Lord Harland

Chapter 229 Determination to become stronger

Of the four undead apprentices, two successfully transferred to another discipline.

Lange, the most determined person, did not encounter good luck. His mental space was shattered and he became an unconscious vegetable. Although Voss survived, permanent cracks appeared in his mental space, and he lost the possibility of progress in meditation.

In the end, the Harland Territory Mage Association, in accordance with Lange's wishes, allowed him to die peacefully, and his body was dissected in the hospital for use in the study of magical medicine.

Voss lost his potential and was destined to be mediocre for the rest of his life. However, he soon married a wife and had children, and gradually emerged from the shadows. Although it is impossible to become a magician in his lifetime, Voss is a person with magical talent after all. He can also use zero-ring magic, and his situation will always be better than ordinary people.

The two undead apprentices who successfully transferred to other disciplines are John and Barn.

After the two people successfully converted to meditation, they gave the other undead apprentices a lot of confidence, especially Butler. During this period, he was walking with wind.

Butler was very determined to become stronger. Even though the success rate of changing to another discipline was only half, he still made up his mind and took the initiative to find Richard and asked to change to the meditation method.

"I understand what you mean, but Butler, you are still young. I think you have time to wait. There are still some problems with the transfer. The first Book of Curses has not been deduced to the professional level. The second one is in the transfer. In the process, many problems have arisen that we have not yet understood.

The most critical point is that you are an official magician and will be more seriously eroded by the undead magic energy particles. The risk of converting to the Book of Curses should be greater. I think you should wait a year or two for us to deal with the magic energy. After you have a deeper understanding and then practice meditation, your chances of success should be greatly increased. "

"Everything President Richard said is correct. From a probability perspective, it is indeed the case, but I don't want to see other undead apprentices in the territory surpass me."

Butler's character was a bit competitive, but Richard was very pleased with this. In the study of magic and science, this kind of competitiveness and the pursuit of first place are often needed.

As long as he doesn't use underhanded tactics to suppress his competitors, Richard encourages young people to be competitive.

It is better for an organization to be competitive internally than to be dead.

"Butler, you have to understand that learning magic is a long-term process. Rapid improvement in the past few years may not necessarily be a good thing. In my opinion, running fast is not as good as running steadily. In long-term competition, one can continue to Progress is what makes a truly outstanding person.”

Despite Butler's strong request, Richard did not agree.

There are more than thirty members of the Harland Magic Association, and the only three with advanced magic talents are Sophia, Wendy, and Butler.

With superior magic talent, even if you have no magic research talent, there is no innovation in the research of magic, meditation will not get feedback from magic energy particles, and if you meditate step by step, without encountering accidents, you can generally advance to level seven by the age of fifty or sixty. ring.

Normally speaking, with superior magic talent, it is basically guaranteed to grow into a high-level magician.

With such an outstanding talent, he was naturally valued by Richard.

After sending Butler away, the second batch of undead apprentices who wanted to change their profession came to the door.

Although Lange died on the way to training, it still did not change the determination of the undead apprentices to become stronger.

These undead apprentices from the lowest background, as long as they are given a little chance, they will desperately seize it, even if there is great danger, or even lose their lives.

Richard asked himself, did he have such determination?

The answer is yes, because he is not willing to settle for mediocrity and has a heart that jumps upward.

Richard is brave on the battlefield. A brave man can face everything, including death.

If my identity changes, I will still seize every opportunity to change my destiny.

This time, there were six people requesting to switch to the meditation method, two of whom were already advanced apprentices.

The day before changing the meditation method, Richard talked to them separately, informed them of the dangers of changing the meditation method, and asked them to think clearly before making a decision.

The six undead apprentices remained determined, and no one quit the next day.

Because of the experience of the last transfer, Richard adjusted the intensity of the Requiem spell, and Sophia also increased the dosage of the soul potion.

But during the transformation process, people still died.

A senior undead apprentice's spiritual space collapsed and he lost his life on the spot.

There were cracks in the spiritual space of the two undead apprentices, and their magic levels could not be improved for the rest of their lives. They also suffered from headaches, neurasthenia and other sequelae.

