Lord Harland

Chapter 157 War Preparations

The magic pattern at the core of the brute force armor is not very complicated. As long as you have research on enchantment and brute force, it will be easier to imitate it if you pierce this layer of window paper.

Richard was unwilling to disclose the technology of making brute force armor for the sake of fame.

He is not only a magician, but also a noble lord.

Richard would try his best to control the brute force armor, which can enhance the combat effectiveness of the army, in his own hands.

It is the instinct of every noble lord to maintain the lead in military power.

Richard is ambitious, so he is no exception. He is now focused on accumulating military exploits, expanding his territory, and increasing his strength. Of course, he does not want such excellent equipment as the Brute Armor to become cabbage and fall into the hands of competitors or even enemies.

Richard's mental age is very mature, because he carries secrets with him, and he doesn't want to be burdened by a false reputation.

Once you become a well-known figure in the magical world, everything about you will be picked out and studied repeatedly.

The enemy hiding in the dark will find ways to target him.

Unless Harland's territory has grown to the level of Duke Jonathan and has the power to protect itself, Richard will consider disclosing some of his research results and recruiting magical talents from other regions.

But once the brute force armor is used on a large scale, it cannot be concealed.

Even though there are confidentiality regulations in the military, the Haaland Territory is very guarded against spies.

But as time goes by, the secrets of Brute Force Armor will still be leaked and people will study it.

If you want to stop and delay this process, you must first strictly manage it from the source, and every piece of brute force armor used must be strictly registered. It is personally managed by Richard, Sophia and other senior leaders of the territory.

The brute armor is issued when the war breaks out and is immediately taken back after the war ends.

Without physical reference, it would be difficult to reveal the enchantment runes of the Brute Armor.

The second point is to study anti-counterfeiting technology.

Richard obtained the knowledge of magic spells created by Shao Gongyuan from the bottle of starlight.

This knowledge uses the principle of sound wave recognition to chant special syllables and form a resonance binding with the magic equipment, so that the magic equipment can be turned on. Utilizing this new knowledge, each piece of Brute Armor is set with an opening spell. It will greatly improve the ability of Brute Force Armor to prevent copycats.

But in this case, magic materials will be added to the brute force armor. Richard did some calculations and found that the cost of making a brute force armor would increase to about one hundred and fifty gold coins.

To break the opening spell, you need to be proficient in the principle of sound wave recognition. Understand sound analysis and data processing, and then convert it into digital signals through feature extraction. Then the digital signals need to be analyzed and processed, and compared with the sound signals stored on the magic equipment.

In this way, the threshold for copycats will become very high.

Even a legendary magician would be unable to decipher the secrets of brute force armor as long as his knowledge reserve is insufficient.

Richard will set different opening spells for each piece of magic equipment, which can be opened using his own voice.

In order to increase the difficulty of deciphering, he will also use the ancient O'Flan language as the opening spell.

It raises countless thresholds. Although it increases the cost and is troublesome to use, this ensures that secrets are not leaked to the greatest extent.

In addition, Sophia and Wendy can also master different numbers of brute force armors and store them in different castles.

After returning from the world of the dead, Richard has begun to teach them the ancient wizard's language, O'Flan language.

Both were extremely intelligent and had mastered wizarding texts in a matter of months.

Because there is no language environment in O'Flan, the learning progress is slightly slower, and he has only mastered a lot of short sentences.

The simpler the opening spell is set up, the lower the cost.

Richard was only going to set up a one-word opening spell.

With Sophia and Wendy as his assistants, Richard's idea was realized very smoothly.

Entering March, the three of them had already produced ten pieces of brute armor, and these armors were equipped by Richard to the First Squadron.

In fact, the power-increasing effect of brute force armor is not as good as the blood-boiling potion of the Church of the Evil God.

Through observation, Richard discovered that the blood-boiling potion can increase strength by approximately four points and agility by one point, and the duration is ten times that of brute force armor.

However, the blood boiling medicine has extremely side effects and consumes almost half of a person's life force. After using the blood-boiling potion, the physical fitness will be severely degraded, and the potential for practicing breathing techniques will be lost. And after using the blood-boiling potion, you will become irritable and impulsive and easily plotted by your opponents.

Irritated people generally don't survive long on the battlefield.

The brute force armor has no side effects and consumes fighting energy.

A high-level warrior apprentice can activate the brute force technique about three times with the fighting spirit in his body.

In combat, often three minutes can determine the outcome.

As March entered, Richard's spirit became tense.

This year has been three years since the last orc invasion.

According to past rules, the possibility of war breaking out this year is very high.

Every time the orcs go south, they enter the Eagle Mountains in early March and the southern foothills in mid-March to attack human fortresses.

Fort William and Fort Sophia are both fortresses at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountains and may be attacked by orcs at any time.

In March, Richard had already dispatched a squadron of Warcraft Cavalry, extending a hundred kilometers north to detect information about the orcs so that he could prepare a few days in advance.

The Harland territory has also entered wartime status ahead of schedule to speed up the production of weapons and equipment. In particular, arrows and arrow shafts that consume a lot of energy need to be increased in reserve.

The ninth and twelfth new squadrons completed their recruit training ahead of schedule and were equipped with weapons and equipment.

Because the vast majority of soldiers have only practiced breathing techniques for a short period of time, their physical fitness is not as good as that of a few old squadrons. These two new squadrons will not participate in field battles. They were placed in Fort William and Fort Sophia respectively by Richard. Their main task is to cooperate with the auxiliary troops and be responsible for the task of defending the city.

The two castles installed a large number of trebuchets and stocked hundreds of alchemy bombs.

As long as the number of orcs attacking the city does not exceed one squadron, relying on the defense force of one old squadron, one new squadron, and two auxiliary squadrons, the defense force will be sufficient.

The garrison at Vicksburg is still the fifth squadron, with a squadron of auxiliary troops, and the castle is also equipped with a large number of trebuchets.

With Fort William and Castle Sophia on the front line, the security of Fort Vic is greatly increased. With a squadron stationed there, that should be enough.

The main military force of the territory. The 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th and 85th infantry squadrons, plus Richard's personal soldiers, headquarters logistics personnel, and the main force of more than a thousand people, were all transferred to Bobi Brick Kiln Factory by Richard to serve as the commander-in-chief. Reserve team.

The Bobi Brick Kiln Factory is located in the center of the three territories of Harland, about 30 kilometers away from Fort William and Fort Vic, and further away from Fort Sophia, only 40 to 50 kilometers.

Stationing troops here can support any direction and respond to emergencies. This way of arranging troops can keep the same in response to all changes, which is conducive to persistence.

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