Lord Harland

Chapter 286 New Products

Richard had always wanted to open a bank, but he lacked such talented people who were proficient in economics, so the idea could not be implemented, and it was delayed for three or four years. ₆₉ₛₕᵤₓ.cₒₘ

In recent times, it has been seen that the Haaland territory has developed to a certain scale. In order for the economy to operate stably, the establishment of the bank must be completed.

Richard could only catch up and set up a banking department.

As for the lack of talents, Richard decided to make two preparations. On the one hand, he openly recruited talents and absorbed people with economic talents from the outside world. On the other hand, he promoted some business talents from within the territory, even though these people had various shortcomings or lack of skills. Knowledge and culture, or lack of experience. Now Richard can only try to build up various functional departments, and then eliminate and promote personnel according to the situation. He will first build a platform and use a few years to cultivate some qualified bank managers. layer.

Now that a central bank department has been established, the Haaland Territory also needs to establish an economic statistics department. Without the data provided by the economic statistics department, the central bank, the department that manages currency, cannot make decisions at all. I set up a shelf, but it was of no use at all.

New departments need to be established, and high-end talents are far from enough.

Now we can only grit our teeth, endure it for a few years, and train some talents through practice. The situation should be better.

Richard discussed with the key personnel of the mint for a long time, and after coming out of the mint, he went to the Tongshan Town official office.

Tongshan Town is under the jurisdiction of Graveson County. This county is considered a relatively important county in the Harland Territory. Several castles under its jurisdiction have very good industries. The economy is developing very fast. Industry and agriculture can walk on two legs. This year's population There should be more than 60,000 people.

The mayor of Tongshan Town is an officer who has recently changed his career. This person's name is Som. His career level is level three. He served as a squadron leader in the Sixth Brigade and is an officer that Jennings values ​​​​very much.

During the three-month siege of Nero's Castle last year, Som was severely damaged by the Stanik noble coalition. He rested in the rear for two months. After the war, he reported a job transfer and was transferred to Tongshan Town as a town commander. long.

An officer at the level of captain in the army had more contact with Richard and knew his character fairly well.

After Richard came to Tongshan Town, he did not hold a grand reception ceremony, and the meals served were relatively simple, only richer than the daily work meals.

"It must have been more than ten months since you transferred to Tongshan Town!"

"It's been a year, Mr. Richard."

Richard nodded, and the few of them finished the food very quickly. After many years in the military, Richard has developed the habit of eating quickly. Years of military life have left a deep mark on Richard. Richard often valued officials who came out of the army more highly.

"Are you still used to changing your job to another place?"

Som hesitated for a moment and said truthfully: "Local work is not as direct as the army, and most of the thoughts are spent on fighting for power. We demobilized officers who have retired from the army are regarded as different by local officials, and sometimes it is really Not used to it."

"We have survived tough battles, and our ability to adapt far exceeds that of the civil servants at the rear. When you arrive in a new environment, you have to learn to adapt to the rules. If you encounter something unfair, you can write a letter to the old leader, whether it is Either Jennings or I will help you.

We conquered the Haaland Territory, and we will give more preferential treatment to retired officers like you in terms of policy. But you must cherish your honor and refrain from corruption and dereliction of duty. If you people make mistakes, you will be dealt with more harshly. You know that I am not a person who tolerates extradition to the law. "

After returning from Tongshan Town, it was already late September.

During the recent period, all civil servants in Harland's territory have become very busy. Rogge wrote to many nobles, inviting them to participate in the October commodity expo.

This year is the third commodity expo organized by Harland. As commodity fairs were held continuously, the products produced by Harland Land gradually gained a reputation.

Since last year, a large number of nobles and businessmen have flocked to Harland Territory in October to buy brown sugar, fruit wine, canned goods, medicines, hardware products, textiles and other commodities.

The Harland Territory is rich in products and is good at creating inventions. This has spread throughout the Grant Kingdom. The products of the Harland Territory also enjoy a high reputation and have some brand effect.

This year's expo, under Richard's personal decision, will continue to sell new products to the outside world.

The first is the famous alchemy bomb, which sells for twelve gold coins each. The cost of producing an alchemy bomb in Harland's territory is less than two gold coins. The profit from selling this product is as high as five times.

