Lord Harland

Chapter 211 Thunder Staff

By investigating the ogre camp, Richard found some body parts and pieces of meat.

Ogres are large humanoid creatures that are inherently evil. It is a branch of goblin-like creatures in a broad sense, and is related to bugbears, kobolds, etc.

But compared to kobolds, ogres are very powerful and difficult to deal with. They are lazy and ferocious. They are social creatures and have strong adaptability to the external natural environment. They can survive on various lands, waters, and underground caves.

Ogres are omnivorous and can eat vegetarian or carnivorous foods, but their favorite food is always human meat.

Even if the ogre does not awaken his bloodline, his natural strength will exceed ten points, which is better than that of second-level professionals.

If he becomes a professional, the strength of a fourth-level ogre will reach twenty points, making him even more difficult to deal with than a sixth-level warrior.

Ogres are naturally powerful warriors. Even orcs are the food that ogres hunt.

There are occasionally a small number of magicians in the ogre tribe.

Ogre magicians are even more intelligent than ordinary humans. They can obtain part of their knowledge by devouring the brains of intelligent creatures.

In the Plane of Dawn, ogres are as notorious as necromancers.

After investigating the intelligence, Richard found Sanders and asked straight to the point: "Bishop Sanders, the Dawn Church is very well-informed. Can you tell me whether the great nobles of the Grant Kingdom have signed a contract with the legendary ogre?" contract?"

Sanders said without hesitation: "Viscount Richard, the Kingdom of Grant is a human kingdom granted by the Holy Glory Empire. It is the guardian force of order and will never sign a contract with the legendary ogre. However, Duke Edward, the same as the legendary ogre, The humans and demons have some tacit understanding. Duke Edward will let the ogre tribe capture some people, and the ogre tribe will also not cooperate with the orcs to attack Duke Edward's territory, leaving Duke Edward in a two-front battle."

After hearing what Sanders said, Richard relaxed a little. As long as the Grant Kingdom did not sign a contract with the legendary ogre, Richard would have reason to take action.

Richard summoned the backbone of the investigation team together and said with a solemn face: "Now there is an ogre tribe in the territory. This ogre tribe is not big or small. If it eats people every day, it will eat at least a thousand people every year. .

As the lord of this land, I have the responsibility and obligation to protect the people.

But there is a strong backer behind the ogre. My opinion is to be polite first and then fight, and see if we can expel the ogre through negotiation. "

After detecting the information, Richard immediately mobilized his troops and mobilized the Fort William Cavalry Brigade, the First Brigade, the Third Battalion of the Depot, the Guard Squadron, and the Reconnaissance Squadron to the nearby area. About 2,400 soldiers were gathered.

The mobilization of a large-scale army was very noisy, and the ogres soon noticed the abnormality.

Upon discovering the mobilization of troops, the ogre magician was very decisive and immediately decided to launch a surprise attack on Richard to avoid being surrounded by human soldiers and falling into a passive situation.

Ogres are powerful warriors and might become overlords of the Dawn Plane if their fertility rate were not so low.

Although there are only fifty ogres including young and old, this force is not easy to deal with.

There are five or six ogres whose bloodline has advanced to the intermediate level. The most powerful ogre leader has exceeded the seventh level, and his power is far beyond that of the ninth level warriors.

The ogre leader wielded a thick iron rod. This iron rod seemed to weigh about two hundred kilograms. In other words, only an ogre with infinite strength can wield such a heavy weapon on the battlefield.

Even a high-level warrior like William wouldn't be able to withstand this kind of iron rod.

There were no advanced melee fighters in the investigation team. When he saw the ogre rushing towards him brandishing a thick weapon, Richard decided to immediately release the powerful spider web technique.

A spider web appeared in front of the ogre leader and entangled the ogre leader in an instant.

As soon as Richard released the Spider Web Technique, Sophia released a Wooden Vine Winding Technique at the ogre clan leader.

At the same time, Thoros loosened his bow string, aimed at the chest of the ogre leader, and shot an arrow.

The ogre leader's strength was so great that he suddenly tore apart the cobwebs and broke the vines. The two powerful magics did not trap him.

On the contrary, the arrow shot by Thoros pierced the chest of the ogre leader fiercely. The heart of the ogre leader was pierced by the arrow and blood spurted out.

In an instant, the ogre leader made a very surprising move. He pulled out the bloody arrow from his chest and threw it at Thoros with all his strength.

