Lord Harland

Chapter 188 Magic Research

The price of a hemostatic ointment is not high, about one silver coin.

Because the hemostatic ointment requires the use of a small amount of Zitoufeng royal jelly, Richard's profit is actually not high, and the net profit is only about 25%.

However, when the three main legions are added together, each legion purchases 20,000 hemostatic ointments a year, and the profits are also not small, adding up to about 1,300 gold coins.

Due to the limited royal jelly production in the territory, the annual production volume of hemostatic ointment is about 80,000 servings.

Sixty thousand copies are sold to the main army, 5,000 copies need to be retained in the territory, and 15,000 copies can be sold.

Hemostatic ointment is a treatment drug that is in short supply in the northern region. The effect is very good. Once it appears on the market, the supply immediately exceeds the demand.

The nearby baron nobles came to the Harland territory again and wanted to buy this medicine.

However, there is no discount this time. Richard sets the price at two silver coins each and does not accept any premium, but he can accept barter.

Selling hemostatic ointment to small nobles, the profit is five times that of the main army.

Although only 15,000 copies were sold, the profit was several hundred gold coins higher than the 60,000 copies sold by the main army. But selling to the main army is the political correctness of the Grant Kingdom, which is equivalent to paying protection fees. Richard knows this very well.

The total income from 80,000 hemostatic ointments is about 3,000 gold coins.

Shortly after the Goddess's Birthday, it was time for He'an Elementary School to start school again.

There are quite a few students enrolling this year, and even though the tuition is very expensive, there are still about eighty people.

The newly admitted students are basically children from wealthy families. There are only a few dozen, from ordinary families.

Although the war broke out last year, Richard still built student dormitories, expanded classrooms, and recruited two new teachers.

Although two new teachers came, the number of teachers is far from enough.

In the end, Flora personally inspected several students with fast learning progress, and recruited several fifteen or sixteen-year-old students with good academic performance as trainee teachers, who were responsible for teaching while learning knowledge.

Sophia tested all the children who entered school this year for their magic talents.

Of the eighty or so children, only two have magical talent. The two children are named Harrison and Greta respectively, and they are about twelve or thirteen years old.

Children with magical talents will receive special attention from the territory.

According to the average of the past two years, about one out of fifty children has magical talent.

Magic talents are not too rare, but high-level magic talents are undoubtedly very rare.

Even with moderate magical talent, Sophia tested more than 300 children and found only one Anne. According to the current probability, it is about one in 350.

However, according to Richard's estimation, the real probability may be even lower.

People with advanced magical talents like Wendy and Sophia may not be one among tens of thousands of people. In terms of magic, Richard actually has only average magic talent.

As of this year, there are already three official magicians and five magic apprentices in the territory.

Among them, Anne and Adrian are both intermediate magic apprentices. They can already participate in some magic experiments and listen to the exchanges of official magicians.

Richard likes to communicate with different magicians, but the magicians in Dawn Continent are generally conservative.

Richard can only hold a magic meeting with Sophia and Wendy to exchange experiences in the process of learning magic.

In recent times, he has called in Adrian and Anne and asked them to write meeting minutes.

It is of great benefit to apprentices to hear a formal magician's views on magic.

"Wendy, how is your recent research on ultrasound going?"

"After your prompts, I studied the body structure of bats and have made some new discoveries.

The bat's mouth and ears are very special. The snout has a nose-like leaf structure, and there are complex special skin folds around it.

Relying on this special body structure that emits ultrasonic waves, it can continuously emit high-frequency ultrasonic waves. Through ultrasonic reflection and echolocation, the feedback information is analyzed in the bat's brain, so that it can adjust its flight posture and distinguish between food and obstacles.

I dissected and studied the nose-shaped lobe of the bat, and used blood steel and a small amount of mithril to successfully create a tool for emitting ultrasonic waves. You can try it. "

Wendy took out a reddish-brown magic whistle from her pocket and blew it hard. Richard only felt a special vibration but could not hear the sound clearly.

Richard knew that normal people could not hear ultrasound, but the Dawn Plane was a magical plane, and many people had special talents. For example, Richard's second uncle Powell had an extraordinary sense of smell, and some people had extraordinary hearing talents.

There happens to be such a talented person in the territory, and he has been specially recruited into the army.

This man's name is Luciano, and he is just eighteen years old. Although he does not have high qualifications in practicing breathing techniques, he is an important assistant to Hayden.

"Luciano has extraordinary hearing talent and can hear ultrasonic waves. I will write a note to Hayden and ask Luciano to cooperate with you in the research."

After listening to the exchange between Richard and Wendy, Sophia nodded and said: "The wavelength of ultrasonic waves is shorter than ordinary sound waves, has good directivity, and can penetrate opaque substances. Ancient magicians also did some research on ultrasonic waves.

For research and treatment, I have some on hand and put them in the third row of the twenty-sixth bookcase. You can take a look if you need them. "

Richard nodded and said: "You can use transformation magic to temporarily transform a bionic device. Through this device, you can complete echolocation. If this magic is completed, I think invisibility can be restrained."

The invisibility in magic is actually optical invisibility, which Richard has already studied clearly.

Since it is an optical invisibility technique that does not involve plane spatial science, it must be restrained by ultrasonic detection technology.

"Actually, there is another way to study it, which is to dissect Luciano's body structure to see what is special about him? If we understand the principle of extraordinary hearing, we may not need to go to so much trouble."

"Wendy, we are human beings with feelings, not cold magic machines. The research on magic should be well-intentioned and humane. Experimenting on human bodies has broken through the moral bottom line. If only in this way can we study magic, we can fight against demons. What's the difference? Although we pursue power, we should not be lost by it.

A magician should establish a correct moral outlook. I think a magic ethics course could be set up to educate magic apprentices in the territory. "

Richard's righteous words left Wendy speechless. She quickly waved her hand and said, "Okay, brother, you are right."

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