Although the power of the alchemy bomb produced in Harland's territory is not as powerful as the original version, it is about 50% as powerful as the original version. It is very lethal to soldiers wearing enchanted armor.

You must know that the alchemy bomb made by the Heart of Elements sells for up to one hundred gold coins. It is specially used to attack key enemy units, and the effect is very good. The only disadvantage is that it is expensive and cannot be widely used.

After all, alchemy bombs are expendable weapons. If a squadron is equipped with ten bombs, a legion will need to equip one thousand, two hundred. If it is enlarged to eight central legions, it will cost 1.2 million gold coins.

Such a large amount of money is enough to support three main legions. Even if the Grant royal family could come up with this money, it would be difficult for them to make this decision.

The royal family couldn't afford it. Other nobles had far less financial resources than the royal family, and it was even less possible to equip a large number of soldiers.

Some big nobles may purchase some through various channels and use them in key battles.

Although the alchemy bombs produced in Harland's territory are not as good as the original ones, the price has been reduced by 80 to 90%. At this affordable price, even an ordinary baron can buy two to three hundred pieces.

Two to three hundred alchemical bombs are thrown into the battlefield, which is enough to determine the outcome of a small-scale battle. Defeat an orc brigade so that the orcs dare not divide their forces into brigade units to attack scattered baronies.

The news that the alchemy bomb was sold at the commodity fair immediately caused a sensation among the nobles.

The two thousand alchemy bombs sold in the Harland territory this year were swept away by five or six nobles on the first day of the commodity expo.

Many nobles who were a step behind asked people to buy alchemy bombs at a higher price. It's a pity that the output of alchemy bombs is not high, and only two thousand can be sold every year, and the rest are reserved for the Harland Territory army.

In order to keep it secret in the past few years, only Richard, Sophia, Wendy, Anne and other Harland family members had the key technology to make alchemical bombs in the Harland territory. The annual output of alchemical bombs was not high. Only a few hundred can be produced in a year, which is not enough for the Haaland territory army.

Later, a group of innocent magic apprentices were trained, but they were not allowed to master all the technological processes. The manufacturing process also began to be strictly divided, with each responsible for a part of the process, increasing the annual output to the level of 2,000 pieces.

Last year, the Harland territory obtained the royal seal. Richard asked those involved in the production of alchemy bombs to sign a strict confidentiality contract, and once again expanded production to 6,000. Although the Haaland territory has expanded, this output is enough for the army according to the previous model.

The output tripled, and Richard decided to sell some of it.

Harland has been able to produce alchemy bombs for more than ten years. There are about 12,000 alchemy bombs in the treasury, which is enough to fight several high-intensity wars.

It was Richard's decision to sell two thousand alchemical bombs. Even if the noble asked someone to intercede, Richard would not be able to reduce his inventory. According to the rules of previous years, the orcs will invade again next year. Even if Harland's territory is short of money, it is impossible for Richard to risk his life for money.

In order to persuade the top military officials to take out two thousand coins in stock, Richard had already talked a lot. The nobles who failed to grab the alchemy bomb could only blame their bad luck.

In addition to alchemy bombs, the Haaland territory also launched dyed fabrics this year, available in three styles: red, blue, and yellow-green. The Haaland family also sold bras in their clothing store in Black River Fort for the first time.

Bras are very important to women's development. They are a kind of clothing related to human health. In addition to protecting the breasts, they can also stabilize and reduce tremors. It has a certain promoting effect on breast development and milk secretion.

In fact, since Richard secretly promoted this new style of clothes seven or eight years ago, Sophia has set an example and was the first to wear a bra. Over the course of several years, all middle- and upper-class women in Haaland's territory began to wear bras.

The threshold for dyed fabrics is higher, and only three families, the Grant Royal Family, the Marquis of Crean, and the Earl of Charlotte, produce this kind of goods. Because there are fewer natural dyes, the output of dyed fabrics is not high, and the price is relatively expensive, seven or eight times that of ordinary fabrics.

A roll of dyed cloth is eighty centimeters wide and twelve meters long and sells for one gold coin. It would cost three gold coins for a family of six to wear dyed clothes. This is only the cost of materials. Hiring a tailor also requires a few silver coins in commission.

