Lord Harland

Chapter 119 Warcraft Cavalry II

In addition to the top-level Warcraft cavalry, the most organized in the major kingdoms are low-level Warcraft cavalry such as iron horned horses, flame horses, and dragon-blood horses.

The IQ of low-level monsters is not as good as that of humans, but also exceeds that of ordinary animals, so communication is not too difficult. Some types of Warcraft can be bred on a large scale and are suitable for humans to ride. The speed is not slow, the difficulty of establishment is relatively low, and the investment of resources is relatively small.

However, the combat effectiveness of the Warcraft Cavalry formed by low-level Warcraft is not weak at all.

Dozens of low-level magics are released, and the killing effect is no weaker than ordinary legendary magics.

Of course, compared with super magic like Starlight Bomb, there is no comparison at all.

Shao Gongyuan is already the pinnacle of legend, a powerful man second only to gods. The unique magic he created is far more powerful than ordinary legendary magic, and is already second only to gods in power.

After entering the legendary level, there are four levels in total, and the gap at each level is relatively large.

A fourth-level legend can easily kill a first-level legend. The power gap is as big as a ninth-level professional facing a first-level professional.

Even in the Dawn Plane, there are no more than five fourth-level legends. Such a super boss can defeat an entire army by himself.

In war, the combat effectiveness of a squadron of Warcraft cavalry is usually greater than that of an infantry brigade.

There are more than 20,000 people in the Mad Lion Legion, and they have only organized a Warcraft Cavalry Brigade internally.

This brigade is not yet fully staffed, with only three and a half squadrons organized internally. The total number of iron horned horses equipped by the Warcraft Cavalry Brigade is just 300.

The Northern Legion Knight Brigade is stronger, with only four squadrons and 400 Warcraft horses.

The Grizzly Bear Legion is the weakest. It only has two squadrons of Warcraft cavalry, which are not yet full. It only has 150 Warcraft horses.

The total number of warcraft horses under Baron Harden is less than a hundred. However, this cavalry has made numerous meritorious deeds and its role in the war was stronger than that of the Eighth Brigade.

In the Platos defense battle that Richard participated in, the Warcraft Cavalry under Baron Harden was the key to victory.

The news of the formation of the Warcraft Cavalry immediately caused a sensation among the soldiers. Once this army is completed, it will definitely become the first main force in the territory.

As long as a soldier can be selected into a cavalry squadron, even the lowest auxiliary soldier, his annual salary will be increased to ten gold coins.

If you can become a Warcraft Cavalry, your salary will increase.

A professional officer's monthly salary reaches two gold coins. Plus the year-end reward, he has an income of thirty gold coins a year.

There are no new recruits in the entire cavalry squadron, and every soldier is a veteran who has practiced breathing techniques.

The soldiers riding the Warcraft horses are carefully selected, and the bravest and most skilled soldiers are selected from each infantry squadron.

As long as he is selected into the cavalry squadron, even if he was an indentured slave yesterday, Richard will grant him the status of a free citizen today.

In fact, the veterans of Harland's territory had already made military exploits and regained their status as free citizens. The selection standards for Warcraft Cavalry are too high, and it is impossible for new recruits to be selected.

The soldiers of the Warcraft Cavalry Squadron basically come from the first, second, and fifth old squadrons.

These three squadrons have been established for five years, and many veterans have a good foundation in breathing techniques. Richard has assigned fifteen people to each squadron.

The remaining forty people came from the 3rd, 4th, 6th, and 7th squadrons, with eight people from each squadron.

The selection of soldiers has been completed, and the vacancies in the infantry squadron will be recruited immediately.

The commander of the cavalry squadron became a top priority.

The cavalry squadron is a powerful assault force, and the commander's strength must be superhuman. At least one must have the strength of a mid-level professional or above.

Although the Harland family already has many mid-level and above professionals, William and Bernie are both in the Northern Army, Sophia is a magician, Richard needs to command the overall situation, and Roland is still disabled.

After several rounds of calculations, uncle Soros could only be chosen.

After appointing Soros as the commander of the cavalry squadron, Roland immediately came to the door.

After Roland joined the territory, under the guidance of Richard, the blacksmith of the territory cast him an iron leg.

Wearing steel prosthetics, Roland can move around without crutches.

After coming to the Harland territory for more than four years, Roland has trained batch after batch of recruits for the Harland family.

But his heart always longs for the battlefield, and he has a heart that is unwilling to be ordinary.

Hearing that the Harland Territory was going to form a cavalry, Roland volunteered to join the cavalry regiment, even as an ordinary soldier.

In fact, he has asked for war several times, requesting to be transferred to the main squadron.

Because of Roland's unique relationship with his uncle Soros and his father William, Richard never agreed.

After he explained his purpose, Richard suddenly hesitated.

"Uncle Roland, it's not that I don't agree, but I still need to talk to my father about your matter, and at the same time I need to seek my uncle's opinion."

"Don't worry, Richard. I've already talked to my brother-in-law, and your father will agree. I'm a veteran, and veterans should die on the battlefield, not in a hospital bed.

