Lord Harland

Chapter 321 Formation of the Second Warcraft Cavalry Brigade

Caesar is a ninth-level epic knight who is highly resistant to human immobilization. Although Richard invested a lot of magic power, he could only immobilize Caesar for more than ten seconds at most.

On a fierce battlefield, one second can be fatal. If he cannot move for more than ten seconds, Caesar's tragedy is already doomed.

In an instant, Caesar was targeted by dozens of archers.

Now that Caesar has been defeated, he has no one to protect him. With no one to protect him, these enchanted arrows easily consumed Caesar's protective shield. In an instant, Caesar turned into a hedgehog, his powerful vitality drained away.

Caesar lost his life, which greatly affected the fighting enthusiasm of the soldiers of the Sixth Legion on the east coast.

The middle route army immediately collapsed on a large scale, and an avalanche effect soon formed.

In the blink of an eye, Richard's ears were filled with the sound of capturing prisoners.

Seeing that the battle had been won, Richard immediately issued an order. "Seize the time to clean up the battlefield, deploy magicians, and mid-level and high-level warriors to ride the magic hot air balloon together to detect information about enemy reinforcements. Let Viscount Luomen and Sophia participate in the reconnaissance operation to protect the safety of the magic hot air balloon. The last investigation discovered We are against high-level magicians, so everyone must be careful."

The task of cleaning up the battlefield was very arduous. The soldiers dragged the corpses to the open space one after another, stripped off the armor from the enemy corpses, collected the weapons and equipment, and sent them to the logistics department. Scattered gold and silver coins basically fell into the hands of soldiers cleaning the battlefield.

The enemy's logistical equipment was left intact in the camp.

Richard ordered the soldiers to dig a large pit and bury the corpses of the dead enemies in the pit.

It was already late May, and the climate was getting hotter. If the corpse was not buried in time, it would easily cause a plague. Even if Harland had many medical personnel accompanying the army, an outbreak of plague would still be quite troublesome.

Richard began to interrogate the captured officers one by one. The content of his questions was very detailed, ranging from the geography of the United Kingdom on the East Coast to religion, customs, and even the personalities and habits of middle- and senior-level officers. Every time there is an interrogation, several pages of densely packed information will be written down. As the data was compiled, millions of words were accumulated.

It took most of a day to clean the battlefield. The coalition forces from the four northern Xinjiang provinces buried more than 5,000 enemy soldiers, but it took two days to capture the prisoners and interrogate the intelligence. By interrogating the prisoners of war, Richard finally found out the general information about the United Kingdom on the East Coast.

"In this battle, 5,600 enemy troops were killed, and 8,100 prisoners were captured. About 1,600 soldiers fled. Our captures in this battle were very rich, except for 120,000 from the east coast. In addition to the gold coins, there are ten thousand pieces of iron armor, six hundred pieces of enchanted armor, one hundred and twenty-six flaming horses, and thousands of enchanted weapons."

"How are our casualties?"

"Ninety-one of the First Brigade were killed and less than 200 were lightly or seriously injured. The combined casualties of the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Brigades were about 200. Including the casualties of the cavalry, our total casualties in this battle were 600. Seven people, 203 killed in action. Our medical capabilities are relatively strong, the wounded soldiers have received proper treatment, most of them can recover, and only 86 people are disabled."

Richard nodded and then asked: "How are the casualties of the coalition forces from the four provinces?"

"The left battalion led by Viscount Raphael suffered 400 casualties, and the right battalion led by Viscount Romain suffered 300 casualties."

After hearing the casualty figures, Richard sighed and said: "The total casualties are 1,300, but our middle camp suffered the heaviest casualties."

"We also achieved the greatest results. We directly defeated the enemy's most elite and powerful central army, killed the epic knight Caesar, captured the deputy commander Fagan, and captured the enemy's camp, which played the most critical role in the victory of this battle. . If the center camp had not failed, the casualties on the left and right wings would have increased. Precisely because we defeated the enemy, the casualties on the left and right wings would have been lighter."

Listening to the staff officer's report, Richard had a smile on his face.

"When we collected the trophies, we heard that Viscount Raphael was very unhappy and unwilling to hand over the captured Warcraft horses and enchanted weapons." Seeing that Richard was in a good mood, the staff officer around him immediately decided to give it to Viscount Raphael. Take eye drops.

Although Viscount Raphael is a woman, he has a very arrogant personality. He is usually arrogant and arrogant. He didn't have much respect for the officers in the headquarters and offended many people in the headquarters. After the war, this man became so domineering that he dared to compete with Harland's soldiers for the spoils of war, causing quite a conflict, and even Richard heard about it.

"When a large army fights, military discipline is strict. I personally issued an order for Viscount Raphael to hand over all the spoils of war. If she disobeys the order, Raphael will be removed from her post immediately. If she dares to resist, I will authorize the soldiers to kill her. Viscount Raphael. If there is a problem, I will personally explain it to the noble council and accept the questions from the members."

