Lord Harland

Chapter 136 Garrison Station

After annihilating the rebel cavalry, Richard immediately asked his soldiers to clean the battlefield and sent messengers to the City of Victory to notify Duke Roger of the besieging city.

In this battle, more than a hundred rebel cavalry were annihilated, and their own casualties were minimal.

The soldiers killed the fallen war horse, peeled off the skin and removed the fat, cleaned it, sprinkled a handful of salt evenly, and then rolled it up. Take the horse meat away to be eaten in the evening.

Cut off the head of a rebel professional and ask for credit from Duke Roger.

After defeating a small group of rebels, Richard allowed the soldiers to rest in the village for a day and then headed towards the city of victory the next day.

On the way, Richard received an order from Duke Roger.

Duke Roger ordered Richard not to rush to the City of Victory to join forces, but to join forces with Baron DeYoung and follow Baron DeYoung's command to protect the grain road and destroy the rebel cavalry wandering outside.

Baron Dejan is a general under Duke Roger and the captain of the Warcraft Cavalry Regiment. He is already a fifth-level knight and commands one hundred and twenty Warcraft Cavalry.

Although the one hundred and twenty Warcraft Cavalry are very powerful, they need to protect a hundred kilometers of food roads.

The sparse number of Warcraft cavalry was somewhat inadequate.

Richard led the soldiers and walked 20 kilometers north to a military station where grain was collected and met Baron Deyang.

"My opinion is to concentrate the cavalry. I will lead the cavalry to chase down the rebels, and Baron Richard will lead the infantry to guard the grain station.

"Who is responsible for escorting food and grass?"

"We don't need to worry about this matter anymore. Duke Roger has communicated with the Grant Kingdom Knight Academy. The Knight Academy will form a temporary cavalry regiment to be responsible for escorting food and grass along the way."

Richard knew that the Grant Kingdom Knight Academy could be mobilized urgently in a state of war to form a powerful cavalry.

Although the Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment is not a Warcraft Cavalry, its combat effectiveness is very powerful.

There are dozens of professionals in the Knight Academy, plus hundreds of students who have been trained for many years. Their real combat effectiveness is much stronger than the Warcraft Cavalry commanded by Richard.

The reason why Duke Roger transferred Richard into Canyon County to quell the rebellion was to deal with the cavalry that was wandering outside and harassing the grain roads.

But the Duke obviously made two preparations and communicated with the top management of Grant Knight Academy.

After the Knights College Cavalry Regiment was mobilized south, the importance of the noble coalition commanded by Richard dropped a lot.

Richard knew in his heart that Duke Roger no longer wanted Richard to lead the coalition of nobles to the City of Victory after the Grant Kingdom Knight Academy mobilized to join the war.

Duke Roger obviously wanted the sole honor of conquering the city of victory.

The battle achievements are also planned to be left to the Knight Academy.

The aristocratic coalition commanded by Richard has now been used by the Duke as a weak soldier.

The Academy Cavalry Regiment joined the counter-insurgency war, and the tasks of Richard and Baron Deyang immediately became easier.

After the two sides divided their forces at the military station, Baron Deyang led the cavalry to pursue the rebels, while Richard led four squadrons of infantry to garrison the Tunliang Military Station.

Tunliang Military Station is located between the Knight Academy and the City of Victory. Thirty kilometers to the north is the Grant Kingdom Knight Academy, and fifty kilometers to the south is the City of Victory.

Along the way, the Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment escorted a large amount of food and grass, and Baron Dejan led the Warcraft Cavalry in hot pursuit.

There are fewer and fewer rebel cavalry fighter planes, and their space for movement is getting smaller and smaller.

It was as if a noose was tied up. As the noose tightened, the fate of the rebel cavalry was also determined. They would soon be hung from the noose.

The only way to get out of this trap is to defeat the pursuing Warcraft Cavalry, or to defeat the Knight Academy Cavalry Regiment escorting the grain, or to defeat the aristocratic coalition commanded by Richard and destroy the grain station.

These three are all hard bones, and none of them are easy to crack.

If you can't chew it, not only will your front teeth be broken immediately, but you may also be caught by the tail and fall into a decisive battle with the main force that is most unfavorable to the rebels.

When fighting at a disadvantage, sometimes the weak must defeat the strong to break the deadlock.

The rebel cavalry had been cornered. In desperation, they could only choose to attack the military station.

After all, no matter how you look at it, you have a better chance of winning against the infantry commanded by Richard.

Just after the afternoon, more than a thousand rebel cavalry appeared near the military station.

Because they were followed by the Warcraft Cavalry commanded by Baron Dejan, the rebels did not have enough time.

If the military station cannot be captured within two hours, Baron de Young will arrive nearby.

This battle was already a one-shot deal. If they had not been able to break through the military station in one go, the rebels would have been defeated.

The military depot was built very solidly, and the grain was stored in the military depot's warehouse. The outside of the warehouse was covered with stone walls, and the roof was paved with soil. If you wanted to burn the grain and grass, you had to break into the military depot and set fire to it.

A trench was dug outside the military station. The trench was six meters wide and three meters deep. The river water was introduced into the trench to form a moat surrounding the military station.

The drawbridge over the moat was very narrow and not suitable for cavalry charges.

Seeing the rebels surrounding him, Richard directly asked the soldiers to release rockets and burn the suspension bridge.

Seeing that Richard burned down the suspension bridge very decisively, the rebel commander's heart tightened and he felt that his chances of winning had dropped a bit.

Because Richard reacted quickly, the surprise attack lost its suddenness. The war had developed to this extent, and the only way to fight was with human lives.

There was not enough time to make the suspension bridge, and the military depot had to be attacked.

The rebel commander thought for a moment and commanded the soldiers with a livid face, because there was no time to fill the trench with soil. The rebels could only kill the horses and let the dead horses fill the moat.

More than two hundred war horses were killed by the rebels and abandoned in the moat, filling a gap more than 20 meters wide and opening a channel for attacking the camp.

War horses are the second life of cavalry. The bond with the cavalry is very deep.

Now that they had no choice but to kill the war horse, the rebel cavalry was furious and wanted to chop the defenders in the station into pieces to vent their hatred.

The first echelon, riding horse corpses, had just crossed the moat when arrows rained down on them.

There were 1,200 defenders in the camp and more than 500 to 600 veterans. These veterans' archery skills are already very good, and the arrow rain they shoot has amazing lethality.

In just a few rounds of arrows, the rebel forwards had already suffered more than a hundred casualties.

Seeing that the forward battle was not going well, the rebel commander became furious and immediately distributed a hundred blood-boiling potions for the weakest cavalry squadron to use.

The blood-boiling potion has extremely side effects, and those who survive after taking it will suffer a severe decline in physical fitness, almost equivalent to being a useless person.

The cult organization Scarlet Horn is generally used as cannon fodder for its converts.

Training cavalry is not easy, and Scarlet Horn has only trained a few thousand people in the past ten years or so.

These people are elites, and they will not be allowed to take blood-boiling potions easily.

But now it was a matter of life and death. The rebel commander gave the only one hundred blood boiling potions in his hand to his soldiers to use.

I hope to use the powerful explosive power of the Boiling Blood Converts to defeat the defenders in one wave.

The military station was captured and the food and fodder burned. This rebel cavalry can still play a role.

If the military station cannot be breached, when Duke Roger captures the city of victory, the cavalry cruising outside will also inevitably face the fate of defeat.

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