price increase conditions were not high, Stareno immediately made the decision and agreed.

After conquering the Grand Duchy of Stanik, the strength of the Jonathan family increased greatly. Two years ago, Duke Jonathan went out in person and spent one year and three months on a trip to Markholm Magic Kingdom. He spent 160,000 magic crystals and purchased A collection of rare extraordinary items.

This time, in order to trade the dragon marrow liquid, Stareno took out part of it.

Both parties in the transaction have space magic props, and the precious things are carried with them. Even ordinary extraordinary resources, Richard is not afraid of the Jonathan family defaulting on their debts.

By late June, this batch of resources was delivered to Haaland.

Three hundred iron horned horses entered Harland's territory, and the First Warcraft Cavalry Brigade was immediately expanded. The horses sent by Duke Jonathan were all inferior horses and geldings, which were not suitable for breeding and could only be used in wars.

Including these 300 iron horned horses, the number of the First Warcraft Cavalry Brigade already reached 900. Together with the 500 flame horse cavalrymen of the Second Warcraft Cavalry Brigade, the number of Warcraft Cavalry led by Harland already totaled 1,400.

The Warcraft Cavalry of this size ranks ahead of the Duke of York, second only to the Duke of Edward, and is fourth in the Grant Kingdom.

Enchanted weapons and armor were also distributed to officers and soldiers on an organizational basis, mainly concentrated in a few main brigades.

Release the Tenghui Potion, Morning Light Potion, and Life Evolution Potion, which can consume the merits of a large number of officers and soldiers.

Under the system of the Harland Territory, weapons and equipment are directly provided by the territory and do not belong to the soldiers. You can only take enchanted weapons and armor home with you unless you redeem them with military merit when you retire.

Potions and breathing techniques also require merit exchange, but you can borrow part of the merit. For example, a high-level warrior apprentice can borrow a small skill and learn the first-level breathing method in advance. Because of this loan system, it is easier for Harland soldiers to be promoted than the main army soldiers of the Grant Kingdom.

Up to now, there are more than 6,000 professionals in Haaland's leadership.

According to the establishment of the Grant Kingdom, 6,000 professionals are enough to organize four legions, expanding to an army of 80,000. However, including the new recruits trained this year, Haaland's regular army only has 49,000 soldiers. The proportion of regular army professionals under Haaland's leadership has already surpassed that of the strongest Northern Army by several points.

As time goes by, Haaland's advantage in this regard will become greater and greater, and the army's combat effectiveness will become more and more powerful.

After receiving a large amount of extraordinary resources, the Harland Leader Mage Association immediately became busy.

After returning to the territory, Sophia and the pharmacist began to refine a large amount of Tenghui potion. Richard and Undine took the alchemists and armorers trained in the territory to start making sub-dragon leather armor.

In mid-July, 6,500 Tenghui potions were successfully refined, and in late July, two hundred pieces of fourth-level sub-dragon leather armor were finally completed.

Including the thousand Tenghui potions traded with the Jonathan family, Harland's supply of Tenghui potions this year reached twelve thousand. The exchange conditions have become more relaxed. In addition to the shares exchanged by professionals, there are as many as 6,000 shares left for high-level warrior students. With the help of bipedal dragons and terrain dragons, the territory has cultivated monsters as of early August. There are six hundred professionals.

If this pace can be maintained, Harland may train more than a thousand new soldiers this year.

Only the Grant royal family has this level of training a thousand professionals a year.

After the Yalong Leather Armor was successfully refined, except for the 130 pieces left for mid- to high-level officers, the remaining 100 pieces were all equipped by Richard to the First Squadron of the First Brigade.

Today's First Squadron is an all-professional army. The one hundred and forty officers and soldiers in the entire squadron are all professionals. They are all equipped with level 2 force field shields and level 2 searing ray guns. Most of the soldiers are also equipped with level 4 force field shields. Yaronhide armor, and the remaining soldiers were also equipped with third-level enchanted armor. Sixty archers are also equipped with level three enchanted bows.

In addition, this squadron is also equipped with 600 first-level alchemy bombs and fifteen fourth-level explosive arrows. It is almost armed from head to toe, and its combat effectiveness even exceeds the same number of Warcraft cavalry.

After refining the dragon leather armor, Richard and Undine teamed up to refine the minions of the terrain dragon and the flying dragon into magic flying knives and magic daggers.

The magic props refined with the claws of the flying dragon are all at the fifth or sixth level. Not only are they extremely sharp, they also come with powerful attack spells, which can only be used by magicians and knights.

Some of these more than one hundred alchemy props were equipped by the Harland Mage Association, and the rest were left to the special squadron.

The members of the special squadron are all the backbones drawn from the entire army. Every soldier has awakened the blood of the knight. The squadron leader appointed Langton.

Langton comes from the Barony of Kenyon in the Gascoigne Province. He is very talented and has awakened his knight blood very early. He has just turned thirty and has been promoted to a fourth-level knight. With only a few resources, it has been improved to a pretty good level.

But Langton's bloodline is relatively far away from Baron Kenyon.

As long as a genius from a small family like this grows up, there will inevitably be family disputes. In order to prevent Langton from growing up and competing with his descendants for the title, Baron Kenyon sent this rising star to Harland six years ago.

In just six years, Langton has made many achievements, and his knight level has been raised to the fourth level. He has also served as the captain of the 21st team, and has entered Richard's sight.

Now, the Harland Territory has nearly 1.5 million people. Although there are relatively few people with knight blood, most of them are ordinary people. But every year, many free people with noble blood defect to the Harland Territory, and there are also dozens of people who awaken the blood of knights every year. Organizing a smaller knight army is not a difficult task.

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