Harland's soldiers played a decisive role in this battle. When he heard that Raphael dared to snatch the loot, Richard was immediately unhappy.

In the two battles before and after, Haaland led the army with nearly a thousand casualties, and the total casualties exceeded 15% of the entire army. The morale of the officers and soldiers was reduced a bit due to the laborious expedition.

Especially the officers and soldiers of the First Brigade, despite being elite and good at fighting, suffered close to 500 casualties in the two battles, with a casualty rate of more than one-third, and 150 people were killed in action, with a death rate of more than 10%. There are still three in the hospital. One hundred and fifty wounded soldiers, it can be said that the camp is full of wounded soldiers.

The ordinary regular army of the Grant Kingdom went abroad to fight in a war of aggression. They suffered so many casualties that they had already lost their combat effectiveness.

The reason why the First Battalion led by Haaland can still maintain combat effectiveness is the combination of military honor, years of training, excellent logistics, and the relationship between officers and soldiers. The combination of various conditions is the reason why it can maintain combat effectiveness.

Another very important point is that the Harland Territory has implemented a policy of providing pensions to disabled and fallen soldiers for more than ten years. The pensions spent on the families of disabled and fallen soldiers add up to hundreds of thousands of gold coins, even though the economic burden has increased. The burden also allows the territorial soldiers to withstand higher casualties and are willing to fight for the Harland Territory.

The combination of various factors allowed Harland's soldiers to withstand greater casualties and bear greater responsibilities.

In annihilating the Sixth Army, Harland led the soldiers to achieve the greatest feat. Of course, Richard wanted to get the richest spoils.

The eye drops given to Rafael by the staff officer were instantly successful.

In an instant, Richard felt a sense of malice, and violent emotions filled his heart.

Richard is a person with very good emotional management skills and can always regain his composure quickly.

The Grant Kingdom has a special constitution, and the status of noble officers is very high. Even if Richard is the commander-in-chief of the four-province coalition, he cannot easily kill a noble officer, let alone kill someone like Raphael who has great influence among the noble officers. An officer dealing with Raphael's status must have a reputation.

After calming down a little, Richard thought about it for a moment. From the perspective of Raphael and Roman, he felt that it was only human nature to fight for the spoils of war for his soldiers.

Richard revised the order, weighed it a little, and said to the herald beside him: "Raphael, Roman and others all contributed in this battle. As usual, the gold coins and armor will be divided among the nobles such as Raphael and Roman. We will keep all the enchanted weapons and armor to strengthen our infantry, gather all the Warcraft war horses, and transfer the backbone to form the second Warcraft brigade."

Richard is the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces. Of course he has to take care of his own people when dividing the spoils. Moreover, Harland led the soldiers and played a decisive role in the battle. Of course, he must eat the fattest piece of meat and take the largest share.

As long as Richard is in this position, even if Raphael, Luo Men and others are dissatisfied, he must obey military orders.

The herald took the order written by Richard and went directly to Raphael's military camp. Seeing that Richard's order was very strict, Raphael did not dare to resist the order even though he was unhappy, so he had to hand over the Warcraft horse and the enchanted weapon.

After giving a sweet date to a stick and handing over the most valuable trophies to Raphael, Luomen and others, Richard divided the common armor and captured gold coins among them, thus stabilizing the morale of the noble coalition.

The reason why the nobles of the four provinces were willing to fight with Richard was mainly because they wanted to gain meritorious service and gain titles and invade the land. As long as they can win battles and achieve military exploits with Richard, they can only tolerate it even if Richard is unfair in sharing the spoils. Besides, Richard has not yet made people angry and lost his military morale. Most of the captured iron armor and gold coins were distributed to the coalition forces of the four provinces.

After collecting the enchanted weapons and Warcraft horses, Richard gave the enchanted armor equipment to the soldiers of the first brigade, and distributed the enchanted weapons to the thirteenth and fourteenth brigade.

In addition to the 600 pieces of enchanted armor captured, the first brigade already has 1,300 pieces of enchanted armor. Even the wounded soldiers in the hospital are wearing enchanted armor, which can be said to be armed to the teeth. It is considered the best-equipped infantry in the Grant Kingdom.

In two battles, the Sixth Army of the United Kingdom on the East Coast was annihilated, and more than 200 Warcraft horses were captured in total. These flame horses have not been castrated and are a complete population.

Relying on these flame horses, the Harland leader can cultivate a second type of Warcraft cavalry.

There is not much physical difference between the two Warcraft horses, and perhaps they can be cross-bred to produce better Warcraft cavalry.

Of course, we are still at war, and the soldiers led by Harland are not familiar with the habits of the flame horses. To form the second Warcraft Cavalry Brigade, they must rely on the captive soldiers of the United Kingdom on the east coast.

