Lord Harland

Chapter 122 Recruitment Order

After the glass is fired successfully, selling the glass has become an important thing.

Because the cost of firing glass is high, the price of glass products cannot be sold too low.

But the price is too high, and it is difficult to compete with the Viscounty of Rome.

Moreover, the market in Gedda Province has been monopolized by Viscount Roman for many years, and it is very difficult to break the monopoly.

After much thought, Richard decided to open up a new track and use glass to make mirrors.

The glass mirrors were made by hand-silvering to avoid competition with the glass products sold by Vicomte Romain.

But the silver-plated mirror is just a layer of window paper. If Viscount Rome wants to imitate it, it will not be too difficult.

Because of glass products, competition between the two territories will be inevitable in the future.

Richard is not afraid of competition. As long as the territory wants to develop, it will definitely face a steady stream of competition.

Through competition again and again, the territory can overcome obstacles and become stronger and stronger.

In addition, glass bottles can be made, filled with liquor to make luxury goods, and glass fruit cans can be made. In short, glass can be sold through multiple channels, increasing the production of glass and reducing the cost of glass products.

August is the harvest season.

This summer has been hot with drought and little rain, and crop yields in northern Xinjiang have been severely reduced.

The dry fields, which were expected to produce 5,400 tons of grain, produced only 3,200 tons this year, a 40% reduction from normal years.

Fortunately, the drought did not have a serious impact on paddy field production. The output of 4,000 hectares of paddy fields was 8,400 tons, a reduction of 7%.

This year's new grain output is 11,600 tons. In addition to enough to feed 25,000 territorial citizens and more than 2,000 orc slaves for a year, there is about 2,000 tons left over, which can continue to feed 3,000 people.

In recent years, Richard has also saved 6,000 tons of grain to prepare for emergencies.

The steel plant has been in operation for more than a year and has sufficient steel supply. In the past year, the territory has produced 150 pieces of steel plate armor and 120 pieces of chain armor.

The armor rate of the soldiers in Harland's territory now exceeds 40%.

Officers above the squadron are equipped with snake scale armor, and all senior officers in the territory are protected by Warcraft leather armor.

The autumn harvest had just been completed, and Richard was accompanying Sophia in the castle. In the evening, an urgent letter broke the tranquility of the castle.

Richard opened the letter and was immediately surprised. It turned out to be a recruitment order from Heihe Fort.

In June of this year, the cult group Scarlet Horn launched a rebellion in Canyon County, killed Edmund, the administrator of Canyon County, and captured the county city of Victory.

The seven hereditary barons of Canyon County received the news and organized an army to counter the rebellion, but were defeated by the Scarlet Horn.

Two barons, Emile and Eugene, were killed in the battle, and three barons, Cram, Dassault and Fernand, disappeared.

The noble coalition was defeated, and the Blood Horn successfully blocked the entrance to the Dragon Canyon, blocking the reinforcements from Sodamia Province.

After the incident happened, Archon Jerram was furious and mobilized the city defense army to cooperate with the noble coalition to suppress the rebellion. Unexpectedly, he was defeated by the rebels again.

Seeing that the rebels were getting stronger and stronger, and had already moved into Wright County and Brenner County, Jerram could only recruit nobles from the north of the province to continue organizing a counter-rebellion army.

Because William led troops into Graveson Castle at the southern foot of the Eagle Mountains to prevent the orcs from attacking next year, the Harland family no longer had a high-ranking person in Black River Castle.

The noble lady that Mrs. Ola befriended at the critical moment was of no use at all.

The rebellion had been going on for two months, and the Haaland family had no idea.

The recruitment order was sent to Richard, requiring the recruitment of soldiers from three squadrons, and the officers leading the troops must be hereditary nobles.

What is the situation in Canyon County?

Richard didn't know anything about it and could only accept the order helplessly.

