Lord Harland

Chapter 239 Capturing the Griffin

Richard had just rested for a few days when the demon hunting team reported to him that a group of gryphons had migrated from the middle of the Eagle Mountains.

An adult male griffon is a fifth-level monster, and a female griffon is generally a fourth-level beast.

The griffon is a relatively rare flying monster, and its IQ is higher than that of the wildebeest. Because it can fly in the air, the griffon is often more difficult to deal with than the ground monsters.

Although the griffon has a ferocious temperament, it is a magical beast that can be communicated with and tamed.

Because of the restraint of harpies, the price of an adult griffon that has not signed a magic contract is very high, often reaching more than 5,000 gold coins.

Near the Grant Kingdom, only the Lion Kingdom controls a group of gryphons. In order to maintain its advantage, the Kingdom of Lane will not sell to surrounding countries at all.

The Holy Radiant Empire occasionally sells griffons, but it strictly controls the number. Basically, it only sells male griffons, not female griffons. If you want to form a Lion Knights, you have to spend at least two million gold coins.

Moreover, this kind of Griffin Knights is still a disposable army. After the loss, they can only continue to spend money to buy Griffins.

The external environment of the Grant Kingdom is very tense. It has organized and trained 300,000 Central Corps, and its annual fiscal revenue can barely fill this hole. It is simply unable to spend a huge amount of money at once to form a Griffin Knights.

When he heard a group of griffons migrating nearby, Richard's eyes suddenly lit up and he decided to put aside other things and immediately mobilized people to capture the griffons.

As a soldier in Northern Xinjiang, I suffered a lot from the harpies every time I fought.

If a few griffons can be successfully captured and the contract is successful, the Harland territory can also train a small team of griffon cavalry to suppress the harpies' reconnaissance efforts.

Suppressing the Harpy's intelligence and investigation efforts is the key to winning the war.

Every general who fights against the orcs hopes to have an intelligence advantage and hide his or her strategic goals. However, the orcs have harpy scouts, and human battlefield intelligence is almost unilaterally leaked to the orcs.

For this reason, it was difficult for the human army to figure out the direction of the orcs' attack. They could only use the stupidest method to divide their troops and defend them, using castles one after another to consume the orcs, and the war was also very difficult.

In order to capture the gryphon, Richard mobilized almost all the elite soldiers from the territory, formed a demon hunting team of more than a hundred people, and once again entered the depths of the Eagle Mountains.

This year, Bonova and Alizee successfully advanced to become magicians, while Connie failed to advance. With the addition of a senior apprentice who converted to curse magic, the Harland Mage Association already has ten official members.

Ten magicians are enough to form a small magician group on the battlefield.

An army with a mage group can use various magical powers on the battlefield and often has the initiative on the battlefield. When more than a dozen powerful grease spells, thick fog spells, and spider web spells are released, it will change the battlefield environment and determine the outcome. The impact is very large.

The mage's lethality has a weaker impact on a battlefield with tens of thousands of people.

This time, in order to capture the griffon, all ten magicians from the territory joined the demon hunting team. With the participation of magicians, they can use various magic abilities to confuse the griffon.

For example, when detecting intelligence, a magician can use optical invisibility.

When hiding themselves to prevent being discovered by griffons, mid-level magicians can also use group invisibility. Low-level mages can also use hallucinations and dense fog.

Gryphons can fly. Even if you find the gryphon's nest, forcing your way in is the lowest method. Gryphons can fly and have certain magic abilities. It is difficult to catch gryphons by ordinary means.

When fighting against humans, flying monsters undoubtedly have the initiative on the battlefield. If the griffon insists on escaping, sometimes the legendary knight will stare blankly.

The best way to hunt monsters is always to set traps and use bait to catch them.

Compared with the vast majority of Warcraft, humans' advantage is always wisdom. Relying on the power of wisdom and using various tools, humans can hunt many magical beasts even without extraordinary power.

Before the age of wizards, ignorant humans also occupied the middle and upper levels of the food chain. By hunting some Warcraft, they began to study the natural magic patterns on Warcraft, and finally created the meditation method and developed the wizard civilization, which can build powerful floating cities and interstellar cities. Fleet, conquer the alien plane.

Relying on the power of wisdom, humans have become the overlords of the Dawn Plane.

When hunting monsters, wisdom is the power that determines everything.

Through vague traces and clues, the demon hunting team gradually approached the gryphon's lair.