In this battle, the allied forces of the four provinces captured more than 8,000 enemies. Among these more than 8,000 prisoners were a large number of professional officers, including of course the officers and soldiers of the enemy's Warcraft Cavalry Brigade.

All of these people were mobilized by Richard and cooperated with Harland to lead the backbone to form the Second Warcraft Cavalry Brigade.

Because Richard did not name the commander of the Second Warcraft Cavalry Brigade, the staff officer at the headquarters had no choice but to ask: "Your Excellency, who are you planning to appoint as the commander of the Second Warcraft Cavalry Brigade?"

Since Richard decided to set up the Second Warcraft Cavalry Brigade, he had certainly weighed it in his mind. He had no time to think about it and said: "I am going to hand over this cavalry brigade to the captain of the Fourth Brigade, Vito. He is already a sixth-level warrior and has sufficient qualifications." , took over with military merit. Now Vito is still in Northern Xinjiang, and is temporarily under the management of Squadron Captain Danon."

After Richard led the coalition forces from four provinces to annihilate the Sixth Army, he had just finished cleaning the battlefield and interrogating the prisoners when the reinforcements from the United Kingdom's Thirteenth Army on the East Coast appeared nearby.

As expected, the Thirteenth Legion strengthened the power of the magicians accompanying the army, and separately dispatched sixteen middle- and high-level magicians to specifically hunt down the aerial scouts of Harland's territory.

Magicians can master invisibility, levitation, flight and other extraordinary powers, and can ambush the magic hot air balloon team and the gryphon cavalry.

Especially the magic hot air balloon team, if they are conducting reconnaissance in weather with weak wind, they will move slowly and be easily ambushed by magicians. For magicians who want to deal with enemies, the most suitable way is to send high-level professionals to hide in magic hot air balloons to hunt down the enemies.

Sophia and Viscount Luomen hid in the magic hot air balloon, successfully killed a fifth-ring magician, fought with an eighth-ring magician, and a sixth-ring magician, and repelled the enemy. This reconnaissance mission was Done successfully.

Seeing that his opponents had strengthened their anti-high-altitude reconnaissance forces, Richard had no choice but to reduce the frequency of high-altitude reconnaissance. After all, leader Harland also felt physical pain when a magic hot air balloon was shot down.

In the magic hot air balloon team, there are not only high-level magic apprentices, but also sharp archers. Leader Harland cannot afford to lose too much of this kind of capable force, and of course he does not want to waste it all in the southern war.

After suppressing the high-altitude reconnaissance force of Harland, the Thirteenth Army of the United Kingdom on the East Coast was finally able to detect some enemy intelligence. After interrogating the defeated soldiers who escaped back, and based on the intelligence they had obtained, Simone, commander of the Thirteenth Army, looked unusually gloomy.

"Through interrogating the defeated troops and investigating the enemy's situation these days, we have to admit that the Sixth Army has been completely wiped out, and the commander of Caesar's Army also died in the hands of the enemy.

The enemy can annihilate the Sixth Army, and its strength cannot be underestimated. From the intelligence we have, the enemy's losses are not serious. We were now only a day's march from the enemy, and I considered ourselves in danger.

The Seventh Army is still 200 kilometers away from us. The top priority is to get closer to the Seventh Army. Only the two legions working together can defeat this enemy. "

Simone and Caesar were both members of the Eunice family and were the twins of the Eunice Duke family. Although neither of them is Duke Eunice, their bloodlines are far apart, and there is a faint internal competition.

But when he heard the news of Caesar's death in battle, Simone's heart was extremely heavy.

The Sixth Legion was one of the two main legions controlled by the Younis family. This legion was completely wiped out, which dealt an extremely serious blow to the authority of the Younis family. If there is another problem with the Thirteenth Legion, the Yunis family may be removed from the great nobles. So when making decisions, Simeone can only seek stability.

In fact, among the coalition forces of the four provinces, the military front of Harland's army has been blunted. The first battalion, the core backbone, suffered heavy casualties. It was no longer possible to defeat the enemy as easily as in the previous two battles. The combat effectiveness of the 13th and 14th Brigades is far inferior to that of the 1st Brigade, and it is difficult to break through the enemy's formation in a short time.

The arrowhead of the army led by Harland cannot be hit. The aristocratic coalition forces on the left and right wings will fight against the main army of the United Kingdom on the east coast, and they will only fall into a stalemate.

In a battle with the Thirteenth Army, the coalition forces of the four provinces may not be able to win. Seeing that the Thirteenth Army had chosen to retreat, Richard took it easy and did not act aggressively. He led the army back more than a hundred miles and returned to Sac Castle.

After returning to Sac Castle, Richard immediately wrote a letter to King Roger, asking for reinforcements to be mobilized for him.

The United Kingdom on the east coast has a steady stream of support. Although the Duke of Harland still has some spare strength and has more than 20,000 regular troops in the northern Xinjiang, Richard will not easily waste his capital in the southern war.

At this moment, other great nobles should also be allowed to assume greater responsibilities.

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