Lord Harland

Chapter 196 Short-Term Peace

Because the Harland family is strong and the Cisse family is weak, Jerram also asked Richard and Viscount Cisse to sign a contract of royal power and order. As long as Richard and Viscount Cisse are alive, they cannot attack each other.

This contract is obviously unfair to Richard. After all, Richard is still young and Viscount Cisse is over sixty years old.

Once Viscount Cisse has an accident, the Cisse family can unilaterally attack the Harland territory.

As soon as the Harland family crosses the line, Richard will be counterattacked by the royal seal.

Richard firmly refused to agree to this kind of contract.

Even in public, he clamored to take revenge on the Viscount of Cisse.

He will openly kill anyone who dares to force him to sign such a contract. Prince Felix comes and wants his life too.

This attitude shocked even Jerram.

He didn't expect that this little border noble wouldn't even listen to the big shots in the capital.

However, the Harland family has a deep foundation in the north, and Richard is also known as a good warrior. He has three thousand troops under his command who are good at fighting and have repeatedly made meritorious deeds in the orc wars.

His father, William, and third uncle, Bernie, had served in the Northern Army for many years, and their relationship was deeply entangled.

Even the great nobles of the royal capital are very cautious in dealing with such local snakes. If they don't get it right, the border will be corrupted.

Besides, Richard has some truth in this matter. King Charles asked Jerram to mediate, which was obviously unfair to the Haaland family.

Richard was unwilling to sign a permanent peace contract with Viscount Cisse. At most, he was only willing to sign a short-term peace contract with the Cisse family.

And he was only willing to sign for three years.

Such a gesture is enough to show attitude.

The Harland family and the Cisse family have almost irreconcilable conflicts.

Once there is a conflict of interest between nobles and nobles, there will inevitably be conflicts.

Most conflicts are resolved through lord wars.

The Harland family army and the Cisse family army are both important military forces in the northern region. The combined number of both sides exceeds 5,000.

The royal capital and the noble council will never agree to two nobles spending their troops in internal conflicts.

Richard openly discussed his views with the mediation group, and the Haaland family was only willing to sign a short-term peace contract.

If the Cisse family agrees, short-term peace will be restored.

If the Cisse family does not agree, they will continue to fight the wine war until one party completely fails and withdraws from the wine market.

In the three-month drinking war, both sides suffered heavy losses.

But the Cisse family is in bigger trouble. They have lost their casino profits, and they have to fight a drinking war with the Harland family, constantly filling the hole.

In several battles with professionals from the Haaland family, the Cisse family's losses were often more severe.

The Professionals lost seven, while the Haalands only lost three.

There are only 67 professionals in the Viscounty of Cisse, and the number of professionals in the Harland Territory now exceeds 200.

If it continues to be consumed, it will definitely be the Viscounty of Cisse that will fail.

Seeing that Richard's attitude was so fierce that even people from the royal capital could not suppress him, Viscount Cisse suddenly regretted and felt that he should not get involved in other people's interests rashly.

While the two parties were negotiating, two mysterious men attacked Luoning's mansion.

Luo Ning is the fourth son of Viscount Cisse, and it was he who urged Viscount Cisse to get involved in the beverage industry.

Two super fireballs attacked Luo Ning's mansion. Luo Ning's family, including guards and servants, all died in the attack of the super fireballs.

According to the priest's confirmation, these two fireballs are powerful fireballs released by magicians, which are somewhat more powerful than the nine-ring magic.

Using a powerful fireball technique to kill Luo Ning's family shows Richard's hatred for this person.

Facing such a huge reaction from the Harland family, not only Viscount Cisse, but also many members of the Cisse family felt regretful.

I feel that I shouldn't rashly start a feud with the Haaland family. Not only have I lost the casino profits, but I can hardly earn back 8,000 gold coins to make up for the loss of the casino profits just by selling liquor in one province.

Although Luo Ning died, not many people in the Xisai family were willing to avenge him. Many people even felt resentful towards Luo Ning, thinking that he had provoked a powerful enemy into the Xisai family.

During the negotiations, Richard was still ruthless, and his ruthlessness was completely displayed in the eyes of the royal capital's mediation team.

Looking at his crazy eyes, Jerram was secretly surprised.

Richard almost publicly killed the son of Viscount Cisse, and issued an ultimatum at the mediation meeting, either to sign a three-year peace contract or to continue the trade war.

In desperation, Viscount Cisse swallowed his breath and decided to relax for three years to see if there was any chance to get rid of Richard's enemy.

When signing the short-term contract, Richard specifically asked the Cisse family to send back the salesperson who leaked the liquor process.

After obtaining the liquor craft, this person is naturally of no use to the Cisse family.

Seeing that Richard refused to hand over the person or sign the contract, Viscount Cisse had no choice but to hand over the person.

Richard hated this traitor deeply. Not only would his family be sent to the mines, but this man would also be subjected to the most severe torture.

He sent the traitor to various castles and factories, asking everyone to cut the traitor with a knife, intimidating the workers in the factories and the citizens of the castle.

Because of the healing and blood transfusion techniques, whenever the traitor couldn't hold on any longer, he would be treated and given blood transfusions to hang on to his life.

This torture lasted for more than ten days, with a total of more than 20,000 cuts, before the traitor's life was finally ended.

The real reason why Richard was so fierce was to educate the people.

In particular, some workers and bureaucrats involved in secrets showed this person's miserable situation to prevent the craftsmanship from being leaked further.

Today, the development of the territory is inseparable from various new products.

The process of producing new goods is the top priority for the Haaland Territory to maintain its monopoly.

Now that the liquor technology was leaked, the Haaland territory lost a provincial market, and the loss was already very serious.

After signing the contract, Richard immediately sold the liquor craft to Baron Harden for three thousand gold coins.

Then he found powerful nobles such as Baron Raphael, Viscount Romen, Viscount Nelson, Earl Roger, Duke Jonathan, Duke Edward, and Duke Fox to promote the craft of brewing liquor.

Although they can make a lot of profits from the sales of liquor every year, they can control the liquor technology in their hands. Several business leaders in the duchy agreed to Richard's quotation.

Richard sold the liquor brewing technology to eight nobles in total. His remaining markets now are only the Harland Territory and Heihe County.

However, eight noble families were sold at once, and Richard recovered 24,000 gold coins.

With so many gold coins, it is useless if you don’t spend them.

Richard took out 6,000 gold coins from the treasury, collected 30,000 gold coins, and went to the Grand Duchy of Stanik again to buy 6,000 slaves.

Adding these six thousand slaves, the population of Harland's territory would exceed sixty-three thousand.

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