Under the cover of magic, the scouts carefully lurked and observed the behavior of the griffons. After a day or two, they discovered that there were nineteen griffons in the nest. Among them, there are thirteen adult griffons and six juveniles.

The size of nineteen griffons is already considered a relatively large griffon population. If the Eagle Mountain Range were not rich in products and the nearby animals were enough for griffons to hunt, it would be difficult to form such a large griffon population.

Through observation, everyone found that the female griffon had laid seven or eight eggs. Recently, most of the female griffons were incubating the griffin eggs, while the male griffons went out to hunt.

Seeing that the female griffon began to lay eggs, Richard was secretly happy and immediately ordered to take out some fresh red blood grass and transplant it on the cliff about ten kilometers away from the griffon's nest.

Red blood grass can promote bloodline evolution and is very attractive to any monster.

Especially for griffons during the spawning period, swallowing red blood grass can enhance the blood strength of their offspring.

Even though griffons have a higher IQ, they still can't bear the temptation. Without finding any obvious trap, the male griffons dig up the red blood grass and let the female griffons who lay eggs eat it.

This time Richard did not tamper with the red blood grass, but after the female griffon swallowed the red blood grass, she needed to refine the power of the red blood grass immediately and could not move for a few hours.

In order to protect the female griffon, the male griffon dare not leave the nest.

These few short hours gave Richard the opportunity and time to capture the griffon.

The griffon's nest is built in a natural cave on a cliff, about three hundred meters above the ground.

The cliff is very steep and the rock walls are bare.

Even soldiers who are good at climbing will take a long time to climb up the cliff.

However, the demon hunting team is all professionals, with magic skills and outstanding physical fitness.

Before capturing the lion, a lot of preparations were made.

Richard, Sophia, and Wendy are all mid-level magicians who can fly, fly in the air and other short-distance flying spells.

Although human flying skills are slow, as long as the magic power is strong, they can still fly to high places.

The three of them first released the invisibility technique for themselves, and then used the flying technique to fly to the top of the mountain. They fixed the rope on the top of the mountain. Before they were fully ready, they were discovered by the griffon.

Seeing that the action had been exposed, Richard nodded to Sophia and Wendy, and immediately launched a raid on the gryphon's lair.

Richard was the first to take action, releasing the five-ring mass magic Death Cloud Technique.

The Death Cloud Technique is a group attack magic newly learned by Richard. It can release a large yellow-green cloud. There is strong poison in the cloud and can poison creatures with a constitution of less than two points.

If the body's constitution exceeds two points, although it will not be directly poisoned, it will still be attacked by the poison, and symptoms such as headache, coughing, vomiting, and coma will occur.

Ordinary human soldiers basically have no more than two points of physical fitness. Using this spell to clear out the miscellaneous soldiers is very efficient.

The toxicity of the Death Cloud Technique can not only enter the body through breathing, but contact with the poison cloud will also cause poisoning. Although holding your breath can reduce the toxicity, it can still cause poisoning. To defend against this magic, the most suitable one is the enchantment spell.

The Griffin bloodline has inherited more than a dozen spells, but it cannot use enchantment spells.

The female griffon has just swallowed red blood grass and is in the process of bloodline evolution. She cannot move for a short time.

Attacked by the Death Cloud Technique, all the female griffons were poisoned.

Griffins have high IQs, have formed a unique social structure, and can also communicate using some brief Warcraft language. After discovering that the female griffon was in danger, the male griffin did not choose to escape, but stayed by the female griffon's side.

As a result of this choice, almost all the griffons failed to escape.

Even though the griffon's constitution exceeds two points, it will still be uncomfortable to be attacked by the Death Cloud Technique.

When the professionals under the cliff climbed to the gryphon's lair, the magicians released their spider web spells one after another, and the warriors also threw rope hooks. Taking advantage of their numerical advantage, a dozen people formed a group and everyone swarmed up to kill the gryphon that was in a poor state of poisoning. Catch them all.

Richard took out the magical enslavement contract that he had already prepared and took the blood of the griffons. Sophia arranged the magic circle. The two of them joined forces to successfully enslave the griffin tribe and made all the griffons sign a soul contract.

Although the gryphons have been contracted, it may take a long time to train the gryphon cavalry.

A powerful monster like the Griffin cannot be tamed by ordinary soldiers.