Only three people have successfully converted to meditation, and the success rate has not improved.

Richard carefully studied every person who converted to meditation and went deep into their subconscious several times. Richard continued to study the physical data of the nine undead apprentices, the most important of which were the two dead people.

In order to understand the cause of death, Richard personally participated in the autopsy and used a microscope and visual magnification to study the brain of the deceased.

The cause of death of the deceased was quickly figured out. The pineal gland of the deceased's brain was attacked by magic energy particles and was severely deformed.

Through research on the deformed pineal gland, Richard discovered that the magician's spiritual power space is hidden in the pineal gland.

This discovery is very shocking.

There should be no such knowledge in the inheritance of magicians in Dawn Continent. Richard's discovery opened a new door.

But if we want to figure out where the spiritual space is located in the pineal gland and what the relationship between the two is, I'm afraid more dissections and more research will be needed to determine.

Richard is not a madman who is desperate to study magic, and is crazy about arresting magicians and dissecting them.

Since the research could not continue for the time being, Richard decided to stop and rest for a few days to change his mind.

It was already mid-December, and next year Margaret would leave the castle and enter Riverside Primary School.

Richard decided to take a few days to spend some time with his daughter.

Born in a lord's family, Margaret was lonely since she was a child. She had no playmates and only adults were with her.

The thoughts of adults are not on the same channel as those of children.

Richard observed that Margaret had not been very happy in the past year or so.

The child seemed to understand nothing, but she had a very sensitive heart. Margaret could sense whoever was really kind to her.

"Margaret, are you bored in the castle? How about we go out for a walk and relax."

When Richard saw Margaret playing quietly with a wooden car, he suddenly felt a little guilty, feeling that he had seldom fulfilled his responsibilities as a father.

"Can you go out, father?"

For safety reasons, Margaret was rarely able to leave the castle. Although she was young, her position was very important in the Harland territory. As long as she grows up and becomes a professional, she will be the first heir to Richard and Sophia.

"Yes, Margaret. After the Goddess's Birthday, you will go to school. Then you will be able to meet many children, and you can also invite them to the castle."

For Margaret's safety, Richard will arrange professional protection, and Anne and Audrey will be responsible for picking up and dropping off her every day.

Richard will arrange to garrison troops near He'an Elementary School. Standing next to the military camp, no one dared to attack He'an Elementary School, which was no different from sending someone to death.

Besides, Sophia is pregnant this year, and Margaret is no longer the sole heir.

Without the title of sole heir, Margaret's situation was somewhat safer.

Richard held Margaret in his arms, changed his clothes and walked out of the Lord's Mansion. He walked aimlessly on the street and observed the street scene of Fort William.

Fort William has been built for many years, but there are still not many people in the city.

Because of the law prohibiting movement in Harland territory, most of the castle is occupied by the families of the garrison and a small number of free people.

Relatively speaking, the residents of Fort William are almost all supporters of Haaland Territory, and the environment is very clean.

Along the flat road, Richard held Margaret and strolled slowly.

In seven or eight years, Fort William has become significantly different from when it was first built.

There are already seven or eight thousand freemen in Fort William. Counting the garrison and the students at Riverside Primary School, there are tens of thousands of residents living in the castle.

There are also some villages near the castle, and there are also a large number of free folk in these villages. Counting these freedmen, the market radiated by Fort William is close to 20,000 people.

The children were playing in the square and met their peers. Margaret kept squirming in Richard's arms, apparently wanting to participate in the children's play.

Richard put Margaret down. Margaret was walking on her short legs and mingling with the children, looking very happy.

Looking at Margaret's smiling face, Richard suddenly felt particularly happy.

Margaret played with the children in the square all afternoon, and even her clothes were a little dirty. In the evening, she reluctantly followed Richard back to the castle.

Seeing that Margaret had soiled her clothes, Sophia was immediately unhappy. Seeing her gloomy face, Margaret lowered her head and whispered, "Change your clothes and you'll be clean."

