Lord Harland

Chapter 281 Divide the spoils

The holy light shines with such force that even in the dense forest, the movement can be felt more than ten kilometers away.

There were ogre tribe activities at the source of the Kaiya River, and Richard, Denglekin and others did not dare to stay here for too long. After cleaning the battlefield, they immediately moved to the lower reaches of the Kaiya River.

There are dozens of magic equipments on more than twenty necromancers, but some of these magic equipments are exclusive to necromancers. The magic equipment specially used by the necromancers must be handed over to the Church of Dawn for destruction. The remaining ten or so pieces of magic equipment are not very valuable, adding up to about one or two thousand gold coins. Richard casually let the Church of Dawn and the Harland Mage Association lower their prices. The level magician divided the points.

On the seven underground floors of the mage tower, a complete spatial altar and portal were built. These two treasures are extremely valuable to a mage organization.

Although two mage towers were built in Harland's territory, there were no space altars and portals. Although Richard, Sophia and others have mastered the four-ring magic short-distance teleportation technique, they do not have a space altar and cannot open the teleportation gate. The effect of this spell is zero.

This time, Savio was successfully killed and the complete space altar was captured. Intermediate magicians of the Harland Wizards Association can use teleportation near the wizard tower, which is equivalent to mastering a game prop to return to the city.

With the spatial altar, there is an additional guarantee for safety, and the foundation of the Harland Master Mage Association has been strengthened.

In addition to the space altar and portal, Savio also has a space magic equipment, the Glutton's Stomach. This space magic equipment is also a legendary item, with a space of 120 cubic meters inside. Unfortunately, the inside of the glutton's stomach bag is corrosive to a certain extent, and long-term storage will corrode the stored items.

Compared with Richard's Star Bottle, the quality of this magical equipment is slightly inferior.

In addition to some magic materials stored in the glutton's stomach, there are two legendary items.

The magic materials were equally divided between Richard and Deng Lejin. One of the two legendary treasures was the dragon crystal of the legendary first-level green dragon. This dragon crystal was also the energy core for Savio to build the mage tower.

The other item is the most famous sacred instrument of the Tower of Death, the Bone Flute of the Dead. This legendary magical equipment is made from the ribs of the Undead Lord and the soul fire of the legendary lich. Using the magic power of negative energy to activate the bone flute, you can control a large number of undead.

If it weren't for this magic item, Savio, a nine-ring necromancer, would never be able to control more than a thousand undead.

This legendary magic item is a powerful third-level legendary magic equipment, which is the best for necromancers. Mastering this magic item is a huge bonus for the Necromancer.

If it weren't for the Bone Flute of the Dead, Savio, a nine-level mage alone, along with some magic apprentices and low-level mages, would not be able to fight against the more than twenty mid-level professionals in the crusade team.

A legendary level necromancer, using this magic item, can control an army of tens of thousands of undead, enough to compete with the main army of Grant Kingdom.

The Bone Flute of the Dead was also a very important reason why Tarasha, the legendary mage of the Tower of Death, became so famous.

Tarasha was killed by Albert Sacco, the president of the Magic Council. Unexpectedly, this legendary magical equipment fell into the hands of Savio. The rumor that Savio is Tarasha's illegitimate son seems to be true.

This powerful legendary magical equipment is famous in Markhome Magic Kingdom.

Richard and Deng Lejin led the people to walk more than ten kilometers along the lower reaches of the Kaiya River, came to a safe place, and began to discuss how to divide the spoils.

The Bone Flute of the Dead is a treasure that the Church of the Dawn must obtain. The Church will never let this powerful legendary weapon fall into the hands of the public enemy of mankind like the Necromancer.

Before organizing the crusade, Cardinal Senna Walton personally warned that once the Bone Flute of the Dead was seized, it must be brought to the headquarters of the Church of the Dawn and sealed.

Moreover, the Church of Dawn also played the most critical role in this battle. It was with the Holy Light Token that Savio and others were killed.

After discussing with Richard, Deng Lejin decided to take only the Bone Flute of the Dead, and the rest of the loot was divided between Richard and the officers of the Mad Lion Legion.

The commander of the Mad Lion Legion is Uncle Bernie, so of course it is impossible to compete with Richard for the spoils of war. Moreover, the role played by Harland's territory in this battle far exceeded that of the soldiers of the Mad Lion Legion. After all, the Mad Lion Legion did not send magicians to help. Without a magician, a close combatant alone cannot defeat the plague food controlled by Savio.

