Lord Harland

Chapter 298 Raid in the Fog

After the Gatling tribe was annihilated, Kilam, the commander of the Orcs' central army, received the news immediately.

At this moment, Kilam knew in his heart that his strategy of flying with both wings and blooming in the center had completely failed.

Although the Grodan Army has penetrated the Platos defense line, facing the reinforcements of Thoros and the Grizzly Legion, even if Grodan penetrated into the rear of Harland's territory, it would not be able to play its due role. They would be besieged by superior human forces and fall into the same fate as the Gaitling tribe.

Kilam was a veteran of the orcs, he could take things up and let them go. After noticing that the situation had changed, he immediately changed his mind and ordered Grodan to join the three brigades attacking the swamp basin and withdraw from Platos Fortress. , concentrate their forces to threaten Haaland's territory from the flanks.

After the orcs changed their strategy, they were quickly discovered by the scouts led by Harland. Now that Harland has a magic hot air balloon and gryphon cavalry, even if he can't suppress the orcs in the air, he is no longer deaf and blind and can detect a large number of enemies.

After discovering the traces of Grodan's tribe, Richard immediately ordered Thoros to lead troops to reinforce the swamp basin and join the defenders of the swamp basin to stop the orcs.

As for the garrison task of Grotta River County, it can only be left to the soldiers of the Flying Eagle Legion for the time being.

As Grodan merged with the orcs in the swamp basin, there were now three armies of orcs on the front line of Harland's territory.

A legion of the Eastern Orcs is located in the northern part of Salt Lake County and is confronting Viscount Roman and Jennings. The Salt Lake County defenders are about 8,000 strong.

In the northern area of ​​the central military station, one and a half legions of orcs have set up camp and built a strong camp. This army has firmly focused on the main army of Harland's territory.

Harland Territory also stationed 15,000 regular troops in this direction to contain the orc army.

In the western swamp basin area, Grodan led an orc army to look at him. His opponent was Thoros and an infantry brigade, numbering close to 9,000 people. Two mage towers were built in this area. The orcs suffered a big loss last time and did not dare to attack rashly.

With Gatlin's troops completely wiped out, the Grizzly Legion was freed up, and Harland led more than 20,000 reinforcements.

More than 20,000 reinforcements are a heavy weight that can determine the outcome of a war at a critical moment.

As the spring rain ended, a heavy fog suddenly came.

Richard stood on the wall of the military station, staring at the orc camp. Last night he had discussed with his father William to concentrate his efforts to defeat the Kilam orcs in one fell swoop.

Heavy fog fell this morning, and the soldiers in Haaland's territory organized an attack formation in an orderly manner.

March in the Eagle Mountains is relatively quiet. The vegetation has not yet sprouted, the migratory birds have not returned, and the hibernating beasts have just awakened.

Richard came down from the city wall. Due to the low visibility, he could only hear the sound of footsteps.

The fog was so thick that the soldiers could only see seven to eight meters. Marching in such an environment was not an easy task.

There seemed to be some monster hidden in the thick fog, and an indescribable uneasiness surged into their hearts. If they could not hear the footsteps and breathing of their companions, the soldiers would have screamed to dispel the fear in their hearts.

Marching in thick fog is more difficult than marching late at night. Only soldiers with strong organizational skills can rush and march in thick fog.

Richard is not a person who is afraid of death. In his early years, he traveled through this ignorant and barbaric world and saw too much blood from corpses, which greatly affected Richard's mind.

Battle after battle and scar after battle tempered Richard's will and spirit, gradually turning him into a true Northern Xinjiang man.

This time, taking advantage of the heavy fog to attack the orcs, Richard once again took the lead, leading carefully selected soldiers to act as the first echelon. He held the enchanted sword tightly and slowly approached the trench outside the orc camp.

Although the thick fog covered the sneak attack and made the human surprise attack more sudden, it suppressed the power of long-range attacks. Whether it was a trebuchet or a bow and arrow, it was difficult to target the orcs in the heavy fog.

In this surprise attack, we can only use our shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths and defeat the orcs with hand-to-hand combat.

Seeing that the first brigade was already in position, Richard suddenly shouted and threw the alchemy bomb in his hand into the orc camp.

Thousands of alchemy bombs exploded in the orc camp. Light, fire, and thick smoke broke through the dense fog. In an instant, there were large casualties in the orc camp, and screams were heard.

The orc commander-in-chief Kilam was a veteran general. When he saw the thick fog rising, he anticipated that humans might attack the camp. He had already given the order in advance, and the two orc brigades stationed in the front camp had made preparations in advance, wearing clothes and armor to prevent human soldiers from stealing the camp.