To ride on the back of a griffon, you first need to gain the griffin's approval. To get the griffin's approval, you need not only strong strength, but also a long time of getting along with you.

A mature gryphon cavalry. The gryphons are trained since childhood. After hatching, they live together with human professionals. Gradually, they have a tacit understanding, and they are willing to be ridden by human soldiers.

Wild griffons are often more difficult to tame. In order to facilitate communication with griffons and bring out the griffin's combat effectiveness, griffon knights also need to understand the griffin's habits and learn its language.

Although Harland Territory has captured griffins, it still has to face many difficulties if it wants to establish a griffon cavalry.

After returning to the territory with the gryphons, Richard immediately mobilized more than thirty professionals to form a gryphon flying squadron. He began to learn the gryphon language, tried to communicate with the gryphons, and started training the gryphon cavalry.

After returning to the territory, Richard immediately looked for natural caves in the mountains and arranged a nest for the griffon.

Griffons respect nature by nature and like the feeling of flying in the sky. If it does not fly for a long time, the griffon's character will become irritable and extremely aggressive.

This powerful flying monster hates being in a cage. Even if the Harland Territory controls the griffon's soul through a magical enslavement contract and uses magic props to control the griffon's soul, it will be difficult to change the griffin's character.

Therefore, the professionals of the Griffin Squadron can only temporarily live near the Griffin Cave and get along with the Griffins.

Gryphons began to appear in the sky of Harland's territory, and the news naturally could not be concealed from the nearby hereditary nobles.

In order to confirm the authenticity of the news, many nobles appeared next to Harland's territory to observe whether any griffons appeared.

Gryphons have a wide range of activities. Sometimes they will find griffons crossing the border and appearing over their own territory. They occasionally hunt cattle and sheep. Many people have seen griffons with their own eyes.

After it was confirmed that the Harland family had captured the griffon, the news spread faster and faster, reaching Nolan in less than a month.

Although the great nobles of the Grant Kingdom have contracted with a few gryphons scatteredly, they do not have a large-scale gryphon knights.

Among the nearby countries, only the Kingdom of Lane has a group of more than 300 Griffin Knights. Of course, the Grant Kingdom also has a flying unit, the Flying Golem Legion.

However, every time the flying golem is activated, a large amount of magic crystals are consumed, and the cost of refining the flying golem is very high, and the price/performance ratio is not as good as that of the Griffin Knights. There are only about eighty flying golems in the possession of Grant Kingdom.

Eighty flying golems placed on the 1,200-kilometer-long front line of northern Xinjiang are simply not enough.

Upon hearing that the Harland family had captured a flock of griffons, King Roger immediately summoned the palace officials.

"You should know the most popular news in the capital these days. Our Viscount Richard captured a group of griffins in the Eagle Mountains. Is there any way for you to get Viscount Richard to donate the griffons?"

Before King Roger finished speaking, the court baron Maurice immediately replied: "Your Majesty, Viscount Richard plays an important role in the province of Gedda. He is a heavyweight noble. Forcing him to hand over the griffon will arouse the strong will of the Harland family. rebound.

However, nobles always put interests first when doing things, and the royal family controls the most resources. As long as the king is willing to give some, I think we can exchange it with Viscount Richard. "

King Roger nodded and said pleasantly: "What resources do you think can be exchanged for?"

"The first is the breathing method. According to the information we have, the breathing method practiced by the Haaland Territory Army is mainly the Silver Wolf Breathing Method, followed by the Barbarian Ox Breathing Method. These two breathing methods should not be complete. We can provide a complete Breathwork, used in exchange with the Harland family.

Secondly, there are pharmaceutical resources, especially Tenghui Pharmacy, which consumes the most, and the Haaland family is in relatively short supply.

The third is magic crystal. There is a magic crystal association in Harland territory, but there is no magic crystal mine in the territory. Magic crystals are inseparable from magic crystal research and experiments.

Using these three conventional resources, we can learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses with the Haaland family. Even if Viscount Richard cannot exchange all the griffons, I think there is a chance to exchange half. "

After listening to Morris talk, King Roger slapped the table and made a decision immediately: "You will discuss the specific situation with Viscount Richard in detail. I appoint you as a special envoy and give you full power. You can make your own decision for up to 300,000 gold coins." , various resources can be recruited from the three main legions in Northern Xinjiang. My only requirement is that the proportion of the griffon population is appropriate and that it has the potential to be cultivated into a griffon legion."

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