If you barely defeat your opponent, you will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

In the end, Harland's territory was allocated the legendary green dragon crystal, the spatial altar and portal, and the space magic equipment of the Glutton's Stomach to the Mad Lion Legion.

There is a bottle of starlight in Harland's territory, and the glutton's stomach seems to be useless to Richard and is basically useless. But to the Mad Lion Legion, this magical equipment is of extremely high value and is a strategic magic prop.

The Glutton's Stomach is a legendary first-level magic equipment. It has 120 cubic meters of space inside and can store hundreds of tons of luggage.

Hundreds of tons of baggage appear on the battlefield, sometimes playing a key role.

In the entire Grant Kingdom, there is only one piece of space magic equipment larger than the glutton's stomach. Most of the space magic equipment has an internal space of less than one cubic meter and can only be reserved for personal use. Wingdings: ♦︎♦︎⬧︎♦︎◆︎⌧︎♦︎♦︎□︎❍︎

Although the glutton's stomach bag will corrode the stored items, it is a legendary magic item after all, which can play a key role in war. To a country and a legion, its value is a few points higher than the legendary first-order green dragon crystal.

After dividing the spoils, Richard saw that the sky was getting dark and he ordered the camp to start.

Being in a dangerous environment, team members naturally have to be cautious. There are not only open sentries in the camp, but also hidden sentries and mobile sentries. Even high-level officials such as Richard and Deng Lejin had to take turns on guard duty in person.

Time passed very quickly. Richard slept for four or five hours before the magic alarm clock woke him up. He roughly estimated the time, and it was about two o'clock in the middle of the night.

Richard woke up Sophia, who was lying in her clothes, and gently walked out of the camp together, taking the place of Deng Lejin and Delian on guard duty.

"You two should take the time to rest. It will be our turn later in the night."

At four o'clock in the middle of the night, when people are most sleepy, Richard suddenly felt a slight movement, as if some crisis was coming.

After breaking through 20 points in mental strength, Richard's five senses such as hearing, smell, and taste all exceeded those of ordinary people. Even the mysterious sixth sense awakened the special talent of danger perception.

After noticing the abnormality, Richard immediately told Sophia to be careful, and quickly came to the entrance of the camp to notify the sentry.

Everyone stared around cautiously, observing every move around them.

After a short time, Richard's nose smelled a strong fishy smell, which was exactly the smell of the ogre. Following the direction of the smell, Richard decisively released a powerful fireball.

The fireball slammed into the darkness, the ground shook violently, and an adult ogre was immediately hit by the fireball.

Richard is already a sixth-ring magician with 44 points of mental power. His mental strength far exceeds that of a nine-ring magician.

When his mental power exceeded 30 points, Richard gained a powerful spell-casting talent. When the same magic power was invested, the power of the spell was approximately doubled.

When his mental power exceeded forty points, Richard gained the talent of magic multiplication, and his mental power transformed into magic power doubled. Although he and Sophia are both six-ring magicians, Richard's magic power is about three times that of Sophia, and his fighting ability is far more powerful than Sophia's.

Although he has not yet been promoted to a high level, Richard's magical power is stronger than that of ordinary nine-ring wizards. Unless the nine-level magician's spiritual power also exceeds forty points and has obtained three powerful talents, he can defeat Richard with the power of high-level spells.

There are eight nine-ring magicians in the Grant Kingdom. The most powerful one, Pansy Grant, does not have more than 40 points of mental power. It is rumored that he has acquired a powerful spellcasting talent, so he may not be Richard's opponent when fighting alone.

Some famous magicians in Markholm Magic Kingdom have made great pioneering contributions to magic research. Only after entering the ninth ring can their mental power break through forty points.

There is probably only one magician whose mental power is comparable to Richard's in the past few hundred years. After all, this legendary figure created classic mechanics, made greater contributions to magic than Richard, and has won the favor of the world's will.

Compared to ordinary magicians, Richard was favored by the Goddess of the Morning and was illuminated by the Holy Light of Morning. His mental power increased by six points compared to ordinary magicians. Richard resisted the erosion of the legendary lich's soul, and his mental power increased by four points. When he traveled through time and came to this world, the power of the God of Slaughter was integrated into Richard's soul. His spiritual power was five points more than that of an average magic apprentice.

