Lord Harland

Chapter 331 Starry Cangqing Joint Auction.

Chapter 331 Fanxing-Cangqing Joint Auction.

The two major chambers of commerce, Fanxing and Cangqing, are very powerful. Although they are not as powerful as the Harland family in the Grant Kingdom, they are still strong enough to negotiate terms with Richard.

If we do not accept the good intentions of the multinational chamber of commerce and refuse to negotiate peace with the two major chambers of commerce, conflict will inevitably break out between the two parties. After weighing the internal and external environment, Richard felt that it was not the right time to turn against him and decided to negotiate with the two major chambers of commerce.

If Richard agrees to the first condition, the two major chambers of commerce will distribute a dividend of 30,000 yuan to the Harland territory every year.

Because of the low-price sales strategy, Harland's profit from firing porcelain is less than 30,000 yuan a year. It is difficult to expand the profits of the porcelain business, so it is very cost-effective to get this dividend.

But Richard fired porcelain not only for money, but also with the intention of developing the ceramic industry and expanding employment.

So Richard could only agree to the second condition.

However, under Richard's urging, Leader Harland did not sign a strictly binding contract.

If Richard bans the sale of porcelain to neighboring countries, and the two major chambers of commerce still maintain the strategy of selling porcelain at high prices, the price difference between the Grant Kingdom and neighboring countries will be too large, and there will inevitably be room for smuggling activities. If a strictly binding contract is signed, it will become very dangerous for Richard.

Although Leader Harland is unwilling to break out into conflict with the two major transnational chambers of commerce, he is not afraid of the multinational chambers of commerce. Even if things get extremely bad and the legendary magician behind the Stars Chamber of Commerce arrives, Leader Harland also has the means to deal with it.

A conflict broke out between the two sides, and after all, Haaland had the better chance of winning.

The Harland leader has made great achievements in the northern Xinjiang, has tens of thousands of troops, and has killed legendary orcs. The top leaders of the two major chambers of commerce, as long as they are not fools, will know this, so they decided to use some of their interests to negotiate.

In the end, the two parties agreed that only 8,000 pieces of porcelain fired in the Harland territory could be sold in the Grant Kingdom each year.

These 8,000 pieces of porcelain can only be retailed, not wholesaled, and cannot be sold to foreign nobles. They will not be exhibited at commodity fairs. We will do our best to help multinational chambers of commerce combat smuggling and prevent the porcelain fired by Harland from being lost to nearby countries.

Fanxing and Cangqing Chamber of Commerce are responsible for underwriting the remaining porcelain production capacity in the Haaland territory, with an agreement of 20,000 pieces per year.

In fact, the Harland Territory replaced the Holy Glorious Empire and became the porcelain supplier to the two major multinational chambers of commerce.

As for the sales strategies of the two major chambers of commerce, Richard would not care.

If we want to maintain the high quality of porcelain and maintain the sky-high price sales strategy, at least 90% of the porcelain underwritten by the two major multinational chambers of commerce must be destroyed. Only by being rare can we sell it at a high price. But in this case, there will inevitably be competition from smuggled porcelain, and selling sky-high-priced porcelain will become particularly troublesome, and it is very likely that the price will not be maintained.

If it is sold at a reduced price, the market will be expanded to the middle and upper classes, and the price will be reduced ten times to a few gold coins a piece, making smuggling less profitable. Twenty thousand pieces of porcelain can still make a lot of money.

A piece of porcelain can earn two or three gold coins, which adds up to more than tens of thousands.

It's just that selling 20,000 pieces of porcelain requires expanding business channels and adding sales personnel. If there is a slow-selling situation, it will become very troublesome.

After negotiating terms with the two major businessmen, the auction was held as scheduled six days later.

For this auction, the two major multinational chambers of commerce have been preparing for more than half a year in advance. They have sent invitations to the nobles of many nearby countries, including not only nobles from the Kingdom of Delong and the United Kingdom on the East Coast, but also from the Kingdom of Lane and Heath. Kingdom, Saxon Kingdom, Stark Kingdom, Mayan Kingdom noble member.

In the eastern part of the mainland in the plane of dawn, except for the southernmost Kingdom of Parame, all the nobles of the remaining eight kingdoms were present, and three of the five principalities also came. The three principalities of Stanik, Chromia, and Larson all had great nobles. Support.

In fact, there are more than ten multinational chambers of commerce active in the countries in the eastern part of the mainland, and such large-scale auctions are held every one or two years.

If they are too far away and do not need to purchase scarce resources, the nobles will generally not send representatives and waste time to participate in large-scale auctions held by multinational chambers of commerce.

From more than ten countries, except for the Kingdom of Grant, a total of thirty-seven representatives of the nobles above the earl came, and about one-fifth of the nobles came.