Just when the ogre leader was seriously injured, the two-headed ogre magician immediately released a spell to treat serious injuries.

Under the influence of the healing technique, the wound was actually stopped.

The wound stopped bleeding, and the ogre leader's speed became faster and faster. He had already covered a distance of more than 200 meters in seven or eight seconds.

With a whoosh, the troll's huge iron rod passed by his ears, and the sound of the wind made his ears hurt.

If Richard hadn't reacted quickly, his head would have turned into a rotten watermelon when he was hit with a stick by the ogre leader.

Although Richard has fifteen points of strength, it is far from enough compared to the ogre leader. If the weapons collide, they will immediately be crushed.

After dodging the blow, Richard dodged and hid beside the ogre leader.

The ogre leader hated Thoros for hurting him, and immediately swung the iron rod and smashed it down at Thoros.

Although Thoros has advanced to a sixth-level warrior, his strength cannot compete with the ogre leader. Seeing the iron rod coming down, he immediately ducked to the side.

Although the iron rod is heavy, the ogre leader can use it with ease and ease.

In the process of chopping down the iron rod, it turned into a blow.

Seeing the iron bar sweeping towards him, Thoros panicked and had no time to dodge, so he could only block it with his enchanted sword.

As a result, Soros was hit with a stick and rolled more than ten meters away. He was immediately injured internally and had blood flowing from his mouth.

Richard dodged the ogre leader's blow, and while the ogre leader injured Thoros, he immediately raised his sword and stabbed the ogre leader in the head.

The head of the ogre leader was very big and looked particularly ugly. There was a stream of stench coming out of his mouth. The strong pungent smell made Richard burst into tears.

The enchanted sword stabbed the ogre leader's skin hard.

Ogre skin is very rough and thick, with many wrinkles. The skin of this evil creature, like the fur of Warcraft, can be used to make enchanted armor.

The enchanted long sword stabbed fiercely into the ogre's long neck and shin, making a dull sound like a sharp knife piercing the animal skin. In an instant, a stream of fishy blood sprayed on Richard's body and poured over him.

This sword was a fatal wound and had an immediate effect.

Seeing that the ogre leader was about to die, the two-headed ogre magician once again released a spell to treat serious injuries.

The blood was stopped instantly, and the ogre leader's vitality immediately recovered a lot. He raised a huge fist and hit Richard's head hard.

Seeing Richard fighting in close combat with the ogre leader, Sophia and Wendy were very worried.

However, only Richard and Thoros in the territory have strong melee combat capabilities. If they don't stay in front, the magicians will be driven around by the ogre leader.

Without magicians to control the battlefield, relying on a few hundred people from the security squadron and investigation team may not be able to withstand it.

The encirclement was not formed and the ogres could easily break out.

Seeing that Richard was in danger, he immediately released a six-ring magic protective force field to protect Richard.

Wendy realized that Richard was no longer in danger, and immediately released the second-ring magic laughter technique.

A strong smile came, and the ogre leader couldn't help but bend down. He started coughing crazily, trying to resist the smile. Tears actually appeared on his face, but the laughter still couldn't be stopped. live.

Necromancer Hiss also participated in this battle and seized the opportunity to use the blinding technique on the ogre leader.

After being hit by several spells in a row, various negative states appeared on the ogre leader.

Discovering that the ogre leader was in bad condition, the two-headed ogre magician immediately used a four-ring magic to clear the negative state and rescue the ogre leader from various negative states.

Before the ogre leader could regain his vision, Richard had already unleashed the lightning technique on the ogre leader.

A powerful electric current hit the head of the ogre leader.

Lightning is a powerful destructive magic, very powerful.

The current burned the ogre leader's skin to a stinking odor, and simultaneously burned the ogre's eyes, nose, and mouth. Even the ogre's brain was burned to a pulp by this magic.

The ogre magician was about to release healing magic, but found that the ogre patriarch had died on the spot.

To save him, he needs to cast the seven-ring magic resurrection spell.

But Richard gave him no chance and immediately used the enchanted sword to chop off the ogre's head.

Richard endured the stench, quickly put the ogre's head in a cloth bag, and threw it to a soldier for safekeeping to prevent the ogre leader from resurrecting.

After killing the ogre leader, Richard took the time to glance at Thoros and found that Thoros had been carried off the battlefield by the soldiers. Wendy also released a spell to treat serious injuries on his uncle, stopping his internal bleeding.