But the orcs underestimated the firepower of the Harland leader. They never expected that the first group of soldiers actually carried 6,000 alchemy bombs. They threw 3,000 in the first wave, directly overwhelming the orcs with powerful firepower.

The two orc brigades at the front were hit by alchemy bombs and suffered heavy casualties before they encountered the enemy. Nearly 1,400 people were killed or injured.

Without a war, casualties have reached close to 30%, and they are about to collapse.

The orc army is well-informed and has never encountered such a terrifying scene.

"Soldiers, here's your chance to defeat the orcs.

We northern Xinjiang people have had countless relatives killed, robbed, and bullied by orcs. Today is our time to take revenge.

Please follow the banner of Earl Harland and kill all the orcs. Let us cheer loudly. The glory belongs to Harland. "

After the brief battlefield mobilization, Richard suddenly waved the enchanted sword and was the first to launch a charge.

In the thick fog, Richard's superb archery skills were useless, but he was also a sixth-level warrior, and his ability in hand-to-hand combat was also very good. He jumped easily and crossed the trench of seven to eight meters. The long sword in his hand slashed down and easily killed the tauren soldiers blocking the front.

The soldiers of the First Brigade are rich in experience, with more than 300 veterans with more than ten years of military service. There are many professionals in this brigade, especially in the First Squadron. Many professionals are still serving as squad leaders and other military positions. Even in hand-to-hand combat, the combat effectiveness of this elite soldier has surpassed that of the orcs.

With Richard taking the lead, the professional officers took the lead in the charge. Their physical fitness was far beyond that of ordinary people. They could easily jump across wide trenches and kill the blocking orc soldiers.

In the blink of an eye, this elite soldier from the Harland Territory opened a gap, cut down the wooden fence of the orc camp, and burned many orc tents.

Two or three of the ordinary soldiers who followed carried long wooden boards and put them on the ditch outside the camp. They followed the officers and rushed into the orc camp.

Because there are twelve main brigades of orcs and four brigades of orc auxiliary troops stationed, there are about 32,000 orcs stationed in this camp.

With so many soldiers stationed, the orcs naturally had to disperse their stations. Five large camps were densely built two kilometers north of the military station.

The total area of ​​the five camps is about several kilometers, which is somewhat larger than the area occupied by the military station.

The one that Richard led his troops to attack was the vanguard camp at the forefront. About two brigades of orcs were stationed in this camp.

The forward battalion suffered heavy casualties from the alchemy bomb, and was attacked by elite soldiers from the Haaland territory. It was also in a very oppressive dense fog environment with low visibility. It suddenly couldn't bear the losses and retreated.

Seeing the orcs retreating in the forward camp, Richard gave a loud order, lit torches in the thick fog, reorganized the formation, and then followed the orcs' retreat and attacked the orcs' middle camp.

The orc mid-camp is the core of the defense. There are four large groups of orcs stationed in it, and there are two battalions of orcs on the left and right that serve as horns to each other. The camp is also located on the mountainside, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

After receiving the news of the defeat of the front camp, the fleeing orcs had begun to disrupt their own formation.

Kilam, the commander of the orc mid-camp, was very decisive. He ordered bonfires to be lit to disperse the dense fog, and attacked the orc deserters who broke into the camp. Through brutal suppression, the formation was stabilized.

Orcs are not a race with strong organizational skills, even in wars that require extreme organizational skills. The organizational ability of the orcs is always a weakness, and this race seems to be in chaos all the time.

But the legendary kobold Kilam is an exception. He attaches great importance to organizational skills and is particularly rigorous in running the army.

Kobolds are also a tribe with strong organizational ability among the orcs, although the kobolds are not naturally endowed. Generally speaking, the combat effectiveness of adult kobolds is not as good as that of a twelve-year-old human child.

Kilam's branch is a dragon-veined kobold. He has a powerful red dragon bloodline and a legendary third-level red dragon crystal. Through this dragon crystal, he has mastered a special magic circle, which can continuously Ordinary kobolds transform into dragon-veined kobolds.

Although the conversion efficiency was not high, Kilam also managed to save two large groups of dragon-veined kobold soldiers.

Dragon-veined kobolds are natural professionals, and one-tenth of them can awaken spell abilities. The dragon-veined kobolds of these two brigades are also the core of the Kiram Department's combat effectiveness.

