Lord Harland

Chapter 290 Installing the Portal

After the training session for new recruits, they were immediately divided into various armies.

The four thousand soldiers recruited this year have completed training. According to the plan of the General Staff, after the birthday of the goddess, the Harland Territory plans to recruit another four thousand new soldiers.

Based on past experience, the orcs will invade again next year, and the Harland territory will inevitably face a war.

In the last war, the orcs suffered heavy losses in the Harland territory. Richard led his soldiers to annihilate an entire orc army, and was promoted to count based on his meritorious service.

Orcs are very vindictive and like to attack enemies that appear. Especially the new nobles are often targeted by the orcs, making them unable to stand.

When Martins was promoted to earl, the orcs sent a legion to attack and captured the earldom of Martins. Even Earl Roger lost most of its territory in that battle, almost following in the footsteps of Earl Martins.

The orcs' intelligence capabilities are not weak. Although they suffered heavy losses last time because of their high self-esteem, they should learn their lesson this time and send more soldiers to attack Harland's territory.

Moreover, the Jonathan family has mobilized two legions into the Grand Duchy of Stanik. Although the Harland territory has expanded by 9,000 troops and the Iron Lion Corps has expanded by 8,000 troops, the northern defense line has lost more than 20,000 troops.

According to Richard's estimation, the orcs will definitely focus their attack on the Harland Territory in this battle. It is possible that the Orc Legend will appear in the Harland Territory in person.

According to the General Staff's plan, the situation next year will be very tight.

Moreover, as long as there is a war, there will be losses. If there are losses, these four thousand new soldiers will be used to make up for the losses.

Now that the economy of Harland Territory is doing well, it can actually continue to expand its army.

However, due to the reality of the territory, if quality is strictly required, the territory can train up to 4,000 soldiers a year. If it continues to expand, it will only lower the training level.

Richard was unwilling to recruit soldiers who were just making up the numbers. In the Dawn Plane, it was the elite soldiers who decided the war. Although the number of soldiers is useful, it cannot compete with the powerful professional army.

The Grant Kingdom has close to 400,000 regular troops. If a war breaks out, it is estimated that they will not be able to defeat the several hundred-strong bipedal flying dragon cavalry regiment of the Holy Glory Empire. Because the Bipedal Flying Dragon Cavalry Regiment has taken the initiative in the war, it can attack scattered enemies at any time.

Years of war practice have made everyone attach great importance to elite arms. The noble lords will only expand the size of the army when there is no other way, instead of building elite troops.

If Richard had hundreds of lion cavalry and one or two thousand Warcraft cavalry under his command, he would naturally not need to train a large number of new soldiers and expand the number of the army.

However, there are only a few lion cavalry under his command. Although the Warcraft cavalry is fully expanded, there are only 450 including those incorporated into the reconnaissance force. Although Harland's territory has abundant financial resources and can continue to purchase Warcraft horses, qualified officers and cavalry cannot be cultivated in a short time.

The external situation did not allow Harland's territory to slowly expand its elite troops. The situation in several countries near the Kingdom of Grant was grim, and the Orc Empire became more powerful in this area. Several countries are still under attack by the orcs and require a large number of infantry to guard the strongholds and fortresses. Therefore, both the Grant royal family and Duke Jonathan need to establish a large number of infantry. The same goes for House Haaland, which requires a large number of infantry.

The new recruits have not completed their training and their combat effectiveness is not good at all. They are probably only better than the conscripted serf soldiers.

In next year's war, the Haaland Territory General Staff will not let soldiers who have not completed their training participate in the war until the last minute.

The plans made by the general staff are often prepared for the worst, and are not necessarily accurate.

Special units cannot be established in a short time. If you want to protect the territory, the only option is to expand the cheapest ordinary infantry to maintain the stability of the front.

After watching the recruit drill, Richard returned to his residence.

Last year, it had a population of more than 200,000. This year, this force has been integrated into the Harland Territory. The territory has experienced great development, and its strength has surpassed the count territory in the south.

Even the Harland Mage Association is the same. As the population increases, the number of children with magical talents will also increase. When school starts this spring, five elementary schools have added six new people to the Harland Mage Association.

By next year, Richard is preparing to build a sixth primary school and purchase a second crystal ball for testing magic qualifications from the Grant Mage Association. He will continue to expand the scope of testing, train more magic apprentices, and provide nutrients for the Harland Mage Association.

