Lord Harland

Chapter 218 Annihilation Battle II

Because the ballistic trajectory can be calculated, the trebuchet is more accurate.

The trebuchet's throwing rhythm was very steady. In just one or two minutes, sixty alchemy bombs were thrown.

Alchemy bombs continued to explode around the snake-like people, and the splashing shrapnel flew everywhere, mowing down all the nearby snake-like people.

Although I didn't look at the statistics, the casualties of the snakemen were already considerable. There were twenty or thirty casualties, about one-fifth of the number.

The serious casualties made the snake-like people furious. They speeded up and passed through the range of the trebuchet.

In just one minute, we arrived at the camp 200 meters away.

Just as the Snake Man was preparing to launch the final charge, Butler, who commanded the trebuchet, recalculated the trajectory, adjusted the counterweight, and marked the range between 150 meters and 200 meters.

Butler gave an order, and the trebuchet once again launched the alchemy bomb.

The alchemy bomb exploded in the Snake Army formation again, and the smoke rose gradually. The Snake Body once again experienced a serious attrition.

After being continuously hit by alchemy bombs, the snake-like people finally felt a sense of fear. They roared crazily, used all their strength to move forward quickly, and finally rushed out of the trebuchet's range.

The snake-shaped man was less than a hundred meters away from the battle line. With such a short distance, it only took dozens of seconds to rush to the front of the battle line.

In such a short time, Butler had no time to calculate the trajectory and adjust the weight.

There were only about 120 serpentine heavy infantry, and they were hit by two rounds of trebuchets. The casualties had exceeded 50, and their number was reduced by nearly half.

Looking at the tragic death of my companions around me, the scene was tragic, shocking, but also frightening.

The remaining snake-like people roared hard and rushed to the front of the line.

Faced with the attack of the snake-bodied man, the veterans did not panic. They all took out alchemy bombs from their waists and threw them accurately into the array of snake-like people.

The veterans of Harland's territory are not only excellent archers, but also qualified grenadiers.

Although the alchemy bomb weighs two kilograms, veterans can easily throw it sixty meters away with extraordinary accuracy.

There are more than 4,000 soldiers in Harland Territory, and only a thousand new recruits have been trained for just one year. Although the new recruits have excellent equipment and complete training, no matter how well-trained the new recruits are, they are still new recruits. They have not experienced the pressure of the battlefield. The relationship between them and the veterans is Experience is never insurmountable.

In order to reduce the impact of this, in addition to the three backbone forces of the First Squadron, the Second Squadron, and the Third Squadron, Richard tried his best to mix recruits and veterans.

But only by fighting several hard battles and experiencing the test of blood and fire can one survive the recruitment period and become a qualified soldier.

The snakemen entered the range of the grenadiers and experienced another attrition.

This time there were more casualties. In just a few dozen meters, thirty or forty snake-like people had fallen.

The serpentine officer looked at his companions and found that less than a quarter of the soldiers had rushed out.

As soon as the snake-shaped man appeared in front of the two armies, the Warcraft Cavalry immediately launched a surprise attack from the flank. In just a minute or two, the Warcraft Cavalry rushed several hundred meters away.

In three years, the number of Warcraft cavalry in Harland Territory has exceeded 100, and there are more than 40 professional officers.

After nine years of struggle, the combat effectiveness of the Warcraft Cavalry in Richard's hands has surpassed that of the Baron Knights of Harden,

The Warcraft Cavalry attacked from the flank of the Snake Man and fired a round of magic missiles.

Hundreds of magic missiles exploded on the backs of the snakes. Although their own personnel were also affected, the losses of the snakes were even more severe, with more than twenty casualties.

Continuous attacks almost completely annihilated the Snake Squadron.

Fear finally overwhelmed everything. The remaining ten snake-like people tried to escape, but were targeted by the Warcraft Cavalry and died from random arrows.

After consuming two hundred alchemical bombs and with the cooperation of the Warcraft Cavalry, the Harland Territory Army annihilated the Snakeheads with relatively small casualties.

When Duram saw this scene, he was immediately frightened.

In the orc army, there are two full-time professional armies, the first is the snake body heavy infantry, and the second is the harpy scouts.

Now that the heavy infantry of the Snakes have been wiped out, the Harpies are not good at attacking fortresses.

Moreover, there is no shortage of sharpshooters in Haaland's territory, and the harpies do not dare to support operations at low altitudes.

Seeing that the Warcraft cavalry once again rushed towards the flank of the orcs, crushing an orc squadron with overwhelming force, Duram knew in his heart that failure in this battle was inevitable.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Duram immediately ordered a retreat and ordered the orcs to go into the forest.

If they can get into the jungle, it will be inconvenient for human soldiers to catch up, and they can try their best to preserve their vitality, gather broken troops, and still continue to fight against humans.

There is still wilderness outside the military station, and the forest is less than one kilometer away from the battlefield.

But this one kilometer distance became the road of death for the orcs. The number of orcs who fell on this road exceeded two thousand.

Dulam fled very quickly, but Richard had already targeted him.