After killing the ogre leader, the strength of other ogres is not that terrifying. The third-level warriors can barely withstand the attacks of most ogres wearing brute armor.

Without the powerful arrowhead of the ogre leader, even though there were many remaining ogres, they could not break through the defenses of the investigation team and the guard squadron for a while.

As the encirclement formed, the ogres were besieged on all sides by the soldiers of Harland's domain.

The number was getting smaller and smaller, and they were all killed soon. Even the ogre magician died at the hands of Wendy.

Looking at the battlefield littered with corpses, Richard couldn't feel happy inside. He was just about to talk to the ogre.

After all, ogres are intelligent creatures. If the negotiation succeeds, Richard will not want to provoke the legendary ogre. Richard would be satisfied if he could drive the ogres away from Harland's territory.

As for the ogres causing harm to other areas, Richard was helpless.

Unfortunately, he never expected that the ogre would be so impulsive and violent. Before Richard could communicate, the ogre attacked him.

As a result, the ogre tribe was completely wiped out by Richard, and the ogre clan leader and ogre magician all died.

Now that things have turned out like this, Richard can only take one step at a time.

"Strip off the skin of the ogre, dig out the brain, and then burn the corpse to prevent the corpse from becoming smelly and breeding plague."

Ogre skin can be used to make enchanted armor, and the brain can be used to prepare special potions.

There are more than forty ogres, and the brains dug out can be sold for eight thousand gold coins. For Richard, eight thousand gold coins in cash is also an important income.

After cleaning the battlefield, they unexpectedly seized the two-headed ogre magician's magic wand and magic book.

The magic book in the ogre's hand records more than twenty kinds of spells, mainly divination, treatment, and protection.

Some of them are not collected by the Harland Territory Magic Association, including the six-ring prophecy spell true knowledge and the seven-ring magic banishment spell. The magic book also comes with a set of meditation methods.

This set of meditation methods is called Meditation Method No. 4. It is a meditation method specially created by ancient wizards for ogres. It is simpler and more crude than the meditation method practiced by magicians.

Richard took a closer look and found that it may be very painful for humans to practice this kind of meditation, and some people may not be able to hold on.

However, obtaining this set of meditation methods will undoubtedly broaden Richard's thinking.

Now that inspiration appeared in his mind again, Richard immediately took out his magic notebook and wrote down the inspiration in his mind.

When you have time in the future, you can think more deeply and perfect the Book of Fire you created.

In addition to the magic book, the ogre magician also has a magic wand in his hand.

This magic wand is as thick as an arm, and its entire body is made of translucent crystals, with a magical luster flashing slightly from time to time.

Sophia has been to Markholm Magic Kingdom and has more experience. After her identification, this magic wand is a very rare magic crystal.

Sophia tried various magics and found that the crystal was a lightning magic crystal.

Holding this wand in your hand and releasing lightning spells can save 30% of the magic power, but increase the power by about 50%.

Fortunately, the ogre magician does not know lightning magic, lightning magic, chain lightning, electric shock, thunder and lightning, thunder and fire and other lightning magic. Otherwise, holding this wand will become very difficult to deal with.

In terms of value alone, this lightning crystal magic wand is of great value.

Not considering the additional effects of this natural magic wand, the price of the lightning magic crystal exceeds 30,000 gold coins.

Such a huge piece of lightning magic crystal is enough to make more than ten pieces of magic equipment with lightning properties.

Richard gently weighed the thunder staff and found that the magic staff weighed about fifty or sixty pounds.

That is to say, people like Richard who are skilled in both magic and martial arts are suitable to use this natural staff. Weak magicians like Sophia and Wendy cannot lift this thing at all.

Among magicians in the Dawn Plane, magic equipment is very rare.

There are three mid-level magicians in Harland's territory. Sophia has three pieces of magic equipment in her hands. Richard accidentally got the bottle of starlight and the starlight necklace. Wendy doesn't even have a piece of magic equipment in her hands.

After all, the number of magicians in Grant Kingdom is too small. There are only more than 600 official magicians in the country, scattered over more than one million square kilometers of land, and there is not even a small-scale magic item trading market.

Many transactions between magicians are acquaintance transactions and rely on barter. In such an environment, it is naturally difficult to develop good magic equipment manufacturing technology.

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