Lord Harland

Chapter 232 Tower of Flame

Elena is a decisive person. After realizing that the secret base was exposed, regardless of whether they fight this battle or not, the Venus family has become a loser. After some weighing, she immediately chose to leave with the members of the Venus family, instead of fighting this inevitable war.

Although Elena left, there are still many lizardmen in the ruins.

Lizardmen are warcraft combat units raised by ancient wizards in the floating city. They survived by chance after the fall of the floating city, and gradually thrived in the swamps and adapted to the environment of northern Xinjiang.

During the Kingdom of Venus, the lizard people near the swamps also formed a very large tribe and controlled part of the Eagle Mountains.

However, the Lizardman tribe was defeated by the Orc Empire, and the ruins of the floating city fell into the control of the Orc Empire.

The Orc Empire's magic level was lagging behind, and they rashly studied the energy control area of ​​the floating city. As a result, a serious explosion occurred. Even two legends of the Orc Empire lost their lives. The ruins of the floating city were also abandoned by the Orc Empire.

The remaining lizardmen after the defeat returned to the ruins of the floating city again and became the masters of the ruins.

The explosion caused by the Orc Empire in the ruins of the floating city was very loud.

The demon hunting team organized by the Venus family happened to be operating in the Eagle Mountains. After noticing an abnormality, they reported it to the royal capital.

The Venus family is a discerning person. After discovering the ruins of the floating city, they immediately silenced those who knew about it. Only the core layer of the Venus family has detailed information about the ruins of the floating city.

For hundreds of years since then, the Venus family has been secretly developing the ruins and almost collecting all the magic materials left behind in the floating city.

This floating city ruins has always been a hidden base of the Venus family.

Hundreds of years later, the rule of the Venus family was overthrown by the Grant family. This hidden base has not been leaked and is still under the control of the Venus family.

As for the lizard people in the ruins, they have actually become the test subjects of the Venus family.

Earl Cloford, who died in the Eagle Mountains, was lured to the vicinity of the Floating City by the Venus family.

However, the Venus family did not expect that Earl Cloford actually had a very powerful one-time magic item to summon meteors. Relying on the power of magic props, Crawford managed to escape from the battlefield. Unexpectedly, his contracted monster was mentally affected by the dark magic used by Elena's magic, and devoured its owner alive.

This incident even alarmed the senior officials of the royal capital at the time.

Pansy Grant led the team into the Eagle Mountains several times, trying to find clues, but unfortunately they found nothing.

After all, the Eagle Mountain Range is 1,500 kilometers from east to west and more than 300 kilometers from north to south. With such a vast area, even if Pansy Grant had a hundred or a thousand times more manpower, it would still be impossible to discover the fallen floating city.

The reason why the Tower of Death built the Mage Tower here was because it noticed a fallen floating city nearby from the sporadic information passed down from ancient times.

Before the members of the Tower of Death could discover the secret base of the Venus family, Richard and the pastor of the Dawn Church knocked on the door. After an encounter, the Tower of Death was destroyed, and only one high-ranking member, Savio, escaped with his life.

This secret base built by the Venus family is very hidden. If the Harland family had not wanted to develop the swamp basin, it would have been difficult to discover.

In fact, it is natural for this secret base to be exposed. The most critical reason why this secret base was not leaked was that it was far away from human habitation.

During the Venus Dynasty, there were no people here at all, and there were only some Warcraft hunters in the Eagle Mountains.

During the Grant Dynasty, Duke Brenner won a key victory at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountains, severely damaging the Orc Empire and gaining control of this area. The Grant Kingdom began to develop the southern foothills of the Eagle Mountains.

As the personnel moved closer to this hidden base, it became natural for the traces to be exposed.

The Venus family controls the ruins of the floating city. Not only must they guard against outsiders, they are also wary of the lizard people inside the floating city.

After all, lizardmen are intelligent life forms. In order to prevent the lizardmen population from growing and leaving traces, and to prevent the lizardmen from becoming the mainstay, the Venus family has been strictly controlling the number of lizardmen, keeping the size of the lizardmen within the range of a few hundred people.

In the past two years, because Elena was severely injured by Duke Brener, the Venus family also slaughtered some lizard people to strengthen their control over the lizard people.

In order to prevent the lizard people from getting out of control, the Venus family also uses a special alchemy tool to control more than 300 lizard people in the secret base.