Throughout this year, Harland Territory continued to recruit talents. Nolan's store continued to advertise, and successfully recruited three low-level magicians and six or seven magic apprentices.

Including the people recruited in the past few years, the Harland Mage Association has more than a hundred preliminary members, ranking seventh in the Grant Kingdom, surpassing the two dukes of Lorraine and Guise.

Compared with the rigid and conservative systems of other great nobles, the development of the Harland Mage Association is amazing.

If it continues to develop at a normal pace, it is estimated that within a few years, it may surpass the Grant Mage Association and become the center of magic research in the Grant Kingdom.

After killing the necromancer Savio and annihilating the ogre tribe, very precious trophies were captured in the Harland territory.

The ogre skin has been made into enchanted armor by Richard and distributed to the second brigade.

In addition to having a stronger smell and a somewhat foul smell, this enchanted armor has a defensive power that exceeds that of snake scale armor, and Richard also added a magic shield. As long as the fighting spirit is released, an invisible shield can be formed outside the ogre's leather armor. This kind of magic shield is good at defending against magic attacks. Generally speaking, the ogre's enchanted armor is worth more than the snake scale armor, which is similar to Harland's. The territory produces the same metamagic metal enchanted armor.

Although Harland Territory has mastered the manufacturing technology of brute armor and light armor, it is limited by the production of blood steel and orichalcum, and can only manufacture dozens of pieces every year.

Moreover, in order to keep the technology confidential, Richard did not want outsiders to master the enchanted armor manufacturing technology. Like the alchemy bomb, the technology was only mastered by a few core players in the Harland territory.

After obtaining the royal seal and signing an anti-leakage contract, Richard taught the rune inscription technology to outsiders, and the production of enchanted armor slowly increased.

As of now, a total of 600 pieces of enchanted armor have been produced in the Harland Territory, most of which are equipped with a few key squadrons of the First Brigade, while the Ogre Leather Armor is equipped with the Second Brigade.

Compared with the advantages of ogre leather armor, the soldiers didn't care about its shortcomings at all. After all, on a dangerous battlefield, survivability is fundamental, and no one cares about the smell of ogre leather armor. People who go to the battlefield can endure any harsh environment.

Sometimes even when going to the toilet, I have to resist defecating into my crotch.

In addition to the ogre skin, the ogre's brain was refined into a deep meditation potion by the pastor of the Church of the Dawn and distributed to twelve branches in the Harland territory.

This potion can allow magicians to enter deep meditation, and also has a great assistive effect on advanced mage apprentices and advanced magicians.

After getting the potion, Richard communicated with other magicians in the Mage Association and left everything to the senior mage apprentices.

After the senior mage apprentices used it, nine of them successfully advanced. With the addition of nine new magicians, the number of official members of the Harland Mage Association has exceeded 40.

After more than ten years of training by Richard, the power of the wizards in Harland Territory has become quite strong, although the backbone strength is not very good yet.

The ogre's magic core Harland's territory was also allocated some. These dozen magic cores, such as Richard and Sophia, did not interfere and were all given to the magicians who participated in the war, allowing them to make a profit.

The function of magic core is similar to that of magic crystal.

Harland Territory has mastered the magic crystal charging technology and can charge more than a thousand standard magic crystals every year.

Relying on magic crystal charging technology, there is no shortage of magic crystals in Harland's territory, and some of them can even be used by magicians for research. Even scientific research units such as the Materials Research Institute and the Institute of Magical Creatures sometimes apply for magic crystals to conduct some special research.

The materials on the ogre were already of considerable value, and even more valuable treasures were seized on the necromancer Savio.

The first is the space altar and portal, which are extremely valuable to a magic organization.

With the space altar and teleportation, mid-level magicians in Harland's territory can master teleportation spells.

Mastering this spell gives the magician an extra back-up weapon near the mage tower.

Moreover, the space altar and the teleportation gate can also form a teleportation array. If the teleportation array can be built successfully, even if the cost is high and it cannot transport bulk materials, it will greatly promote the economic exchanges between the two regions.

Since the seizure of the teleportation altar, the Harland Mage Association has held a meeting to study and finally decided to build the teleportation gate in the Tower of Flame.

By mid-September, the space altar and teleportation gate had been installed, and Richard and Sophia personally tested the short-distance teleportation technique.