"You are a girl, and your words and deeds must be in line with etiquette. How can you be so dirty?"

Sophia took out a small wooden stick from the bedside, stared at Margaret's little hand, and said sternly: "Stretch out your hand."

"For a child, staying in a gloomy castle all day is really a painful thing. Forget it today, it's rare for a child to be happy for once."

Richard took Sophia's hand and said to Margaret: "Be smart and go change clothes quickly."

Richard knew in his heart that it would be difficult to educate a child well if he was too doting on his children and obeyed everything.

If you want your children to develop a sound personality, family education is very important. One of the parents must be strict and the other gentle.

This is true for most families, with a strict father and a loving mother being the most common combination.

But when placed in Richard's house, it was a bit reversed, and he became a strict mother and a loving father.

Sophia has a pregnant belly, and married life cannot be carried out.

Seeing that Richard was feeling uncomfortable, Sophia turned her head and said sadly: "How about I find you a palace lady."

Pregnant women are very sensitive, and Richard has a deep affection for Sophia after many years of getting along. He didn't want to see Sophia sad, so he said firmly: "No, I'll go outside to calm down."

It was very cold at night in winter, and Richard was blowing the cold wind on the balcony of the castle.

The cold north wind makes people's cheeks turn red, but their brains are very active in this environment.

In order to suppress the secretion of hormones in his brain, Richard deliberately thought of cruel things to keep himself calm.

Suddenly, Richard thought of the dead Lange, and the scene of dissecting Lange's brain appeared in Richard's mind.

The bloody brain finally suppressed the impulsive hormones.

An inspiration appeared in Richard's mind, and he quickly grabbed it and wrote it down in the notebook he carried with him.

Richard came to the study room, looking through books one after another, and writing down the important contents in his notebook.

He didn't sleep all night, but he was very energetic the next day. The next morning, Richard couldn't wait to tell Sophia the inspiration. The two studied it for most of the day and felt that Richard's idea was feasible.

Richard's idea was to refine a special alchemical item, and then transfer all the magic energy in the magician's mental space into the alchemical item.

Wait for all the magic energy in the body to disappear before switching to meditation. This should increase the success rate of switching and reduce the intensity of the conflict between magic energy particles in the mental space.

To refine this special alchemy item, you can use magic crystals that can store magic power.

The internal structure of alchemical items should be similar to the spiritual space of a magician. The magician's spiritual space is hidden in the pineal gland of the brain.

Richard has dissected the pineal glands of two magic apprentices, and the general structure has been recorded through portraits.

Richard immediately carved a model of the pineal gland with magic crystal, and then engraved a magic circle on the model to absorb death-attributed magic energy particles, creating an alchemical item that imitated the spiritual space.

This alchemical brain has no practicality, no self-awareness, and can only store a small amount of death-attributed magic energy particles.

But this characteristic can transfer the magic energy in the body of low-level necromancers.

After using the Alchemy Brain, three more undead apprentices switched to the Book of Curses, and this time they all succeeded.

During this period of time, Richard's thinking was very active, and his research progressed very smoothly. In just one or two months, he gained a deeper understanding of the nature of magic energy, and successfully deduced the Book of Curses to the third level. Five floors.

The Book of Curses was deduced successfully, and the Alchemy Brain was also produced.

Butler finally couldn't bear it anymore and found Richard again, insisting that he switch to meditation.

Butler was an outstanding talent in the territory, and Richard and Sophia valued him very much. They personally took action to protect him and successfully transferred to other majors just a few days before the goddess's birthday.

A few days before the goddess's birthday, through the attribute panel, Richard knew that his breathing technique was about to be promoted.

Richard is considered a very talented person when it comes to practicing breathing techniques.

Even without the use of killing experience, the speed at which he practiced breathing techniques was equivalent to that of talented people like William and Roland. According to Richard's observation, only Jennings in Harland's territory was a few points faster than him.

After five years of hard work, Richard finally rose from the fourth level to the fifth level. The twenty-five-year-old fifth-level warrior is already one of the fastest-growing people in the Grant Kingdom.

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