Lizardmen's combat effectiveness is not weak, especially in the jungle. They are very flexible and are natural jungle special forces.

Many lizardmen have a special skill called Chameleon, which allows them to change their color and blend in perfectly with the jungle environment.

Even professional soldiers are easily attacked by ordinary lizardmen in the jungle and lose their lives.

Because they are good at jungle warfare, even the powerful Holy Radiance Empire still has a hard time defeating the Lizardmen in the jungle.

On the contrary, the elves of the Eastern Continent, because they have lived in the jungle since childhood, are good at jungle warfare, and have five senses better than humans. They can always see through the disguise of the lizard people in advance and are very restrained by the lizard people.

Although the number of elves is small, they still continue to compress the living environment of the lizard people. The lizard people in the Eastern Continent can only survive in humble existence by hiding in areas with harsh environments and bowing to the elves.

In the winter in the north, everything is bare, and the swampy terrain has no trees to cover it. The lizardmen's color-changing skills have lost most of their effect. Facing the elite soldiers of the Harland territory who have entered the ruins, the lizardmen can only fight hard.

Lizardmen are good at using blow darts, which are also smeared with poison. In jungle warfare, lizard men's blow darts are weapons that human soldiers talk about with disdain.

But when it comes to positional combat with real swords and guns, the range of blowing arrows is far inferior to that of strong bows and crossbows.

The first group of soldiers killed hundreds of lizardmen with two rounds of feather arrows.

Lizardmen are intelligent creatures, and fear of death is the nature of intelligent creatures.

After just two rounds of arrows, the lizardmen completely collapsed and fled back to the ruins of the floating city.

There were no casualties in defeating the lizardmen, but during the search, the lizardmen's unexpected attack caused some trouble for the soldiers of the Harland Territory.

These more than three hundred lizardmen actually kept four giant lizards in captivity.

Monitor lizards have a simple mind, but are very powerful. They rely on genes to identify the same kind. Except for lizardmen who have the same genes, they regard all other creatures as enemies.

Even members of the Venus family were accidentally attacked by giant lizards and lost their lives.

The combat power of every adult monitor lizard is equivalent to that of a high-level monster. Unfortunately, this monster cannot be domesticated or communicated with.

Although the fighting power of the giant lizards was not weak, they were far from being rivals compared to a large-scale army. There were only a dozen casualties, and four giant lizards died in the hands of elite soldiers from the Harland territory.

Back then, the Haaland territorial army hunted the flying dragon and suffered more than thirty casualties.

Now the quality of the army in the Harland Territory has been greatly improved. A squadron has at least five professionals. For a backbone unit like the First Squadron, the number of professionals exceeds 20, and the weapons and equipment have been comprehensively improved.

Alchemy bombs, enchanted armor, and a large number of equipment armies make it difficult for even high-level knights to compete with a squadron alone.

Although the giant lizard is very powerful, it cannot defeat the elite human soldiers without a scale advantage.

The four monitor lizards were soon killed by the soldiers, and the materials on them were reduced to high-end trophies.

The teeth of the monitor lizard are very sharp. Like the claws, they are high-grade magic materials and can be made into enchanted weapons.

Although the skin of the giant lizard is not as good as the skin of the dragon, it can also be made into enchanted armor. Because of the special material of the monitor lizard's skin, a ring of magic can be drawn to change the color, making it into a special magic equipment, color-changing armor, for use by scouts entering the jungle.

Because the monitor lizard is so large, the skin of one monitor lizard can be made into more than twenty pieces of armor. The skin of four monitor lizards is enough to arm a squadron of soldiers.

The internal organs of the monitor lizard can be used to refine the Tenghui potion, and the blood can be used as medicine to treat diseases.

In short, not counting the unexpected portals gained in the floating city, just hunting four giant lizards was a worthwhile trip.

Richard led the soldiers to the vicinity of the portal. He carefully studied the runes on the portal and ordered the soldiers to completely dismantle the portal and prepare to modify it and install it in the mage tower.

As for the lizardmen kept in captivity by the Venus family, because they had been controlled by the Venus family for many years and had signed magical contracts, Richard could not trust them at all, and they were all slaughtered by the soldiers.

After killing the lizard man, Richard still felt threatened, but the degree of threat had been reduced.

Because the enemy left in a hurry, many supplies were not collected in time.

Richard did a rough search and found sixty boxes of silver coins, fifteen boxes of gold coins, and two boxes of standard magic crystals.