If you think about it with your head, you will know that the situation in Canyon County is already very serious. If it is an ordinary rebellion, the first two rebellions can be easily suppressed, and there is no need to mobilize the power of the northern lords of Geda Province.

The most important task of the northern lords is to guard against the orcs.

Although the northern lords are relatively poor, their combat experience far exceeds that of the southern lords. Border aristocrats have always given people the impression of being barbaric and poor.

I heard that this time to counter the rebellion, the Northern Army will also dispatch two brigades to go south.

The military forces that were prepared to guard against the orcs were diverted to counter the rebellion, which especially showed how bad the situation was.

The Harland family already has three hereditary nobles, William is in the Northern Army, and Sophia is pregnant. Now only Richard can lead the troops into battle and fulfill the obligations of the lord.

The recruitment order left very little time for Harland's territory.

Seven days later the soldiers from Harland Territory must appear at Black River Fort.

Richard decided to let the soldiers take three days off and go home to see their relatives and friends.

We will gather in three days, train for three days and then take a boat to Black River Fort.

This time Richard decided to take the 1st, 5th, and 83rd Infantry Squadrons to perform the counter-insurgency mission. The cavalry squadron also followed Richard.

The First Squadron has been established for the longest time, has the largest number of veterans, and has more than fifteen advanced warrior students. Its combat effectiveness is also second to none, not inferior to the main squadron of the Mad Lion Legion.

The fifth squadron was formed by Sophia. The officers came from the Stork family. It has been five years now. Although its combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the first and second squadrons, it is still considered the main squadron of the Harland territory and far exceeds the city defense. military.

The training period of the 8th Squadron is still short, and the recruit training has not been completed yet, but the officer equipment is pretty good. The reason why Richard took the Eighth Squadron out this time was to let them accumulate some combat experience.

Only troops with combat experience can be relied upon at critical moments.

The cavalry squadron serves as a trump card. If the war goes unfavorably, it can lead Richard out of the war.

The rebels are neither very strong nor very weak, which is perfect for the Eighth Squadron to practice their skills on.

After the training was completed, Richard waved to Sophia who came to see her off, and led the soldiers onto the transport ship.

After the ship started moving, Richard quietly opened the properties panel in his mind.

After eight months of hard training, the Mad Lion Legion's breathing method experience increased by more than 11,000 points, while the highland meditation method experience only increased by 5,300 points.

According to Richard's estimation, without adding killing experience, breathing method experience can be increased by 1,200 points each month, while meditation method can only be increased by 300 points.

The reason why Richard's meditation experience increased by 5,300 points was entirely because he created a new spell, which caused a weak surge of elemental tides and gave him excellent meditation feedback. The effect of one month of meditation exceeded A normal year.

It was obvious that with normal practice, Richard was more talented in breathing techniques.

In addition, in these eight months, Richard also learned three new spells.

Blood type identification is a spell jointly created by Richard, Sophia, and Wendy. Because it is a new spell, the three of them did not intend to learn it.

However, hospital work requires blood transfusion experiments. If the blood type cannot be identified, blood transfusion will become very dangerous.

Richard's three views have matured and he is unwilling to experiment with human lives. He finally decided to take a risk and was the first to learn this spell.

Unexpectedly, after inscribing this spell into the mental space, it actually caused a surge of elemental tides, gave Richard special feedback, and increased his mental power by two points.

The other two new spells are Lightning Ball and Cure Serious Wounds.

Healing serious injuries is a fourth-ring magic. After using this magic, you can even treat serious injuries such as internal bleeding.

In the entire Mad Lion Legion, even if the church priests were strengthened in a state of war, there were no more than ten people who could release four-ring magic.

There are only three mid-level magicians in the Mad Lion Legion.

The magic level has reached the middle level, which is very rare in Grant Kingdom. Including the power of the church, there are only more than 200 people in total, which is rarer than a hereditary baron.

With a population of tens of millions, there are only more than 200 mid-level magicians, who are as rare as academicians in previous lives.

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