In addition to the royal family, the eighth duke, the fourth marquess, and the fifth earl of the Grant Kingdom, a total of fifty-five nobles settled in the luxurious private room.

In addition to the big nobles who sent invitations, small and medium-sized nobles and wealthy businessmen who want to participate in the auction need to verify their capital in advance and must be able to come up with 10,000 Grant Kingdom gold coins.

The quality of gold coins varies from country to country, and multinational chambers of commerce have accurate exchange rates.

At the Saint's Grand Theater in Nolan Castle, the much-anticipated Fanxing-Cangqing joint auction kicked off amidst everyone's expectations.

The first group of items in the auction was quite extraordinary. It turned out to be the famous Warcraft Flame Horse from the Holy Glory Empire.

It is rumored that the Holy Glory Empire has three flaming horse warcraft legions, and the number of warcraft cavalry riding flaming horses exceeds 30,000.

Of course, the Holy Radiance Empire Legion has more than one kind of Warcraft Cavalry. In addition to the Flame Horse Cavalry Legion, there are also the Griffin Knights, the Flying Dragon Knights, the Demon Crocodile Knights, the Frost Wolf Knights, etc., in addition to the Golem Legion. , the total of various high-level troops exceeds 100,000.

The training requirements for the Warcraft Cavalry of the Holy Radiance Empire are much stronger than those of the eastern countries. More than 50% of the soldiers are professionals, and the legion commanders are even legendary.

Among the 900 Warcraft cavalry led by Harland, there were only 156 professionals, accounting for no more than 18%. The quality of the Warcraft cavalry under the Grant royal family and Archduke Jonathan was better, and the proportion of professionals was also lower. No more than 30%.

With the same number and similar training, the Holy Glory Empire's Warcraft Cavalry is certainly more effective in combat.

The combat effectiveness of Warcraft cavalry is powerful and is an important benchmark for measuring the strength of great nobles.

Warcraft war horses are very attractive to the great nobles. There are six groups of flame horses auctioned this time, with twenty-five horses in each group. The bidding price for each group is five thousand gold coins.

The Flame Horse has a violent personality and cannot be mixed with other Warcraft horses, but its life level is higher than that of the Iron Horned Horse, and its strength is also stronger.

Generally speaking, the price of an adult flame horse is more than 200 gold coins, and the price of a successfully trained stallion will be higher, often reaching 300 or 400 gold coins. A third-level stallion can be sold for more than a thousand gold coins. Groups of flaming horses will sell for a higher price.

For the rich nobles, the price is not a big issue. Only large-scale Warcraft war horses can play a role in war. Purchasing a group of flame horses can only be used in small-scale wars.

At the strong request of the great nobles, the two major chambers of commerce decided to sell six groups of flame horses together, and the starting price was also raised to 40,000 gold coins.

Although the starting price was set very high, the situation of too many people and too little food has not changed.

Most of the dozen or so countries in the east have trained flame horse cavalry. There are twenty-three interested nobles in total.

One hundred and fifty flame horses can already be organized into a squadron and a half, forming a very impressive combat effectiveness. At that time, Baron Harden only had a hundred Warcraft Cavalry under his command, but he was already an important commander in Geda Province.

One hundred and fifty flaming horses, even Richard was very jealous. He started to raise his cards repeatedly and compete with everyone, and the auction price quickly increased to 60,000.

After the auction price was raised to 60,000 yuan, many nobles no longer felt that it was worthwhile. After all, flame horses have been successfully domesticated for many years and are distributed in many countries. They are not actually scarce.

Although the scale of one hundred and fifty horses is not small, it will cost a lot of money to travel back from the Grant Kingdom. The price is too high and it is not cost-effective.

In the end, Richard was the richest man and bought 150 flaming horses for 62,000 gold coins.

On average, a flaming horse costs four times as much as an iron horned horse, which is not cost-effective in terms of resource usage efficiency.

The combat effectiveness of four Iron-horned Horse Warcraft Cavalry far exceeds that of one Flame Horse Warcraft Cavalry.

This price is already 25% higher than the normal selling price. If Richard hadn't wanted to expand the second Warcraft Cavalry Brigade as soon as possible and expand the flame horse population, he would not have been taken advantage of.

In fact, a big reason why Richard is willing to pay a premium is to save time.

The major nobles of the Grant Kingdom combined have over 10,000 Warcraft cavalry, but the total number of Warcraft horses sold each year does not exceed 600.

Stallions have to be castrated, and mares have to be picked out with crooked melons and cracked dates.

If the Harland Territory were not guarding the Eagle Mountains and could continuously capture wild wildebeest resources and expand the wildebeest population, it would be particularly difficult to cultivate a large-scale Warcraft Cavalry.

Now that I have paid a premium, although I have spent more money, I have expanded the Warcraft war horse population, avoided other noble restrictions, and saved a lot of time in cultivating Warcraft cavalry.