The teleportation distance of this spell is ten kilometers. As long as the coordinates of the space altar are engraved in the spiritual space, and this magic is used within a range of ten kilometers, you can immediately appear near the space altar.

With the space altar and portal, it will be of great help to mid- to high-level magicians in their travels.

After all, in addition to the four-ring magic short-distance teleportation technique, there are also the seven-ring magic medium-distance teleportation technique and the nine-ring magic long-distance teleportation technique. The transmission distances are about thirty kilometers and one hundred kilometers respectively.

With a radius of one hundred kilometers, it covers approximately 31,400 square kilometers of territory. In addition to the eastern counties of the Grotta River, it can cover most of the territory of the southern foothills of the Eagle Mountains.

After entering the legend, there is also the legendary teleportation technique with a distance of more than 300 kilometers. A space altar can cover more than 270,000 square kilometers of land.

The portal has been built and the space altar has been installed.

The Harland Territory Mage Association began to process the most valuable legendary dragon crystal.

The legendary dragon crystal contains huge magic power and can be made into powerful magic items of legendary level. Even if it is placed in Markholm Magic Kingdom, it is still a treasure of extremely high value.

However, the most effective way to use this legendary level energy source is to serve as the energy core of the mage tower and create artificial magic wells. This is the greatest help to a magic organization.

Richard already has a starlight necklace, and he has no shortage of powerful attack methods. In addition, his magic level makes it impossible to refine legendary level magic items.

As for inviting powerful magicians to create legendary magic props, Richard firstly had no channels and secondly no trust, so he would not consider it at all.

In order to utilize the legendary dragon crystal as soon as possible, the construction of a third mage tower has been put on the agenda. Sophia and Wendy have been busy in the past six months mainly because of this matter.

After many discussions, it was decided to build the third mage tower in Fort William.

After all, Fort William is the core of Harland's territory. Building the Mage Tower in Fort William is not only very convenient, but can also strengthen the defense of Fort William. It is a double-edged sword.

Entering December, the Harland Mage Association once again received good news. Wendy was successfully promoted to a five-ring magician.

Throughout this year, many people in the Harland Mage Association have been successfully promoted. In addition to Wendy, Annie was also promoted to a three-ring magician in November.

Even Sophia has completed her meditation progress and is preparing to advance to the seventh-ring magician after the goddess's birthday. Although it is difficult to advance to a high-level professional, Sophia is very confident.

If it hadn't taken too much time to give birth to Philip, according to Sophia's meditation speed, she would have completed the advancement last winter.

It has been six and a half years since Sophia was promoted to a sixth-ring mage. She is a high-level talent. Normally, it would take five years to complete the meditation progress. Even though giving birth delayed her time, Sophia also did a lot of very valuable research, and the feedback from meditation was very good. The reason why the advancement was slowed down was because Sophia spent a lot of time on deductions. A lot of time was wasted on the highland meditation method.

The Highland Meditation Method can only be promoted to level nine. If you want to be promoted to a legendary profession, you need to complete the meditation method to the legendary level.

Harland's territorial meditation method has a relatively rich collection, including the legendary fourth-level Starlight Meditation Method, the legendary second-level Book of Death, the Highland Meditation Method that can be cultivated to the ninth ring, and the No. 4 for ogres. Meditation method.

In addition, Richard also deduced the creation of the Book of Fire and the Book of Curses. The derivation of the Book of Fire went relatively smoothly. Richard has deduced this meditation method to the ninth level and can practice it to the sixth level.

The progress of the Book of Curses is slower. It has just been deduced to the seventh level and can only be cultivated to the fourth ring.

The creation of two meditation methods confirmed many of Richard's ideas. After many exchanges with Sophia, he and Sophia decided to work together to deduce the legendary meditation method.

The legendary meditation method involves the root of magic. There can be no mistakes when meditating. Therefore, the two of them were very cautious when deducing it. I am afraid it will take a long time.

Starting from this year, Richard no longer has time to deduce the Book of Fire and the Book of Curses.

Butler has advanced magic qualifications and advances very quickly. He practices the Book of Curses, and he can only rely on himself to deduce this meditation method. The Harland Territory adopted a tolerant attitude towards knowledge and opened up magic books to him. As long as he made enough contributions, Butler could copy the No. 4 Meditation Method and the Book of Death Meditation Method.

As for the most powerful starlight meditation method, since it involves time travellers, Richard has to keep it a secret.

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