Due to various coincidences, Richard's spiritual power was naturally fifteen points higher than that of ordinary magicians. Moreover, in the process of learning magic, Richard created the subject of elemental magic, creatively invented a variety of spells, and created groundbreaking special equipment such as magic armor. He came into contact with the origin of magic and gained extraordinary spiritual power. Feedback increased eight points of mental power.

The average six-ring magician has about 21 points of mental power. Richard's mental power is twenty-three points more than that of a normal six-ring magician. Even a legendary first-level magician has just over fifty points of mental power after advancement.

Although Richard's spiritual power is far from that of the legendary mage, and he has no awakened legendary talent, he is far from being a match for the legendary mage. But the magic he releases, even if the same magic power is invested, is far more powerful than a magician of the same level. It is simply more lethal than low-level magic. Richard alone can be used by two nine-ring magicians.

Normally, adult ogres are generally at the fourth level, their bodies are much stronger than humans, and they will not be killed by a fireball. However, the powerful fireball released by Richard was extremely powerful. He invested more than five points of spiritual power. With the two talent bonuses of powerful spellcasting and magic multiplication, he used 120 magic points, which is equivalent to an ordinary magician investing two points. One hundred and forty points of magic power to release the spell.

For a normal magician, the ratio of mental power converted into magic power is about ten to one. Richard's talent exceeds that of ordinary people, and the ratio of mental power converted into magic power is twelve to one. As shown on the attribute panel, his magic attribute reached 1056 points, which is almost equivalent to the level of a legendary first-level magician. It's just that the legendary magician has one more legendary magic talent than Richard. He can exert more powerful magic levers, master higher-level spell models, and the magic he releases is more destructive.

The spell released by Richard is equivalent to a magician with 24 points of spiritual power. It consumes all the magic power at once, and the fireball spell released is somewhat more powerful than a standard nine-ring magician.

After the huge fireball was released, it instantly exploded the bodies of the four ogres into pieces, and made a thunderous explosion.

Seeing that the sneak attack was discovered by the enemy, the ogre immediately changed his strategy and launched a strong attack.

Although they were attacked by powerful fireballs and were instantly killed or wounded, the remaining twenty or so ogres bravely rushed forward, hoping to kill the terrifying enemy with hand-to-hand combat.

Even the ogres know that magicians are not good at hand-to-hand combat, and they have a chance to win as long as they get close.

Seeing the ogre rushing up, Sophia immediately released the powerful grease technique, and the seven or eight ogres in the front row suddenly slipped to the ground.

Seeing that the ogre had fallen down, Richard released a chain lightning spell. I saw seven or eight lightning bolts hitting the ogre hard, and it was instantly charred.

Chain Lightning is a six-ring magic. The standard model is far more destructive than Fireball. Although this is not a powerful spell, it hits seven or eight ogres at once and disperses the power. The ogres that are hit are still not dead. That is, disabled.

The remaining dozen ogres rushed over, hoping to kill the hateful magician with hand-to-hand combat. Sophia immediately released a powerful spider web technique, trapping the steps of the seven or eight ogres behind her. The eight or nine ogres in front were blocked by Bellman and others who were on duty, and could not break through several intermediate levels for a while. Warrior's line of defense.

During the day, Richard did not try his best to fight the Necromancer, and his magic power was very little. The reason why he spared a hand was to guard against the legendary ogre and leave the remaining strength to prepare to fight the legendary ogre. For this reason, Richard also wore a star necklace, preparing to release the star bomb at the last moment. Sophia, Wendy and others also knew this.

The fireball exploded with a loud bang, and the violent explosion immediately startled the people in the camp.

Everyone slept in their clothes, not even taking off their armor, and their weapons were all beside the pillow.

A dozen soldiers rushed out of several military tents near the camp gate, and joined forces with Bellman and others to firmly hold the battle line.

Although the team led by Richard and Deng Lejin only had a hundred people in total, the quality of the soldiers was extremely high. There were more than fifteen mid-level warriors, and the low-level warriors also wore enchanted armor, and their combat effectiveness was very impressive.

Even the powerful ogres will not be able to break through their defense line if they lose their numerical advantage.

In just a minute or two, the team members had organized themselves into circular formations, with the soldiers in front and the magicians hiding behind, surrounding the ogres one by one.

On average, seven or eight professionals basically have a 100% chance of winning against one ogre.

After I finished writing it, I realized that the setting was a bit confusing, so I slightly revised Chapter 204.

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