Since I received the iron leg, it no longer affects my mobility. Don't worry, even if I am disabled, I will still be an excellent soldier. "

Richard did admit this. Even if Roland has a broken leg, his archery skills are far superior to ordinary soldiers. He is a talented fourth-level professional, and his strength and physical strength are far superior to ordinary people.

In addition, he has been in the army for many years and has rich war experience. He is indeed an excellent officer.

"In this case, I will let you temporarily act as the deputy captain of the cavalry squadron and cooperate with Captain Soros. However, you must seek your father's opinion on your appointment."

In addition to Roland and Soros, there are a total of six professionals who have been transferred to the cavalry squadron this time.

Three of them were Howard's mercenaries who were captured by Richard.

Because no one came to pay the ransom, these people became indentured slaves of the Harland family and were required to serve the territory for ten years.

These three people are named Baggett, Stavin, and Quincy. Their professional levels are not high. Quincy is a second-level professional, while Baggett and Stavin are only first-level professionals.

They were all transferred to the cavalry squadron and served as squad leaders.

The other three advanced professionals are veterans of the territory, named Gareth, Mick, and Valentine. Although these three are slower than Darcy and Sura, they are also made from the guts of a bipedal dragon. Tenghui Potion, successfully advanced.

After killing the two-legged flying dragon, relying on this batch of Tenghui potions, Harland Territory has trained seven first-level professionals, and their strength has increased a bit.

Richard estimates that there will be one or two more professionals in the territory this winter.

These six professionals all serve as captains of cavalry squads. Each squad has four Warcraft Cavalry and nine ordinary cavalry. The six squads add up to a total of seventy-eight people.

Including the guards and chefs at the squadron headquarters, the total number is about ninety.

Because the Iron Wildebeest also has the responsibility of expanding the population, the cavalry squadron lives together with the Warcraft Breeding Farm.

When not fighting, he is also responsible for breeding Warcraft war horses and finding ways to breed the Iron Wildebeest to expand the population.

Cavalry training is very complex. In addition to training soldiers' riding skills and tacit understanding with war horses, the most important task is to desensitize the war horses.

The war horse is very sensitive and not very smart. For example, if it sees a sharp gun point in front of it, the war horse will turn around and run away.

Even war horses have a fear of the terrifying bipedal upright ape in their genes.

In addition, the war horses need to be familiar with swords, guns, arrows, golden drums and trumpets. Only when the war horses are familiar with the sounds of the battlefield can they calmly execute the cavalry's instructions in war.

An experienced war horse is worth as much as an experienced soldier.

In addition, the cavalry squadron also needs to train in various tactical actions such as chopping immediately, drawing a bow immediately, lying down to hide, and avoiding arrows.

The Warcraft Cavalry also needs to pay attention to the emotions of the Warcraft at all times.

Unlike ordinary war horses, Warcraft has a higher IQ and has certain emotions.

Only with correct communication with Warcraft can Warcraft know when to release bloodline spells, when to charge, and when to retreat.

Training a Warcraft Cavalry often takes three years to complete.

The Warcraft Cavalry organized in the Harland Territory is now just an empty frame. Although its combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of an ordinary infantry squadron, it is not comparable to the mature Warcraft Cavalry.

At the very least, the quality of the personnel was far inferior to Baron Harden's Warcraft Cavalry.

There are more than thirty professionals in the cavalry regiment under Baron Harden.

The cavalry regiment formed in the Harland territory now only has eight professionals.

Although Thoros and Roland are already mid-level professionals, their combat effectiveness is far from being comparable to Baron Harden.

The quality of the personnel is not as good as that of the Baron Harden Cavalry Regiment, and the number of Warcraft horses is also less than half.

The Warcraft Cavalry lacked professionals, but Richard had no way to conjure people.

The big nobles can also rely on their reputation to recruit wild professionals, and talents will defect to them, while the small nobles can only rely on their own training.

As long as you become a professional, generally speaking, you will not seek refuge with a small noble, because if you join a big noble, you will have a future, but if you join a small noble, you will just have to live your life.

Even the more than thirty professionals under Baron Harden are mostly friends and relatives, as well as young people trained in the territory.

Baron Harden struggled for fifty years before he could build up a warcraft cavalry.

The Harland Territory has developed in just five years. There are more than 30 professionals below, and the overall strength exceeds that of Baron Harden. The speed of development is very alarming.

Baron Harden can lead his cavalry and easily defeat the orc brigade.

The cavalry under Richard's command cannot yet bear such a responsibility.

Even if the Warcraft Cavalry has just been formed, relying on the power of the Warcraft Horse, it can easily defeat one or two Orc squadrons, but when it encounters the Orc Brigade, it cannot fight recklessly.

The Warcraft Cavalry began to form, and Richard was also busy.

Richard needs to make decisions on many matters, big and small, in the territory.

Recently, apart from practicing breathing methods and meditation methods, Richard spent almost all his remaining time on official duties.

Richard knew in his heart that the territory's stall was no longer small, and he could not cover everything. He should delegate some of his powers and train some bureaucrats to share the responsibilities that weighed on him.

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