The dragon-veined kobolds had a clear hierarchy of superiors and subordinates. The superior officers ordered, and the subordinates carried out the orders without hesitation. In an instant, more than six or seven hundred orcs were slaughtered.

Such a terrifying scene immediately calmed the orcs.

After stabilizing their position, the orcs began to light bonfires to disperse the dense fog. In such a dense fog environment, lighting bonfires was not an easy task. Even though there is plenty of dry wood in the orc camp, the moist air prevents the fire from burning and consumes the heat of the fire.

Seeing that it was difficult to make a fire, the orc shamans took action one after another. They released fire-attribute spells one after another, and in an instant, fire rose in the orc camp.

The raging fire soared into the sky, evaporating all the nearby water vapor.

At the same time, the orc shaman immediately released the dispersing fog spell to disperse the dense fog far away.

In just a few minutes, the thick fog near the orc camp had lightened a lot, and visibility reached sixty or seventy meters.

Richard and his soldiers had just approached the orc center camp and immediately found that the thick fog was gradually weakening. He took a gentle breath and looked around. Several small wounds had appeared on his body. The sharp sting stimulated his tired nerves, keeping him awake all the time.

The fog has thinned, but the blood remains in the air.

Richard cast a spell on himself to treat minor injuries and stopped the blood loss. He looked at the dragon-veined kobolds forming a formation, and his face gradually became gloomy.

Kilam has been besieged for more than ten days, and the two sides have fought several tentative wars.

Richard and Sophia even briefly fought against Kiram, leaving a deep impression on both sides.

The Warcraft Cavalry led by Harland also fought against the dragon-veined kobolds.

Seeing that there was no advantage left in the orc camp, Richard immediately ordered to stabilize his position and retreat slowly.

In today's battle, taking advantage of the dense fog to make a surprise attack, the Harland leader had the upper hand, severely damaging two brigades of orcs and annihilating more than 3,000 orcs. However, the casualties on our side were no more than 400 at most, and only the number of soldiers killed in the battle was More than a hundred people.

Seeing that the first brigade rushed too far forward and escaped the protection of the army, Richard decided to give up when the situation was good and no longer be greedy for credit.

The First Battalion was preparing to retreat, but Kilam refused.

The orcs suffered a big loss today, which seriously affected the morale of the army. Seeing that the first brigade was in the front position, Kilam decided to use superior forces to eat this enemy.

The two dragon-veined kobold brigade quickly ran out of the camp. In order to ensure nothing went wrong, Kilam decided to lead the troops himself.

The First Brigade is the most elite infantry in the Harland territory, and most of the soldiers are experienced veterans. They knew that at this moment, they must not expose their backs to the dragon-veined kobolds.

The dragon-veined kobolds march very fast. If they continue to retreat at this time, they will be besieged by the dragon-veined kobolds halfway. When the time comes to fight in the retreat formation, the casualties will be very heavy.

Even though they had already fought a battle and exhausted their physical strength, the first group of soldiers quickly transformed into a defensive formation.

The sun gradually rises, the fog becomes thinner and thinner, and the visibility becomes higher and higher. Many soldiers immediately took off the strong bows on their backs and shot feather arrows to kill the dragon-veined kobolds.

At the same time, the soldiers of the first brigade took out the remaining alchemical bombs and prepared to throw them. There were about 20,000 alchemical bombs stored in Harland territory, of which 8,000 were distributed in Grotta River County, Salt Lake County, Swamp Basin, In the hands of Platos and other frontline garrison troops, some of the remaining 12,000 coins are in the hands of soldiers in the military station, and some are in Richard's bottle of starlight.

In order to carry out this surprise attack, Richard made a lot of preparations in advance, mobilized 6,000 alchemy bombs, and distributed them to the first team.

In this battle, except for the grenadiers, ordinary soldiers were assigned two alchemy bombs. The intensity of the firepower was already amazing.

After three rounds of arrows, a large number of alchemical bombs were thrown at the dragon vein kobold army formation.

The attack on the orc camp consumed three thousand alchemical bombs, and the remaining three thousand were all used on the heads of the dragon-veined kobolds.

Although the dragon-veined kobolds are powerful and fast, they are limited by the magic level and industrial capabilities of the orcs, and it is impossible to have sophisticated weapons and equipment.

Seeing the alchemy bomb coming, they could only use wooden shields to block it. Even though the dragon-veined kobolds were all professionals, their losses in an instant were very heavy.

Just what can be seen with the naked eye, there are more than 700 or 800 casualties.

Seeing that his elite soldiers had suffered such heavy losses, Kilam's eyes widened in disbelief.

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