Lord Harland

Chapter 190 Flame Spider

Richard plans to reclaim 60,000 acres of farmland this year.

The main area of ​​development is concentrated in the Halland Valley.

More than 6,000 indentured slaves were settled in the Harland Valley, and each person cultivated an average of ten acres of farmland.

If we were on the earth in the previous life, it would be very difficult to complete the task of reclamation.

Even in river valley areas, before cultivating farmland, you must first collect rocks and dig tree roots. When plowing, you must also dig out rocks deep in the farmland.

In addition, the wasteland is relatively hard, and even the cattle cannot bear it if the land is plowed for a long time.

However, there is extraordinary power in the Dawn Plane, and Richard will use a large number of Warcraft when reclaiming wasteland.

The strength of the iron horned horse is several times that of the cattle, and each iron horned horse is almost equal to a small tractor.

Richard dispatched thirty Warcraft Cavalry to participate in spring plowing, which greatly accelerated the pace of land reclamation.

In addition to land reclamation, there are also river dredging tasks this year.

River dredging is very difficult. The farther upstream you go, the narrower the river, the shallower the water depth, and the more serious the river siltation.

Especially upstream of Fort William, there was a flow cutoff last year.

Four or five kilometers upstream from Fort William, the flow of the Powell River becomes very shallow, only about one meter.

Richard personally measured the water depth and flow, and believed that the 30 kilometers upstream of the Powell River still had the conditions for water transportation.

To take advantage of this river, the channel needs to be dug deeper and made narrower.

This is an arduous task. Although Richard mobilized more than a thousand serfs after spring plowing, it will take several years to complete the dredging work.

After entering March, Richard suddenly received news that a fire-breathing spider was found on a hillside three kilometers away from the Harland Valley.

Upon hearing the news, Richard immediately knew that a flame spider nest was found in the territory.

Like the Purple Head Peak, the Flame Spider is also a magical insect, or a low-level insect type monster.

Flame Spiders are also social creatures, unlike Zitou Peak.

Ordinary flame spiders are considered first-level magical creatures. The spider queen in the nest has reached level three, and her IQ is far higher than that of ordinary flame spiders, equivalent to cats, dogs and other small animals.

Insect-type magical creatures are generally of a low level and are difficult to threaten humans due to their size.

The third-level Flame Spider Queen is only the size of a human head. If ordinary people are prepared in advance, they can even hunt this creature.

Only magical insects that have evolved to a large size can hunt humans and use the terrifying erect apes as food.

Flame spiders have relatively powerful toxins in their bodies, which are more toxic than most snake venoms.

Ordinary people are bitten by a flame spider. Unless they use antidote to detoxify, it will be difficult to save their lives.

The person who discovered the flame spider was an experienced indentured slave. His name was Red. He turned out to be a hunter and was very vigilant. He discovered the flame spider when he took the indentured slave up the mountain to cut trees.

Like the purple-headed peak, the flame spider is a valuable magical creature.

The silk spun by the flame spider is the best fireproof material and has high resistance to fire magic. It is a precious material for making mage robes.

Of the three magicians in Harland's territory, only Sophia has a magician robe.

A low-level mage robe costs more than a hundred gold coins. A mage's robe woven with flame spider silk requires a cleaning spell, and the price is usually around three hundred gold coins.

Flame spiders were discovered, and Richard, Sophia, and Wendy took all the magic apprentices out to prepare to capture these magical insects.

In order to ensure the success rate, Richard also deployed the manpower of the demon hunting team.

Since successfully hunting the Megalodon, the territory's Warcraft hunters have entered the Eagle Mountains twice. The first time they went out for more than ten days, they returned without success. The second time, they successfully used one red blood grass and four sleeping grass to hunt seven. A feral horned horse.

These seven iron horned horses are worth seven hundred gold coins in total. Excluding red blood grass and sleeping grass, the profit of the demon hunting team is about four hundred gold coins.

The ten professionals who participated in the operation received a bonus of six gold coins, and the warrior apprentice also received a bonus of one gold coin.

Powell and Soros, the leaders of the team, each received fifty gold coins.

According to the agreement between Richard and the demon hunting team, for every successful demon hunting, one-third of the profits from the territory will be given to the demon hunting team.

If a demon hunter dies in the Eagle Mountains, their family's territory is also obliged to take care of them.

Everyone approached the flame spider's lair.

Flame spiders have average vision and sense of smell. They rely on the shaking of the fluff on their legs and touch to sense the nearby environment.

But the Spider Queen is special and has evolved super vision. The eyesight of the eight small eyes on the head is slightly better than that of a harpy.

As soon as Richard and others approached, the Spider Queen sensed the danger and prepared to escape immediately.

Sophia reacted quickly and immediately released a powerful thick fog technique, releasing a large amount of thick fog near the flame spider's lair.

Wendy also took out the ultrasonic whistle and released the ultrasonic detection spell.

Through ultrasonic detection, the Spider Queen was accurately found in the thick fog, and then a wooden vine winding magic came to control the Spider Queen.

The members of the demon hunting team immediately used a special iron cage to capture the Spider Queen who was entangled in wooden vines.

After capturing the Spider Queen, the remaining dozen flame spiders are easy to catch.

The spider queen has acquired simple intelligence and can become a magical pet for the wizard.

A magician can sign a pet contract with a magical creature. Generally speaking, if his mental power does not exceed 20 points, he can sign a contract with a magical creature.

After twenty points, you can contract a second magical creature.

Contracting the third magical creature requires thirty points of mental power.

An average eighth-level magician has about thirty points of mental power, and a high-level magician can only contract with three magical creatures at most.

Once you sign a contract with a magical creature, it cannot be changed for life.

Although the Flame Spider Queen has high economic value, its combat value is average.

The three presidents of the Harland Magic Association are all promising magicians and are reluctant to sign a contract with the Flame Spider Queen.

In the end, Anne found Sophia and expressed her willingness to sign a contract with the Spider Queen after she became a magician.

Although there is no magic contract signed, it can still be tamed temporarily for a few years.

Sophia did not sign a magic contract with the purple-headed bee queen, so she could still tame the purple-headed bee.

However, flame spiders are highly poisonous, so be extra careful when raising them. When collecting spider silk, a formal magician must be present before you can do it.

A dozen flame spiders spin about six pounds of silk every year, which can barely be woven into two mage robes.

If sold, the spell, which is always good, can earn about one thousand gold coins.

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