Other big nobles are willing to bid for this reason.

The Warcraft War Horse that opened the auction caused a sensation in the auction, and the following auction items were also all kinds of precious resources. Tenghui Potions were sold in groups of one hundred, and eighteen groups were auctioned in succession. The bloodline enlightenment potion was divided into a group of twelve, and six groups were shot at one time.

Because Richard had extra money in his hand, he held up his sign several times and bought four sets of Tenghui potions, which cost him thirteen thousand gold coins, which was slightly higher than the normal selling price.

According to the market price in the Grant Kingdom, a Tenghui potion costs thirty gold coins. However, there is very little supply on the market. In addition to the Duke and nobles of the Grant Kingdom, only a five-ring magician from Nolan is involved in refining it. There are only two to three hundred in a year.

Although the royal family's output is high, it needs to supply eight main legions and four second-line legions, and some of them must be reserved for small and medium-sized nobles to exchange for their merits.

Because of Sophia, Leader Harland mastered this basic medicine very early. In addition, being located in northern Xinjiang, there is no shortage of Warcraft material resources, so the supply of this medicine is not in short supply.

Last year, the pharmacists in the Harland Mage Association refined more than a thousand Tenghui potions and helped the territory cultivate more than a hundred warrior professionals.

This year, Richard is still expanding his army on a large scale, and there is also a lack of professional backbones in the army, so there is also a shortage of this basic medicine, Harland Leader.

After taking four sets of potions, various high-end magic props and enchanted armor were auctioned. Richard even saw four magic storage props, one of which was a storage bag with a space of forty cubic meters. The volume of forty cubic meters of space is no less than that of a small warehouse. Even if it is used in a war, an extra batch of supplies is very crucial, and it can be regarded as a strategic level resource.

The great nobles had accumulated it for many years. Some of the great nobles who had domestic peace and were good at business were very rich. This space bag caused more than thirty great nobles to compete for it, and it was auctioned for a sky-high price of 148,000 gold coins.

Having saved 600,000 gold coins, Richard thought he was already very rich, but at such a large auction, he found that his worth was average.

The auction had just been held for one day, and only one-third of the way through, Richard discovered that the price of the auction exceeded 1.6 million.

After the auction, Richard completed the handover with the two major chambers of commerce. He paid 75,000 gold coins and took away 150 flaming horses and 400 Tenghui potions.

Shortly after the auction, Richard found Horn, an important member of the Grant royal family.

Horne is a distant branch of the Grant royal family. Although he is only a court baron, he is responsible for managing many of the royal family's properties.

The Warcraft Horse Breeding Farm is also under his management.

The reason why Richard approached Horn was that he hoped to purchase a hundred iron horned horses and form a third cavalry reconnaissance brigade.

To purchase Iron Wildebeest on a large scale, you can only find the royal family and Duke Edward in Grant Kingdom.

After finding Horn, Richard mentioned his intention, only to find that Horn was in a very difficult position.

"Your Majesty the Duke, after the country expanded its territory in the south last year, the Roger Kingdom is preparing to expand the ninth legion. It needs to form a Warcraft Cavalry Brigade of 300 people. Each legion of Warcraft Cavalry needs to increase its troops. In the past one or two years, there will be no such thing. There are obsolete Warcraft horses for sale. If the Duke wants to buy a Warcraft horse, he may have to wait three years."

Richard knew that Horn was telling the truth, so he was not embarrassed.

The news of the royal family's military expansion has spread a lot recently. After all, the Kingdom of Grant is now fighting on two fronts. It not only has to resist the invasion of the orcs, but also fights against the army of the Kingdom of Delon.

Once the royal family expands its army, the production capacity of the Warcraft breeding base will be drained. This is the current situation in Harland. Although the Warcraft breeding base is large in scale, it has no plans to sell Warcraft horses to outsiders.

Although the Duke of Edward does not plan to expand its army and is still selling Warcraft horses, the two major dukes are both in the north, so the competition is actually fierce, and there have been some conflicts in the past few years.

Last winter, Richard sent someone to the Dukedom of Edward to buy feral wildebeests, but they were rejected.

It was precisely for this reason that Richard had to pay a high price to buy the Flame Horse at a premium, just to buy time for the expansion of his army.

Unable to purchase Iron Horned Horses from the royal family, Richard could only organize fifty flame horses into the 3rd Cavalry Reconnaissance Brigade, and the remaining 100 flame horses formed a squadron and were organized into the 2nd Warcraft Cavalry Brigade.

After replenishing the battle losses, the two Warcraft Cavalry Brigades have a total of nine squadrons of Warcraft Cavalry, and the three reconnaissance cavalry brigades have 250 Warcraft Cavalry. Harland will lead more than 1,000 Warcraft Cavalry.

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