Lord Harland

Chapter 143 Dragon’s Breath

The legendary skeleton Odulas held a white bone sword, jumped up and bypassed the knights in the front row, and slashed at Maweila with the sword, trying to interrupt him from chanting the holy words.

Maweila closed her eyes tightly in the face of danger and remained completely unmoved.

Duke Jonathan, who was protecting Mavela, pulled out the knight's sword from his waist and blocked Odulas with one strike.

The legendary skeleton Odulas was a powerful warrior during his lifetime. He was already a fourth-level legend and was not far away from igniting the divine fire.

In life, Jonathan was no match for Odulas. In the entire Dawn Plane, there were no more than five people who could fight against Odulas.

But after becoming an undead, Odulas's strength was less than 20%, and most of his memory was missing.

There was no chance of winning against Jonathan.

For thousands of miles nearby, there are only two legendary undead, Alduras and Sugard.

Only when the undead advance to legend can their wisdom be on par with humans.

In order to enter the world of the living, Odulas and Sugard decided to fight together.

Because the gap in the plane passage is relatively small, neither of them knows the magic to open the plane passage. They can only use the power of the undead world to slowly expand the passage.

Seeing that Alduras could not defeat Duke Jonathan, Sugard could only try his best to strengthen the murmuring voice of the dead.

As far as the eye could see, the dead were squirming everywhere. Except for their arms, the bodies of the undead in the sea of ​​​​blood began to struggle to emerge and stand up.

Their bodies were not rotten or decayed. Apart from their pale skin, they were still basically human-like.

But the most terrifying thing is that they have no eyes, and their eyes seem to have been brutally gouged out.

The empty eye sockets are often dripping with blood, as if they are crying in pain all the time.

Seeing these dead people, Richard's expression suddenly changed.

The clothes of these people look like people living in the age of wizards.

Richard had only seen some costumes from the wizarding era in some books. The discovery of the ruins of an ancient wizard's magic tower more than two thousand years ago promoted the development of magical civilization in the Dawn Plane, and magical archeology became very popular.

When Sophia came back from the Markholm Kingdom, she brought some magic archeology knowledge with her.

From these books, Richard understood the evolution of clothing in the Dawn Plane over the past ten thousand years.

Relying on the holy words recited by the priests, the murmurs of the dead were suppressed.

Duke Roger led the melee professionals forward bravely to fight the undead.

Everyone has enchanted weapons in their hands, and they can use the power of fighting spirit to kill the undead.

Richard followed Duke Roger. Although they were small in number, they were basically all mid- to high-level professionals, and their combat effectiveness was very impressive.

Even if the undead are numerous and powerful, they are still far from being a match for Roger and others.

After a massive killing spree, the number of undead in the Sea of ​​the Dead seemed slightly smaller to the naked eye.

The magicians commanded by Pansy Grant also took action, using a wide range of elemental magic to attack the Sea of ​​the Dead.

The eight-ring mage Evans Shane released an eight-ring magic blasting lava, and streams of magma erupted from the Sea of ​​the Dead, instantly burning countless undead.

This eight-ring magic was released very successfully, and a large area of ​​the dead was temporarily covered in a sea of ​​fire. A single spell reduced the area of ​​the Sea of ​​the Dead by one-tenth and burned hundreds of undead to death, which was equivalent to half a day of killing by Roger and others.

However, more undead came up like a tide, and the undead completely lost consciousness of the living. They had no fear or fatigue. No matter how fierce the magma was, the undead would still not flinch.

Fighting against this kind of lich that has mastered the Sea of ​​the Dead must be a difficult and protracted battle.

The situation had reached this point, and Richard knew he needed to bite the bullet and not retreat.

The magic released by Evans was very successful. Pansy continued her efforts and also released an eight-ring magic fire cloud spell.

Large fire clouds fell into the Sea of ​​the Dead, successfully reducing the number of undead creatures.

Although Richard also wanted to release a large-scale elemental magic, unfortunately, although he had strong spiritual power, his magical inheritance was weaker.

Even if you can strengthen your mental power and use powerful fireballs, the killing effect is not as good as the eight-ring magic, and it consumes more mental power.

Besides, Richard didn't want to use up all his mental energy in such a legendary battle.

Even though I hate myself for not being able to help in the battle. But Richard knew in his heart that in today's battle, legendary professionals were the main force.

Even an eighth-level golden knight like Duke Roger performed mediocrely in today's battle.

Evans and Pansy set an example, and the remaining high-level magicians released a wide range of fire-attribute magic.

This wave of attacks released seven high-level magics and twenty mid-level magics in a row.

The number of undead killed and injured has exceeded a thousand.

Coupled with the killings of more than twenty melee fighters, the number of undead controlled by the Lich has been reduced by half.

Richard followed Roger and simply decided to paddle, using only the strength of a warrior to save his mental energy to deal with unexpected situations.

The legendary lich Sugard was unable to open up the situation, and the situation in Alduras was even more pessimistic.

The left hand of this legendary skeleton was slashed by Duke Jonathan, and four fingers were cut off by Duke Jonathan.

The soul fire in the skull has also been weakened a bit.

The battle has reached this point, and Odulas has already made plans to escape, but Duke Jonathan will not let him easily do so.

After all, it will take three days to seal the plane passage. If the legendary skeleton is allowed to escape and calls on friends to recruit a few more legends, it will add variables to the operation and cause trouble.

Odulas had just defeated Duke Jonathan and jumped to escape, only to find that a fire dragon of dozens of meters had appeared next to him.

Flames rose up around the fire dragon, and the terrifying high temperature filled the air. The scales on the fire dragon shone, and its eyes showed a bit of ferocity.

This fire dragon is none other than Duke Jonathan who used the transformation technique.

Duke Jonathan is a dragon knight. His blood concentration is very high. After breaking through the legend, he awakened a magic dragon transformation technique.

Although this spell can only last for an hour, it can make Duke Jonathan's strength comparable to the legendary dragon in a short period of time.

Extraordinary creatures like dragons are more powerful than humans of the same level. It takes six warriors of the same level to fight the dragon.

Even the legendary magician is a little weaker than the legendary dragon.

After all, the dragon can use dragon language magic, and its bloodline spells are also very powerful. It is also a super large creature, with power exceeding that of a legendary warrior, and it can also fight in close combat. It is equivalent to a legend of magic and martial arts, which is quite troublesome to defeat.

It often takes two or three legendary knights to defeat a legendary dragon.

Duke Jonathan transformed into a giant dragon and suddenly breathed out a stream of dragon flames at Odulas.

Odulas screamed and subconsciously tried to avoid this huge breath, but black smoke came out from his body.

The breath of the legendary dragon is extremely powerful, not weaker than the legendary magic.

Being hit by the giant spirit's breath, Aldulas immediately felt that time became very, very slow.

This powerful warrior did not ignite the divine fire and become a god during his lifetime. After his death, his consciousness regrouped in the realm of the dead, and he once again advanced to legend like a child of destiny.

It's a pity that good luck will eventually run out. Today's battle with Duke Jonathan, Odulas finally fell to the dragon's breath.

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