Standard magic crystal is only about the size of a thumb, about three millimeters thick, and oval in shape.

Magic crystal is a crystal that gathers magic energy and plays a very important role in magic civilization. Generally speaking, a standard magic crystal is worth about ten gold coins.

A box of standard magic crystals is worth 10,000 gold coins. The magic crystals plus gold and silver coins add up to a total of 40,000 gold coins.

In addition to coins, Richard also found a batch of enchanted equipment at the floating city ruins, including swords, armor, and bows and crossbows, which can equip two thousand elite soldiers.

This batch of weapons was put into the bottle of starlight by Richard to arm the soldiers in Harland territory.

The more important harvest is the magic books and magic materials left by the Venus family.

This part of the magic books makes up for the shortcomings of the Harland Mage Association.

In particular, the Venus family's understanding of magic energy is quite unique.

The Venus family has occupied the ruins of the floating city for more than a thousand years. Although they cannot understand the ancient wizard texts, they have made very in-depth research on magic energy by studying the ruins of the energy control area of ​​the floating city. They even used the artifacts left in the energy area of ​​the floating city. materials to build a small magic well.

For the magical civilization in the Dawn Plane, the magic well is the core of the magical civilization.

Most of the magic wells in the world are naturally generated by the surge of elemental tides.

Artificially created magic wells generally rely on the magic core of legendary monsters as the core, and are limited by the total amount of magic energy stored in the magic core of legendary monsters. The magic energy provided by the magic tower magic well is relatively small, and it is not as good as the naturally generated small magic wells. .

Normally, the magic energy stored in the magic tower can only release ten four-ring magic.

In the ruins of the floating city, successive generations of magicians of the Venus family have researched and innovated, and used the spare element furnaces of the floating city to transform into a magic well. This magic well provides much more magic power than the legendary fourth-level Warcraft magic core. The magic energy it can provide is comparable to that of a naturally generated magic well.

The manufacturing of elemental furnaces is very complex, far beyond the level of magical civilization in the Dawn Plane.

The Venus family simply cannot understand the internal structure of the elemental furnace.

Even in the age of wizards, floating cities were very high-end magical wonders. Only very powerful wizard organizations could build interstellar fleets and floating cities.

The Elemental Furnace, Eternal Furnace, and Energy Furnace are the core of the interstellar fleet and the floating city, and represent the most advanced civilization crystallization in the Wizarding Age.

Without a strong foundation in magical science, even if the elemental furnace is given to the Venus family, it is equivalent to giving the interstellar engine to primitive people.

The Venus family spent a thousand years, but they could only develop some superficial research. Without the great development of magical science, it would have been impossible to create an elemental furnace and lift the city into the sky.

After discovering the ruins of the floating city, it is impossible for Richard to kill all the insiders like the Venus family to keep the secret of the floating city ruins.

Firstly, Richard's views are not that extreme and he is not allowed to do such a thing. Secondly, the Harland family is not strong enough and it is difficult to develop the ruins with only a few family members. Third, there were too many people who discovered the ruins. It was impossible for Richard to cut off his legs and kill the elite soldiers in the territory.

People talk a lot, even though Richard repeatedly emphasized the discipline of confidentiality and issued military orders of confidentiality very seriously.

It is inevitable that the ruins of this floating city will be leaked.

Fortunately, there is a strict no-migration order in the Harland Territory, so there is almost no population movement.

Soldiers also know the importance of confidentiality and will not tell outsiders at will. They should be able to keep it secret for a few years.

The only thing Richard can do is to delay the leakage of the floating city ruins and try to increase his strength during this period.

Even if the secret is leaked by then, as long as you have the strength in your hands, you can resist those who peek into the territory, and you can at least get a share of the pie.

Among the ruins of the floating city, the Venus family built a secret mage tower.

This mage tower is an underground mage tower with a total of six floors.

Because it is built underground, this mage tower is very secretive. Unless someone guides you, it will be difficult to find the entrance gate of the mage tower even when you are near the mage tower.

Inside the mage tower, the six-ring magic circle of Fire Storm is also engraved.

The lethality of the magic circle inside the mage tower mainly depends on the strength of the energy of the mage tower.

If the energy inside the mage tower is strong, even if a group magic is issued, the lethality will be extremely shocking. If there is no energy, the legendary magic will not be lethal.

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