Richard opened the longbow, and a whirlwind rolled up from the front end of the longbow. The enchanted arrows on the bowstring were blessed by magic and shone with a trace of luster.

Then the bowstring was loosened, and the enchanted arrow pierced the air with a sharp whistle, and hit Duram in the back of the heart a moment later.

Duram wanted to escape and exposed his back to Richard. He was unprepared and was attacked by Richard. An arrow pierced his heart. The powerful kinetic energy directly knocked Duram to the ground.

Severe pain came, and Duram immediately broke the arrow shaft and pulled it out from his body. The orc shaman beside him hurriedly used healing techniques to stop Duram's bleeding.

Of course, such a heavyweight target as Durham is not only targeted by Richard.

Thoros, who commanded the Warcraft cavalry to chase down the defeated orcs and wanted to be knighted, also raised his bow and arrow, aimed at Duram and shot an arrow.

Hearing the whistling of the arrows, Duram did not dare to neglect this time. Seeing the arrows shooting towards his neck, he had no time to dodge and grabbed a scapegoat to block him.

After escaping the fatal danger, Dulam took a closer look and suddenly felt a sense of regret in his heart.

It turned out that the person he held in place as a scapegoat was the orc shaman who had saved him twice.

Seeing that the forest was not far away, Duram pushed the orc shaman away and ran away.

Just as Duram ran to the edge of the forest, Richard raised the lightning staff again and released the four-ring magic lightning technique.

The lightning attack was extremely fast and instantly hit Duram in the back of the heart.

This time, Richard increased his magic power and invested fifteen points of mental power at once. With the blessing of the thunder staff, the power of this spell has exceeded the ninth level, which is equivalent to a weakened legendary thunder magic.

Being hit by a powerful lightning spell, Duram died on the spot, and his body was scorched black by the electricity, as if struck by lightning.

Duram is an eighth-level orc. His head can be exchanged for five great merits, which is equivalent to half a barony. It is quite valuable.

After this battle, plus the heads of the orc professionals, the Harland family's meritorious service was enough to be granted a new barony.

After driving the orcs into the forest, Richard did not let the soldiers enter the forest to pursue them.

Orcs are good at close combat. Once you enter the forest, the lethality of bows, arrows, and alchemy bombs will be greatly reduced. You need to engage in guerrilla warfare and close combat with the orcs.

The soldiers of Harland Territory are good at positional warfare and regular warfare. When fighting orcs in the jungle, they undoubtedly use their own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths, and the casualty exchange ratio is very uneconomical.

There are also soldiers who are good at jungle warfare in Harland's territory, including the demon hunting team members who have entered the Eagle Mountains many times to hunt magical beasts. But these people are all elites drawn from the main forces. Letting the demon hunting team hunt down the remaining orcs will affect the subsequent battle.

After defeating the orcs, the soldiers began to clean the battlefield and treat the wounded.

"Have the casualties of each army been counted?"

"Two Warcraft cavalrymen were killed and seven were lightly or seriously wounded. Eleven ordinary cavalry were killed and twenty-three were lightly or seriously wounded. Thirteen people from the cavalry brigade were killed and thirty were wounded.

The 1st Battalion had 19 killed and 57 wounded, the 2nd Battalion had 16 killed and 41 wounded, the 3rd Battalion had 32 killed and 86 wounded, and the 4th Battalion had 27 killed and 59 wounded. The casualties of the reconnaissance squadron and the guard squadron were relatively light, with the total casualties not exceeding twenty. "

Hearing the report from the combat staff, Richard nodded and secretly estimated in his mind: "In total, the losses in this battle were 400 and no more than 120 were killed. It can be considered a beautiful victory."

"Have the results been tallied?"

The combat staff officer replied: "According to the statistics, we annihilated more than 4,000 orc troops in this battle, cut off 2,900 orc heads, and captured 1,200 orc prisoners. We killed 200 orc professionals. Sixty-eight, sixteen orc professionals were captured.”

"We will make statistics to see if there are any orc prisoners needed by the Grant Mage Association, then treat them and send them to the capital to exchange for resources. Except for the satyrs who keep the orc prisoners for grazing, the remaining orc prisoners that the capital does not want will be sent to the mines. "

After cleaning the battlefield and counting the casualties, Richard arranged for the Third Battalion to separate two squadrons to garrison the depot, and one squadron to escort the wounded back to Fort William.

Then they assembled eighteen infantry squadrons, five cavalry squadrons, and more than 3,500 soldiers to march eastward, along the valley in the northern area of ​​​​Graveson, and together with the aristocratic coalition led by Viscount Romen, surrounded and annihilated the two villages in this area. A large group of orcs.

The coalition of nobles led by Viscount Luomen numbered about three thousand.

Although the equipment and combat effectiveness of this coalition of nobles are not as good as those of the Harland territorial army, their combat effectiveness is also considerable.

Most of the nobles in northern Xinjiang have rich war experience and are very willing to invest in military power.

The 3,000-strong noble coalition has more than 200 pieces of enchanted armor. Although its combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the main army, it is much stronger than the second-line army.

Moreover, Viscount Luomen is well-known in the Gedda Province and can be said to be brave and good at fighting.

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