The population in Grant Kingdom that can consume dyed fabrics is basically the middle and upper class. Even the soldiers who were well paid could only have dyed clothes at most.

The dyed cloth in Harland territory also uses natural dyes, and the cost is roughly the same as that of other major nobles.

It's just that Richard's knowledge far exceeds that of ordinary people in the Dawn Plane. Under his guidance, the craftsmen in Harland Territory successfully mastered the printing and dyeing process and can produce such hugely profitable products.

According to calculations by the textile department of Haaland Territory, a roll of dyed cloth costs no more than two silver coins. Three major nobles, including the royal family, also made five times huge profits from this product.

This industry involves the royal family, and Richard is unwilling to touch the interests of the Grant family. He does not want to compete for the market on a large scale, and the dyed fabrics sold are also priced at one gold coin per piece.

In the Grant Kingdom, dyed cloth is still considered a luxury product, and the market size is not large. It adds up to about 40,000 to 50,000 gold coins, which is only a little larger than the perfume and canned markets in the Harland Territory.

If Richard captures the markets in the four northern Xinjiang provinces, he can earn about seven to eight thousand gold coins. The market loss was shared among three noble families, with each family losing two to three thousand gold coins. It is estimated that with this loss, the great nobles will not easily provoke a commercial war with the Harland territory.

The third new product is soap, and the process of making soap is not difficult. Heat the oil to a liquid state, then add alkaline water and stir evenly to complete the saponification reaction.

In fact, the Haaland Territory produced soap many years ago and provided it to the territory's senior officials.

At that time, there was a shortage of oil and indentured servants, so Richard did not manufacture this product on a large scale.

Nowadays, the livestock industry in Harland has developed, and a large number of sheep are slaughtered every year. Slaughterhouse animal fat is collected every day, and the amount may be one or two tons.

Such a large amount of fat cannot be consumed by the population of the territory. Since the development of animal husbandry, the population of Harland Territory has become over-nourished.

Even the indentured slaves with the lowest living standards can eat one mutton meal a month, which is a few points higher than the middle class of Grant Kingdom and second only to the high-income people.

These excess animal fats can be mixed with alkaline water to make soap.

The soap factory was built in the Malte Castle. It already has more than 200 workers and produces more than 20,000 pieces of soap every day. The production capacity is seriously overcapacity.

At this commodity expo, Harland Territory wants to promote this product most. The pricing of soap is also relatively friendly to the people, with the wholesale price being one copper coin.

Soap with added spices is much more expensive. The wholesale price is eight copper coins a piece. It is also sold to the middle and upper classes of society.

Under the grand recommendation of Harland Territory officials, businessmen who participated in the expo demonstrated its use in person and were full of praise for this product. Even the many small businessmen who came to try their luck took out their treasured gold coins and bought a large bag of soap, preparing to return to their hometown to promote it and earn a lot of money.

After attending the opening ceremony of the expo, Richard walked around the venue casually. Unexpectedly, he ran into an acquaintance.

When this man saw Richard, his expression suddenly changed and he was so frightened that he lowered his head in a hurry, not daring to look into Richard's eyes.

"I didn't expect us to meet again, Qiao Sen. Since you came to Harland Territory, you should inform the master. I hope you learn your lesson and don't commit crimes and kill people in Harland Territory, otherwise I will send you to prison Orc mines, you will regret being born in this world."

More than ten years ago, when Richard was just seventeen years old, he went to Nolan to buy slaves. When he returned, he encountered Qiao Sen, who was murdering and robbing. Fortunately, Richard was prepared in advance. His father William and uncle Soros rushed from northern Xinjiang. Participated in cargo escort to Nolan. In the end, Qiao Sen's conspiracy was foiled, and the man was caught and obtained a generous sum of money from Qiao Sen's father.

More than ten years later, Richard found that he did not hate this person. The thrilling night that year has become an insignificant thing in Richard's memory.

Richard's mental power is very high, which may be the reason why he has a very good memory.

He still remembered what happened more than ten years ago very clearly. Even though Qiao Sen's appearance and temperament had changed greatly, he was still recognized by Richard at a glance.

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